def objective(individual: IndividualSingleGenome, seed, n_runs_per_individual): print(individual.to_sympy()) f = individual.to_numpy() # with open("callable.pkl", "wb") as fi: # pickle.dump(f, fi) = inner_objective(f, seed, n_runs_per_individual) return individual
def test_pickle_individual(): primitives = (cgp.Add,) genome = cgp.Genome(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, primitives) individual = IndividualSingleGenome(None, genome) with open("individual.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(individual, f)
def test_update_parameters_from_torch_class_does_not_reset_fitness_for_unused_parameters(): pytest.importorskip("torch") primitives = (cgp.Mul, cgp.Parameter) genome = cgp.Genome(1, 1, 2, 1, 1, primitives) # f(x) = x ** 2 genome.dna = [ ID_INPUT_NODE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, 1, # these 0, # three 0, # genes code for an unused parameter node 0, 0, 0, ID_OUTPUT_NODE, 2, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ] fitness = 1.0 individual = IndividualSingleGenome(fitness, genome) f = individual.to_torch() assert is not None individual.update_parameters_from_torch_class(f) assert is not None g = individual.to_func() x = 2.0 assert g([x])[0] == pytest.approx(x ** 2)
def test_update_parameters_from_torch_class_resets_fitness(): pytest.importorskip("torch") primitives = (cgp.Mul, cgp.Parameter) genome = cgp.Genome(1, 1, 2, 1, 1, primitives) # f(x) = c * x genome.dna = [ ID_INPUT_NODE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ID_OUTPUT_NODE, 2, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ] fitness = 1.0 individual = IndividualSingleGenome(fitness, genome) f = individual.to_torch()[0] = math.pi assert is not None individual.update_parameters_from_torch_class(f) assert is None g = individual.to_func() x = 2.0 assert g([x])[0] == pytest.approx(math.pi * x)
def test_individual_with_parameter_torch(): torch = pytest.importorskip("torch") primitives = (cgp.Add, cgp.Parameter) genome = cgp.Genome(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, primitives) # f(x) = x + c genome.dna = [ ID_INPUT_NODE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ID_OUTPUT_NODE, 2, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ] individual = IndividualSingleGenome(None, genome) c = 1.0 x = torch.empty(2, 1).normal_() f = individual.to_torch() y = f(x) assert y[0, 0].item() == pytest.approx(x[0, 0].item() + c) assert y[1, 0].item() == pytest.approx(x[1, 0].item() + c) c = 2.0 individual.genome.parameter_names_to_values["<p1>"] = c f = individual.to_torch() y = f(x) assert y[0, 0].item() == pytest.approx(x[0, 0].item() + c) assert y[1, 0].item() == pytest.approx(x[1, 0].item() + c)
def test_individual_with_parameter_sympy(): sympy = pytest.importorskip("sympy") # noqa primitives = (cgp.Add, cgp.Parameter) genome = cgp.Genome(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, primitives) # f(x) = x + c genome.dna = [ ID_INPUT_NODE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ID_OUTPUT_NODE, 2, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ] individual = IndividualSingleGenome(None, genome) c = 1.0 x = [3.0] f = individual.to_sympy()[0] y = f.subs("x_0", x[0]).evalf() assert y == pytest.approx(x[0] + c) c = 2.0 individual.genome.parameter_names_to_values["<p1>"] = c f = individual.to_sympy()[0] y = f.subs("x_0", x[0]).evalf() assert y == pytest.approx(x[0] + c)
def test_individual_with_parameter_python(): primitives = (cgp.Add, cgp.Parameter) genome = cgp.Genome(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, primitives) # f(x) = x + c genome.dna = [ ID_INPUT_NODE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ID_OUTPUT_NODE, 2, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ] individual = IndividualSingleGenome(None, genome) c = 1.0 x = [3.0] f = individual.to_func() y = f(x) assert y[0] == pytest.approx(x[0] + c) c = 2.0 individual.genome.parameter_names_to_values["<p1>"] = c f = individual.to_func() y = f(x) assert y[0] == pytest.approx(x[0] + c)
def test_to_and_from_torch_plus_backprop(): torch = pytest.importorskip("torch") primitives = (cgp.Mul, cgp.Parameter) genome = cgp.Genome(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, primitives) # f(x) = c * x genome.dna = [ ID_INPUT_NODE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ID_OUTPUT_NODE, 3, ID_NON_CODING_GENE, ] individual = IndividualSingleGenome(None, genome) def f_target(x): return math.pi * x f = individual.to_torch() optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(f.parameters(), lr=1e-1) criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss() for i in range(200): x = torch.DoubleTensor(1, 1).normal_() y = f(x) y_target = f_target(x) loss = criterion(y, y_target) f.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() assert loss.detach().numpy() < 1e-15 # use old parameter values to compile function x = [3.0] f_func = individual.to_func() y = f_func(x) assert y[0] != pytest.approx(f_target(x[0])) # update parameter values from torch class and compile new # function with new parameter values individual.update_parameters_from_torch_class(f) f_func = individual.to_func() y = f_func(x) assert y[0] == pytest.approx(f_target(x[0]))