Example #1
    def execute(self, context):
        mod_name = context.scene.custom_tree_load_params_input

        # Delete old module if it exists, forcing Python to load the new file
        if mod_name in sys.modules:
            del sys.modules[mod_name]

        )  # Make sure Python doesn't import from __pycache__
        mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)

        params = tree_param.TreeParam(mod.params).params

        scene = context.scene
        for name, value in params.items():
            if name in ['leaf_shape', 'shape', 'blossom_shape']:
                if value == 0 and name == 'leaf_shape':
                    value = 8  # default
                value = str(value)
                setattr(scene, 'tree_{}_input'.format(name), value)
            except TypeError as ex:
                exception = str(ex).replace(
                    'TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr = val: ', '')
                print('TreeGen :: Error while loading preset "{}": {}'.format(
                    name, exception))

        # Pre-fill render output path with relevant name
        scene.render_output_path_input = os.path.sep.join(
            (_get_addon_path_details()[2], 'parametric', 'tree_params',
             mod_name.split('.')[-1].replace('.py', '') + '_render.png'))

        return {'FINISHED'}
Example #2
    def execute(self, context):
        mod_name = context.scene.custom_tree_load_params_input
        mod = __import__(mod_name, fromlist=[''])

        params = tree_param.TreeParam(mod.params).params

        scene = context.scene
        for name, value in params.items():
            if name in ['leaf_shape', 'shape', 'blossom_shape']:
                if value == 0 and name == 'leaf_shape':
                    value = 8  # default
                value = str(value)
                setattr(scene, 'tree_{}_input'.format(name), value)
            except TypeError as ex:
                exception = str(ex).replace('TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr = val: ', '')
                print('TreeGen :: Error while loading preset "{}": {}'.format(name, exception))

        return {'FINISHED'}