Example #1
    def decrypt_json(enc, keys):
        Takes the object returned by encrypt_json earlier, and returns
        the original input object using the given keys.
        nonce, cipher, tag = map(b64_decode, [enc['nonce'], enc['cipher'], enc['tag']])
        kconf, kauth = keys
        ourtag = hmac.new(kauth, nonce + cipher, sha256).digest()

        if len(nonce) != 8 or not hmac.compare_digest(ourtag, tag):
            raise IOError('corrupt ciphertext')

        plain = chacha.chacha20_cipher(kconf, nonce, cipher)
        plain = crypto.unpad(plain)
        return json.loads(plain.decode('utf8'))
Example #2
    def encrypt_json(js, keys, padding):
        Encrypt the json-encodable object js using the keys
        provided (get these from a secrets object).

        This returns a dict with items for the things you need
        to decrypt.
        nonce = os.urandom(8)
        plain = json.dumps(js).encode('utf8')
        plain = padding(plain)
        kconf, kauth = keys
        cipher = chacha.chacha20_cipher(kconf, nonce, plain)
        tag = hmac.new(kauth, nonce + cipher, sha256).digest()
        return dict(
                tag = b64_encode(tag),
                cipher = b64_encode(cipher),
                nonce = b64_encode(nonce)