def animate_contours(chain, source, version, dt=5, fps=20, ffmpeg=True): """Saves frames of contour evolution, to make an animation """ default_plt_options() pkeys = mcmc_versions.get_parameter(source, version, 'param_keys') n_walkers, n_steps, n_dimensions = chain.shape mtarget = os.path.join(GRIDS_PATH, 'sources', source, 'mcmc', 'animation') ftarget = os.path.join(mtarget, 'frames') cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() for i in range(dt, n_steps, dt): print('frame ', i) subchain = chain[:, :i, :].reshape((-1, n_dimensions)) cc.add_chain(subchain, parameters=pkeys) fig = cc.plotter.plot() fig.set_size_inches(6, 6) cnt = round(i / dt) filename = f'{cnt:04d}.png' filepath = os.path.join(ftarget, filename) fig.savefig(filepath) plt.close(fig) cc.remove_chain() if ffmpeg: print('Creating movie') framefile = os.path.join(ftarget, f'%04d.png') savefile = os.path.join(mtarget, f'chain.mp4')['ffmpeg', '-r', str(fps), '-i', framefile, savefile])
def plot_qb_mdot(chain, source, version, discard, cap=None, display=True, save=False, figsize=(5, 5), fontsize=16, sigmas=(1, 2)): """Plots 2D contours of Qb versus Mdot for each epoch (from multi-epoch chain) """ mv = mcmc_versions.McmcVersion(source=source, version=version) chain_flat = mcmc_tools.slice_chain(chain, discard=discard, cap=cap, flatten=True) system_table = obs_tools.load_summary(mv.system) epochs = list(system_table.epoch) cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() param_labels = [] for param in ['mdot', 'qb']: param_labels += [plot_tools.full_label(param)] for i, epoch in enumerate(epochs): mdot_idx = mv.param_keys.index(f'mdot{i + 1}') qb_idx = mv.param_keys.index(f'qb{i + 1}') param_idxs = [mdot_idx, qb_idx] cc.add_chain(chain_flat[:, param_idxs], parameters=param_labels, name=str(epoch)) cc.configure(kde=False, smooth=0, label_font_size=fontsize, tick_font_size=fontsize-2, sigmas=sigmas) fig = cc.plotter.plot(display=False, figsize=figsize) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2) save_plot(fig, prefix='qb', save=save, source=source, version=version, display=display, chain=chain) return fig
def setup_chainconsumer(chain, discard, cap=None, param_labels=None, source=None, version=None, smoothing=False): """Return ChainConsumer object set up with given chain and pkeys """ if param_labels is None: if (source is None) or (version is None): raise ValueError( 'If param_labels not provided, must give source, version') param_labels = mcmc_versions.get_parameter(source, version, 'param_keys') chain = mcmc_tools.slice_chain(chain, discard=discard, cap=cap) n_dimensions = chain.shape[2] cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() cc.add_chain(chain[:, :, :].reshape(-1, n_dimensions), parameters=param_labels) if not smoothing: cc.configure(kde=False, smooth=0) return cc
def plot_posteriors(chain=None, discard=10000): if chain is None: chain = mcmc_tools.load_chain('sim_test', n_walkers=960, n_steps=20000, version=5) params = [ r'Accretion rate ($\dot{M} / \dot{M}_\text{Edd}$)', 'Hydrogen', r'$Z_{\text{CNO}}$', r'$Q_\text{b}$ (MeV nucleon$^{-1}$)', 'gravity ($10^{14}$ cm s$^{-2}$)', 'redshift (1+z)', 'distance (kpc)', 'inclination (degrees)' ] g = gravity.get_acceleration_newtonian(10, 1.4).value / 1e14 chain[:, :, 4] *= g cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() cc.add_chain(chain[:, discard:, :].reshape((-1, 8))) cc.configure(kde=False, smooth=0) fig = cc.plotter.plot_distributions(display=True) for i, p in enumerate(params): fig.axes[i].set_title('') fig.axes[i].set_xlabel(p) #, fontsize=10) plt.tight_layout() return fig
def setup_custom_chainconsumer(flat_chain, parameters, cloud=False, unit_labels=True, sigmas=np.linspace(0, 2, 5), summary=False, fontsize=12): """Returns ChainConsumer, with derived parameters Note: chain must already be flattened and discarded/capped """ param_labels = plot_tools.convert_mcmc_labels(parameters, unit_labels=unit_labels) cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() cc.add_chain(flat_chain, parameters=param_labels) cc.configure(sigmas=sigmas, cloud=cloud, kde=False, smooth=0, summary=summary, label_font_size=fontsize, tick_font_size=fontsize-2) return cc
def setup_epochs_chainconsumer(source, versions, n_steps, discard, n_walkers=1000, cap=None, sigmas=None, cloud=None, compressed=False, alt_params=True, unit_labels=True): """Setup multiple MCMC chains fit to individual epochs chains : [n_epochs] list of raw numpy chains param_keys : [n_epochs] list of parameters for each epoch chain discard : int cap : int (optional) sigmas : [] (optional) cloud : bool (optional) """ param_keys = load_multi_param_keys(source, versions=versions) chains = load_multi_chains(source, versions=versions, n_steps=n_steps, n_walkers=n_walkers, compressed=compressed) # TODO: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # quick and dirty patch! To fix ref_m = 1.4 ref_g = gravity.get_acceleration_newtonian(r=10, m=ref_m).value / 1e14 g_idx = 4 m_idx = 5 if alt_params: for params in param_keys: params[g_idx] = 'g' params[m_idx] = 'M' # TODO: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx chains_flat = [] for chain in chains: sliced_flat = slice_chain(chain, discard=discard, cap=cap, flatten=True) # TODO: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if alt_params: sliced_flat[:, g_idx] *= ref_g / ref_m # TODO: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx chains_flat += [sliced_flat] cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() for i, chain_flat in enumerate(chains_flat): epoch = mcmc_versions.get_parameter(source, version=versions[i], parameter='epoch') param_labels = plot_tools.convert_mcmc_labels(param_keys[i], unit_labels=unit_labels) cc.add_chain(chain_flat, parameters=param_labels, name=str(epoch)) cc.configure(sigmas=sigmas, cloud=cloud, kde=False, smooth=0) return cc
def plot_mass_radius(chain, discard, source, version, cap=None, display=True, save=False, max_lhood=False, verbose=True, smoothing=False): """Plots contours of mass versus radius See: get_mass_radius() """ default_plt_options() mass_radius_chain = get_mass_radius(chain=chain, discard=discard, source=source, version=version, cap=cap) cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() cc.add_chain(mass_radius_chain.reshape(-1, 2), parameters=['M', 'R']) if not smoothing: cc.configure(kde=False, smooth=0) if max_lhood: n_walkers, n_steps = chain[:, :, 0].shape max_params = mcmc_tools.get_max_lhood_params(source, version=version, n_walkers=n_walkers, n_steps=n_steps, verbose=verbose) mass, radius = get_mass_radius_point(max_params, source=source, version=version) fig = cc.plotter.plot(display=True, figsize=[6, 6], truth=[mass, radius]) else: fig = cc.plotter.plot(display=True, figsize=[6, 6]) save_plot(fig, prefix='mass-radius', chain=chain, save=save, source=source, version=version, display=display)
def setup_chainconsumer(chain, discard, cap=None, param_labels=None, cloud=False, source=None, version=None, sigmas=np.linspace(0, 2, 5), summary=False, fontsize=14, max_ticks=4): """Return ChainConsumer object set up with given chain and pkeys """ if param_labels is None: if (source is None) or (version is None): raise ValueError('If param_labels not provided, must give source, version') param_keys = mcmc_versions.get_parameter(source, version, 'param_keys') param_labels = plot_tools.convert_mcmc_labels(param_keys) n_walkers = chain.shape[0] chain_flat = slice_chain(chain, discard=discard, cap=cap, flatten=True) cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() cc.add_chain(chain_flat, parameters=param_labels, walkers=n_walkers) cc.configure(sigmas=sigmas, cloud=cloud, kde=False, smooth=0, summary=summary, label_font_size=fontsize, tick_font_size=fontsize-3, max_ticks=max_ticks) return cc
def setup_bprop_chainconsumer(chain, source, version, n=None, discard=None, cap=None, summary=False, max_ticks=4, bp_sample=None, sigmas=np.linspace(0, 2, 5), fontsize=16): """Returns ChainConsumer object for bprop sample (posterior predictive distribution) """ if bp_sample is None: if (n is None) or (discard is None): raise ValueError('If bp_sample not provided, must give discard and n') bp_sample = bprop_sample(chain=chain, n=n, source=source, version=version, discard=discard, cap=cap) mv = mcmc_versions.McmcVersion(source=source, version=version) cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() for i, epoch in enumerate(bp_sample): cc.add_chain(epoch.transpose(), name=f"Epoch {i+1}", parameters=mv.bprops) cc.configure(sigmas=sigmas, kde=False, smooth=0, summary=summary, label_font_size=fontsize, tick_font_size=fontsize - 3, max_ticks=max_ticks) return cc
def plot_corner_cc(self, results, param_names, **kwargs): samples = np.array(results['weighted_samples']['points']) weights = np.array(results['weighted_samples']['weights']) cumsum_weights = np.cumsum(weights) mask = cumsum_weights > 1e-4 if mask.sum() == 1: print( 'Posterior has a really poor spread. Something funny is going on.' ) c = cc.ChainConsumer() c.add_chain(samples[mask, :], weights=weights[mask], parameters=param_names) c.configure(summary=True) fig = c.plotter.plot(**kwargs) # fig = corner.corner(samples[mask,:], weights=weights[mask], show_titles=True, labels = param_names, **kwargs) return fig
def corner_plot_cc(self, parameters=None, renamed_parameters=None, **cc_kwargs): """ Corner plots using chainconsumer which allows for nicer plotting of marginals see: for all options :param parameters: list of parameters to plot :param renamed_parameters: a python dictionary of parameters to rename. Useful when e.g. spectral indices in models have different names but you wish to compare them. Format is {'old label': 'new label'} :param **cc_kwargs: chainconsumer general keyword arguments :return fig: """ if not has_chainconsumer: raise RuntimeError( "You must have chainconsumer installed to use this function: pip install chainconsumer" ) # these are the keywords for the plot command _default_plot_args = { 'truth': None, 'figsize': 'GROW', 'filename': None, 'display': False, 'legend': None } keys = cc_kwargs.keys() for key in keys: if key in _default_plot_args: _default_plot_args[key] = cc_kwargs.pop(key) labels = [] priors = [] for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate(self._free_parameters.iteritems()): short_name = parameter_name.split(".")[-1] labels.append(short_name) priors.append( self._optimized_model.parameters[parameter_name].prior) # Rename the parameters if needed. if renamed_parameters is not None: for old_label, new_label in renamed_parameters.iteritems(): for i, _ in enumerate(labels): if labels[i] == old_label: labels[i] = new_label # Must remove underscores! for i, val, in enumerate(labels): if '$' not in labels[i]: labels[i] = val.replace('_', '') cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() cc.add_chain(self._samples_transposed.T, parameters=labels) if not cc_kwargs: cc_kwargs = threeML_config['bayesian']['chain consumer style'] cc.configure(**cc_kwargs) fig = cc.plotter.plot(parameters=parameters, **_default_plot_args) return fig
def comparison_corner_plot(self, *other_fits, **kwargs): """ Create a corner plot from many different fits which allow for co-plotting of parameters marginals. :param other_fits: other fitted results :param parameters: parameters to plot :param renamed_parameters: a python dictionary of parameters to rename. Useful when e.g. spectral indices in models have different names but you wish to compare them. Format is {'old label': 'new label'} :param names: (optional) name for each chain first name is this chain followed by each added chain :param kwargs: chain consumer kwargs :return: Returns: """ if not has_chainconsumer: raise RuntimeError( "You must have chainconsumer installed to use this function") cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() # these are the keywords for the plot command _default_plot_args = { 'truth': None, 'figsize': 'GROW', 'parameters': None, 'filename': None, 'display': False, 'legend': None } keys = kwargs.keys() for key in keys: if key in _default_plot_args: _default_plot_args[key] = kwargs.pop(key) # allows us to name chains if 'names' in kwargs: names = kwargs.pop('names') assert len(names) == len( other_fits) + 1, 'you have %d chains but %d names' % ( len(other_fits) + 1, len(names)) else: names = None if 'renamed_parameters' in kwargs: renamed_parameters = kwargs.pop('renamed_parameters') else: renamed_parameters = None for j, other_fit in enumerate(other_fits): if other_fit.samples is not None: assert len(other_fit._free_parameters.keys() ) == other_fit.samples.T[0].shape[0], ( "Mismatch between sample" " dimensions and number of free" " parameters") labels_other = [] # priors_other = [] for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate( other_fit._free_parameters.iteritems()): short_name = parameter_name.split(".")[-1] labels_other.append(short_name) # priors_other.append(other_fit._likelihood_model.parameters[parameter_name].prior) # Rename any parameters so that they can be plotted together. # A dictionary is passed with keys = old label values = new label. if renamed_parameters is not None: for old_label, new_label in renamed_parameters.iteritems(): for i, _ in enumerate(labels_other): if labels_other[i] == old_label: labels_other[i] = new_label # Must remove underscores! for i, val, in enumerate(labels_other): if '$' not in labels_other[i]: labels_other[i] = val.replace('_', ' ') if names is not None: cc.add_chain(other_fit.samples.T, parameters=labels_other, name=names[j + 1]) else: cc.add_chain(other_fit.samples.T, parameters=labels_other) labels = [] # priors = [] for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate(self._free_parameters.iteritems()): short_name = parameter_name.split(".")[-1] labels.append(short_name) # priors.append(self._optimized_model.parameters[parameter_name].prior) if renamed_parameters is not None: for old_label, new_label in renamed_parameters.iteritems(): for i, _ in enumerate(labels): if labels[i] == old_label: labels[i] = new_label # Must remove underscores! for i, val, in enumerate(labels): if '$' not in labels[i]: labels[i] = val.replace('_', ' ') if names is not None: cc.add_chain(self._samples_transposed.T, parameters=labels, name=names[0]) else: cc.add_chain(self._samples_transposed.T, parameters=labels) # should only be the cc kwargs cc.configure(**kwargs) fig = cc.plot(**_default_plot_args) return fig
def animate_walkers(chain, source, version, stepsize=1, n_steps=100, bin=10, burn=100): default_plt_options() mv = mcmc_versions.McmcVersion(source, version) g_idx = mv.param_keys.index('g') red_idx = mv.param_keys.index('redshift') save_path = os.path.join(GRIDS_PATH, 'sources', source, 'plots', 'misc', 'walker2') cc = chainconsumer.ChainConsumer() # ===== axis setup ===== fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 8)) nullfmt = NullFormatter() xlim = (0.6, 2.0) ylim = (1.08, 1.2) hist_ylim = (0, 1.1) left, width = 0.1, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65 bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.02 rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height] axScatter = plt.axes(rect_scatter) axHistx = plt.axes(rect_histx) axHisty = plt.axes(rect_histy) axScatter.set_xlim(xlim) axScatter.set_ylim(ylim) axScatter.set_xlabel('X', fontsize=20) axScatter.set_ylabel('Y', fontsize=20) axHistx.set_xlim(xlim) axHistx.set_ylim(hist_ylim) axHisty.set_ylim(ylim) axHisty.set_xlim(hist_ylim) axHistx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHistx.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) # ===== Add data to axes ===== for i in range(stepsize, stepsize * (n_steps + 1), stepsize): num = int(i / stepsize) sys.stdout.write(f'\r{num}/{n_steps}') # ===== walker scatter ===== lines_scatter = axScatter.plot(chain[:, i, g_idx], chain[:, i, red_idx], marker='o', ls='none', markersize=2.5, color='C0') # ===== chainconsumer distributions ===== # width1 = 10 # burn= 100 if i < bin: sub_chain = mcmc_tools.slice_chain(chain, discard=0, cap=i) elif i < burn: sub_chain = mcmc_tools.slice_chain(chain, discard=i - bin, cap=i) else: sub_chain = mcmc_tools.slice_chain(chain, discard=burn - bin, cap=i) cc.add_chain(sub_chain[:, :, [g_idx, red_idx]].reshape(-1, 2), parameters=['g', 'redshift']) cc_fig = cc.plotter.plot_distributions(blind=True) x_x = cc_fig.axes[0].lines[0].get_data()[0] x_y = cc_fig.axes[0].lines[0].get_data()[1] y_x = cc_fig.axes[1].lines[0].get_data()[0] y_y = cc_fig.axes[1].lines[0].get_data()[1] x_ymax = np.max(x_y) y_ymax = np.max(y_y) plt.close(cc_fig) lines_x = axHistx.plot(x_x, x_y / x_ymax, color='C0') lines_y = axHisty.plot(y_y / y_ymax, y_x, color='C0') filename = f'walker2_biggrid2_V25_{num:04}.png' filepath = os.path.join(save_path, filename) fig.savefig(filepath) lines_scatter.pop(0).remove() lines_x.pop(0).remove() lines_y.pop(0).remove() cc.remove_chain() # # return sys.stdout.write('') plt.close('all')