Example #1
    def circular_correlation(self, left_x, right_x):
        Computes the circular correlation of two vectors a and b via their fast fourier transforms
        In python code, ifft(np.conj(fft(a)) * fft(b)).real
        :param left_x: ()
        :param right_x:

        (a - j * b) * (c + j * d) = (ac + bd) + j * (ad - bc)
        left_x_real = left_x
        left_x_imag = chainer.as_variable(
            self.xp.zeros_like(left_x_real, dtype=self.xp.float32))
        left_x_fft_real, left_x_fft_imag = functions.fft(
            (left_x_real, left_x_imag))

        right_x_real = right_x
        right_x_imag = chainer.as_variable(
            self.xp.zeros_like(right_x_real, dtype=self.xp.float32))
        right_x_fft_real, right_x_fft_imag = functions.fft(
            (right_x_real, right_x_imag))

        prod_fft_real = left_x_fft_real * right_x_fft_real + left_x_fft_imag * right_x_fft_imag
        prod_fft_imag = left_x_fft_real * right_x_fft_imag - left_x_fft_imag * right_x_fft_real

        ifft_real, _ = functions.ifft((prod_fft_real, prod_fft_imag))
        return ifft_real
Example #2
 def fourier_transform(self, x):
     :param x: (mb, N, hidden_dim)
     :return: tuple of x_fft_real and x_fft_imag, (mb, N, hidden_dim)
     x_real = x
     x_imag = chainer.as_variable(
         self.xp.zeros_like(x_real, dtype=self.xp.float32))
     x_fft_real, x_fft_imag = functions.fft((x_real, x_imag))
     return x_fft_real, x_fft_imag
Example #3
def chainer_fft_spectrogram(xr, xi, forward=True):
    T, O = xr.shape
    if (forward):  # STFT
        yr, yi = F.fft((xr, xi))
        yr = F.transpose(yr[:, :int(O / 2) + 1])
        yi = F.transpose(yi[:, :int(O / 2) + 1])
    else:  # iSTFT
        xr_cnj = F.fliplr(xr[:, 1:O - 1])
        xi_cnj = -F.fliplr(xi[:, 1:O - 1])
        xr = F.concat((xr, xr_cnj), axis=1)
        xi = F.concat((xi, xi_cnj), axis=1)
        yr, yi = F.ifft((xr, xi))
        yr = F.transpose(yr)
        yi = F.transpose(yi)
    return yr, yi
Example #4
def stft(x, frame_length=1024, hop_length=512):
    # ..., FFT axis
    if not isinstance(x, chainer.Variable):
        x = chainer.as_variable(x)
    xp = x.xp
    pad_len = (x.shape[-1] // hop_length - frame_length // hop_length +
               1) * hop_length + frame_length
    pad = pad_len - x.shape[-1]
    if pad > 0:
        shape = list(x.shape)
        pad = xp.zeros(shape[:-1] + [pad]).astype(x.dtype)
        x = F.concat((x, pad), -1)
    index = frame(np.arange(x.shape[-1]), frame_length, hop_length).T
    tmp = x[..., index] * xp.hamming(frame_length).astype(x.dtype)
    yr, yi = F.fft((tmp, xp.zeros(tmp.shape).astype(x.dtype)))
    return yr[..., :frame_length // 2 + 1], yi[..., :frame_length // 2 + 1]
Example #5
def stft(x, window):
    # print(x.dtype)
    wSize = window.shape[0]
    xSize = x.shape[-1]
    bSize = x.shape[0]
    x = x.reshape(bSize, 1, xSize)
    # h = xp.vstack([x[i:xSize-wSize+i] for i in range(256)]).T
    # h = F.transpose(F.vstack([x[:,i:xSize-wSize+i] for i in range(wSize)]), axes=(0,2,1))
    h = F.concat([x[:, :, i:xSize - wSize + i + 1] for i in range(wSize)],
    h = F.transpose(h, axes=(0, 2, 1))
    h = h.reshape(bSize, 1, xSize - wSize + 1, wSize)
    # print(h.dtype)
    # print(h.dtype)
    h = h * window
    h = F.fft((h, xp.zeros(h.shape, dtype=xp.float32)))
    h = F.concat((h[0], h[1]), axis=1)
    h = F.transpose(h, axes=(0, 1, 3, 2))
    return h