Example #1
def calc_op(a, x, pos, mode):

    onehotter = ["BI", "GD", "PA", "A", "P", "R", "A2"]
    h = 0.
    for cand in range(ncand):
        if mode in onehotter and float(a[pos, cand].data) == 0.:
            skip = True
            c = x.data.copy()
            if BINOMIAL:
                c[:, cand + 1:] = 0.
                c = xp.sum(c, axis=1)
                #c /= (cand+1.)
                c = c[:, cand]
                #if cand == 0:
                #	c[:,0] *= 0.

            c = c.reshape((batch_size, 1, 4, 4))

            h += F.scale(c, a[pos, cand])

        if mode == "GD" and float(a[pos, cand].data) == 0.:
            z = 1. + (0. * x.data[:, 0].reshape((batch_size, 1, 4, 4)))
            h += F.scale(z, a[pos, cand])

    return h
Example #2
    def __call__(self, x):
        # Initialize peephole weights
        if self.peephole and self.peep_c_i.array is None:
        # Initialize state
        if self.c is None:

        xifoc = self.w_xifoc(x)
        xi, xf, xo, xc = F.split_axis(xifoc, 4, axis=1)

        hifoc = self.w_hifoc(self.h)
        hi, hf, ho, hc = F.split_axis(hifoc, 4, axis=1)

        ci = F.sigmoid(xi + hi + (
            F.scale(self.c, self.peep_c_i, 1) if self.peephole else 0))
        cf = F.sigmoid(xf + hf + (
            F.scale(self.c, self.peep_c_f, 1) if self.peephole else 0))
        cc = cf * self.c + ci * F.tanh(xc + hc)
        co = F.sigmoid(xo + ho +
                       (F.scale(cc, self.peep_c_o, 1) if self.peephole else 0))
        ch = co * F.tanh(cc)

        self.c = cc
        self.h = ch

        return ch
Example #3
 def test_scale_invalid_shape(self):
     x1 = chainer.Variable(numpy.zeros((3, 2, 3), numpy.float32))
     x2 = chainer.Variable(numpy.zeros((2), numpy.float32))
     axis = 0
     with chainer.using_config('debug', True):
         with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
             functions.scale(x1, x2, axis)
Example #4
 def test_scale_invalid_shape(self):
     x1 = chainer.Variable(numpy.zeros((3, 2, 3), numpy.float32))
     x2 = chainer.Variable(numpy.zeros((2), numpy.float32))
     axis = 0
     with chainer.using_config('debug', True):
         with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
             functions.scale(x1, x2, axis)
Example #5
 def __call__(self, x):
     f = self.extract(x)
     x_recon = self.reconstruct(f)
     loss = F.mean_absolute_error(F.scale(
         x, self.mask), F.scale(x_recon, self.mask)) * self.loss_const
     report({'loss': loss}, self)
     return loss
Example #6
def write_weighting(allocation_gate, write_gate, allocation_weighting,
    """ (batch_size,) -> (batch_size,) -> (batch_size,n_locations) -> (batch_size,n_locations) -> (batch_size,n_locations) """
    ga, gw, a, c = allocation_gate, write_gate, allocation_weighting, write_content_weighting
    r = F.scale((F.scale(a, ga, axis=0) + F.scale(c, 1 - ga, axis=0)),
    return r
Example #7
def read_weightings(read_modes, backward_weightings, read_content_weightings,
    """ (batch_size,n_read_heads,3) -> (batch_size,n_read_heads,n_locations) -> (batch_size,n_read_heads,n_locations) -> (batch_size,n_read_heads,n_locations) -> (batch_size,n_read_heads,n_locations) """
    pi, b, c, f = read_modes, backward_weightings, read_content_weightings, forward_weightings
    x = F.scale(b, pi[:, :, 0], axis=0)
    y = F.scale(c, pi[:, :, 1], axis=0)
    z = F.scale(f, pi[:, :, 2], axis=0)
    return x + y + z
    def test_forward(self):
        x = np.ones(shape=(1, 32, 50, 38), dtype=np.float32)
        out_channels = 16
        shape = x.shape
        target_shape = (shape[0], out_channels, shape[2], shape[3])

        initial_c = chainer.Variable(np.ones(target_shape, dtype=np.float32))
        initial_h = chainer.Variable(np.ones(target_shape, dtype=np.float32))

        conv_lstm = links.ConvLSTM(in_channels=32,
        conv_lstm.reset_state(initial_c, initial_h)

        test_Wci = chainer.Parameter(
            np.random.rand(out_channels, shape[2],
        test_Wcf = chainer.Parameter(
            np.random.rand(out_channels, shape[2],
        test_Wco = chainer.Parameter(
            np.random.rand(out_channels, shape[2],

        conv_lstm.Wci = chainer.Parameter(
            np.reshape(test_Wci.data, (1, out_channels, shape[2], shape[3])))
        conv_lstm.Wcf = chainer.Parameter(
            np.reshape(test_Wcf.data, (1, out_channels, shape[2], shape[3])))
        conv_lstm.Wco = chainer.Parameter(
            np.reshape(test_Wco.data, (1, out_channels, shape[2], shape[3])))

        Wxi = conv_lstm.Wxi
        Wxf = conv_lstm.Wxf
        Wxo = conv_lstm.Wxo
        Wxc = conv_lstm.Wxc
        Whi = conv_lstm.Whi
        Whf = conv_lstm.Whf
        Who = conv_lstm.Who
        Whc = conv_lstm.Whc
        Wci = test_Wci
        Wcf = test_Wcf
        Wco = test_Wco

        it = F.sigmoid(
            Wxi(x) + Whi(initial_h) + F.scale(initial_c, Wci, axis=1))
        ft = F.sigmoid(
            Wxf(x) + Whf(initial_h) + F.scale(initial_c, Wcf, axis=1))
        ct = ft * initial_c + it * F.tanh(Wxc(x) + Whc(initial_h))
        ot = F.sigmoid(Wxo(x) + Who(initial_h) + F.scale(ct, Wco, axis=1))
        expected = ot * F.tanh(ct)

        actual = conv_lstm(x)

        assert actual.data == pytest.approx(expected.data)
Example #9
def C(M, k, beta):
    # "_" means length of mini-batch.
    # M : _ * N * W -- this type of comments indicate a shape of variable.
    # k : _ * W
    # beta : _ * 1
    # -> _ * N
    denominator = F.sqrt(
        F.scale(F.sum(M * M, 2), F.batch_l2_norm_squared(k), 0) + 1e-5)
    D = F.scale(F.reshape(F.batch_matmul(M, k), (M.shape[0], M.shape[1])),
                1 / denominator, 0)
    return F.softmax(D)
Example #10
 def get_context(self, attention: Variable):
     context = F.sum(F.scale(F.broadcast_to(
         self.encoded, attention.shape + (self.encoder_output_size, )),
     return context
Example #11
    def __call__(self, x):
        if self.Wci.data is None:

        if self.pc is None:

        ci = F.sigmoid(self.wxi(x) + self.whi(self.ph) + F.scale(self.pc, self.Wci, 1))
        cf = F.sigmoid(self.wxf(x) + self.whf(self.ph) + F.scale(self.pc, self.Wcf, 1))
        cc = cf * self.pc + ci * F.tanh(self.wxc(x) + self.whc(self.ph))
        co = F.sigmoid(self.wxo(x) + self.who(self.ph) + F.scale(cc, self.Wco, 1))
        ch = co * F.tanh(cc)

        self.pc = cc
        self.ph = ch
        return ch
Example #12
 def __call__(self, x):
     # chainer requires explicit broadcast for avoiding latent bugs
     u = F.mean(x, -1, keepdims=True)
     u = F.broadcast_to(u, x.shape)
     s = F.mean((x - u) ** 2, -1, keepdims=True)
     s = F.broadcast_to(s, x.shape)
     x = (x - u) / F.sqrt(s + self.e)
     return F.bias(F.scale(x, self.g, axis=2), self.b, axis=2)
Example #13
    def encode_decode_train(self,
        xp = cuda.cupy if self.gpuid >= 0 else np
        # Add GO_ID, EOS_ID to decoder input
        decoder_word_list = [GO_ID] + out_word_list + [EOS_ID]
        # encode list of words/tokens
        enc_states = self.encode_list(in_word_list, train=train)
        # initialize decoder LSTM to final encoder state
        # decode and compute loss
        # convert list of tokens into chainer variable list
        var_dec = (Variable(xp.asarray(decoder_word_list,
                                       dtype=np.int32).reshape((-1, 1)),
                            volatile=not train))
        # Initialise first decoded word to GOID
        pred_word = Variable(xp.asarray([GO_ID], dtype=np.int32),
                             volatile=not train)

        # compute loss
        self.loss = 0
        # decode tokens
        for next_word_var in var_dec[1:]:
            self.decode(pred_word, train=train)
            if self.attn == NO_ATTN:
                predicted_out = self.out(self[self.lstm_dec[-1]].h)
                ''' __QUESTION Add attention '''
                prevh = self[self.lstm_dec[-1]].h
                alpha = F.softmax(matmul(prevh, enc_states, transb=True))
                ctxt = F.reshape(
                    M.sum(F.scale(enc_states, F.transpose(alpha), axis=0),
                          axis=0), (1, 200))
                predicted_out = self.out(self.attn_out(F.concat(
                    (ctxt, prevh))))

            # compute loss
            prob = F.softmax(predicted_out)

            pred_word = self.select_word(prob, train=train, sample=False)
            # pred_word = Variable(xp.asarray([pred_word.data], dtype=np.int32), volatile=not train)
            Explain what loss is computed with an example. What does this value mean?

            The cross-entropy is a soft measure of how close the network got to the
            correct answer. Here it is used to find how close the predicted word
            (predicted_out) was to the expected word (next_word_var).
            self.loss += F.softmax_cross_entropy(predicted_out, next_word_var)

        report({"loss": self.loss}, self)

        return self.loss
Example #14
    def __call__(self, batch):
        batch: Input Variable of shape [N, hidden_dim]
        # calc mini-batch squared mean
        nu = F.mean(F.square(batch), axis=0)

        # Normalize
        sig_hat = F.rsqrt(F.bias(nu, self.eps))
        activated = F.scale(batch, sig_hat)

        # shift
        shift = F.bias(F.scale(activated, self.gamma), self.beta)

        # TRU
        return F.maximum(shift, self.tau)
Example #15
def memory_retention_vector(free_gates, read_weightings_prev):
    """ (batch_size,n_read_heads) -> (batch_size,n_read_heads,n_locations) -> (batch_size,n_locations) """
    batch_size, n_read_heads = free_gates.shape
    n_locations = read_weightings_prev.shape[2]
    t = 1 - F.scale(read_weightings_prev, free_gates, axis=0)
    r = var_fones((batch_size, n_locations))
    for i in range(n_read_heads):
        r *= t[:, i, :]
    return r
Example #16
    def forward(self, X):
        if self.WCi.data is None:

        if self.pc is None:

        i_t = F.sigmoid(
            self.WXi(X) + self.WHi(self.ph) + F.scale(self.pc, self.WCi, 1))
        f_t = F.sigmoid(
            self.WXf(X) + self.WHf(self.ph) + F.scale(self.pc, self.WCf, 1))
        C_t = f_t * self.pc + i_t * F.tanh(self.WXc(X) + self.WHc(self.ph))
        o_t = F.sigmoid(
            self.WXo(X) + self.WHo(self.ph) + F.scale(C_t, self.WCo, 1))
        H_t = o_t * F.tanh(C_t)

        self.pc = C_t
        self.ph = H_t

        return H_t
Example #17
    def __call__(self, x, attentions):
        am, an, ay, ax = attentions.shape
        ret_pred = []
        for i in range(self.att_num):
            item_attention = attentions[:, i].reshape(am, 1, ay, ax)
            sh = F.scale(x, item_attention, axis=0)
            sh = self.res5(sh)
            sh = F.average_pooling_2d(sh, 7, stride=1)
            sh = self['att{}'.format(i)](sh)

        return ret_pred
Example #18
def content_based_addressing(memory, keys, strengths):
    """ (M,n_locations,width) -> (M,N,width) -> (M,N) -> (M,N,n_locations) """
    M, n_locations, width = memory.shape
    N = keys.shape[1]
    m, k, s = memory, keys, strengths
    m = F.reshape(F.normalize(F.reshape(m, (-1, width))),
                  (M, n_locations, width))
    k = F.reshape(F.normalize(F.reshape(k, (-1, width))), (M, N, width))
    t = F.scale(F.batch_matmul(k, m, transb=True), s, axis=0)
    r = F.reshape(F.softmax(F.reshape(t, (-1, n_locations))),
                  (M, N, n_locations))
    return r
Example #19
    def __init__(self, q_dist, z_values, q_values_formatter=lambda x: x):
        assert isinstance(q_dist, chainer.Variable)
        assert not isinstance(z_values, chainer.Variable)
        assert q_dist.ndim == 3
        assert z_values.ndim == 1
        assert q_dist.shape[2] == z_values.shape[0]

        self.xp = cuda.get_array_module(q_dist.array)
        self.z_values = z_values
        self.q_values = F.sum(F.scale(q_dist, self.z_values, axis=2), axis=2)
        self.q_dist = q_dist
        self.n_actions = q_dist.array.shape[1]
        self.q_values_formatter = q_values_formatter
Example #20
 def decode(self):
     arr_sum = None
     a = None
     for i, model in enumerate(self.models):
         output = model.chainer_model.decode()
         if i == 0:
             arr_sum = output.y
             if hasattr(output, "a"): a = output.a
             arr_sum += output.y
     prob = F.scale(
         arr_sum, nmtrain.environment.Variable(self.normalization_constant))
     return nmtrain.models.decoders.Output(y=prob, a=a)
Example #21
def Cr(M, k, beta):
    # M : _ * N * W
    # k : _ * R * W
    # beta : _ * R
    # -> _ * R * N
    [batch_size, R, N] = k.shape
    M_R = F.broadcast_to(F.reshape(M, (M.shape[0], 1, M.shape[1], M.shape[2])),
                         (batch_size, R, M.shape[1], M.shape[2]))
    # calculate denominator of D
    M_R_sum = F.sum(M_R * M_R, 3)
    k_sum = F.sum(k * k, 2)
    k_sum = F.reshape(k_sum, (batch_size, R, 1))
    denominator = F.sqrt(F.scale(M_R_sum, k_sum, 0) + 1e-5)
    cross = F.sum(
        M_R * F.broadcast_to(F.reshape(k, (M.shape[0], R, 1, N)), M_R.shape),
    D = cross / denominator

    # calculate softmax
    D_exp = F.exp(D)
    D_denominator = F.sum(D_exp, 2)

    return F.scale(D_exp, 1 / F.reshape(D_denominator, (batch_size, R, 1)), 0)
Example #22
    def __call__(self, hx, cx, lemmas, poses, deps, dirs, counts):
        ls_f = sequence_embed(self.lstm.lemma_embed, lemmas)
        ps_f = sequence_embed(self.lstm.pos_embed, poses)
        ds_f = sequence_embed(self.lstm.dep_embed, deps)
        dirs_f = sequence_embed(self.lstm.dir_embed, dirs)

        paths_f = [F.concat((ls_f[i], ps_f[i], ds_f[i], dirs_f[i]), axis=1) for i in range(len(lemmas))]
        hy, cy, ys = self.lstm(hx, cx, paths_f)

        hy = F.scale(hy[self.n_layers - 1], counts, axis=0)
        hy = F.sum(hy, axis=0) / F.sum(counts).data

        last_hidden = hy
        return last_hidden
Example #23
    def decoder_predict(self,
        xp = cuda.cupy if self.gpuid >= 0 else np

        # __QUESTION -- Following code is to assist with ATTENTION
        # alpha_arr should store the alphas for every predicted word
        alpha_arr = xp.empty((0, enc_states.shape[0]), dtype=xp.float32)

        # return list of predicted words
        predicted_sent = []
        # load start symbol
        with chainer.no_backprop_mode():
            pred_word = Variable(xp.asarray([start_word], dtype=np.int32))
        pred_count = 0

        # start prediction loop
        while pred_count < max_predict_len and (int(pred_word.data) !=
            self.decode(pred_word, train=False)

            if self.attn == NO_ATTN:
                prob = F.softmax(self.out(self[self.lstm_dec[-1]].h))
                # __QUESTION Add attention
                score = F.matmul(self[self.lstm_dec[-1]].h, enc_states.T)
                at = F.softmax(score)
                ct = F.reshape(
                    F.sum(F.scale(enc_states, at.T, axis=0), axis=0),
                    (1, enc_states.shape[1]))
                av = F.tanh(
                        F.concat((ct, self[self.lstm_dec[-1]].h), axis=1)))
                prob = F.softmax(self.out(av))

                alpha_arr = xp.append(alpha_arr, at.array, axis=0)

            pred_word = self.select_word(prob, train=False, sample=sample)
            # add integer id of predicted word to output list
            pred_count += 1
        # __QUESTION Add attention
        # When implementing attention, make sure to use alpha_array to store
        # your attention vectors.
        # The visualisation function in nmt_translate.py assumes such an array as input.
        return predicted_sent, alpha_arr
Example #24
    def decoder_predict(self,
        xp = cuda.cupy if self.gpuid >= 0 else np

        # __QUESTION -- Following code is to assist with ATTENTION
        # alpha_arr should store the alphas for every predicted word
        alpha_arr = xp.empty((0, enc_states.shape[0]), dtype=xp.float32)

        # return list of predicted words
        predicted_sent = []
        # load start symbol
        pred_word = Variable(xp.asarray([start_word], dtype=np.int32),
        pred_count = 0

        # start prediction loop
        while pred_count < max_predict_len and (int(pred_word.data) !=
            self.decode(pred_word, train=False)

            if self.attn == NO_ATTN:
                predicted_out = self.out(self[self.lstm_dec[-1]].h)
                ''' __QUESTION Add attention '''
                prevh = self[self.lstm_dec[-1]].h
                alpha = F.softmax(matmul(prevh, enc_states, transb=True))
                ctxt = F.reshape(
                    M.sum(F.scale(enc_states, F.transpose(alpha), axis=0),
                          axis=0), (1, 200))
                alpha_arr = xp.concatenate((alpha_arr, alpha.data))
                predicted_out = self.out(self.attn_out(F.concat(
                    (ctxt, prevh))))

            prob = F.softmax(predicted_out)

            pred_word = self.select_word(prob, train=False, sample=sample)
            # add integer id of predicted word to output list
            pred_count += 1
        # __QUESTION Add attention
        # When implementing attention, make sure to use alpha_arr to store
        # your attention vectors.
        # The visualisation function in nmt_translate.py assumes such an array as input.
        return predicted_sent, alpha_arr
Example #25
    def __call__(self, r):
        # Define initial input
        rbn = self.bn(r)  #Check shape with print(r.shape)
        r0 = F.relu(self.ffconv(rbn))

        # Set update rate
        one = Variable(xp.array([1], dtype=xp.float32))
        update_rate = F.absolute(self.update_rate(one))

        # Recurrent loop
        for t in range(self.LoopTimes):
            if t == 0:
                rt = r0
            pt = self.fbconv(rt)  #Check shape with print(pt.shape)
            e = F.relu(r - pt)  # r & pt shape is the same.
            rt = rt + F.scale(self.ffconv(e), update_rate)
        return rt + self.bpconv(rbn)
Example #26
    def extract(self, x):
        assert self.reconstruction_loss_attached or self.pca_loss_attached
        assert self.pca_loss_attached or not self.pca_loss_attached

        original_shape = list(x.shape)
        new_shape = copy(original_shape)
        new_shape.insert(1, 1)
        x_masked = F.reshape(F.scale(x, self.mask), new_shape)
        padding_history = []
        shape_history = []

        h = x_masked
        for downsample_degree in range(self.tmp_n_blocks):
            for conv_idx in range(self.n_conv_per_block):
                conv = self.__getattribute__("conv_{}_{}".format(
                    downsample_degree, conv_idx))
                if self.debug:
                    print("conv_{}_{}".format(downsample_degree, conv_idx),
                h = conv(h)
                if self.debug:
                if not (downsample_degree == self.tmp_n_blocks - 1
                        and conv_idx == self.n_conv_per_block - 1):
                    if self.debug:  # 特徴抽出層でReLUせず,
                    h = F.relu(h)
            if downsample_degree != self.tmp_n_blocks - 1:
                shape = h.shape[2:]
                padding = tuple([x % 2 for x in shape])
                if self.debug:
                h = F.average_pooling_nd(h, 2, 2,
                                         padding)  # dimensionの0側にpaddingがかかる
                if self.debug:
        return h
Example #27
File: dvmpc.py Project: hyzcn/DVMPC
def callback(msg_1):
    global i
    global j
    global timagev
    global Nline
    global count
    global Lpast
    global inputgpu
    global prefv
    global opt_biasv
    global swopt
    global Lmin
    global vwkeep
    global Lth
    global mask_brrc
    global imgbt, imgrt, imggt

    j = j + 1
    #print j
    if j == 1:
        cur_img = preprocess_image(msg_1)  #current image

        #standard deviation and mean for current image
        imgbc = (np.reshape(cur_img[0][0], (1, 128, 256)) + 1.0) * 0.5
        imggc = (np.reshape(cur_img[0][1], (1, 128, 256)) + 1.0) * 0.5
        imgrc = (np.reshape(cur_img[0][2], (1, 128, 256)) + 1.0) * 0.5
        mean_cbgr = np.zeros((3, 1))
        std_cbgr = np.zeros((3, 1))
        mean_ct = np.zeros((3, 1))
        std_ct = np.zeros((3, 1))
        mean_cbgr[0] = np.sum(imgbc) / countm
        mean_cbgr[1] = np.sum(imggc) / countm
        mean_cbgr[2] = np.sum(imgrc) / countm
        std_cbgr[0] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imgbc - mask_brr1 * mean_cbgr[0])) / countm)
        std_cbgr[1] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imggc - mask_brr1 * mean_cbgr[1])) / countm)
        std_cbgr[2] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imgrc - mask_brr1 * mean_cbgr[2])) / countm)

        #standard deviation and mean for subgoal image
        imgrt = (np.reshape(goal_img[0][0], (1, 128, 256)) + 1) * 0.5
        imggt = (np.reshape(goal_img[0][1], (1, 128, 256)) + 1) * 0.5
        imgbt = (np.reshape(goal_img[0][2], (1, 128, 256)) + 1) * 0.5
        mean_tbgr = np.zeros((3, 1))
        std_tbgr = np.zeros((3, 1))
        mean_tbgr[0] = np.sum(imgbt) / countm
        mean_tbgr[1] = np.sum(imggt) / countm
        mean_tbgr[2] = np.sum(imgrt) / countm
        std_tbgr[0] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imgbt - mask_brr1 * mean_tbgr[0])) / countm)
        std_tbgr[1] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imggt - mask_brr1 * mean_tbgr[1])) / countm)
        std_tbgr[2] = np.sqrt(
            np.sum(np.square(imgrt - mask_brr1 * mean_tbgr[2])) / countm)

        #mean_ct[0] = (mean_cbgr[0] + mean_tbgr[0])*0.5
        #mean_ct[1] = (mean_cbgr[1] + mean_tbgr[1])*0.5
        #mean_ct[2] = (mean_cbgr[2] + mean_tbgr[2])*0.5
        #std_ct[0] = (std_cbgr[0] + std_tbgr[0])*0.5
        #std_ct[1] = (std_cbgr[1] + std_tbgr[1])*0.5
        #std_ct[2] = (std_cbgr[2] + std_tbgr[2])*0.5
        mean_ct[0] = mean_cbgr[0]
        mean_ct[1] = mean_cbgr[1]
        mean_ct[2] = mean_cbgr[2]
        std_ct[0] = std_cbgr[0]
        std_ct[1] = std_cbgr[1]
        std_ct[2] = std_cbgr[2]

        xcg = F.clip(Variable(cuda.to_gpu(cur_img)), -1.0, 1.0)

        imgbtt = (imgbt - mean_tbgr[0]) / std_tbgr[0] * std_ct[0] + mean_ct[0]
        imggtt = (imggt - mean_tbgr[1]) / std_tbgr[1] * std_ct[1] + mean_ct[1]
        imgrtt = (imgrt - mean_tbgr[2]) / std_tbgr[2] * std_ct[2] + mean_ct[2]
        goalt_img = np.array(
            (np.reshape(np.concatenate((imgbtt, imggtt, imgrtt), axis=0),
                        (1, 3, 128, 256)) * mask_c - 0.5) * 2.0,
        timage = F.clip(Variable(cuda.to_gpu(goalt_img)), -1.0, 1.0)

        #current image
        xcgf = F.get_item(xcg, (slice(0, batchsize, 1), slice(
            0, 3, 1), slice(0, 128, 1), slice(0, 128, 1)))
        xcgb = F.flip(F.get_item(xcg, (slice(0, batchsize, 1), slice(
            0, 3, 1), slice(0, 128, 1), slice(128, 256, 1))),
        xcgx = F.concat((xcgf, xcgb), axis=1)

        #subgoal image
        xpgf = F.get_item(timage, (slice(0, batchsize, 1), slice(
            0, 3, 1), slice(0, 128, 1), slice(0, 128, 1)))
        xpgb_wof = F.get_item(timage, (slice(0, batchsize, 1), slice(
            0, 3, 1), slice(0, 128, 1), slice(128, 256, 1)))
        xpgb = F.flip(xpgb_wof, axis=3)

        xcpg = F.concat((xcgf, xcgb, xpgf, xpgb), axis=1)

        with chainer.using_config('train', False):
            img_gen = gen(invg(xcgf))
            dis_real = dis(xcgf)
            dis_gen = dis(img_gen)
            outputc = fl(xcgf - img_gen, dis_real - dis_gen, dis_real)

        with chainer.using_config('train', False), chainer.no_backprop_mode():
            vwres = dvmpc(xcpg)

        vwsp = F.separate(vwres, axis=1)
        v1 = F.reshape(vwsp[0], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v2 = F.reshape(vwsp[1], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v3 = F.reshape(vwsp[2], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v4 = F.reshape(vwsp[3], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v5 = F.reshape(vwsp[4], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v6 = F.reshape(vwsp[5], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v7 = F.reshape(vwsp[6], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        v8 = F.reshape(vwsp[7], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w1 = F.reshape(vwsp[8], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w2 = F.reshape(vwsp[9], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w3 = F.reshape(vwsp[10], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w4 = F.reshape(vwsp[11], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w5 = F.reshape(vwsp[12], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w6 = F.reshape(vwsp[13], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w7 = F.reshape(vwsp[14], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))
        w8 = F.reshape(vwsp[15], (batchsize, 1, 1, 1))

        vresg = F.tanh(F.concat(
            (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8), axis=1)) * 0.5
        wresg = F.tanh(F.concat(
            (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8), axis=1)) * 1.0
        #print "linear", v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8
        #print "angular", w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8

        with chainer.using_config('train', False):
            z = enc(xcgx)
            x = dec(z, vresg, wresg)

        xsp = F.separate(x, axis=1)

        apf0f_f = F.reshape(xsp[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf1f_f = F.reshape(xsp[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf2f_f = F.reshape(xsp[2], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf3f_f = F.reshape(xsp[3], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf4f_f = F.reshape(xsp[4], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf5f_f = F.reshape(xsp[5], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf6f_f = F.reshape(xsp[6], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf7f_f = F.reshape(xsp[7], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf8f_f = F.reshape(xsp[8], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf9f_f = F.reshape(xsp[9], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf10f_f = F.reshape(xsp[10], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf11f_f = F.reshape(xsp[11], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf12f_f = F.reshape(xsp[12], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf13f_f = F.reshape(xsp[13], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf14f_f = F.reshape(xsp[14], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf15f_f = F.reshape(xsp[15], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        apf0b_f = F.reshape(xsp[16], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf1b_f = F.reshape(xsp[17], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf2b_f = F.reshape(xsp[18], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf3b_f = F.reshape(xsp[19], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf4b_f = F.reshape(xsp[20], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf5b_f = F.reshape(xsp[21], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf6b_f = F.reshape(xsp[22], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf7b_f = F.reshape(xsp[23], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf8b_f = F.reshape(xsp[24], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf9b_f = F.reshape(xsp[25], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf10b_f = F.reshape(xsp[26], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf11b_f = F.reshape(xsp[27], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf12b_f = F.reshape(xsp[28], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf13b_f = F.reshape(xsp[29], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf14b_f = F.reshape(xsp[30], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf15b_f = F.reshape(xsp[31], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        w1f_f = F.reshape(xsp[32], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w2f_f = F.reshape(xsp[33], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w3f_f = F.reshape(xsp[34], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w4f_f = F.reshape(xsp[35], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w5f_f = F.reshape(xsp[36], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w6f_f = F.reshape(xsp[37], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w7f_f = F.reshape(xsp[38], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w8f_f = F.reshape(xsp[39], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        w1b_f = F.reshape(xsp[40], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w2b_f = F.reshape(xsp[41], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w3b_f = F.reshape(xsp[42], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w4b_f = F.reshape(xsp[43], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w5b_f = F.reshape(xsp[44], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w6b_f = F.reshape(xsp[45], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w7b_f = F.reshape(xsp[46], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w8b_f = F.reshape(xsp[47], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        apf_f1f_f = F.concat((apf0f_f, apf1f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f2f_f = F.concat((apf2f_f, apf3f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f3f_f = F.concat((apf4f_f, apf5f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f4f_f = F.concat((apf6f_f, apf7f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f5f_f = F.concat((apf8f_f, apf9f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f6f_f = F.concat((apf10f_f, apf11f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f7f_f = F.concat((apf12f_f, apf13f_f), axis=1)
        apf_f8f_f = F.concat((apf14f_f, apf15f_f), axis=1)

        apf_f1b_f = F.concat((apf0b_f, apf1b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f2b_f = F.concat((apf2b_f, apf3b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f3b_f = F.concat((apf4b_f, apf5b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f4b_f = F.concat((apf6b_f, apf7b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f5b_f = F.concat((apf8b_f, apf9b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f6b_f = F.concat((apf10b_f, apf11b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f7b_f = F.concat((apf12b_f, apf13b_f), axis=1)
        apf_f8b_f = F.concat((apf14b_f, apf15b_f), axis=1)

        genL1f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f1f_f)
        genL2f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f2f_f)
        genL3f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f3f_f)
        genL4f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f4f_f)
        genL5f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f5f_f)
        genL6f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f6f_f)
        genL7f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f7f_f)
        genL8f_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_f8f_f)

        genL1b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f1b_f)
        genL2b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f2b_f)
        genL3b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f3b_f)
        genL4b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f4b_f)
        genL5b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f5b_f)
        genL6b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f6b_f)
        genL7b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f7b_f)
        genL8b_f = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_f8b_f)

        mask1_f = F.concat((w1f_f, w1b_f), axis=1)
        mask2_f = F.concat((w2f_f, w2b_f), axis=1)
        mask3_f = F.concat((w3f_f, w3b_f), axis=1)
        mask4_f = F.concat((w4f_f, w4b_f), axis=1)
        mask5_f = F.concat((w5f_f, w5b_f), axis=1)
        mask6_f = F.concat((w6f_f, w6b_f), axis=1)
        mask7_f = F.concat((w7f_f, w7b_f), axis=1)
        mask8_f = F.concat((w8f_f, w8b_f), axis=1)

        mask_soft1_f = F.softmax(mask1_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft2_f = F.softmax(mask2_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft3_f = F.softmax(mask3_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft4_f = F.softmax(mask4_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft5_f = F.softmax(mask5_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft6_f = F.softmax(mask6_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft7_f = F.softmax(mask7_f, axis=1)
        mask_soft8_f = F.softmax(mask8_f, axis=1)

        mask_sep1_f = F.separate(mask_soft1_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep2_f = F.separate(mask_soft2_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep3_f = F.separate(mask_soft3_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep4_f = F.separate(mask_soft4_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep5_f = F.separate(mask_soft5_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep6_f = F.separate(mask_soft6_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep7_f = F.separate(mask_soft7_f, axis=1)
        mask_sep8_f = F.separate(mask_soft8_f, axis=1)

        mask_1f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep1_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_1b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep1_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_2f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep2_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_2b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep2_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_3f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep3_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_3b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep3_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_4f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep4_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_4b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep4_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_5f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep5_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_5b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep5_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_6f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep6_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_6b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep6_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_7f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep7_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_7b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep7_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_8f_f = F.reshape(mask_sep8_f[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_8b_f = F.reshape(mask_sep8_f[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        genL1x_f = F.scale(genL1f_f, mask_1f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL1b_f, mask_1b_f, axis=0)
        genL2x_f = F.scale(genL2f_f, mask_2f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL2b_f, mask_2b_f, axis=0)
        genL3x_f = F.scale(genL3f_f, mask_3f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL3b_f, mask_3b_f, axis=0)
        genL4x_f = F.scale(genL4f_f, mask_4f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL4b_f, mask_4b_f, axis=0)
        genL5x_f = F.scale(genL5f_f, mask_5f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL5b_f, mask_5b_f, axis=0)
        genL6x_f = F.scale(genL6f_f, mask_6f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL6b_f, mask_6b_f, axis=0)
        genL7x_f = F.scale(genL7f_f, mask_7f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL7b_f, mask_7b_f, axis=0)
        genL8x_f = F.scale(genL8f_f, mask_8f_f, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL8b_f, mask_8b_f, axis=0)

        xap_f = F.concat((genL1x_f, genL2x_f, genL3x_f, genL4x_f, genL5x_f,
                          genL6x_f, genL7x_f, 5.0 * genL8x_f),

        apf0f_b = F.reshape(xsp[48], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf1f_b = F.reshape(xsp[49], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf2f_b = F.reshape(xsp[50], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf3f_b = F.reshape(xsp[51], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf4f_b = F.reshape(xsp[52], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf5f_b = F.reshape(xsp[53], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf6f_b = F.reshape(xsp[54], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf7f_b = F.reshape(xsp[55], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf8f_b = F.reshape(xsp[56], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf9f_b = F.reshape(xsp[57], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf10f_b = F.reshape(xsp[58], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf11f_b = F.reshape(xsp[59], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf12f_b = F.reshape(xsp[60], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf13f_b = F.reshape(xsp[61], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf14f_b = F.reshape(xsp[62], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf15f_b = F.reshape(xsp[63], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        apf0b_b = F.reshape(xsp[64], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf1b_b = F.reshape(xsp[65], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf2b_b = F.reshape(xsp[66], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf3b_b = F.reshape(xsp[67], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf4b_b = F.reshape(xsp[68], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf5b_b = F.reshape(xsp[69], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf6b_b = F.reshape(xsp[70], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf7b_b = F.reshape(xsp[71], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf8b_b = F.reshape(xsp[72], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf9b_b = F.reshape(xsp[73], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf10b_b = F.reshape(xsp[74], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf11b_b = F.reshape(xsp[75], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf12b_b = F.reshape(xsp[76], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf13b_b = F.reshape(xsp[77], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf14b_b = F.reshape(xsp[78], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        apf15b_b = F.reshape(xsp[79], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        w1f_b = F.reshape(xsp[80], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w2f_b = F.reshape(xsp[81], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w3f_b = F.reshape(xsp[82], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w4f_b = F.reshape(xsp[83], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w5f_b = F.reshape(xsp[84], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w6f_b = F.reshape(xsp[85], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w7f_b = F.reshape(xsp[86], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w8f_b = F.reshape(xsp[87], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        w1b_b = F.reshape(xsp[88], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w2b_b = F.reshape(xsp[89], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w3b_b = F.reshape(xsp[90], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w4b_b = F.reshape(xsp[91], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w5b_b = F.reshape(xsp[92], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w6b_b = F.reshape(xsp[93], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w7b_b = F.reshape(xsp[94], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        w8b_b = F.reshape(xsp[95], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))

        apf_b1f_b = F.concat((apf0f_b, apf1f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b2f_b = F.concat((apf2f_b, apf3f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b3f_b = F.concat((apf4f_b, apf5f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b4f_b = F.concat((apf6f_b, apf7f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b5f_b = F.concat((apf8f_b, apf9f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b6f_b = F.concat((apf10f_b, apf11f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b7f_b = F.concat((apf12f_b, apf13f_b), axis=1)
        apf_b8f_b = F.concat((apf14f_b, apf15f_b), axis=1)

        apf_b1b_b = F.concat((apf0b_b, apf1b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b2b_b = F.concat((apf2b_b, apf3b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b3b_b = F.concat((apf4b_b, apf5b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b4b_b = F.concat((apf6b_b, apf7b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b5b_b = F.concat((apf8b_b, apf9b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b6b_b = F.concat((apf10b_b, apf11b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b7b_b = F.concat((apf12b_b, apf13b_b), axis=1)
        apf_b8b_b = F.concat((apf14b_b, apf15b_b), axis=1)

        genL1f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b1f_b)
        genL2f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b2f_b)
        genL3f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b3f_b)
        genL4f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b4f_b)
        genL5f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b5f_b)
        genL6f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b6f_b)
        genL7f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b7f_b)
        genL8f_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgf, apf_b8f_b)
        genL1b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b1b_b)
        genL2b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b2b_b)
        genL3b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b3b_b)
        genL4b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b4b_b)
        genL5b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b5b_b)
        genL6b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b6b_b)
        genL7b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b7b_b)
        genL8b_b = F.spatial_transformer_sampler(xcgb, apf_b8b_b)
        mask1_b = F.concat((w1f_b, w1b_b), axis=1)
        mask2_b = F.concat((w2f_b, w2b_b), axis=1)
        mask3_b = F.concat((w3f_b, w3b_b), axis=1)
        mask4_b = F.concat((w4f_b, w4b_b), axis=1)
        mask5_b = F.concat((w5f_b, w5b_b), axis=1)
        mask6_b = F.concat((w6f_b, w6b_b), axis=1)
        mask7_b = F.concat((w7f_b, w7b_b), axis=1)
        mask8_b = F.concat((w8f_b, w8b_b), axis=1)

        mask_soft1_b = F.softmax(mask1_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft2_b = F.softmax(mask2_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft3_b = F.softmax(mask3_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft4_b = F.softmax(mask4_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft5_b = F.softmax(mask5_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft6_b = F.softmax(mask6_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft7_b = F.softmax(mask7_b, axis=1)
        mask_soft8_b = F.softmax(mask8_b, axis=1)

        mask_sep1_b = F.separate(mask_soft1_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep2_b = F.separate(mask_soft2_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep3_b = F.separate(mask_soft3_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep4_b = F.separate(mask_soft4_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep5_b = F.separate(mask_soft5_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep6_b = F.separate(mask_soft6_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep7_b = F.separate(mask_soft7_b, axis=1)
        mask_sep8_b = F.separate(mask_soft8_b, axis=1)

        mask_1f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep1_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_1b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep1_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_2f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep2_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_2b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep2_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_3f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep3_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_3b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep3_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_4f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep4_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_4b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep4_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_5f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep5_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_5b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep5_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_6f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep6_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_6b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep6_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_7f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep7_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_7b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep7_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_8f_b = F.reshape(mask_sep8_b[0], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        mask_8b_b = F.reshape(mask_sep8_b[1], (batchsize, 1, 128, 128))
        genL1x_b = F.scale(genL1f_b, mask_1f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL1b_b, mask_1b_b, axis=0)
        genL2x_b = F.scale(genL2f_b, mask_2f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL2b_b, mask_2b_b, axis=0)
        genL3x_b = F.scale(genL3f_b, mask_3f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL3b_b, mask_3b_b, axis=0)
        genL4x_b = F.scale(genL4f_b, mask_4f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL4b_b, mask_4b_b, axis=0)
        genL5x_b = F.scale(genL5f_b, mask_5f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL5b_b, mask_5b_b, axis=0)
        genL6x_b = F.scale(genL6f_b, mask_6f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL6b_b, mask_6b_b, axis=0)
        genL7x_b = F.scale(genL7f_b, mask_7f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL7b_b, mask_7b_b, axis=0)
        genL8x_b = F.scale(genL8f_b, mask_8f_b, axis=0) + F.scale(
            genL8b_b, mask_8b_b, axis=0)

        xap_b = F.concat((genL1x_b, genL2x_b, genL3x_b, genL4x_b, genL5x_b,
                          genL6x_b, genL7x_b, 5.0 * genL8x_b),
        #VUNet-360 end

        xgonet = F.concat((genL1x_f, genL2x_f, genL3x_f, genL4x_f, genL5x_f,
                           genL6x_f, genL7x_f, genL8x_f),
        with chainer.using_config('train', False):
            img_gen = gen(invg(xgonet))
            dis_real = dis(xgonet)
            dis_gen = dis(img_gen)
            output = fl(xgonet - img_gen, dis_real - dis_gen, dis_real)

        xrefy = F.concat((Variable(cur_img), Variable(goal_img)), axis=3)
        xgonetx = F.concat((genL1x_f, genL2x_f, genL3x_f, genL4x_f, genL5x_f,
                            genL6x_f, genL7x_f, genL8x_f),
        xgonety = F.concat((genL1x_b, genL2x_b, genL3x_b, genL4x_b, genL5x_b,
                            genL6x_b, genL7x_b, genL8x_b),

        msg_pub = Twist()

        #velocity cap and publish
        vt = cuda.to_cpu(vresg.data[0][0])
        wt = cuda.to_cpu(wresg.data[0][0])
        if np.absolute(vt) < 0.2:
            msg_pub.linear.x = vt
            msg_pub.linear.y = 0.0
            msg_pub.linear.z = 0.0
            msg_pub.angular.x = 0.0
            msg_pub.angular.y = 0.0
            msg_pub.angular.z = wt
            if np.absolute(wt) < 0.001:
                msg_pub.linear.x = 0.2 * np.sign(vt)
                msg_pub.linear.y = 0.0
                msg_pub.linear.z = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.x = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.y = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.z = 0.0
                rd = vt / wt
                msg_pub.linear.x = 0.2 * np.sign(vt)
                msg_pub.linear.y = 0.0
                msg_pub.linear.z = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.x = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.y = 0.0
                msg_pub.angular.z = 0.2 * np.sign(vt) / rd

        #front predicted image
        out_imgc = cuda.to_cpu(xgonetx.data)
        imgb = np.fmin(255.0, np.fmax(0.0, out_imgc * 128 + 128))
        imgc = np.reshape(imgb, (3, 128, 128 * 8))
        imgd = imgc.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        imge = imgd.astype(np.uint8)
        imgm = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imge)

        #back predicted image
        out_imgc = cuda.to_cpu(xgonety.data)
        imgb = np.fmin(255.0, np.fmax(0.0, out_imgc * 128 + 128))
        imgc = np.reshape(imgb, (3, 128, 128 * 8))
        imgd = imgc.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        imge = imgd.astype(np.uint8)
        imgm = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imge)

        #current and goal image
        out_imgc = cuda.to_cpu(xrefy.data)
        imgb = np.fmin(255.0, np.fmax(0.0, out_imgc * 128 + 128))
        imgc = np.reshape(imgb, (3, 128, 256 * 2))
        imgd = imgc.transpose(1, 2, 0)
        imge = imgd.astype(np.uint8)
        imgm = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imge)

        j = 0
Example #28
def precedence_weighting(write_weighting, precedence_weighting_prev):
    """ (batch_size,n_locations) -> (batch_size,n_locations) -> (batch_size,n_locations) """
    w, p = write_weighting, precedence_weighting_prev
    r = F.scale(p, (1 - F.sum(w, axis=1)), axis=0) + w
    return r
Example #29
 def attn_layer(self, ht, Hs):
     score = F.matmul(ht, Hs, transb=True)
     a_t = F.softmax(score)
     c_t = F.reshape(M.sum(F.scale(Hs, F.transpose(a_t), axis=0), axis=0),
                     (1, ht.shape[1]))
     return c_t, a_t
Example #30
    def __call__(self, x, t, dataset, train=True):

        # Create variables
        x = Variable(x)
        t = Variable(t)

        with chainer.using_config('train', False):
            with chainer.using_config('enable_backprop', False):
                xo = self.segmentation.predictor(x)
                y = self.segmentation.classifiers[0](xo)
                y = F.separate(F.softmax(y), axis=1)
                # foreground, head, torso-hand, lower-body, shoes
                segprob = F.stack(
                    (1.0 - y[0], y[1] + y[2] + y[4] + y[13],
                     y[5] + y[6] + y[7] + y[11] + y[10] + y[3] + y[14] + y[15],
                     y[9] + y[16] + y[17] + y[12], y[18] + y[19] + y[8]),

        # Forward
        with chainer.using_config('train', train):
            with chainer.using_config('enable_backprop', train):
                x = F.resize_images(x, self.args.scales_reid)
                # InceptionV3 backbone
                x = self.predictor(x)
                x_a = F.average_pooling_2d(x, x.shape[-2:])
                # Resize to segmentation map resolution
                x = F.resize_images(x, segprob.shape[-2:])
                # aggregate features at semantic parts
                xl = F.scale(F.batch_matmul(
                              (segprob.shape[0], segprob.shape[1], -1)),
                    F.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], -1)),
                             1.0 / F.sum(segprob, axis=(2, 3)),

                xfg, xl = F.split_axis(xl, [1], axis=1)
                xl = F.max(xl, axis=1, keepdims=True)
                x = F.concat((xfg, xl), axis=2)
                # Classifiers
                x_s = F.reshape(x, (-1, 2 * 2048, 1, 1))
                x = F.concat((x_s, x_a), axis=1)

                if train:
                    self.y_s = self.classifiers[0](x)
                    # Loss
                    self.loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(
                        F.squeeze(self.y_s, axis=(2, 3)), t)

                    # Clear grads for uninitialized params
                    # Backwards

                    # Reporter
                        {dataset: {
                            'loss': self.loss.data.tolist()

                    x = F.squeeze(x)
                    self.reporter.update({dataset: {'features': x.data}})
Example #31
 def check_backward(self, x1_data, x2_data, axis, y_grad):
     x = (x1_data, x2_data)
         lambda x, y: functions.scale(x, y, axis),
         x, y_grad,
Example #32
 def check_forward(self, x1_data, x2_data, axis, y_expected):
     x1 = chainer.Variable(x1_data)
     x2 = chainer.Variable(x2_data)
     y = functions.scale(x1, x2, axis)
     testing.assert_allclose(y_expected, y.data)
Example #33
    def __call__(self, hs, ys):
        """Core function of Decoder layer.

            hs (list of chainer.Variable | N-dimension array): Input variable from encoder.
            ys (list of chainer.Variable | N-dimension array): Input variable of decoder.

            chainer.Variable: A variable holding a scalar array of the training loss.
            chainer.Variable: A variable holding a scalar array of the accuracy.

        self.loss = None
        # prepare input and output word sequences with sos/eos IDs
        eos = self.xp.array([self.eos], 'i')
        sos = self.xp.array([self.sos], 'i')
        ys_in = [F.concat([sos, y], axis=0) for y in ys]
        ys_out = [F.concat([y, eos], axis=0) for y in ys]

        # padding for ys with -1
        # pys: utt x olen
        pad_ys_in = F.pad_sequence(ys_in, padding=self.eos)
        pad_ys_out = F.pad_sequence(ys_out, padding=-1)

        # get dim, length info
        batch = pad_ys_out.shape[0]
        olength = pad_ys_out.shape[1]
        logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' input lengths:  ' +
                     str(self.xp.array([h.shape[0] for h in hs])))
        logging.info(self.__class__.__name__ + ' output lengths: ' +
                     str(self.xp.array([y.shape[0] for y in ys_out])))

        # initialization
        c_list = [None]  # list of cell state of each layer
        z_list = [None]  # list of hidden state of each layer
        for _ in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers):
        att_w = None
        z_all = []
        self.att.reset()  # reset pre-computation of h

        # pre-computation of embedding
        eys = self.embed(pad_ys_in)  # utt x olen x zdim
        eys = F.separate(eys, axis=1)

        # loop for an output sequence
        for i in six.moves.range(olength):
            att_c, att_w = self.att(hs, z_list[0], att_w)
            if i > 0 and random.random() < self.sampling_probability:
                logging.info(' scheduled sampling ')
                z_out = self.output(z_all[-1])
                z_out = F.argmax(F.log_softmax(z_out), axis=1)
                z_out = self.embed(z_out)
                ey = F.hstack((z_out, att_c))  # utt x (zdim + hdim)
                ey = F.hstack((eys[i], att_c))  # utt x (zdim + hdim)
            z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list, z_list,

        z_all = F.stack(z_all, axis=1).reshape(batch * olength, self.dunits)
        # compute loss
        y_all = self.output(z_all)
        self.loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y_all, F.flatten(pad_ys_out))
        # -1: eos, which is removed in the loss computation
        self.loss *= (np.mean([len(x) for x in ys_in]) - 1)
        acc = F.accuracy(y_all, F.flatten(pad_ys_out), ignore_label=-1)
        logging.info('att loss:' + str(self.loss.data))

        # show predicted character sequence for debug
        if self.verbose > 0 and self.char_list is not None:
            y_hat = y_all.reshape(batch, olength, -1)
            y_true = pad_ys_out
            for (i, y_hat_), y_true_ in zip(enumerate(y_hat.data),
                if i == MAX_DECODER_OUTPUT:
                idx_hat = self.xp.argmax(y_hat_[y_true_ != -1], axis=1)
                idx_true = y_true_[y_true_ != -1]
                seq_hat = [self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in idx_hat]
                seq_true = [self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in idx_true]
                seq_hat = "".join(seq_hat).replace('<space>', ' ')
                seq_true = "".join(seq_true).replace('<space>', ' ')
                logging.info("groundtruth[%d]: " % i + seq_true)
                logging.info("prediction [%d]: " % i + seq_hat)

        if self.labeldist is not None:
            if self.vlabeldist is None:
                self.vlabeldist = chainer.Variable(
            loss_reg = -F.sum(
                F.scale(F.log_softmax(y_all), self.vlabeldist,
                        axis=1)) / len(ys_in)
            self.loss = (
                1. - self.lsm_weight) * self.loss + self.lsm_weight * loss_reg

        return self.loss, acc