Example #1
    def test_call(self):
        target = mock.MagicMock()
        w = snapshot_writers.SimpleWriter()
        w.save = mock.MagicMock()
        with utils.tempdir() as tempd:
            w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)

        assert w.save.call_count == 1
Example #2
def _snapshot_object(trainer, target, filename, savefun):
    fn = filename.format(trainer)
    prefix = 'tmp' + fn

    with utils.tempdir(prefix=prefix, dir=trainer.out) as tmpdir:
        tmppath = os.path.join(tmpdir, fn)
        savefun(tmppath, target)
        shutil.move(tmppath, os.path.join(trainer.out, fn))
Example #3
    def test_call(self):
        target = mock.MagicMock()
        w = snapshot_writers.SimpleWriter()
        w.save = mock.MagicMock()
        with utils.tempdir() as tempd:
            w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)

        assert w.save.call_count == 1
Example #4
    def save(self, filename, outdir, target, savefun, **kwds):
        prefix = 'tmp' + filename
        with utils.tempdir(prefix=prefix, dir=outdir) as tmpdir:
            tmppath = os.path.join(tmpdir, filename)
            savefun(tmppath, target)
            shutil.move(tmppath, os.path.join(outdir, filename))

Example #5
def _snapshot_object(trainer, target, filename, savefun):
    fn = filename.format(trainer)
    prefix = 'tmp' + fn

    with utils.tempdir(prefix=prefix, dir=trainer.out) as tmpdir:
        tmppath = os.path.join(tmpdir, fn)
        savefun(tmppath, target)
        shutil.move(tmppath, os.path.join(trainer.out, fn))
Example #6
    def test_call(self):
        target = mock.MagicMock()
        w = snapshot_writers.StandardWriter()
        worker = mock.MagicMock()
        name = snapshot_writers_path + '.StandardWriter.create_worker'
        with mock.patch(name, return_value=worker):
            with utils.tempdir() as tempd:
                w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)
                w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)

            assert worker.start.call_count == 2
            assert worker.join.call_count == 2
Example #7
    def test_call(self):
        target = mock.MagicMock()
        w = snapshot_writers.StandardWriter()
        worker = mock.MagicMock()
        name = snapshot_writers_path + '.StandardWriter.create_worker'
        with mock.patch(name, return_value=worker):
            with utils.tempdir() as tempd:
                w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)
                w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)

            assert worker.start.call_count == 2
            assert worker.join.call_count == 2
    def __call__(self, trainer):
        # accumulate the observations
        keys = self._keys
        observation = trainer.observation
        summary = self._summary

        if keys is None:
            summary.add({k: observation[k] for k in keys if k in observation})

        for k, v in observation.items():
            if isinstance(v, Variable):
                v = v.array
            self._writer.add_scalar(k, float(v), trainer.updater.iteration)

        if trainer.updater.iteration == 0 or self._trigger(trainer):
            # output the result
            stats = self._summary.compute_mean()
            stats_cpu = {}
            for name, value in six.iteritems(stats):
                stats_cpu[name] = float(value)  # copy to CPU

            updater = trainer.updater
            stats_cpu["epoch"] = updater.epoch
            stats_cpu["iteration"] = updater.iteration
            stats_cpu["elapsed_time"] = trainer.elapsed_time

            if self._postprocess is not None:


            # write to the log file
            if self._log_name is not None:
                log_name = self._log_name.format(**stats_cpu)
                with utils.tempdir(prefix=log_name, dir=trainer.out) as tempd:
                    path = os.path.join(tempd, "log.json")
                    with open(path, "w") as f:
                        json.dump(self._log, f, indent=4)

                    new_path = os.path.join(trainer.out, log_name)
                    shutil.move(path, new_path)

            # reset the summary for the next output
Example #9
def cache_or_load_file(path, creator, loader):
    """Caches a file if it does not exist, or loads it otherwise.

    This is a utility function used in dataset loading routines. The
    ``creator`` creates the file to given path, and returns the content. If the
    file already exists, the ``loader`` is called instead, and it loads the
    file and returns the content.

    Note that the path passed to the creator is temporary one, and not same as
    the path given to this function. This function safely renames the file
    created by the creator to a given path, even if this function is called
    simultaneously by multiple threads or processes.

        path (str): Path to save the cached file.
        creator: Function to create the file and returns the content. It takes
            a path to temporary place as the argument. Before calling the
            creator, there is no file at the temporary path.
        loader: Function to load the cached file and returns the content.

        It returns the returned values by the creator or the loader.

    if os.path.exists(path):
        return loader(path)

    except OSError:
        if not os.path.isdir(_dataset_root):
            raise RuntimeError('cannot create dataset directory')

    lock_path = os.path.join(_dataset_root, '_create_lock')

    with utils.tempdir() as temp_dir:
        file_name = os.path.basename(path)
        temp_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, file_name)
        content = creator(temp_path)
        with filelock.FileLock(lock_path):
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                shutil.move(temp_path, path)

    return content
Example #10
def cached_download(url):
    """Downloads a file and caches it.

    It downloads a file from the URL if there is no corresponding cache. After
    the download, this function stores a cache to the directory under the
    dataset root (see :func:`set_dataset_root`). If there is already a cache
    for the given URL, it just returns the path to the cache without
    downloading the same file.

    .. note::
        This function raises :class:`OSError` when it fails to create
        the cache directory. In older version, it raised :class:`RuntimeError`.

        url (str): URL to download from.

        str: Path to the downloaded file.

    cache_root = os.path.join(_dataset_root, '_dl_cache')
    except OSError:
        if not os.path.isdir(cache_root):

    lock_path = os.path.join(cache_root, '_dl_lock')
    urlhash = hashlib.md5(url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
    cache_path = os.path.join(cache_root, urlhash)

    with filelock.FileLock(lock_path):
        if os.path.exists(cache_path):
            return cache_path

    with utils.tempdir(dir=cache_root) as temp_root:
        temp_path = os.path.join(temp_root, 'dl')
        sys.stderr.write('Downloading from {}...\n'.format(url))
        request.urlretrieve(url, temp_path)
        with filelock.FileLock(lock_path):
            shutil.move(temp_path, cache_path)

    return cache_path
Example #11
def cached_download(url):
    """Downloads a file and caches it.

    It downloads a file from the URL if there is no corresponding cache. After
    the download, this function stores a cache to the directory under the
    dataset root (see :func:`set_dataset_root`). If there is already a cache
    for the given URL, it just returns the path to the cache without
    downloading the same file.

    .. note::
        This function raises :class:`OSError` when it fails to create
        the cache directory. In older version, it raised :class:`RuntimeError`.

        url (str): URL to download from.

        str: Path to the downloaded file.

    cache_root = os.path.join(_dataset_root, '_dl_cache')
    except OSError:
        if not os.path.isdir(cache_root):

    lock_path = os.path.join(cache_root, '_dl_lock')
    urlhash = hashlib.md5(url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
    cache_path = os.path.join(cache_root, urlhash)

    with filelock.FileLock(lock_path):
        if os.path.exists(cache_path):
            return cache_path

    with utils.tempdir(dir=cache_root) as temp_root:
        temp_path = os.path.join(temp_root, 'dl')
        sys.stderr.write('Downloading from {}...\n'.format(url))
        request.urlretrieve(url, temp_path)
        with filelock.FileLock(lock_path):
            shutil.move(temp_path, cache_path)

    return cache_path
Example #12
def cache_or_load_file(path, creator, loader):
    """Caches a file if it does not exist, or loads it otherwise.

    This is a utility function used in dataset loading routines. The
    ``creator`` creates the file to given path, and returns the content. If the
    file already exists, the ``loader`` is called instead, and it loads the
    file and returns the content.

    Note that the path passed to the creator is temporary one, and not same as
    the path given to this function. This function safely renames the file
    created by the creator to a given path, even if this function is called
    simultaneously by multiple threads or processes.

        path (str): Path to save the cached file.
        creator: Function to create the file and returns the content. It takes
            a path to temporary place as the argument. Before calling the
            creator, there is no file at the temporary path.
        loader: Function to load the cached file and returns the content.

        It returns the returned values by the creator or the loader.

    if os.path.exists(path):
        return loader(path)

    except OSError:
        if not os.path.isdir(_dataset_root):
            raise RuntimeError('cannot create dataset directory')

    lock_path = os.path.join(_dataset_root, '_create_lock')

    with utils.tempdir() as temp_dir:
        file_name = os.path.basename(path)
        temp_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, file_name)
        content = creator(temp_path)
        with filelock.FileLock(lock_path):
            if not os.path.exists(path):
                shutil.move(temp_path, path)

    return content
Example #13
    def test_call(self):
        target = mock.MagicMock()
        q = mock.MagicMock()
        consumer = mock.MagicMock()
        names = [snapshot_writers_path + '.QueueWriter.create_queue',
                 snapshot_writers_path + '.QueueWriter.create_consumer']
        with mock.patch(names[0], return_value=q):
            with mock.patch(names[1], return_value=consumer):
                w = snapshot_writers.QueueWriter()

                with utils.tempdir() as tempd:
                    w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)
                    w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)

                assert consumer.start.call_count == 1
                assert q.put.call_count == 3
                assert q.join.call_count, 1
                assert consumer.join.call_count == 1
Example #14
def save_and_load(src, dst, filename, saver, loader):
    """Saves ``src`` and loads it to ``dst`` using a de/serializer.

    This function simply runs a serialization and deserialization to check if
    the serialization code is correctly implemented. The save and load are
    done within a temporary directory.

        src: An object to save from.
        dst: An object to load into.
        filename (str): File name used during the save/load.
        saver (callable): Function that saves the source object.
        loader (callable): Function that loads the file into the destination

    with utils.tempdir() as tempdir:
        path = os.path.join(tempdir, filename)
        saver(path, src)
        loader(path, dst)
Example #15
def save_and_load(src, dst, filename, saver, loader):
    """Saves ``src`` and loads it to ``dst`` using a de/serializer.

    This function simply runs a serialization and deserialization to check if
    the serialization code is correctly implemented. The save and load are
    done within a temporary directory.

        src: An object to save from.
        dst: An object to load into.
        filename (str): File name used during the save/load.
        saver (callable): Function that saves the source object.
        loader (callable): Function that loads the file into the destination

    with utils.tempdir() as tempdir:
        path = os.path.join(tempdir, filename)
        saver(path, src)
        loader(path, dst)
    def check_serialization(self, backend_config):
        with utils.tempdir() as root:
            filename = os.path.join(root, 'tmp.npz')

            layer1 = self.layer.copy('copy')
            hook1 = copy.deepcopy(self.hook)

            x = backend_config.get_array(self.x)
            with backend_config:
                with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                    y1 = layer1(x)
            serializers.save_npz(filename, layer1)

            layer2 = self.layer.copy('copy')
            hook2 = copy.deepcopy(self.hook)

            # Test loading is nice.
            msg = None
                serializers.load_npz(filename, layer2)
            except Exception as e:
                msg = e
            assert msg is None

            with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                y2 = layer2(self.x.copy())

            # Test attributes are the same.
            orig_weight = _cpu._to_cpu(
                getattr(layer1, hook1.weight_name).array)
            orig_vector = _cpu._to_cpu(getattr(layer1, hook1.vector_name))
                getattr(layer2, hook2.weight_name).array)
                orig_vector, getattr(layer2, hook2.vector_name))
            testing.assert_allclose(y1.array, y2.array)
Example #17
    def __call__(self, trainer):
        # accumulate the observations
        keys = self._keys
        observation = trainer.observation
        summary = self._summary

        if keys is None:
            summary.add({k: observation[k] for k in keys if k in observation})

        if self._trigger(trainer):
            # output the result
            stats = self._summary.compute_mean()
            stats_cpu = {}
            for name, value in six.iteritems(stats):
                stats_cpu[name] = float(value)  # copy to CPU

            updater = trainer.updater
            stats_cpu['epoch'] = updater.epoch
            stats_cpu['iteration'] = updater.iteration
            stats_cpu['elapsed_time'] = trainer.elapsed_time

            if self._postprocess is not None:


            # write to the log file
            if self._log_name is not None:
                log_name = self._log_name.format(**stats_cpu)
                with utils.tempdir(prefix=log_name, dir=trainer.out) as tempd:
                    path = os.path.join(tempd, 'log.json')
                    with open(path, 'w') as f:
                        json.dump(self._log, f, indent=4)

                    new_path = os.path.join(trainer.out, log_name)
                    shutil.move(path, new_path)

            # reset the summary for the next output
Example #18
    def __call__(self, trainer):
        # accumulate the observations
        keys = self._keys
        observation = trainer.observation
        summary = self._summary

        if keys is None:
            summary.add({k: observation[k] for k in keys if k in observation})

        if trainer.is_before_training or self._trigger(trainer):
            # output the result
            stats = self._summary.compute_mean()
            stats_cpu = {}
            for name, value in six.iteritems(stats):
                stats_cpu[name] = float(value)  # copy to CPU

            updater = trainer.updater
            stats_cpu['epoch'] = updater.epoch
            stats_cpu['iteration'] = updater.iteration
            stats_cpu['elapsed_time'] = trainer.elapsed_time

            if self._postprocess is not None:


            # write to the log file
            if self._log_name is not None:
                log_name = self._log_name.format(**stats_cpu)
                with utils.tempdir(prefix=log_name, dir=trainer.out) as tempd:
                    path = os.path.join(tempd, 'log.json')
                    with open(path, 'w') as f:
                        json.dump(self._log, f, indent=4)

                    new_path = os.path.join(trainer.out, log_name)
                    shutil.move(path, new_path)

            # reset the summary for the next output
Example #19
    def test_call(self):
        target = mock.MagicMock()
        q = mock.MagicMock()
        consumer = mock.MagicMock()
        names = [
            snapshot_writers_path + '.QueueWriter.create_queue',
            snapshot_writers_path + '.QueueWriter.create_consumer'
        with mock.patch(names[0], return_value=q):
            with mock.patch(names[1], return_value=consumer):
                w = snapshot_writers.QueueWriter()

                with utils.tempdir() as tempd:
                    w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)
                    w('myfile.dat', tempd, target)

                assert consumer.start.call_count == 1
                assert q.put.call_count == 3
                assert q.join.call_count, 1
                assert consumer.join.call_count == 1
    def check_serialization(self, backend_config):
        with utils.tempdir() as root:
            filename = os.path.join(root, 'tmp.npz')

            layer1 = self.layer.copy('copy')
            hook1 = copy.deepcopy(self.hook)

            x = backend_config.get_array(self.x)
            with backend_config:
                with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                    y1 = layer1(x)
            serializers.save_npz(filename, layer1)

            layer2 = self.layer.copy('copy')
            hook2 = copy.deepcopy(self.hook)

            # Test loading is nice.
            msg = None
                serializers.load_npz(filename, layer2)
            except Exception as e:
                msg = e
            assert msg is None

            with chainer.using_config('train', False):
                y2 = layer2(self.x.copy())

            # Test attributes are the same.
            orig_weight = _cpu._to_cpu(
                getattr(layer1, hook1.weight_name).array)
            orig_vector = _cpu._to_cpu(getattr(layer1, hook1.vector_name))
                orig_weight, getattr(layer2, hook2.weight_name).array)
                orig_vector, getattr(layer2, hook2.vector_name))
            testing.assert_allclose(y1.array, y2.array)
Example #21
 def save(self, filename, outdir, target, savefun, **kwds):
     prefix = 'tmp' + filename
     with utils.tempdir(prefix=prefix, dir=outdir) as tmpdir:
         tmppath = os.path.join(tmpdir, filename)
         savefun(tmppath, target)
         shutil.move(tmppath, os.path.join(outdir, filename))
Example #22
 def setUp(self):
     self.tempdir = utils.tempdir()
     dirpath = self.tempdir.__enter__()
     self.path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'test.pkl')
Example #23
 def test_create_worker(self):
     target = mock.MagicMock()
     w = snapshot_writers.ProcessWriter()
     with utils.tempdir() as tempd:
         worker = w.create_worker('myfile.dat', tempd, target)
         assert isinstance(worker, multiprocessing.Process)
Example #24
 def setUp(self):
     self.tempdir = utils.tempdir()
     dirpath = self.tempdir.__enter__()
     self.path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'test.pkl')
Example #25
 def test_create_worker(self):
     target = mock.MagicMock()
     w = snapshot_writers.ProcessWriter()
     with utils.tempdir() as tempd:
         worker = w.create_worker('myfile.dat', tempd, target)
         assert isinstance(worker, multiprocessing.Process)