def set_up_predictor(method, n_unit, conv_layers, class_num, scaler): """Sets up the predictor, consisting of a graph convolution network and a multilayer perceptron. Args: method (str): Method name. n_unit (int): Number of hidden units. conv_layers (int): Number of convolutional layers for the graph convolution network. class_num (int): Number of output classes. Returns: predictor (chainer.Chain): An instance of the selected predictor. """ mlp = MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit) if method == 'nfp': print('Training an NFP predictor...') nfp = NFP(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(nfp, mlp, scaler) elif method == 'ggnn': print('Training a GGNN predictor...') ggnn = GGNN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(ggnn, mlp, scaler) elif method == 'schnet': print('Training an SchNet predictor...') schnet = SchNet(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(schnet, None, scaler) elif method == 'weavenet': print('Training a WeaveNet predictor...') n_atom = 20 n_sub_layer = 1 weave_channels = [50] * conv_layers weavenet = WeaveNet(weave_channels=weave_channels, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_sub_layer=n_sub_layer, n_atom=n_atom) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(weavenet, mlp, scaler) elif method == 'rsgcn': print('Training an RSGCN predictor...') rsgcn = RSGCN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(rsgcn, mlp, scaler) elif method == 'relgcn': print('Use Relational GCN predictor...') num_edge_type = 4 relgcn = RelGCN(out_channels=n_unit, num_edge_type=num_edge_type, scale_adj=True) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(relgcn, mlp, scaler) elif method == 'relgat': print('Train Relational GAT predictor...') relgat = RelGAT(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(relgat, mlp, scaler) else: raise ValueError('[ERROR] Invalid method: {}'.format(method)) return predictor
def set_up_predictor(method, n_unit, conv_layers, class_num): """Sets up the graph convolution network predictor. Args: method: Method name. Currently, the supported ones are `nfp`, `ggnn`, `schnet`, `weavenet` and `rsgcn`. n_unit: Number of hidden units. conv_layers: Number of convolutional layers for the graph convolution network. class_num: Number of output classes. Returns: An instance of the selected predictor. """ predictor = None mlp = MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit) if method == 'nfp': print('Training an NFP predictor...') nfp = NFP(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(nfp, mlp) elif method == 'ggnn': print('Training a GGNN predictor...') ggnn = GGNN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(ggnn, mlp) elif method == 'schnet': print('Training an SchNet predictor...') schnet = SchNet(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(schnet, None) elif method == 'weavenet': print('Training a WeaveNet predictor...') n_atom = 20 n_sub_layer = 1 weave_channels = [50] * conv_layers weavenet = WeaveNet(weave_channels=weave_channels, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_sub_layer=n_sub_layer, n_atom=n_atom) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(weavenet, mlp) elif method == 'rsgcn': print('Training an RSGCN predictor...') rsgcn = RSGCN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(rsgcn, mlp) elif method == 'relgcn': print('Training an RelGCN predictor...') num_edge_type = 4 relgcn = RelGCN(out_channels=class_num, num_edge_type=num_edge_type, scale_adj=True) predictor = GraphConvPredictor(relgcn, None) else: raise ValueError('[ERROR] Invalid method: {}'.format(method)) return predictor
def build_predictor(method, n_unit, conv_layers, class_num): if method == 'nfp': print('Use NFP predictor...') predictor = GraphConvPredictor( NFP(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) elif method == 'ggnn': print('Use GGNN predictor...') predictor = GraphConvPredictor( GGNN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) elif method == 'schnet': print('Use SchNet predictor...') # MLP layer is not necessary for SchNet predictor = GraphConvPredictor( SchNet(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers, readout_hidden_dim=n_unit), None) elif method == 'weavenet': print('Use WeaveNet predictor...') n_atom = 20 n_sub_layer = 1 weave_channels = [50] * conv_layers predictor = GraphConvPredictor( WeaveNet(weave_channels=weave_channels, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_sub_layer=n_sub_layer, n_atom=n_atom), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) elif method == 'rsgcn': print('Use RSGCN predictor...') predictor = GraphConvPredictor( RSGCN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) elif method == 'relgcn': print('Use Relational GCN predictor...') num_edge_type = 4 predictor = GraphConvPredictor( RelGCN(out_channels=n_unit, num_edge_type=num_edge_type, scale_adj=True), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) elif method == 'relgat': print('Use GAT predictor...') predictor = GraphConvPredictor( RelGAT(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) else: raise ValueError('[ERROR] Invalid predictor: method={}'.format(method)) return predictor
def set_up_predictor(method, n_unit, conv_layers, class_num): """Sets up the predictor, consisting of a graph convolution network and a multilayer perceptron. Args: method: Method name. See `parse_arguments`. n_unit: Number of hidden units. conv_layers: Number of convolutional layers for the graph convolution network. class_num: Number of output classes. Returns: An instance of the selected predictor. """ mlp = MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit) if method == 'nfp': print('Training an NFP predictor...') nfp = NFP(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) return GraphConvPredictor(nfp, mlp) elif method == 'nfp_gwm': print('Training an NFP+GWM predictor...') nfp_gwm = NFP_GWM(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim_super=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers, dropout_ratio=0.5) return GraphConvPredictorForGWM(nfp_gwm, mlp) elif method == 'ggnn': print('Training a GGNN predictor...') ggnn = GGNN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) return GraphConvPredictor(ggnn, mlp) elif method == 'ggnn_gwm': print('Train GGNN+GWM model...') ggnn_gwm = GGNN_GWM(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim_super=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers, dropout_ratio=0.5, weight_tying=True) return GraphConvPredictorForGWM(ggnn_gwm, mlp) elif method == 'schnet': print('Training an SchNet predictor...') schnet = SchNet(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) return GraphConvPredictor(schnet, None) elif method == 'weavenet': print('Training a WeaveNet predictor...') n_atom = 20 n_sub_layer = 1 weave_channels = [50] * conv_layers weavenet = WeaveNet(weave_channels=weave_channels, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_sub_layer=n_sub_layer, n_atom=n_atom) return GraphConvPredictor(weavenet, mlp) elif method == 'rsgcn': print('Training an RSGCN predictor...') rsgcn = RSGCN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) return GraphConvPredictor(rsgcn, mlp) elif method == 'rsgcn_gwm': print('Training an RSGCN+GWM predictor...') rsgcn_gwm = RSGCN_GWM(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim_super=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers, dropout_ratio=0.5) return GraphConvPredictorForGWM(rsgcn_gwm, mlp) elif method == 'relgcn': print('Training an RelGCN predictor...') num_edge_type = 4 relgcn = RelGCN(out_channels=n_unit, num_edge_type=num_edge_type, scale_adj=True) return GraphConvPredictor(relgcn, mlp) elif method == 'relgat': print('Train Relational GAT model...') relgat = RelGAT(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) return GraphConvPredictor(relgat, mlp) elif method == 'gin': print('Training a GIN predictor...') gin = GIN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers) return GraphConvPredictor(gin, mlp) elif method == 'gin_gwm': print('Training a GIN+GWM predictor...') gin_gwm = GIN_GWM(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim_super=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers, dropout_ratio=0.5, weight_tying=True) return GraphConvPredictorForGWM(gin_gwm, mlp) raise ValueError('[ERROR] Invalid method: {}'.format(method))
def main(): method_list = ['nfp', 'ggnn', 'schnet', 'weavenet', 'rsgcn', 'relgcn'] dataset_names = list(molnet_default_config.keys()) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='molnet example') parser.add_argument('--method', '-m', type=str, choices=method_list, default='nfp') parser.add_argument('--label', '-l', type=str, default='', help='target label for regression, empty string means ' 'to predict all property at once') parser.add_argument('--conv-layers', '-c', type=int, default=4) parser.add_argument('--batchsize', '-b', type=int, default=32) parser.add_argument('--gpu', '-g', type=int, default=-1) parser.add_argument('--out', '-o', type=str, default='result') parser.add_argument('--epoch', '-e', type=int, default=20) parser.add_argument('--unit-num', '-u', type=int, default=16) parser.add_argument('--dataset', '-d', type=str, choices=dataset_names, default='bbbp') parser.add_argument('--protocol', type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument('--model-filename', type=str, default='regressor.pkl') parser.add_argument('--num-data', type=int, default=-1, help='Number of data to be parsed from parser.' '-1 indicates to parse all data.') args = parser.parse_args() dataset_name = args.dataset method = args.method num_data = args.num_data n_unit = args.unit_num conv_layers = args.conv_layers print('Use {} dataset'.format(dataset_name)) if args.label: labels = args.label cache_dir = os.path.join('input', '{}_{}_{}'.format(dataset_name, method, labels)) class_num = len(labels) if isinstance(labels, list) else 1 else: labels = None cache_dir = os.path.join('input', '{}_{}_all'.format(dataset_name, method)) class_num = len(molnet_default_config[args.dataset]['tasks']) # Dataset preparation def get_dataset_paths(cache_dir, num_data): filepaths = [] for filetype in ['train', 'valid', 'test']: filename = filetype+'_data' if num_data >= 0: filename += '_' + str(num_data) filename += '.npz' filepath = os.path.join(cache_dir, filename) filepaths.append(filepath) return filepaths filepaths = get_dataset_paths(cache_dir, num_data) if all([os.path.exists(fpath) for fpath in filepaths]): datasets = [] for fpath in filepaths: print('load from cache {}'.format(fpath)) datasets.append(NumpyTupleDataset.load(fpath)) else: print('preprocessing dataset...') preprocessor = preprocess_method_dict[method]() # only use first 100 for debug if num_data >= 0 target_index = numpy.arange(num_data) if num_data >= 0 else None datasets = D.molnet.get_molnet_dataset(dataset_name, preprocessor, labels=labels, target_index=target_index) if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) datasets = datasets['dataset'] for i, fpath in enumerate(filepaths):, datasets[i]) train, val, _ = datasets # Network if method == 'nfp': print('Train NFP model...') predictor = GraphConvPredictor(NFP(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) elif method == 'ggnn': print('Train GGNN model...') predictor = GraphConvPredictor(GGNN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) elif method == 'schnet': print('Train SchNet model...') predictor = GraphConvPredictor( SchNet(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers), None) elif method == 'weavenet': print('Train WeaveNet model...') n_atom = 20 n_sub_layer = 1 weave_channels = [50] * conv_layers predictor = GraphConvPredictor( WeaveNet(weave_channels=weave_channels, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_sub_layer=n_sub_layer, n_atom=n_atom), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) elif method == 'rsgcn': print('Train RSGCN model...') predictor = GraphConvPredictor( RSGCN(out_dim=n_unit, hidden_dim=n_unit, n_layers=conv_layers), MLP(out_dim=class_num, hidden_dim=n_unit)) elif method == 'relgcn': print('Train RelGCN model...') num_edge_type = 4 predictor = GraphConvPredictor( RelGCN(out_channels=class_num, num_edge_type=num_edge_type, scale_adj=True), None) else: raise ValueError('[ERROR] Invalid method {}'.format(method)) train_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(train, args.batchsize) val_iter = iterators.SerialIterator(val, args.batchsize, repeat=False, shuffle=False) metrics = molnet_default_config[dataset_name]['metrics'] metrics_fun = {k: v for k, v in metrics.items() if isinstance(v, types.FunctionType)} # loss_fun = molnet_default_config[dataset_name]['loss'] task_type = molnet_default_config[dataset_name]['task_type'] if task_type == 'regression': loss_fun = regression_loss_fun model = Regressor(predictor, lossfun=loss_fun, metrics_fun=metrics_fun, device=args.gpu) # TODO(nakago): Use standard scaler for regression task elif task_type == 'classification': loss_fun = F.sigmoid_cross_entropy model = Classifier(predictor, lossfun=loss_fun, metrics_fun=metrics_fun, device=args.gpu) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Not implemented task_type = {}'.format(task_type)) optimizer = optimizers.Adam() optimizer.setup(model) updater = training.StandardUpdater(train_iter, optimizer, device=args.gpu, converter=concat_mols) trainer = training.Trainer(updater, (args.epoch, 'epoch'), out=args.out) trainer.extend(E.Evaluator(val_iter, model, device=args.gpu, converter=concat_mols)) trainer.extend(E.snapshot(), trigger=(args.epoch, 'epoch')) trainer.extend(E.LogReport()) print_report_targets = ['epoch', 'main/loss', 'validation/main/loss'] for metric_name, metric_fun in metrics.items(): if isinstance(metric_fun, types.FunctionType): print_report_targets.append('main/' + metric_name) print_report_targets.append('validation/main/' + metric_name) elif issubclass(metric_fun, BatchEvaluator): # Evaluation for train data takes time, skip for now. # trainer.extend(metric_fun( # train_iter, model, device=args.gpu, eval_func=predictor, # converter=concat_mols, name='train', # raise_value_error=False)) # print_report_targets.append('train/main/roc_auc') trainer.extend(metric_fun( val_iter, model, device=args.gpu, eval_func=predictor, converter=concat_mols, name='val', raise_value_error=False)) print_report_targets.append('val/main/' + metric_name) else: raise TypeError('{} is not supported for metrics function.' .format(type(metrics_fun))) print_report_targets.append('elapsed_time') trainer.extend(E.PrintReport(print_report_targets)) trainer.extend(E.ProgressBar()) # --- save model --- protocol = args.protocol model.save_pickle(os.path.join(args.out, args.model_filename), protocol=protocol)