Example #1
def test_chainerx():
    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)

    # Get non-ChainerX based version
    net = SimpleConvNet()
    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:
            correct_report = cost.layer_report

    # Get ChainerX based report
    device = chainer.get_device('-1')
    net = SimpleConvNet()

    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:
            chainerx_report = cost.layer_report

    # Compare
    assert sorted(correct_report.keys()) == sorted(chainerx_report.keys())
    for layer, correct in correct_report.items():
        if layer == 'total':
            assert chainerx_report['total'] == correct
            for key in ReportColumns.ALL:
                assert chainerx_report[layer][key] == correct[key]
Example #2
def calc_computational_cost(model: chainer.Chain, args, fma_1flop=True, custom_calculators=None):
    """calculation computational cost using chainer_computational_cost




    if not chainerpruner.utils.is_chainer_model(model):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    from chainerpruner.rebuild.chainer.mapping import mapping

    if not enable_chainer_computational_cost:
        raise ImportError()

    # get custom calculator
    if custom_calculators is None:
        custom_calculators = dict()
        for link, rebuild_link in mapping.items():
            custom_calculator = rebuild_link().get_computational_cost_custom_calculator()
            if custom_calculator is not None:
                custom_calculators[link] = custom_calculator

    with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook(fma_1flop=fma_1flop) as cch:
            for link, custom_calculator in custom_calculators.items():
                cch.add_custom_cost_calculator(link, custom_calculator)

    return cch
Example #3
def test_blank_case():
    # Even if nothing happens while the hook lifetime,
    # it should not hang but show only a warning
    with ComputationalCostHook() as ccost:
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
Example #4
def main():
    net = detnas.DetNASSmallCOCO(n_class=1000)
    #x = np.random.random((1, 3, 1088, 800)).astype(np.float32)
    x = np.random.random((1, 3, 224, 224)).astype(np.float32)
    with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook(fma_1flop=True) as cch:
            y = net(x)
            cch.show_report(unit='M', mode='table')
Example #5
def test_nest():
    x = chainer.Variable(np.zeros((1, 3, 32, 32)).astype(np.float32))
    c = chainer.Variable(np.ones((1, 3, 32, 32)).astype(np.float32))
    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost1:
            x = x + c
            with ComputationalCostHook() as cost2_1:
                x = x + c
                assert cost2_1.name == 'ComputationalCostHook-2'
                assert cost2_1.layer_report['total']['flops'] == 3 * 32 * 32

            with ComputationalCostHook() as cost2_2:
                x = x + c
                assert cost2_2.name == 'ComputationalCostHook-2'
                assert cost2_2.layer_report['total']['flops'] == 3 * 32 * 32

            assert cost1.name == 'ComputationalCostHook-1'
            assert cost1.layer_report['total']['flops'] == 3 * 3 * 32 * 32
Example #6
def test_error_when_invalid_report_type_is_specified():
    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)
    net = SimpleConvNet()
    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #7
def test_repeat():
    # To check if show_table doesn't break internal states
    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)
    net = SimpleConvNet()

    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:
            layer_report = copy.deepcopy(cost.layer_report)
            for mode in ['md', 'csv', 'table']:
            assert cost.layer_report == layer_report
Example #8
def test_report_ignored_layer():
    class DummyFunc(chainer.function_node.FunctionNode):
        def forward(self, xs):
            return xs

        def backward(self, indices, gys):
            return gys

    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)
    with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            assert len(cost.ignored_layers) == 1
            assert 'DummyFunc' in list(cost.ignored_layers.keys())[0]
            assert 'DummyFunc' == list(cost.ignored_layers.values())[0]['type']
Example #9
def test_report_property_keeps_internal_state():
    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)
    net = SimpleConvNet()
    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:

            for rep_name in [
                    'layer_report', 'summary_report', 'total_report',
                # try to contaminate report
                rep = getattr(cost, rep_name)
                rep['hooo'] = 'hello'

                # but it does never break cost's internal state
                assert 'hooo' not in getattr(cost, rep_name)
Example #10
def test_report_property_inserts_percentage():
    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)
    net = SimpleConvNet()
    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:

            keys = 'flops%', 'mread%', 'mwrite%', 'mrw%'
            for rep in cost.layer_report.values():
                assert all(k in rep for k in keys)
            for rep in cost.summary_report.values():
                assert all(k in rep for k in keys)

            # but it doesn't break internal state
            for rep in cost._layer_report.values():
                assert all(k not in rep for k in keys)  # NOT!
            for rep in cost._layer_report.values():
                assert all(k not in rep for k in keys)  # NOT!
Example #11
def test_report_property_inserts_total_element():
    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)
    net = SimpleConvNet()
    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:
            total1 = cost.layer_report['total']
            total2 = cost.summary_report['total']
            assert total1 == total2
            assert total1['flops'] == cost.total_report['flops']
            assert total1['mread'] == cost.total_report['mread']
            assert total1['mwrite'] == cost.total_report['mwrite']
            assert total1['mrw'] == cost.total_report['mrw']
            assert total1['flops%'] == 100.0
            assert total1['mread%'] == 100.0
            assert total1['mwrite%'] == 100.0
            assert total1['mrw%'] == 100.0

            # but it doesn't break internal state
            assert 'total' not in cost._layer_report
            assert 'total' not in cost._summary_report
Example #12
def test_custom_cost_calculator():
    called = {'called': False}

    def calc_custom(func, in_data, **kwargs):
        called['called'] = True  # should use nonlocal but py2 doesn't have it
        return (100, 100, 100, {})

    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)
    x = chainer.Variable(x)
    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:
            with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
                cost.add_custom_cost_calculator(AddConstant, calc_custom)
                x = x + 1
                report = cost.layer_report

    report = report['AddConstant-1']
    assert called['called'] is True
    assert report['flops'] == 100
    assert report['mread'] == 100 * x.dtype.itemsize
    assert report['mwrite'] == 100 * x.dtype.itemsize
    assert report['mrw'] == report['mread'] + report['mwrite']
Example #13
def test_simple_net():
    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)
    net = SimpleConvNet()
    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:
            assert type(cost.layer_report) == OrderedDict

    # check report existence and order
    reports = cost.layer_report
    assert list(reports.keys()) == [
        'Convolution2DFunction-1', 'FixedBatchNormalization-1', 'ReLU-1',
        'Convolution2DFunction-2', 'FixedBatchNormalization-2', 'ReLU-2',
        'Convolution2DFunction-3', 'FixedBatchNormalization-3', 'ReLU-3',
        'AveragePooling2D-1', 'Reshape-1', 'LinearFunction-1', 'ReLU-4',
        'LinearFunction-2', 'total'

    # check parameters are properly reported
    assert reports['Convolution2DFunction-1']['params']['k'] == 3
    assert reports['Convolution2DFunction-1']['params']['groups'] == 1
    assert reports['ReLU-1']['params'] == dict()
    assert reports['AveragePooling2D-1']['params']['k'] == 32

    # check input and output shapes are properly reported
    conv_report = reports['Convolution2DFunction-1']
    assert len(conv_report['input_shapes']) == 3
    assert conv_report['input_shapes'][0] == (1, 3, 32, 32)
    assert conv_report['input_shapes'][1] == (32, 3, 3, 3)
    assert conv_report['input_shapes'][2] == (32, )
    assert len(conv_report['output_shapes']) == 1
    assert conv_report['output_shapes'][0] == (1, 32, 32, 32)

    # check summary report
    assert cost.summary_report['Convolution2DFunction']['n_layers'] == 3
    assert cost.summary_report['FixedBatchNormalization']['n_layers'] == 3
    assert cost.summary_report['LinearFunction']['n_layers'] == 2
Example #14
def test_custom_cost_calculator_invalid():
    calc_not_callable = 5

    def calc_invalid_signature1(a, b):

    def calc_invalid_signature2(a, b, c):

    def calc_no_type_annotation(func, in_data, **kwargs):

    def calc_not_tuple(func, in_data, **kwargs):
        return [1, 1, 1, dict()]

    def calc_insufficient_return(func, in_data, **kwargs):
        return (1, 1, 1)

    def calc_wrong_type(func, in_data, **kwargs):
        return (1, 1, 1, None)

    calculators = [
        calc_not_callable, calc_invalid_signature1, calc_invalid_signature2,
        calc_no_type_annotation, calc_not_tuple, calc_insufficient_return,

    x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 32, 32).astype(np.float32)
    x = chainer.Variable(x)
    with chainer.using_config('train', False):
        with ComputationalCostHook() as cost:
            for f in calculators:
                with pytest.raises(TypeError), pytest.warns(UserWarning):
                    cost.add_custom_cost_calculator(AddConstant, f)
                    x = x + 1
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            cost.add_custom_cost_calculator(1, f)
Example #15
def test_show_report_unit_and_digits():
    conv = L.Convolution2D(32, 64, ksize=3, pad=1)
    x = np.random.randn(8, 32, 128, 128).astype(np.float32)
    with ComputationalCostHook() as ccost:

    # Just check if assumed value are calculated
    assert len(ccost.summary_report) == 2  # Conv and Total
    assert ccost.summary_report['total']['flops'] == 2415919104
    assert ccost.summary_report['total']['mread'] == 16851200
    assert ccost.summary_report['total']['mwrite'] == 33554432
    assert ccost.summary_report['total']['mrw'] == 50405632

    def _report(report_func, **kwargs):
        sio = six.StringIO()
        report_func(sio, **kwargs)
        s = sio.getvalue()

        # recognize table type and break down to a list of lists
        if ':---' in s:  # it's a markdown table
            return [[v for v in l.split('|') if len(v) != 0]
                    for l in s.splitlines()]
        elif ',' in s:  # csv
            return [l.split(',') for l in s.splitlines()]
        else:  # texttable
            return [[v.strip() for v in l.split('|') if len(v) != 0]
                    for l in s.splitlines()
                    if '---' not in l and '===' not in l]

    def show_report(**kwargs):
        return _report(ccost.show_report, **kwargs)

    def show_summary_report(**kwargs):
        return _report(ccost.show_summary_report, **kwargs)

    def assert_table(rep, expect):
        for col, val in expect.items():
            assert rep[col] == val

    col_flops, col_mr, col_mw, col_mrw = (1, 2, 3, 4)

    # Case: default columns check
    report_cols = [
        'Layer name', 'GFLOPs', 'MemRead MiB', 'MemWrite MiB', 'MemR+W MiB'
    assert report_cols == show_report()[0]
    summary_cols = [
        'Layer type', '# Layers', 'GFLOPs', 'MemRead MiB', 'MemWrite MiB',
        'MemR+W MiB'
    assert summary_cols == show_summary_report()[0]

    # Case unit=None: raw values are shown
    expect = {
        col_flops: '2415919104',
        col_mr: '16851200',
        col_mw: '33554432',
        col_mrw: '50405632'
    assert_table(show_report(unit=None)[-1], expect)  # default CSV
    assert_table(show_report(unit=None, mode='md')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit=None, mode='table')[-1], expect)

    assert_table(show_report(unit=None)[-2], expect)

    # Case unit=auto:
    # FLOPs/=1000^3, mem/=1024^2, 3 digits after the decimal point
    expect = {
        col_flops: '2.416G',
        col_mr: '16.071Mi',
        col_mw: '32.0Mi',
        col_mrw: '48.071Mi'
    assert_table(show_report(unit='auto')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='auto', mode='md')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='auto', mode='table')[-1], expect)

    # Case unit=autoaligned:
    # FLOPs/=1000^3, mem/=1024^2, 3 digits after the decimal point
    expect = {
        col_flops: '2.416',
        col_mr: '16.071',
        col_mw: '32.0',
        col_mrw: '48.071'
    assert_table(show_report(unit='autoaligned')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='autoaligned', mode='md')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='autoaligned', mode='table')[-1], expect)

    # Case unit=G: FLOPs/=1000^3, mem/=1024^3, 3 digits after the decimal point
    expect = {
        col_flops: '2.416',
        col_mr: '0.016',
        col_mw: '0.031',
        col_mrw: '0.047'
    assert_table(show_report(unit='G')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='G', mode='md')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='G', mode='table')[-1], expect)

    # Case unit=G, n_digits=6: more digits will be shown
    expect = {
        col_flops: '2.415919',
        col_mr: '0.015694',
        col_mw: '0.03125',
        col_mrw: '0.046944'
    assert_table(show_report(unit='G', n_digits=6)[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='G', n_digits=6, mode='md')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='G', n_digits=6, mode='table')[-1], expect)

    # Case unit=G, n_digits>10: truncated to 10 digits
    expect = {
        col_flops: '2.415919104',
        col_mr: '0.015693903',
        col_mw: '0.03125',
        col_mrw: '0.046943903'
    assert_table(show_report(unit='G', n_digits=11)[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='G', n_digits=11, mode='md')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='G', n_digits=11, mode='table')[-1], expect)

    # Case unit=M, n_digits=0: Values are rounded to integer
    expect = {col_flops: '2416', col_mr: '16', col_mw: '32', col_mrw: '48'}
    assert_table(show_report(unit='M', n_digits=0)[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='M', n_digits=0, mode='md')[-1], expect)
    assert_table(show_report(unit='M', n_digits=0, mode='table')[-1], expect)

    # Case only some columns are specified
    rep = show_report(unit='G', columns=['name', 'mrw'])[-1]
    assert len(rep) == 2
    assert rep[1] == '0.047'  # only the specified column is reported

    # Case only some columns are specified (order is changed)
    rep = show_report(unit='G', columns=['name', 'mrw', 'flops'])[-1]
    assert len(rep) == 3
    assert rep[1] == '0.047'
    assert rep[2] == '2.416'  # flops comes after

    # Case when invalid column is specified
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        show_report(unit='G', columns=['name', 'wooooohoooooooo'])