Example #1
def test_asarray_from_numpy_array_with_zero_copy():
    obj = array_utils.create_dummy_ndarray(
        numpy, (2, 3), 'float32', padding=True)
    obj_refcount_before = sys.getrefcount(obj)

    a = chainerx.asarray(obj, dtype='float32')

    assert sys.getrefcount(obj) == obj_refcount_before + 1
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(obj, a)

    # test buffer is shared (zero copy)
    a += a
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(obj, a)

    # test possibly freed memory
    obj_copy = obj.copy()
    del obj
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(obj_copy, a, strides_check=False)

    # test possibly freed memory (the other way)
    obj = array_utils.create_dummy_ndarray(
        numpy, (2, 3), 'float32', padding=True)
    a = chainerx.asarray(obj, dtype='float32')
    a_copy = a.copy()
    del a
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(a_copy, obj, strides_check=False)
Example #2
def test_asarray_to_numpy_identity(device, slice1, slice2):
    start1, end1, step1 = slice1
    start2, end2, step2 = slice2
    x = numpy.arange(1500).reshape((30, 50))[
        start1:end1:step1, start2:end2:step2]
    y = chainerx.asarray(x)
    z = chainerx.to_numpy(y)
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(x, y)
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(x, z, strides_check=False)
Example #3
def test_asarray_from_chainerx_array(dtype):
    obj = array_utils.create_dummy_ndarray(chainerx, (2, 3), 'int32')
    a = chainerx.asarray(obj, dtype=dtype)
    if a.dtype == obj.dtype:
        assert a is obj
        assert a is not obj
    e = chainerx.array(obj, dtype=dtype, copy=False)
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(e, a)
    assert e.device is a.device
Example #4
def test_asarray_from_numpy_array_with_copy():
    obj = array_utils.create_dummy_ndarray(numpy, (2, 3), 'int32')
    a = chainerx.asarray(obj, dtype='float32')
    e = chainerx.array(obj, dtype='float32', copy=False)
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(e, a)
    assert e.device is a.device

    # test buffer is not shared
    a += a
    assert not numpy.array_equal(obj, chainerx.to_numpy(a))
Example #5
def asanyarray(a, dtype=None, device=None):
    """Converts an object to an array.

    This is currently equivalent to :func:`~chainerx.asarray`, since there are
    no subclasses of ndarray in ChainerX. Note that the original
    :func:`numpy.asanyarray` returns the input array as is, if it is an
    instance of a subtype of :class:`numpy.ndarray`.

    .. seealso:: :func:`chainerx.asarray`, :func:`numpy.asanyarray`
    return chainerx.asarray(a, dtype, device)
Example #6
def _array_to_chainerx(array, device=None):
    # If device is None, appropriate device is chosen according to the input
    # arrays.
    assert device is None or isinstance(device, chainerx.Device)

    if array is None:
        return None

    if array.dtype not in chainerx.all_dtypes:
        raise TypeError(
            'Dtype {} is not supported in ChainerX.'.format(array.dtype.name))

    if isinstance(array, chainerx.ndarray):
        if device is None:
            return array
        if device is array.device:
            return array
        return array.to_device(device)
    if isinstance(array, numpy.ndarray):
        if device is None:
            device = chainerx.get_device('native', 0)
        return chainerx.array(array, device=device, copy=False)
    if isinstance(array, cuda.ndarray):
        if device is None:
            device = chainerx.get_device('cuda', array.device.id)
        elif device.backend.name != 'cuda':
            # cupy to non-cuda backend
            # TODO(niboshi): Remove conversion to numpy when both CuPy and
            # ChainerX support the array interface.
            array = _cpu._to_cpu(array)
            return chainerx.array(array, device=device, copy=False)
        elif device.index != array.device.id:
            # cupy to cuda backend but different device
            array = cuda.to_gpu(array, device=device.index)
        # cupy to cuda backend with the same device
        return chainerx._core._fromrawpointer(
            array.data.ptr - array.data.mem.ptr,
    if isinstance(array, intel64.mdarray):
        return _array_to_chainerx(numpy.array(array), device)
    if numpy.isscalar(array):
        return chainerx.asarray(array)

    raise TypeError(
        'Array cannot be converted into chainerx.ndarray'
        '\nActual type: {0}.'.format(type(array)))
Example #7
def test_asarray_with_device(device):
    a = chainerx.asarray([0, 1], 'float32', device)
    b = chainerx.asarray([0, 1], 'float32')
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(a, b)
    array_utils.check_device(a, device)
Example #8
def test_asarray_from_python_tuple_or_list():
    obj = _array_params_list
    a = chainerx.asarray(obj, dtype='float32')
    e = chainerx.array(obj, dtype='float32', copy=False)
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(e, a)
    assert e.device is a.device
Example #9
 def test_serialize_chainerx(self):
     self.check_serialize(chainerx.asarray(self.data), 'w')
Example #10
 def test_deserialize_chainerx(self):
     y = numpy.empty((2, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
     self.check_deserialize(chainerx.asarray(y), 'y')
Example #11
 def test_deserialize_chainerx(self):
     y = numpy.empty((2, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
     self.check_deserialize(chainerx.asarray(y), 'y')
Example #12
def test_asarray_with_device(device):
    a = chainerx.asarray([0, 1], 'float32', device)
    b = chainerx.asarray([0, 1], 'float32')
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(a, b)
    array_utils.check_device(a, device)
Example #13
def test_asarray_from_python_tuple_or_list():
    obj = _array_params_list
    a = chainerx.asarray(obj, dtype='float32')
    e = chainerx.array(obj, dtype='float32', copy=False)
    chainerx.testing.assert_array_equal_ex(e, a)
    assert e.device is a.device
Example #14
 def test_serialize_chainerx(self):
     self.check_serialize(chainerx.asarray(self.data), 'w')
Example #15
def main():
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compare chainer vs chainerx')
	parser.add_argument('--batchsize', '-b', type=int, default=100)
	parser.add_argument('--epoch', '-e', type=int, default=10)
	parser.add_argument('--gpu', '-g', type=int, default=0, choices=[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3])
	parser.add_argument('--chxon', '-c', type=int, default=1)
	args = parser.parse_args()
	# setup
	start = time.time()
	chx.available = True if args.chxon == 1 else False
	batch_size = args.batchsize
	# get MNIST
	train, test = chainer.datasets.get_mnist()
	if chx_available == True:
		device_name = 'cuda:{}'.format(args.gpu)
		# data
		with chx.using_device(device_name):
			train_images, train_labels = map(lamda d:chx.asarray(d), train._datasets)
			test_images, test_labels = map(lamda d:chx.asarray(d), test._datasets)
		# model
		model = MLP(n_units=1000, n_out=10)
		optimizer = SGD(lr=0.01)
		device_name = args.gpu
		# data
		train_iter = chainer.iterators.SerialIterator(train, batch_size)
		test_iter = chainer.iterators.SerialIterator(train, batch_size, repeat=False, shuffle=False)
		# model
		model = MLP_chain(n_units=1000, n_out=10)
		optimizer = chainer.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.01)
	N_train, N_test = len(train), len(test)
	all_indices_np = np.arange(N_train, dtype=np.int64) # for chainerx
	epoch = 0
	while epoch <= args.epoch:
		epoch += 1
		if chx_available == True:
			all_indices = chx.array(all_indices_np)
		for i in range(0, N_train, batch_size):
			# time 1
			if chx_available == True:
				indices = all_indices[i: i + batch_size]
				x = train_images.take(indices, axis=0)
				t = train_labels.take(indices, axis=0)
				batch = train_iter.next()
				x, t = convert.concat_examples(batch, device=device_name)
			y = model.forward(x) # time 2
			# time 3
			if chx_available == True:
				loss = compute_loss(y, t)
				loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, t)
			loss.backward() # time 4
			optimizer.update() # time 5
		if chx_available == True:
			with chx.no_backprop_mode():
				total_loss = chx.array(0, dtype=chx.float32)
				num_correct = chx.array(0, dtype=chx.int64)
				for i in range(0, N_test, batch_size):
					x = test_images[i:min(i + batch_size, N_test)]
					x = test_labels[i:min(i + batch_size, N_test)]
					y = model.forward(x)
					total_loss += compute_loss(y, t) * len(t)
					num_correct += (y.argmax(axis=1).astype(t.dtype) == t).astype(chx.int32).sum()
			with chainer.using_config('enable_backprop', False):
				total_loss = 0
				num_correct = 0
				for batch in test_iter:
					x, t = convert.concat_examples(batch, device=device_name)
					y = model.forward(x)
					total_loss += float(F.softmax_cross_entropy(y, t).array) * len(t)
					num_correct += float(F.accuracy(y, t).array) * len(t)
			mean_loss = float(total_loss) / N_test
			accuracy = int(num_correct) / N_test
			elapsed_time = time.time() - start
			print('epoch {} ... loss={}, accuracy, elapsed_time={}'.format(
						epoch, mean_loss, accuracy, elapsed_time))
Example #16
 def test_deserialize_chainerx_non_native(self):
     y = numpy.empty((2, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
     self.check_deserialize(chainerx.asarray(y, device='cuda:0'))