Example #1
    def encrypt(self, data):
            Encrypts `data` in CBC and ECB
            half chosen randomly
            order of encryption is saved to self.__first_half_mode

        self.__first_half_mode = choice(["ecb", "cbc"])

        key = self.__generate_key()

        data = self.__generate_random_data(
        ) + data + self.__generate_random_data()
        hlf = int(len(data) / 2)
        encrypted = b''
        if self.__first_half_mode == "ecb":
            cbc = AES_CBC(key)
            encrypted = AES_ECB_encrypt(pad_pkcs7(data[:hlf]), key)
            encrypted += cbc.encrypt(pad_pkcs7(data[hlf:]))
            cbc = AES_CBC(key)
            encrypted = cbc.encrypt(pad_pkcs7(data[hlf:]))
            encrypted += AES_ECB_encrypt(pad_pkcs7(data[:hlf]), key)

        return encrypted
Example #2
def attack():
		Function runs attack on `Account` class and generates ciphertext
		which provides us with dictonary with elevated user priviledges 

    # the string `email=[email]` will occupy exactly 32 bytes
    # it will look like  [email=anything_to_16_bytes][admin + '\x11'*16]
    # thus we will obtain cipherblock of padd(admin)
    payload = (16 - len('email=')) * 'A' + pad_pkcs7('admin')
    account1 = Account(payload)
    cipher_from_payload = account1.get_cipher()

    # this is cipher( padd(admin) )
    admin_priviledge = cipher_from_payload[16:32]

    # i compute email length so
    # email=[email]&uuid=[uuid]&role= occupies exactly 2 blocks
    # i assume uuid has value less then 10
    new_account_len = 'A' * (16 * 2 - len('email=') - len('&uuid=X&role='))

    account2 = Account(new_account_len)
    cipher_to_modify = account2.get_cipher()

    # now i can swap last block to decode to admin+'\x11'*11
    ciper_payload = cipher_to_modify[:32] + admin_priviledge
    d = account2.generate_account(ciper_payload)
Example #3
    def encrypt_data(self, data):
			encrypts user data and returns ciphertext

        data = self.__delete_delimeters(data)

        to_encrypt = b"comment1=cooking%20MCs;userdata=" + data + b";comment2=%20like%20a%20pound%20of%20bacon"

        return self.__cipher.encrypt(pad_pkcs7(to_encrypt))
Example #4
def setup_server():
		Creates server instance and encrypts one of the strings with CBC mode
		Returns server instance

    server = Server()

    data = open('17.txt').readlines()
    index = randint(0, 9)


    return server
Example #5
    def __init__(self, email):
			Creates account from email

        email = email.replace("=", "").replace("&", "")
        email = str.encode(email)
        routine = b'email=' + email + b'&uuid=' + str.encode(str(
            self.__Uuid)) + b'&role=user'

        self.parser = Parser()
        self.__account_data = self.parser.parse(routine.decode('utf-8'))

        Account.__Uuid += 1
        if self.__Cipher == None:
            key = self.generate()
            Account.__Cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)

        self.__cbc_routine = self.__Cipher.encrypt(pad_pkcs7(routine))
Example #6
	def encrypt(self, data):
		data = pad_pkcs7(data)
		return self.__cipher.encrypt(data)