Example #1
class Logic:
    '''I keep track of mentions of restaurants and manage voting of which one to go to'''
    url_re = re.compile(
    command_key = '!'

    def __init__(self, name, guildId):
        self.database = database.VotingDB(guildId)
        self.commands = {'help': HelpCMD(self), \
                            'vote': VoteCMD(self), \
                            'endvote': VoteEndCMD(self), \
                            'size': SizeCMD(self), \
                            'forget': ForgetCMD(self)}
        self.__changelog = ChangeLog()

        self.name = name

    def should_listen(self, channel):
        ''' Returns true or false, if bot should listen on this channel '''
        return channel == 'dinner-organization'

    def announce_self(self):
        return "Greetings! New {} is up! From commit {}.\nLatest changes:\n{}\nAs usual, for new feature requests, add issues to {}".format( \
            self.name, str(self.__changelog.get_commit())[:7], self.__changelog.get_latest_changes(), \

    def is_restaurant(self, message):
        ''' Returns true or false if message contains a restaurant reference '''
        urls = self.url_re.finditer(message)
        for urlgroups in urls:
            url = urlgroups.group()
            if 'maps' in url and 'goo' in url:
                return True
        return False

    def add(self, message):
        ''' Add a restaurant reference '''
        urls = self.url_re.finditer(message)
        for urlgroups in urls:
            url = urlgroups.group()
            if 'maps' in url and 'goo' in url:
                isAddedNew = self.database.add(url)
                if isAddedNew:
                    return "New restaurant added."
                    return "This restaurant is already in the database"

    def is_command(self, message):
        ''' Returns true or false of message is a formal bot command '''
        return message.startswith(
            self.command_key) and message[len(self.command_key
                                              ):] in self.commands

    def command_from_message(self, message):
        ''' Returns callable function for a given command '''
        return self.commands[message[len(self.command_key):]]