Example #1
class LogOutput:
    name = None
    config_match = lambda c: False

    _cls_handlers = lazydict()
    _cls_reghandlers = list()

    def register(cls, handlercls):

    def getOutputHandlers(cls, config):
        return list(
            filter(None, [h.getHandler(config) for h in cls._cls_reghandlers]))

    def getName(cls, config):
        return cls.name

    def matchesConfig(cls, config):
        return config.enabled and cls.config_match(config)

    def getHandler(cls, config):
        if not cls.matchesConfig(config):
            return None
        name = cls.getName(config)
        if name is None:
            return None
        return cls._cls_handlers.setdefault(name, lambda: cls(config))

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.name = config.name
        self.config = config

    def close(self):

    def writeLog(self, logattrs, priority, facility):
        if logattrs.get('format_error'):
            msg = "??" + logattrs['raw']
            # Note that 'rest' always starts with a ':', '[' or ' '.
            msg = (logattrs['date'] + ' ' +
                   (self.config.logrec_hostname or logattrs['host']
                    or _our_hostname) + ' ' + logattrs['tag'] +
        if self.config.extended:
            msg = get_syslog_info(facility, priority) + " " + msg

    def write(self, data):
        h = self.handle
Example #2
    def __init__(self, *args, default = None, uid = None, extra_settings = None, disable_console_log = False):
        Given one or more files, load our configuration.  If no configuration is provided,
        then use the configuration specified by the default.
        debug("CONFIG INPUT (uid={1}): '{0}'".format(args, uid))

        self.uid = uid
        self._conf = lazydict()

        for fn in args:
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                self._merge(yaml.load(open(fn, 'r').read().expandtabs(), Loader=yaml.Loader))
        if not self._conf and default:
            self._conf = lazydict(yaml.load(default))


        if extra_settings:

        s = self.get_settings()
        self.uid = s.get('uid', self.uid)
        self.gid = s.get('gid', self.gid)

        # Special case used by --no-console-log.  It really was just easiest to do it this way
        # rather than try to build some special notion of "console logging" into the log services
        # backends.

        if disable_console_log:
            for k,v in self._conf.items():
                if k.endswith('.logging'):
                    if 'stdout' in v:
                        del v['stdout']
                    if 'stderr' in v:
                        del v['stderr']
Example #3
    def __init__(self, *args, default = None, uid = None, extra_settings = None, disable_console_log = False):
        Given one or more files, load our configuration.  If no configuration is provided,
        then use the configuration specified by the default.
        debug("CONFIG INPUT (uid={1}): '{0}'".format(args, uid))

        self.uid = uid
        self._conf = lazydict()

        for fn in args:
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                self._merge(yaml.load(open(fn, 'r').read().expandtabs()))
        if not self._conf and default:
            self._conf = lazydict(yaml.load(default))


        if extra_settings:

        s = self.get_settings()
        self.uid = s.get('uid', self.uid)
        self.gid = s.get('gid', self.gid)

        # Special case used by --no-console-log.  It really was just easiest to do it this way
        # rather than try to build some special notion of "console logging" into the log services
        # backends.

        if disable_console_log:
            for k,v in self._conf.items():
                if k.endswith('.logging'):
                    if 'stdout' in v:
                        del v['stdout']
                    if 'stderr' in v:
                        del v['stderr']
Example #4
 def get_logconfigs(self):
     env = self.get_environment()
     settings = self._conf.get('settings')
     return lazydict(
         ((k,LogConfig(v,k,env,settings)) for k,v in self._conf.items() if k.endswith('.logging'))
Example #5
    def get_startup_list(self):
        Returns the list of start-up items in priority order by examining before: and after: 
        if self._ordered_startup is not None:
            return self._ordered_startup

        services = self.deepcopy()
        groups = lazydict()
        for k,v in services.items():
            for g in v.service_groups:
                groups.setdefault(g, lambda: lazydict())[k] = v

        #print_services('initial', services.values())

        # The "IDLE" and "INIT" groups are special.  Revamp things so that any services in the "IDLE" group
        # have an implicit "after: 'all-others'" and any services in "INIT" have an implicit "before: 'all-others'
        # where all-others is an explicit list of all services NOT in the respective group

        if 'IDLE' in groups:
            nonidle = set(k for k,v in services.items() if "IDLE" not in v.service_groups)
            for s in groups['IDLE'].values():
        if 'INIT' in groups:
            noninit = set(k for k,v in services.items() if "INIT" not in v.service_groups)
            for s in groups['INIT'].values():

        # We want to only look at the "after:" attribute, so we will eliminate the relevance
        # of befores...

        for k,v in services.items():
            for bef in v.before:
                if bef in groups:
                    for g in groups[bef].values():
                elif bef in services:
            v.before = None

        # Before is now gone, make sure that all "after... groups" are translated into "after.... service"

        for group in groups.values():
            afters = set()
            for item in group.values():
            for a in afters:
                if a in groups:
                    names = groups[a].keys()
                    for item in group.values():
        # Now remove any undefined services or groups and turn the 'after' attribute into a definitive
        # graph.
        # Note: sorted() occurs a couple times below.  The main reason is so that the results
        #       are deterministic in cases where exact order is not defined.

        afters = set(services.keys())
        for v in services.values():
            v.refs = sorted(map(lambda n: services[n], v.after.intersection(afters)), key=attrgetter('name'))

        #print_services('before add nodes', services.values())

        svlist = list()         # this will be our final list, containing original items
        svseen = set()

        def add_nodes(items):
            for item in items:
                if hasattr(item, 'active'):
                    raise Exception("circular dependency in service declaration")
                item.active = True
                del item.active
                if item.name not in svseen:
                    # set startup prerequisite dependencies
                    svlist[-1].prerequisites = set(r.name for r in item.refs)
        add_nodes(sorted(services.values(), key=attrgetter('name')))

        #print_services('final service list', svlist)

        self._ordered_startup = svlist

        return svlist
Example #6
 def get_logconfigs(self):
     env = self.get_environment()
     settings = self._conf.get('settings')
     return lazydict(
         ((k,LogConfig(v,k,env,settings)) for k,v in self._conf.items() if k.endswith('.logging'))
Example #7
    def get_startup_list(self):
        Returns the list of start-up items in priority order by examining before: and after: 
        if self._ordered_startup is not None:
            return self._ordered_startup

        services = self.deepcopy()
        groups = lazydict()
        for k,v in services.items():
            for g in v.service_groups:
                groups.setdefault(g, lambda: lazydict())[k] = v

        #print_services('initial', services.values())

        # The "IDLE" and "INIT" groups are special.  Revamp things so that any services in the "IDLE" group
        # have an implicit "after: 'all-others'" and any services in "INIT" have an implicit "before: 'all-others'
        # where all-others is an explicit list of all services NOT in the respective group

        if 'IDLE' in groups:
            nonidle = set(k for k,v in services.items() if "IDLE" not in v.service_groups)
            for s in groups['IDLE'].values():
        if 'INIT' in groups:
            noninit = set(k for k,v in services.items() if "INIT" not in v.service_groups)
            for s in groups['INIT'].values():

        # We want to only look at the "after:" attribute, so we will eliminate the relevance
        # of befores...

        for k,v in services.items():
            for bef in v.before:
                if bef in groups:
                    for g in groups[bef].values():
                elif bef in services:
            v.before = None

        # Before is now gone, make sure that all "after... groups" are translated into "after.... service"

        for group in groups.values():
            afters = set()
            for item in group.values():
            for a in afters:
                if a in groups:
                    names = groups[a].keys()
                    for item in group.values():
        # Now remove any undefined services or groups and turn the 'after' attribute into a definitive
        # graph.
        # Note: sorted() occurs a couple times below.  The main reason is so that the results
        #       are deterministic in cases where exact order is not defined.

        afters = set(services.keys())
        for v in services.values():
            v.refs = sorted(map(lambda n: services[n], v.after.intersection(afters)), key=attrgetter('name'))

        #print_services('before add nodes', services.values())

        svlist = list()         # this will be our final list, containing original items
        svseen = set()

        def add_nodes(items):
            for item in items:
                if hasattr(item, 'active'):
                    raise Exception("circular dependency in service declaration")
                item.active = True
                del item.active
                if item.name not in svseen:
                    # set startup prerequisite dependencies
                    svlist[-1].prerequisites = set(r.name for r in item.refs)
        add_nodes(sorted(services.values(), key=attrgetter('name')))

        #print_services('final service list', svlist)

        self._ordered_startup = svlist

        return svlist
Example #8
class SubProcess(object):

    service = None  # service object
    family = None
    process_timeout = 30.0  # process_timeout will be set to this unless it is overridden by
    # the service entry
    syslog_facility = None  # specifies any additional syslog facility to use when using
    # logerror, logdebug, logwarn, etc...
    start_attempted = False  # used to determine if a service is truly dormant
    defer_exit_kills = False  # if true, then exit_kills will wait until a proper PID is returned
    # from a subprocess, then will kill when the real process exits
    error_count = 0  # counts errors for informational purposes

    _proc = None
    _pid = None  # the pid, often associated with _proc, but not necessarily in the
    # case of notify processes
    _returncode = None  # an alternate returncode, set with returncode property
    _exit_event = None  # an event to be fired if an exit occurs, in the case of an
    # attached PID
    _orig_executable = None  # original unexpanded exec_args[0]

    _pwrec = None  # the pwrec looked up for execution user/group
    _cond_starting = None  # a condition which, if present, indicates that this service is starting
    _cond_exception = None  # exception which was raised during startup (for other waiters)

    _started = False  # true if a start has occurred, either successful or not
    _restarts_allowed = None  # number of starts permitted before we give up (if None then restarts allowed according to service def)
    _prereq_cache = None
    _procenv = None  # process environment ready to be expanded

    _pending = None  # pending futures
    _note = None

    # Class variables
    _cls_ptdict = lazydict()  # dictionary of process types
    _cls_serial = 0  # serial number for process creation

    def __new__(cls, service, family=None):
        New Subprocesses are managed by subclasses derived from SubProcess so that 
        complex process behavior can be isolated and loaded only when needed.  That
        keeps this basic superclass logic less convoluted.
        # If we are trying to create a subclass, just inherit __new__ simply
        if cls is not SubProcess:
            return super(SubProcess, cls).__new__(cls)

        # Lookup and cache the class object used to create this type.
        stype = service.type
        ptcls = SubProcess._cls_ptdict.get(stype)
        if not ptcls:
            mod = importlib.import_module('chaperone.cproc.pt.' + stype)
            ptcls = SubProcess._cls_ptdict[stype] = getattr(
                stype.capitalize() + 'Process')
            assert issubclass(ptcls, cls)

        return ptcls(service, family)

    def __init__(self, service, family=None):

        self.service = service
        self.family = family

        self._pending = set()

        if service.process_timeout is not None:
            self.process_timeout = service.process_timeout

        if not service.environment:
            self._procenv = Environment()
            self._procenv = service.environment

        if not service.exec_args:
            raise ChParameterError(
                "No command or arguments provided for service")

        # If the service is enabled, assure we check for the presence of the executable now.  This is
        # to catch any start-up situations (such as cron jobs without their executables being present).
        # However, we don't check this if a service is disabled.

        self._orig_executable = service.exec_args[0]

        if service.enabled:

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        "Proxies value from the service description if we don't override them."
        return getattr(self.service, name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        Any service object attribute supercedes our own except for privates or those we
        keep separately, in which case there is a distinction.
        if name[0:0] != '_' and hasattr(self.service,
                                        name) and not hasattr(self, name):
            setattr(self.service, name, value)
            object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

    def _setup_subprocess(self):
        if self._pwrec:
            if self.setpgrp:
            if not self.directory:
                except Exception as ex:

    def _get_states(self):
        states = list()
        if self.started:
        if self.failed:
        if self.ready:
        if self.running:
        return ' '.join(states)

    # pid and returncode management

    def pid(self):
        return self._pid

    def pid(self, newpid):
        if self._pid is not None and newpid is not None and self._pid is not newpid:
            self.logdebug("{0} changing PID to {1} (from {2})", self.name,
                          newpid, self._pid)
                pgid = os.getpgid(newpid)
            except ProcessLookupError as ex:
                raise ChProcessError(
                    "{0} attempted to attach the process with PID={1} but there is no such process"
                    .format(self.name, newpid),
        self._pid = newpid

    def returncode(self):
        if self._returncode is not None:
            return self._returncode
        return self._proc and self._proc.returncode

    def returncode(self, val):
        self._returncode = ProcStatus(val)
        self.logdebug("{0} got explicit return code '{1}'", self.name,

    # Logging methods which may do special things for this service

    def loginfo(self, *args, **kwargs):
        info(*args, facility=self.syslog_facility, **kwargs)

    def logerror(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.error_count += 1
        error(*args, facility=self.syslog_facility, **kwargs)

    def logwarn(self, *args, **kwargs):
        warn(*args, facility=self.syslog_facility, **kwargs)

    def logdebug(self, *args, **kwargs):
        debug(*args, facility=self.syslog_facility, **kwargs)

    def note(self):
        return self._note

    def note(self, value):
        self._note = value

    def status(self):
        serv = self.service
        proc = self._proc

        rs = ""
        if serv.restart and self._restarts_allowed is not None and self._restarts_allowed > 0:
            rs = "+r#" + str(self._restarts_allowed)

        if self._cond_starting:
            return "starting"

        if proc:
            rc = self._returncode if self._returncode is not None else proc.returncode
            if rc is None:
                return "running"
            elif rc.normal_exit and self._started:
                return "started"
            elif rc:
                return rc.briefly + rs

        if not serv.enabled:
            return "disabled"

        return self.default_status()

    def default_status(self):
        if self.ready:
            return 'ready'
        return None

    def enabled(self):
        return self.service.enabled

    def enabled(self, val):
        if val and not self.service.enabled:
            self.service.enabled = False

    def _try_to_enable(self):
        service = self.service
        if self._orig_executable:
                service.exec_args[0] = executable_path(
                    self._orig_executable, service.environment.expanded())
            except FileNotFoundError:
                if service.optional:
                    service.enabled = False
                        "optional service {0} disabled since '{1}' is not present"
                        .format(self.name, self._orig_executable))
                elif service.ignore_failures:
                    service.enabled = False
                        "(ignored) service {0} executable '{1}' is not present"
                        .format(self.name, self._orig_executable))
                raise ChNotFoundError("executable '{0}' not found".format(

        # Now we know this service is truly enabled, we need to assure its credentials
        # are correct.

        senv = service.environment

        if senv and senv.uid is not None and not self._pwrec:
            self._pwrec = lookup_user(senv.uid, senv.gid)

        service.enabled = True

    def scheduled(self):
        True if this is a process which WILL fire up a process in the future.
        A "scheduled" process does not include one which will be started manually,
        nor does it include proceses which will be started due to dependencies.
        Processes like "cron" and "inetd" return True if they are active and 
        may start processes in the future.
        return False

    def kill_signal(self):
        ksig = self.service.kill_signal
        if ksig is not None:
            return ksig
        return signal.SIGTERM

    def running(self):
        "True if this process has started, is running, and has a pid"
        return self._proc and self._proc.returncode is None

    def started(self):
        True if this process has started normally. It may have forked, or executed, or is scheduled.
        return self._started

    def stoppable(self):
        True if this process can be stopped.  By default, returns True if the service is started,
        but some job types such as cron and inetd may be stoppable even when processes themselves
        are not running.
        return self.started

    def failed(self):
        "True if this process has failed, either during startup or later."
        return ((self._returncode is not None
                 and not self._returncode.normal_exit)
                or self._proc and (self._proc.returncode is not None
                                   and not self._proc.returncode.normal_exit))

    def ready(self):
        True if this process is ready to run, or running.  If not running, To be ready to run, all 
        prerequisites must also be ready.
        if not self.enabled or self.failed:
            return False
        if self.started:
            return True
        if any(p.enabled and not p.ready for p in self.prerequisites):
            return False
        return True

    def prerequisites(self):
        Return a list of prerequisite objects.  Right now, these must be within our family
        but this may change, so don't refer to the family or the prereq in services.  Use this
        if self._prereq_cache is None:
            prereq = (self.family and self.service.prerequisites) or ()
            prereq = self._prereq_cache = tuple(self.family[p] for p in prereq
                                                if p in self.family)
        return self._prereq_cache

    def start(self):
        Runs this service if it is enabled and has not already been started.  Starts
        prerequisite services first.  A service is considered started if
           a) It is enabled, and started up normally.
           b) It is disabled, and an attempt was made to start it.
           c) An error occurred, it did not start, but failures we an acceptable
              outcome and the service has not been reset since the errors occurred.

        service = self.service

        if self._started:
                "service {0} already started.  further starts ignored.",

        if not service.enabled:
            self.logdebug("service {0} not enabled, will be skipped",
            self.logdebug("service {0} enabled, queueing start request",

        # If this service is already starting, then just wait until it completes.

        cond_starting = self._cond_starting

        if cond_starting:
            yield from cond_starting.acquire()
            yield from cond_starting.wait()
            # This is an odd situation.  Since every waiter expects start() to succeed, or
            # raise an exception, we need to be sure we raise the exception that happened
            # in the original start() request.
            if self._cond_exception:
                raise self._cond_exception

        cond_starting = self._cond_starting = asyncio.Condition()
        self._cond_exception = None

        # Now we can procede

        self.start_attempted = True


            prereq = self.prerequisites
            if prereq:
                for p in prereq:
                    yield from p.start()
                self.logdebug("service {0} prerequisites satisfied",

            if self.family:
                # idle only makes sense for families
                if "IDLE" in service.service_groups and service.idle_delay and not hasattr(
                        self.family, '_idle_hit'):
                    self.family._idle_hit = True
                        "IDLE transition hit.  delaying for {0} seconds",
                    yield from asyncio.sleep(service.idle_delay)

                # STOP if the system is no longer alive because a prerequisite failed
                if not self.family.system_alive:

                yield from self.start_subprocess()
            except Exception as ex:
                if service.ignore_failures:
                        "service {0} ignoring failures. Exception: {1}",
                        service.name, ex)
                    self._cond_exception = ex
                        "{0} received exception during attempted start. Exception: {1}",
                        service.name, ex)

            self._started = True

            yield from cond_starting.acquire()
            self._cond_starting = None
            self.logdebug("{0} notified waiters upon completion", service.name)

    def get_expanded_environment(self):
        SubProcess._cls_serial += 1
        penv = self._procenv
        penv[ENV_SERIAL] = str(SubProcess._cls_serial)
        penv[ENV_SERVTIME] = str(int(time()))
        return penv.expanded()

    def start_subprocess(self):
        service = self.service

        self.logdebug("{0} attempting start '{1}'... ".format(
            service.name, " ".join(service.exec_args)))

        kwargs = dict()

        if service.stdout == 'log':
            kwargs['stdout'] = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
        if service.stderr == 'log':
            kwargs['stderr'] = asyncio.subprocess.PIPE
        if service.directory:
            kwargs['cwd'] = service.directory

        env = self.get_expanded_environment()

        yield from self.process_prepare_co(env)

        if env:
            env = env.get_public_environment()

        if service.debug:
            if not env:
                self.logdebug("{0} environment is empty", service.name)
                self.logdebug("{0} environment:", service.name)
                for k, v in env.items():
                    self.logdebug(" {0} = '{1}'".format(k, v))

        create = asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
        if service.exit_kills:
            self.logwarn("system will be killed when '{0}' exits",
            yield from asyncio.sleep(0.2)

        proc = self._proc = yield from create

        self.pid = proc.pid

        if service.stdout == 'log':
                    _process_logger(proc.stdout, 'stdout', self)))
        if service.stderr == 'log':
                    _process_logger(proc.stderr, 'stderr', self)))

        if service.exit_kills and not self.defer_exit_kills:

        yield from self.process_started_co()

        self.logdebug("{0} successfully started", service.name)

    def process_prepare_co(self, environment):

    def process_started_co(self):

    def wait_for_pidfile(self):
        If the pidfile option was specified, then wait until we find a valid pidfile,
        and register the new PID.  This is not done automatically, but is implemented
        here as a utility for process types that need it.
        if not self.pidfile:

        self.logdebug("{0} waiting for PID file: {1}".format(
            self.name, self.pidfile))

        pidsleep = 0.02  # work incrementally up to no more than process_timeout
        minsleep = 3
        expires = time() + self.process_timeout
        last_ex = None

        while time() < expires:
            if not self.family.system_alive:
            yield from asyncio.sleep(pidsleep)
            # ramp up until we hit the minsleep ceiling
            pidsleep = min(pidsleep * 2, minsleep)
                newpid = int(open(self.pidfile, 'r').read().strip())
            except FileNotFoundError:
            except Exception as ex:
                # Don't raise this immediately.  The service may create the file before writing the PID.
                last_ex = ChProcessError(
                    "{0} found pid file '{1}' but contents did not contain an integer"
                    .format(self.name, self.pidfile),

            self.pid = newpid

        if last_ex is not None:
            raise last_ex

        raise ChProcessError(
            "{0} did not find pid file '{1}' before {2}sec process_timeout expired"
            .format(self.name, self.pidfile, self.process_timeout),

    def _wait_kill_on_exit(self):
        yield from self.wait()

    def _attach_pid(self, newpid):
        Attach this process to a new PID, creating a condition which will be used by 
        the child watcher to determine when the PID has exited.
        with asyncio.get_child_watcher() as watcher:
            watcher.add_child_handler(newpid, self._child_watcher_callback)

        self._exit_event = asyncio.Event()

    def _child_watcher_callback(self, pid, returncode):

    def process_exit(self, code):
        self.returncode = code

        if self._exit_event:
            self._exit_event = None

        if self.exit_kills:
            self.logwarn("{0} terminated with exit_kills enabled",
            # Since we're dead, and the system is going away, disable any process management
            self._proc = None
            self.pid = None

        if code.normal_exit or self.kill_signal == code.signal:


    def _abnormal_exit(self, code):
        service = self.service

        if service.exit_kills:
            self.logwarn("{0} terminated abnormally with {1}", service.name,

        # A disabled service should not do recovery

        if not service.enabled:

        if self._started and service.restart:
            if self._restarts_allowed is None:
                self._restarts_allowed = service.restart_limit
            if self._restarts_allowed > 0:
                self._restarts_allowed -= 1
                controller = self.family.controller
                if controller.system_alive:
                    if service.restart_delay:
                            "{0} pausing between restart retries ({1} left)",
                            service.name, self._restarts_allowed)
                        yield from asyncio.sleep(service.restart_delay)
                if controller.system_alive:
                    yield from self.reset()
                    #yield from self.start()
                    f = asyncio.ensure_future(self.start(
                    ))  # queue it since we will just return here

        if service.ignore_failures:
                "{0} abnormal process exit ignored due to ignore_failures=true",
            yield from self.reset()

        self.logerror("{0} terminated abnormally with {1}", service.name, code)

    def _restart_callback(self, fut):
        # Catches a restart result, reporting it as a warning, and either passing back to _abnormal_exit
        # or accepting glorious success.
        ex = fut.exception()
        if not ex:
            self.logdebug("{0} restart succeeded", self.name)
            self.logwarn("{0} restart failed: {1}", self.name, ex)
                self._abnormal_exit(self._proc and self._proc.returncode))

    def _kill_system(self):

    def add_pending(self, future):
        future.add_done_callback(lambda f: self._pending.discard(future))

    def reset(self, dependents=False, enable=False, restarts_ok=False):
        self.logdebug("{0} received reset", self.name)

        if self._exit_event:
        elif self._proc:
            if self._proc.returncode is None:
                yield from self.wait()
            self.pid = None
            self._proc = None

        self._started = False

        if restarts_ok:
            self._restarts_allowed = None
        if enable:
            self.enabled = True

        # If there is a pidfile, then remove it

        if self.pidfile:
            except Exception:

        # Reset any non-ready dependents

        if dependents:
            for p in self.prerequisites:
                if not p.ready and (enable or p.enabled):
                    yield from p.reset(dependents, enable, restarts_ok)

    def stop(self):
        yield from self.reset(restarts_ok=True)

    def final_stop(self):
        "Called when the whole system is killed, but before drastic measures are taken."
        self._exit_event = None
        for p in list(self._pending):
            if not p.cancelled():

    def terminate(self):
        proc = self._proc
        otherpid = self.pid

        if proc:
            if otherpid == proc.pid:
                otherpid = None
            if proc.returncode is None:
                if self.service.kill_signal is not None:  # explicitly check service
                    self.logdebug("using {0} to terminate {1}",
                                  get_signal_name(self.kill_signal), self.name)

        if otherpid:
            self.logdebug("using {0} to terminate {1}",
                          get_signal_name(self.kill_signal), self.name)
                os.kill(otherpid, self.kill_signal)
            except Exception as ex:
                warn("{0} could not be killed using PID={1}: ".format(
                    ex, otherpid))

        self._pid = None

    def do_startup_pause(self):
        Wait a short time just to see if the process errors out immediately.  This avoids a retry loop
        and catches any immediate failures now.  Can be used by process implementations if needed.

        if not self.startup_pause:

            result = yield from self.timed_wait(self.startup_pause)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            result = None
        if result is not None and not result.normal_exit:
            if self.ignore_failures:
                warn("{0} (ignored) failure on start-up with result '{1}'".
                     format(self.name, result))
                raise ChProcessError(
                    "{0} failed on start-up with result '{1}'".format(
                        self.name, result),

    def timed_wait(self, timeout, func=None):
        Timed wait waits for process completion.  If process completion occurs normally, the
        returncode for process startup is returned.

        Upon timeout either:
        1.  asyncio.TimeoutError is raised if 'func' is not provided, or...
        2.  func is called and the result is returned from timed_wait().
            if not timeout:
                raise asyncio.TimeoutError(
                )  # funny situation, but settings can cause this if users attempt it
            result = yield from asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(self.wait()),
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            if not func:
            result = func()
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
            result = self.returncode

        return result

    def wait(self):
        proc = self._proc

        if self._exit_event:
            yield from self._exit_event.wait()
        elif proc:
            yield from proc.wait()
            raise Exception("Process not running (or attached), can't wait")

        if proc.returncode is not None and proc.returncode.normal_exit:
            self.logdebug("{2} exit status for pid={0} is '{1}'".format(
                proc.pid, proc.returncode, self.name))
            self.loginfo("{2} exit status for pid={0} is '{1}'".format(
                proc.pid, proc.returncode, self.name))

        return proc.returncode