Example #1
def create_player(mode, race, char_name):
    """ Create the player's character """
    # Evil
    if mode == 2:
        if race == 1:
            player = character.Goblin(char_name, 1, app)
        elif race == 2:
            player = character.Orc(char_name, 1, app)
        elif race == 3:
            player = character.Uruk(char_name, 1, app)
            player = character.Wizard(char_name, 1, app)
    # Good
        if race == 1:
            player = character.Human(char_name, 1, app)
        elif race == 2:
            player = character.Wizard(char_name, 1, app)
        elif race == 3:
            player = character.Warrior(char_name, 1, app)
        """elif race == 4:
            player = character.Hobbit(char_name, 1,  app)
        elif race == 6:
            player = character.Bishop(char_name, 1, app)
            player = character.Wizard(char_name, 1, app)"""
    return player
Example #2
def create_player(mode, race, char_name):
    """ Create the player's character """
    if mode == 2:
        if race == 1:
            player = character.Goblin(char_name, app)
        elif race == 2:
            player = character.Orc(char_name, app)
        elif race == 3:
            player = character.Uruk(char_name, app)
        elif race == 4:
            player = character.Wizard(char_name, app)
            player = character.Haradrim(char_name, app)
        if race == 1:
            player = character.Elf(char_name, app)
        elif race == 2:
            player = character.Dwarf(char_name, app)
        elif race == 3:
            player = character.Human(char_name, app)
        elif race == 4:
            player = character.Hobbit(char_name, app)
        elif race == 5:
            player = character.Wizard(char_name, app)
        elif race == 6:
            player = character.Dunedain(char_name, app)
        elif race == 7:
            player = character.Crusader(char_name, app)
    return player  #Tells you your name & race e.g. "Gimli the Dwarf"
Example #3
def create_enemies(mode, difficulty):
    """ Create the enemies """
    roll = random.randint(0, 2)
    if mode == 2:
        if difficulty == 'm':
            enemies = [character.Hobbit("Peregrin", app), character.Hobbit("Meriadoc", app),
                       character.Human("Eowyn", app)]
        elif difficulty == 'h':
            enemies = [character.Dwarf("Gimli", app), character.Elf("Legolas", app), character.Human("Boromir", app)]
        elif difficulty == 'l':
            enemies = [character.Human("Faramir", app), character.Human("Aragorn", app),
                       character.Wizard("Gandalf", app)]
        elif difficulty == 'un':
            enemies = [character.Elf("Galadriel", app), character.Human("Treebeard", app), character.Uruk("Beorn", app)]
        elif difficulty == 'b':
            enemies = [character.Hobbit("Bilbo", app)]
            enemies = [character.Hobbit("Frodo", app), character.Hobbit("Sam", app)]

        if difficulty == 'm':
            enemies = [character.Goblin("Azog", app), character.Goblin("Gorkil", app), character.Orc("Sharku", app)]
        elif difficulty == 'h':
            enemies = [character.Orc("Shagrat", app), character.Orc("Gorbag", app), character.Uruk("Lurtz", app)]
        elif difficulty == 'l':
            enemies = [character.Orc("Grishnakh", app), character.Uruk("Lurtz", app), character.Wizard("Saruman", app)]
        elif difficulty == 'un':
            if roll == 0:
                enemies = [character.Nazgul("Witch-king of Angmar", app)]
            elif roll == 1:
                enemies = [character.Dragon("Smaug", app)]
            elif roll == 2:
                enemies = [character.Spider("Shelob", app)]
        elif difficulty == 'b':
            enemies = [character.Human("Grima", app)]
            enemies = [character.Goblin("Azog", app), character.Goblin("Gorkil", app)]

    return enemies