Example #1
            small pupil, and all balanced pupil trials.")
        real_dict_all = rec['resp'].extract_epochs(balanced_eps)
        real_dict_small = rec_sp['resp'].extract_epochs(balanced_eps)
        real_dict_big = rec_bp['resp'].extract_epochs(balanced_eps)
        # xforms model already has balanced epochs
        log.info("Extracting spike count dictionaries for big pupil, \
            small pupil, and all balanced pupil trials.")
        epochs = np.unique([s for s in rec.epochs.name
                            if 'STIM' in s]).tolist()
        real_dict_all = rec['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs)
        real_dict_small = rec_sp['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs)
        real_dict_big = rec_bp['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs)

    # compute noise correlations and save results
    df_all = nc.compute_rsc(real_dict_all, chans=rec['resp'].chans)
    df_big = nc.compute_rsc(real_dict_big, chans=rec['resp'].chans)
    df_small = nc.compute_rsc(real_dict_small, chans=rec['resp'].chans)

    cols = ['all', 'p_all', 'bp', 'p_bp', 'sp', 'p_sp', 'site']
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, index=df_all.index)
    df['all'] = df_all['rsc']
    df['p_all'] = df_all['pval']
    df['bp'] = df_big['rsc']
    df['p_bp'] = df_big['pval']
    df['sp'] = df_small['rsc']
    df['p_sp'] = df_small['pval']
    df['site'] = savesite

    log.info("save noise corr results for model: {0}, site: {1}".format(
        modelname, savesite))
Example #2
                elif batch == 307:
                    # not really an explicit "catch" for this data
                    di = np.inf
                    diall = np.inf
                diref = behavior_performance['DI'][epoch.strip('TAR_').strip('CAT_')]
                direfall = behavior_performance_all['DI'][epoch.strip('TAR_').strip('CAT_')]
                di = np.inf
                diall = np.inf
            for tb in time_bins:
                sidx = int(tb[0] * options['rasterfs']) 
                eidx = int(tb[1] * options['rasterfs']) 
                da = {k: r[:, :, sidx:eidx] for k, r in rec['resp'].extract_epochs([epoch], mask=ra['mask']).items()}
                dp = {k: r[:, :, sidx:eidx] for k, r in rec['resp'].extract_epochs([epoch], mask=rp['mask']).items()}

                dfa = nc.compute_rsc(da, chans=rec['resp'].chans).rename(columns={'rsc': 'active', 'pval': 'pa'})
                dfp = nc.compute_rsc(dp, chans=rec['resp'].chans).rename(columns={'rsc': 'passive', 'pval': 'pp'})
                df = pd.concat([dfa, dfp], axis=1)

                df['snr'] = thelp.get_snrs([epoch_str])[0]
                df['f'] = thelp.get_tar_freqs([epoch])[0]
                df['tbin'] = '_'.join([str(t) for t in tb])
                df['DI'] = di
                df['DIall'] = diall
                df['DIref'] = diref
                df['DIrefall'] = direfall
                df['site'] = site
                if batch in [324, 302, 307]: area='A1'
                else: area='PEG'
                df['area'] = area
                df['batch'] = batch
Example #3
    da = {k: v[~np.isnan(v.sum(axis=(1, 2))), :, :] for (k, v) in da.items()}
    if zscore:
        da = {k: (v.transpose(0, -1, 1) - m).transpose(0, -1, 1)  for (k, v) in da.items()}
        da = {k: (v.transpose(0, -1, 1) / sd).transpose(0, -1, 1)  for (k, v) in da.items()}

    rp = rec.copy().create_mask(True)
    rp = rp.and_mask(['PASSIVE_EXPERIMENT'])
    dp = rp['resp'].extract_epochs(sounds, mask=rp['mask'])
    dp = {k: v[:, :, prestim:poststim] for (k, v) in dp.items()}
    dp = {k: v[~np.isnan(v.sum(axis=(1, 2))), :, :] for (k, v) in dp.items()}
    if zscore:
        dp = {k: (v.transpose(0, -1, 1) - m).transpose(0, -1, 1)  for (k, v) in dp.items()}
        dp = {k: (v.transpose(0, -1, 1) / sd).transpose(0, -1, 1)  for (k, v) in dp.items()}

    # get mean active / passive noise correlations
    rsc_active = nc.compute_rsc(da, chans=rec['resp'].chans)['rsc'].mean()
    rsc_passive = nc.compute_rsc(dp, chans=rec['resp'].chans)['rsc'].mean()

    # project active / passive responses onto PCA plane
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5), sharex=True, sharey=True)
    colors = plt.cm.get_cmap('rainbow', len(sounds))
    for col, e in enumerate(sounds):

            passive = dp[e].mean(axis=-1).dot(tdr_weights.T)
            ax[0].plot(passive[:, 0], passive[:, 1], alpha=0.3, marker='.', lw=0, color=colors(col))
            el = compute_ellipse(passive[:, 0], passive[:, 1])
            ax[0].plot(el[0], el[1], lw=2, label=e, color=ax[0].get_lines()[-1].get_color())
Example #4
rec_bp = rec.copy()
rec_bp['mask'] = rec_bp['p_mask']
rec_sp = rec.copy()
rec_sp['mask'] = rec_sp['p_mask']._modified_copy(~rec_sp['p_mask']._data)

rec_bp = rec_bp.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
rec_sp = rec_sp.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)

# xforms model already has balanced epochs
epochs = np.unique([s for s in rec.epochs.name if 'STIM' in s]).tolist()
real_dict_all = rec['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs)
real_dict_small = rec_sp['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs)
real_dict_big = rec_bp['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs)

raw_bp_nc = nc.compute_rsc(real_dict_big)
raw_sp_nc = nc.compute_rsc(real_dict_small)

# compute model regressed results
rec = ctx['val'].apply_mask(reset_epochs=True).copy()
rec = preproc.regress_state(rec,
                            state_sigs=['pupil', 'lv'],
                            regress=['pupil', 'lv'])
rec_bp = rec.copy()
rec_bp['mask'] = rec_bp['p_mask']
rec_sp = rec.copy()
rec_sp['mask'] = rec_sp['p_mask']._modified_copy(~rec_sp['p_mask']._data)

rec_bp = rec_bp.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
rec_sp = rec_sp.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
Example #5
    rec_sp = rec_sp.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
    rec_bp = rec.copy()
    rec_bp['mask'] = bp_mask
    rec_bp = rec_bp.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)

    # Get response dictionaries
    epochs = 'PreStimSilence'
    big_r = rec['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs, mask=bp_mask)
    small_r = rec['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs, mask=sp_mask)
    cells = big_r['PreStimSilence'].shape[1]
    big_r['PreStimSilence'] = big_r['PreStimSilence'].transpose(
        [0, 2, 1]).reshape(-1, cells, 1)
    small_r['PreStimSilence'] = small_r['PreStimSilence'].transpose(
        [0, 2, 1]).reshape(-1, cells, 1)

    nc_big = nc.compute_rsc(big_r, chans=rec['resp'].chans)
    nc_small = nc.compute_rsc(small_r, chans=rec['resp'].chans)

    nc = pd.DataFrame(columns=['bp', 'sp'],
                          (nc_big['rsc'].values, nc_small['rsc'].values)).T)

mi = ld.load_mi()
mi = mi[mi['site'] == site]

idx_tup = [(i.split('_')[0], i.split('_')[1]) for i in nc.index]
bins = np.round(np.arange(-.2, .3, 0.1), 2)
val = []
err = []
n = []
Example #6
rec_sp = create_pupil_mask(rec_sp, **ops)

eps = np.unique([s for s in rec.epochs.name if 'STIM' in s]).tolist()

log.info("Extracting spike count dictionaries for big pupil, \n \
    small pupil, and all pupil trials.")
real_dict_all = rec['resp'].extract_epochs(eps)
real_dict_small = rec_sp['resp'].extract_epochs(eps, mask=rec_sp['mask'])
real_dict_big = rec_bp['resp'].extract_epochs(eps, mask=rec_bp['mask'])

if perstim:
    log.info("Computing noise correlations separately for each stimulus bin")
    for idx, stim in enumerate(eps):
        log.info(f"Epoch {idx+1} / {len(eps)}")
        for b in range(real_dict_all[stim].shape[-1]):
            _df_all = nc.compute_rsc({stim: real_dict_all[stim][:, :, [b]]},
            _df_big = nc.compute_rsc({stim: real_dict_big[stim][:, :, [b]]},
            _df_small = nc.compute_rsc(
                {stim: real_dict_small[stim][:, :, [b]]},
            _df_all['stim'] = stim + '_' + str(b + nspont_bins)
            _df_big['stim'] = stim + '_' + str(b + nspont_bins)
            _df_small['stim'] = stim + '_' + str(b + nspont_bins)
            if (idx == 0) & (b == 0):
                df_all = _df_all
                df_big = _df_big
                df_small = _df_small
                df_all = pd.concat([df_all, _df_all])
                df_big = pd.concat([df_big, _df_big])
    rec = rec.and_mask(['PreStimSilence', 'PostStimSilence'], invert=True)
    bp = create_pupil_mask(
        rec, **{
            'state': 'big',
            'method': 'median',
            'epoch': ['REFERENCE'],
            'collapse': True
    sp = create_pupil_mask(
        rec, **{
            'state': 'small',
            'method': 'median',
            'epoch': ['REFERENCE'],
            'collapse': True
    bp = compute_rsc(bp['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs, mask=bp['mask']))
    sp = compute_rsc(sp['resp'].extract_epochs(epochs, mask=sp['mask']))

    if significant_pairs:
        m = (bp['pval'] < 0.05) | (sp['pval'] < 0.05)
        m = [True] * bp.shape[0]
    before_big = bp['rsc'][m]
    before_small = sp['rsc'][m]

    rec['var_mask'] = rec['pupil']._modified_copy(mask)
    fm = rec['var_mask'].extract_epochs(epochs)
    # tile bool across full reference so not to split up epochs in weird ways
    fm = {
        k: np.concatenate([
            np.zeros(v[[i]].shape).astype(bool) if np.any(