Example #1
def plot_cell_summary(rec1, rec2):
    Plot one page summary of single cell responses for BVT tone discrimination task.
    rec1 is high sampling rate (for raster plotting)
    rec2 is low sampling rate (for other plots, such as psth's)

    Produce a one-page summary of each cell. This includes:
        1) Time courses:
            pupil trace
            target responses (smoothed)
            refs responses nearest tar freqs?
        2) FTC per file
            w/ and w/o pupil regression
        3) PSTH / raster per file
            w/ and w/o pupil regression


    # apply mask to recording and get global params, like tar list
    rec1 = rec1.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
    rec2 = rec2.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)

    targets = [str(t) for t in np.sort([t for t in rec1.epochs.name.unique() if 'TAR_' in t])]

    # layout figure grid (define axes objects)
    files = [f for f in rec1.epochs.name.unique() if 'FILE_' in f]
    nf = len(files)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12))
    pupil_trace = plt.subplot2grid((6, nf), (0, 0), colspan=nf)
    target_resp = plt.subplot2grid((6, nf), (1, 0), colspan=nf)

    ftc_pl = []
    psth = []
    ftc_pl_pr = []
    psth_pr = []
    for i in range(nf):
        ftc_pl.append(plt.subplot2grid((6, nf), (2, i), colspan=1))
        psth.append(plt.subplot2grid((6, nf), (3, i), colspan=1))
        ftc_pl_pr.append(plt.subplot2grid((6, nf), (4, i), colspan=1))
        psth_pr.append(plt.subplot2grid((6, nf), (5, i), colspan=1))

    # plot time courses
    time = np.arange(0, rec2['pupil'].shape[-1] / rec2['resp'].fs, 1 / rec2['resp'].fs)
    # pupil time course
    pupil_trace.plot(time, rec2['pupil']._data.T, color='green', label='pupil')
    act = rec2['resp'].epoch_to_signal('ACTIVE_EXPERIMENT')._data.squeeze() * rec2['pupil']._data.max()
    pupil_trace.fill_between(time, act, color='lightgrey', alpha=0.5)

    pupil_trace.legend(fontsize=8, frameon=False)
    pupil_trace.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    pupil_trace.set_ylabel('Size (pixels)')

    # target resp time course
    for t in targets:
        ti, resp = get_resp_timecourse(rec2, str(t))
        resp_roll = rolling_window(resp, 5)
        ti_roll = rolling_window(ti, 5)
        resp = np.mean(resp_roll, axis=-1)
        ti = np.median(ti_roll, axis=-1)
        resp_sem = np.std(resp_roll, axis=-1) / np.sqrt(resp_roll.shape[-1])
        target_resp.plot(ti, resp, label=t)
        target_resp.fill_between(ti, resp-resp_sem, resp+resp_sem, 
                        alpha=0.3, lw=0)

    lim = target_resp.get_ylim()[-1]
    act = rec2['resp'].epoch_to_signal('ACTIVE_EXPERIMENT')._data.squeeze() * lim
    target_resp.fill_between(time, act, color='lightgrey', alpha=0.5)

    target_resp.legend(fontsize=8, frameon=False)
    target_resp.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    target_resp.set_ylabel('Spk / bin')

    # pupil regressed recording
    pr = preproc.regress_state(rec2, state_sigs=['pupil'], regress=['pupil'])

    ylim = cplt.get_ylim(rec1, fs=20, epochs=targets)
    tr_max = cplt.get_tr_max(rec1, epochs=targets)
    ftc_ylim = 0
    ftc_pr_ylim = 0
    for i, f in enumerate(files):
        r1 = rec1.copy()
        r1 = r1.and_mask([f]).apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
        r2 = rec2.copy()
        r2 = r2.and_mask([f]).apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
        r2_pr = pr.copy()
        r2_pr = r2_pr.and_mask([f]).apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)
        # plot ftc
        ftc = tc.get_tuning_curves(r2)
        vals = ftc.loc['r'].to_numpy(dtype=np.float).squeeze()
        sem = ftc.loc['sem'].to_numpy(dtype=np.float).squeeze()
        freqs = ftc.loc['r'].columns
        ftc_pl[i].errorbar(freqs, vals, sem, color='k')
        for tar in targets:
            tar = int(tar.split('_')[-1])
            ftc_pl[i].axvline(tar, color='r', linestyle='--')
        if ftc_pl[i].get_ylim()[-1] > ftc_ylim:
            ftc_ylim = ftc_pl[i].get_ylim()[-1]
        ftc_pl[i].set_ylabel('Spk / bin')

        # plot psth
        cplt.plot_raster_psth(r1, targets, psth_fs=20, ax=psth[i], ylim=ylim, raster=True, tr_max=tr_max)

        # plot ftc pupil regressed
        ftc = tc.get_tuning_curves(r2_pr)
        vals = ftc.loc['r'].to_numpy(dtype=np.float).squeeze()
        sem = ftc.loc['sem'].to_numpy(dtype=np.float).squeeze()
        freqs = ftc.loc['r'].columns
        ftc_pl_pr[i].errorbar(freqs, vals, sem, color='k')
        for tar in targets:
            tar = int(tar.split('_')[-1])
            ftc_pl_pr[i].axvline(tar, color='r', linestyle='--')

        if ftc_pl_pr[i].get_ylim()[-1] > ftc_pr_ylim:
            ftc_pr_ylim = ftc_pl_pr[i].get_ylim()[-1]

        ftc_pl_pr[i].set_ylabel('Spk / bin')

        # plot psth pupil regressed
        cplt.plot_raster_psth(r2_pr, targets, psth_fs=20, ax=psth_pr[i], ylim=ylim, raster=False)
    # set ylim for FTC
    for i in range(len(files)):
        ftc_pl[i].set_ylim((0, ftc_ylim))
        ftc_pl_pr[i].set_ylim((0, ftc_pr_ylim))

    return fig
Example #2
df = pd.DataFrame()
for batch in batches:
    sites = np.unique([c[:7] for c in nd.get_batch_cells(batch).cellid])
    sites = [s for s in sites if s != 'CRD013b']
    for site in sites:
        manager = BAPHYExperiment(batch=batch, siteid=site)
        rec = manager.get_recording(recache=recache, **options)
        rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].rasterize()

        # mask appropriate trials
        rec = rec.and_mask(
        rec = rec.apply_mask(reset_epochs=True)

        if regress_pupil:
            rec = preproc.regress_state(rec, state_sigs=['pupil'])

        ra = rec.copy()
        ra = ra.create_mask(True)
        ra = ra.and_mask(['HIT_TRIAL', 'CORRECT_REJECT_TRIAL'])

        rp = rec.copy()
        rp = rp.create_mask(True)
        rp = rp.and_mask(['PASSIVE_EXPERIMENT'])

        # stim pairs
        targets = thelp.sort_targets(
            [f for f in ra['resp'].epochs.name.unique() if 'TAR_' in f])
        targets = [
            t for t in targets if (ra.apply_mask(
                reset_epochs=True)['resp'].epochs.name == t).sum() >= 5
Example #3
        rec = manager.get_recording(recache=recache, **options)
        rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].rasterize()
        if batch == 302:
            c, _ = parse_cellid({'cellid': site, 'batch': batch})
            rec['resp'] = rec['resp'].extract_channels(c)

        behavior_performance = manager.get_behavior_performance(**options)
        allop = copy.deepcopy(options)
        allop['keep_following_incorrect_trial'] = True
        allop['keep_cue_trials'] = True
        allop['keep_early_trials'] = True
        behavior_performance_all = manager.get_behavior_performance(**allop)

        # regress out first order pupil
        if regress_pupil & regress_task:
            rec = preproc.regress_state(rec, state_sigs=['pupil', 'behavior'])
        elif regress_pupil:
            rec = preproc.regress_state(rec, state_sigs=['pupil'])
        elif regress_task:
            rec = preproc.regress_state(rec, state_sigs=['behavior'])

        if deflate:
            # brute force remove all information on delta noise correlation axis from the response
            resp = rec['resp']._data
            lv = pickle.load(open(DIR + '/results/drsc_axes.pickle', "rb"))
            def_axis = lv[site]['tarOnly']['evecs'][:, [0]]
            projection = (resp.T.dot(def_axis) @ def_axis.T).T
            resp = resp - projection
            rec['resp'] = rec['resp']._modified_copy(resp)

        ra = rec.copy()
Example #4
    # only necessary if using correction method 1
    if lv_regress:
        if rec['lv']._data.shape[0] > 1:
            rec['lv'] = rec['pupil']._modified_copy(rec['lv']._data[1:, :])

    rec = rec.create_mask(True)

    # filtering / pupil regression must always go first!
    if pupil_regressed & lv_regress:

        if regression_method1:
                'Regress first and second order pupil using brute force method'
            rec = preproc.regress_state(rec,
                                        state_sigs=['pupil', 'lv'],
                                        regress=['pupil', 'lv'])
        elif regression_method2:
                'Regress first and second order pupil by subtracting model pred'
            mod_data = rec['resp']._data - rec['pred']._data + rec[
            rec['resp'] = rec['resp']._modified_copy(mod_data)
            raise ValueError("No regression method specified!")

    elif pupil_regressed:

        if regression_method1:
            log.info('Regress first order pupil using brute force method')