Example #1
 def __init__(self, tree):
    self.lineno = tree.meta.line
    self.options = {}
    for st in ch.tree_children(tree, "option"):
       k = ch.tree_terminal(st, "OPTION_KEY")
       v = ch.tree_terminal(st, "OPTION_VALUE")
       if (k in self.options):
          ch.FATAL("%3d %s: repeated option --%s"
                   % (self.lineno, self.str_name(), k))
       self.options[k] = v
    # Save original options string because instructions pop() from the dict
    # to process them.
    self.options_str = " ".join("--%s=%s" % (k,v)
                                for (k,v) in self.options.items())
    self.tree = tree
Example #2
def main(cli_):

   # CLI namespace. :P
   global cli
   cli = cli_

   # Infer input file if needed.
   if (cli.file is None):
      cli.file = cli.context + "/Dockerfile"

   # Infer image name if needed.
   if (cli.tag is None):
      m = re.search(r"(([^/]+)/)?Dockerfile(\.(.+))?$",
      if (m is not None):
         if m.group(4):    # extension
            cli.tag = m.group(4)
         elif m.group(2):  # containing directory
            cli.tag = m.group(2)

   # Deal with build arguments.
   def build_arg_get(arg):
      kv = arg.split("=")
      if (len(kv) == 2):
         return kv
         v = os.getenv(kv[0])
         if (v is None):
            ch.FATAL("--build-arg: %s: no value and not in environment" % kv[0])
         return (kv[0], v)
   if (cli.build_arg is None):
      cli.build_arg = list()
   cli.build_arg = dict( build_arg_get(i) for i in cli.build_arg )

   # Finish CLI initialization.

   # Guess whether the context is a URL, and error out if so. This can be a
   # typical looking URL e.g. "https://..." or also something like
   # "[email protected]:...". The line noise in the second line of the regex is
   # to match this second form. Username and host characters from
   # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986.
   if (re.search(r"""  ^((git|git+ssh|http|https|ssh)://
                     | ^[\w.~%!$&'\(\)\*\+,;=-]+@[\w.~%!$&'\(\)\*\+,;=-]+:)""",
                 cli.context, re.VERBOSE) is not None):
      ch.FATAL("not yet supported: issue #773: URL context: %s" % cli.context)
   if (os.path.exists(cli.context + "/.dockerignore")):
      ch.WARNING("not yet supported, ignored: issue #777: .dockerignore file")

   # Set up build environment.
   global env
   env = Environment()

   # Read input file.
   if (cli.file == "-"):
      text = ch.ossafe(sys.stdin.read, "can't read stdin")
      fp = ch.open_(cli.file, "rt")
      text = ch.ossafe(fp.read, "can't read: %s" % cli.file)

   # Parse it.
   parser = lark.Lark("?start: dockerfile\n" + ch.GRAMMAR,
                      parser="earley", propagate_positions=True)
   # Avoid Lark issue #237: lark.exceptions.UnexpectedEOF if the file does not
   # end in newline.
   text += "\n"
      tree = parser.parse(text)
   except lark.exceptions.UnexpectedInput as x:
      ch.DEBUG(x)  # noise about what was expected in the grammar
      ch.FATAL("can't parse: %s:%d,%d\n\n%s" % (cli.file, x.line, x.column, x.get_context(text, 39)))

   # Sometimes we exit after parsing.
   if (cli.parse_only):

   # Count the number of stages (i.e., FROM instructions)
   global image_ct
   image_ct = sum(1 for i in ch.tree_children(tree, "from_"))

   # Traverse the tree and do what it says.
   # We don't actually care whether the tree is traversed breadth-first or
   # depth-first, but we *do* care that instruction nodes are visited in
   # order. Neither visit() nor visit_topdown() are documented as of
   # 2020-06-11 [1], but examining source code [2] shows that visit_topdown()
   # uses Tree.iter_trees_topdown(), which *is* documented to be in-order [3].
   # This change seems to have been made in 0.8.6 (see PR #761); before then,
   # visit() was in order. Therefore, we call that instead, if visit_topdown()
   # is not present, to improve compatibility (see issue #792).
   # [1]: https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/visitors/#visitors
   # [2]: https://github.com/lark-parser/lark/blob/445c8d4/lark/visitors.py#L211
   # [3]: https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/classes/#tree
   ml = Main_Loop()
   if (hasattr(ml, 'visit_topdown')):

   # Check that all build arguments were consumed.
   if (len(cli.build_arg) != 0):
      ch.FATAL("--build-arg: not consumed: " + " ".join(cli.build_arg.keys()))

   # Print summary & we're done.
   if (ml.instruction_ct == 0):
      ch.FATAL("no instructions found: %s" % cli.file)
   assert (image_i + 1 == image_ct)  # should have errored already if not
   ch.INFO("grown in %d instructions: %s"
           % (ml.instruction_ct, images[image_i]))