Example #1
class MaabeKPA(ABEncMultiAuth):
    A Multiauthority Attribute Based Cryptosystem with Expressive Policies

    >>> group = PairingGroup('SS512')
    >>> n_users = 8
    >>> height = 3
    >>> tree = Tree(n_users, height)
    >>> maabe = MaabeKPA(group, tree)
    >>> public_parameters = maabe.setup()

        Setup the attribute authorities
    >>> attributes1 = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE']
    >>> attributes2 = ['FOUR', 'FIVE', 'SIX']
    >>> attributes3 = ['SEVEN', 'EIGHT', 'NINE']
    >>> attributes4 = ['TEN', 'ELEVEN', 'TWELVE']
    >>> (public_key1, secret_key1) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'AB')
    >>> (public_key2, secret_key2) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'CD')
    >>> (public_key3, secret_key3) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'EF')
    >>> (public_key4, secret_key4) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'GH')
    >>> public_keys = {'AB': public_key1, 'CD': public_key2, 'EF': public_key3, 'GH': public_key4}
    >>> secret_keys = {'AB': secret_key1, 'CD': secret_key2, 'EF': secret_key3, 'GH': secret_key4}
        Setup a user and give him some keys
    >>> gid = 2
    >>> user_attributes1 = ['A1@AB', 'B1@AB', 'C1@AB']
    >>> user_attributes2 = ['D1@CD', 'E1@CD', 'F1@CD']
    >>> user_attributes3 = ['A2@EF', 'B2@EF', 'C2@EF']
    >>> user_attributes4 = ['D2@GH', 'E2@GH', 'F2@GH']
    >>> path = tree.Path(2)
    >>> user_keys1 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, secret_key1, gid, path, user_attributes1)
    >>> user_keys2 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, secret_key2, gid, path, user_attributes2)
    >>> user_keys3 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, secret_key3, gid, path, user_attributes3)
    >>> user_keys4 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, secret_key4, gid, path, user_attributes4)
    >>> user_keys = {'GID': gid, 'keys': merge_dicts(user_keys1, user_keys2, user_keys3, user_keys4)}
    >>> update_key1 = maabe.update_keygen(public_parameters, gid, public_key1, secret_key1, user_keys1, user_attributes1, 20)
    >>> update_key2 = maabe.update_keygen(public_parameters, gid, public_key2, secret_key2, user_keys2, user_attributes2, 20)
    >>> update_key3 = maabe.update_keygen(public_parameters, gid, public_key3, secret_key3, user_keys3, user_attributes3, 20)
    >>> update_key4 = maabe.update_keygen(public_parameters, gid, public_key4, secret_key4, user_keys4, user_attributes4, 20)
    >>> decrypt_key1 = maabe.decrypt_keygen(public_parameters, public_key1, user_keys1, gid, update_key1, user_attributes1, True)
    >>> decrypt_key2 = maabe.decrypt_keygen(public_parameters, public_key2, user_keys2, gid, update_key2, user_attributes2, True)
    >>> decrypt_key3 = maabe.decrypt_keygen(public_parameters, public_key3, user_keys3, gid, update_key3, user_attributes3, True)
    >>> decrypt_key4 = maabe.decrypt_keygen(public_parameters, public_key4, user_keys4, gid, update_key4, user_attributes4, True)
    >>> decrypt_keys = {'GID': gid, 'keys': merge_dicts(decrypt_key1, decrypt_key2, decrypt_key3, decrypt_key4)}
    Create a random message
    >>> message = group.random(GT)

        Encrypt the message
    >>> access_policy = '(A1@AB or E1@CD) and (C2@EF or D2@GH)'
    >>> cipher_text = maabe.encrypt(public_parameters, public_keys, message, access_policy, 20)

    print("Decryption key")
    print("User key")
        Decrypt the message
    >>> decrypted_message = maabe.decrypt(gid, public_parameters, user_keys, decrypt_keys, cipher_text)
    >>> decrypted_message == message
    Check for key sanity
    >>> sanityCheck = maabe.sanitycheck(public_parameters, secret_keys, public_keys, user_keys)
    Sanity Check
    SanityCheck1: True
    SanityCheck2: True
    >>> sanityCheck == True
    def __init__(self, group, tree, verbose=False):
        self.group = group
        self.tree = tree
        self.util = SecretUtil(group, verbose)

    def setup(self):
        g1 = self.group.random(G1)
        g2 = self.group.random(G2)
        egg = pair(g1, g2)
        H = lambda x: self.group.hash(x, G2)
        F = lambda x: self.group.hash(x, G2)
        gp = {'g1': g1, 'g2': g2, 'egg': egg, 'H': H, 'F': F}
        if debug:
        return gp

    def unpack_attribute(self, attribute):
        Unpacks an attribute in attribute name, authority name and index
        :param attribute: The attribute to unpack
        :return: The attribute name, authority name and the attribute index, if present.

        >>> group = PairingGroup('SS512')
        >>> n_users = 8
        >>> height = 3
        >>> tree = Tree(n_users, height)
        >>> maabe = MaabeKPA(group, tree)
        >>> maabe.unpack_attribute('STUDENT@UT')
        ('STUDENT', 'UT', None)
        >>> maabe.unpack_attribute('STUDENT@UT_2')
        ('STUDENT', 'UT', '2')
        parts = re.split(r"[@_]", attribute)
        assert len(parts) > 1, "No @ char in [attribute@authority] name"
        return parts[0], parts[1], None if len(parts) < 3 else parts[2]

    def authsetup(self, gp, name):
        N, d = 8, 5
        alpha, y = self.group.random(), self.group.random()
        a, b = self.group.random(), self.group.random()
        egga = gp['egg']**alpha
        gy = gp['g1']**y
        ga = gp['g1']**a
        gb = gp['g1']**b
        g2a = gp['g2']**a
        g2b = gp['g2']**b
        f_list = list()
        r_list = dict()
        for i in range(0, d + 1):
        for i in range(1, 2 * N):
            r_list[i] = self.group.random()
        pk = {
            'name': name,
            'egga': egga,
            'gy': gy,
            'ga': ga,
            'gb': gb,
            'f_list': f_list,
            'g2a': g2a,
            'g2b': g2b
        sk = {
            'name': name,
            'alpha': alpha,
            'y': y,
            'a': a,
            'b': b,
            'r_list': r_list
        if debug:
            print("Authsetup: %s" % name)
        return pk, sk

    def J(self, f_list, d, t):
        t_binary = bin(t)[2:]
        prod = self.group.init(G2, 1)
        prod *= f_list[0]
        for i in range(1, d + 1):
            if t_binary[i - 1] == '1':
                prod *= f_list[i]
        return prod

    def keygen(self, gp, sk, gid, attribute, w):
        Generate a user secret key for the attribute.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret key of the attribute authority.
        :param gid: The global user identifier.
        :param attribute: The attribute.
        :param w: The node in the path
        :return: The secret key for the attribute for the user with identifier gid.
        _, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(attribute)
        assert sk[
            'name'] == auth, "Attribute %s does not belong to authority %s" % (
                attribute, sk['name'])

        tt = self.group.random()
        r = self.group.random()
        j = (sk['a'] + sk['b'] * r)
        K1 = gp['g2']**((sk['alpha'] - sk['r_list'][w]) / (j + gid))
        K1 *= gp['H'](str(gid))**(sk['y'] / (j + gid))
        K1 *= gp['F'](attribute)**tt
        K2 = gid
        K3 = r
        K4 = gp['g1']**tt
        K5 = gp['g1']**(j * tt)
        if debug:
            print("User, Attribute, Node")
            print({'K1': K1, 'K2': K2, 'K3': K3, 'K4': K4, 'K5': K5})
        return {'K1': K1, 'K2': K2, 'K3': K3, 'K4': K4, 'K5': K5}

    def multiple_attributes_keygen(self, gp, sk, gid, path, attributes):
        Generate a dictionary of secret keys for a user for a list of attributes.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret key of the attribute authority.
        :param gid: The global user identifier.
        :param attributes: The list of attributes.
        :return: A dictionary with attribute names as keys, and secret keys for the attributes as values.
        usk = {}
        for attribute in attributes:
            usk[attribute] = {}
            for w in path:
                usk[attribute][w] = self.keygen(gp, sk, gid, attribute, w)
        return usk

    def update_keygen(self, gp, gid, pks, sk, user_key, attributes, t):
        X, Y = self.tree.get_sets()
        gid_hash = gid
        uk = {}
        for attribute in attributes:
            uk[attribute] = {}
            for w in Y:
                m = self.group.random()
                r = user_key[attribute][w]['K3']
                j = (sk['a'] + sk['b'] * r)
                uk1 = (gp['g2']**((sk['r_list'][w]) /
                                  (j + gid_hash))) * (self.J(
                                      pks['f_list'], 5, t)**(m /
                                                             (j + gid_hash)))
                uk2 = gp['g1']**m
                uk3 = self.J(pks['f_list'], 5, t)**(1 / (j + gid_hash))
                uk[attribute][w] = {'U1': uk1, 'U2': uk2, 'U3': uk3}
        if debug:
            print("Update keygen")
        return uk

    def decrypt_keygen(self, gp, pks, usk, gid, uk, attributes, first_iter):
        X, Y = self.tree.get_sets()
        path = set(self.tree.Path(gid))
        common = path.intersection(set(Y))
        dsk = {}
        for w in common:
            if first_iter:
                m = 0
                m = self.group.random()
            for attribute in attributes:
                D1 = usk[attribute][w]['K1'] * uk[attribute][w]['U1'] * (
                D2 = usk[attribute][w]['K4']
                Dt = uk[attribute][w]['U2'] * gp['g1']**m
                dsk[attribute] = {'D1': D1, 'D2': D2, 'Dt': Dt}
            if debug:
                print("Decrypt keygen")
        return dsk

    def encrypt(self, gp, pks, message, policy_str, t):
        Encrypt a message under an access policy
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param pks: The public keys of the relevant attribute authorities, as dict from authority name to public key.
        :param message: The message to encrypt.
        :param policy_str: The access policy to use.
        :return: The encrypted message.
        s = self.group.random()  # secret to be shared
        w = self.group.init(ZR, 0)  # 0 to be shared
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_str)
        attribute_list = self.util.getAttributeList(policy)
        secret_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(
            s, policy)  # These are correctly set to be exponents in Z_p
        zero_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(w, policy)
        C0 = message * (gp['egg']**s)
        C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, Ct = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
        b = bin(t)[2:]
        testing = list()
        rx_list = {}
        for i in attribute_list:
            attribute_name, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(i)
            attr = "%s@%s" % (attribute_name, auth)
            rx = self.group.random()
            rx_list[i] = rx
            C1[i] = gp['egg']**secret_shares[i] * pks[auth]['egga']**rx
            C2[i] = gp['g1']**(-rx)
            C3[i] = pks[auth]['gy']**rx * gp['g1']**zero_shares[i]
            C4[i] = gp['F'](attr)**rx
            C5[i] = pks[auth]['ga']**(-rx)
            C6[i] = pks[auth]['gb']**(-rx)
            Ct[i] = self.group.init(G2, 1)
            Ct[i] *= pks[auth]['f_list'][0]
            for k in range(0, len(b)):
                if b[k] == '1':
                    Ct[i] *= pks[auth]['f_list'][k + 1]
            Ct[i] = Ct[i]**rx

        if debug:
                'policy': policy_str,
                'C0': C0,
                'C1': C1,
                'C2': C2,
                'C3': C3,
                'C4': C4,
                'C5': C5,
                'C6': C6,
                'Ct': Ct
            print("Testing value")
        return {
            'policy': policy_str,
            'C0': C0,
            'C1': C1,
            'C2': C2,
            'C3': C3,
            'C4': C4,
            'C5': C5,
            'C6': C6,
            'Ct': Ct,
            'secret_shares': secret_shares,
            'zero_shares': zero_shares,
            'rx': rx_list

#    def update_encrypt(self, gp, pks, ct):
#        """
#        Encrypt a message under an access policy
#        :param gp: The global parameters.
#        :param pks: The public keys of the relevant attribute authorities, as dict from authority name to public key.
#        :param message: The message to encrypt.
#        :param policy_str: The access policy to use.
#        :return: The encrypted message.
#        """
#        s_new = self.group.random()  # secret to be shared
#        w_new = self.group.init(ZR, 0)  # 0 to be shared
#        policy = self.util.createPolicy(ct['policy'])
#        attribute_list = self.util.getAttributeList(policy)
#        secret_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(s, policy)  # These are correctly set to be exponents in Z_p
#        zero_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(w, policy)
#        C0_new = ct['C0'] * (gp['egg'] ** s_new)
#        C1_new, C2_new, C3_new, C4_new, C5_new, C6_new = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
#        for i in attribute_list:
#            attribute_name, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(i)
#            attr = "%s@%s" % (attribute_name, auth)
#            rx_new = self.group.random()
#            C1_new[i] = ct['C1'][i] * gp['egg'] ** secret_shares[i] * pks[auth]['egga'] ** rx_new
#            C2_new[i] = ct['C2'][i] * gp['g1'] ** (-rx_new)
#            C3_new[i] = ct['C3'][i] * pks[auth]['gy'] ** rx_new * gp['g1'] ** zero_shares[i]
#            C4_new[i] = ct['C4'][i] * gp['F'](attr) ** rx_new
#            C5_new[i] = ct['C5'][i] * pks[auth]['ga'] ** (-rx_new)
#            C6_new[i] = ct['C6'][i] * pks[auth]['gb'] ** (-rx_new)
#        if debug:
#            print("Update Encrypt")
#            print(message)
#            print({'policy': policy_str, 'C0_new': C0_new, 'C1_new': C1_new, 'C2_new': C2_new, 'C3_new': C3_new, 'C4_new': C4_new, 'C5_new': C5_new, 'C6_new': C6_new})
#        return {'policy': policy_str, 'C0_new': C0_new, 'C1_new': C1_new, 'C2_new': C2_new, 'C3_new': C3_new, 'C4_new': C4_new, 'C5_new': C5_new, 'C6_new': C6_new}

    def decrypt(self, gi, gp, usk, dsk, ct):
        Decrypt the ciphertext using the secret keys of the user.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret keys of the user.
        :param ct: The ciphertext to decrypt.
        :return: The decrypted message.
        :raise Exception: When the access policy can not be satisfied with the user's attributes.
        X, Y = self.tree.get_sets()
        path = set(self.tree.Path(gi))
        common = path.intersection(set(Y))
        gid = list(common)[0]
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(ct['policy'])
        coefficients = self.util.getCoefficients(policy)
        pruned_list = self.util.prune(policy, usk['keys'].keys())
        if not pruned_list:
            raise Exception(
                "You don't have the required attributes for decryption!")
        B = self.group.init(GT, 1)
        for i in range(len(pruned_list)):
            x = pruned_list[i].getAttribute()  # without the underscore
            #            y = pruned_list[i].getAttributeAndIndex()  # with the underscore
            t1 = ct['C2'][x]**usk['keys'][x][gid]['K2']
            t1 *= ct['C5'][x]
            t1 *= ct['C6'][x]**usk['keys'][x][gid]['K3']
            result1 = pair(t1, dsk['keys'][x]['D1'])
            result2 = ct['C1'][x]
            result3 = pair(dsk['keys'][x]['Dt'], ct['Ct'][x])
            result4 = pair((dsk['keys'][x]['D2']**usk['keys'][x][gid]['K2']) *
                           usk['keys'][x][gid]['K5'], ct['C4'][x])
            result5 = pair(ct['C3'][x],
            B *= (result1 * result2 * result3 * result4 *
        decrypted_message = ct['C0'] / B
        if debug:
            print("Decrypted Message:")
        return decrypted_message

    def sanitycheck(self, gp, sks, pks, usk):
        #        self.group.StartBenchmark(["RealTime", "Mul", "Exp", "Pair"])
        #        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_ct)
        #        pruned_list = self.util.prune(policy, sk['keys'].keys())
        #        if not pruned_list:
        #            raise Exception("You don't have the required attributes for decryption!")
        attributes = usk['keys'].keys()
        keySanityCheck = False
        for x in attributes:
            #            x = pruned_list[i].getAttribute()
            #            keySanityCheck = True
            keySanityCheck1 = False
            keySanityCheck2 = False
            attribute_name, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(x)
            for w in usk['keys'][x].keys():
                keySanityCheck1 = keySanityCheck1 or (pair(
                    usk['keys'][x][w]['K5'], gp['g2']) == pair(
                        usk['keys'][x][w]['K4'], pks[auth]['g2a'] *
                keySanityCheck2 = keySanityCheck2 or (
                        pks[auth]['ga'] *
                        (pks[auth]['gb']**usk['keys'][x][w]['K3']) *
                    == (gp['egg']**
                        (sks[auth]['alpha'] - sks[auth]['r_list'][w])) *
                    pair(pks[auth]['gy'], gp['H'](str(
                        usk['keys'][x][w]['K2']))) * pair(
                            usk['keys'][x][w]['K5'] *
            keySanityCheck = (keySanityCheck1 and keySanityCheck2)
            if keySanityCheck:
        if debug:
            print("Sanity Check")
            print("SanityCheck1:", keySanityCheck1)
            print("SanityCheck2:", keySanityCheck2)
        return keySanityCheck
Example #2
class MaabeRW15(ABEncMultiAuth):
    Efficient Statically-Secure Large-Universe Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption
    Rouselakis - Waters
    def __init__(self, group, verbose=False):
        self.group = group
        self.util = SecretUtil(group, verbose)

    def setup(self):
        g1 = self.group.random(G1)
        g2 = self.group.random(G2)
        egg = pair(g1, g2)
        H = lambda x: self.group.hash(x, G2)
        F = lambda x: self.group.hash(x, G2)
        gp = {'g1': g1, 'g2': g2, 'egg': egg, 'H': H, 'F': F}
        if debug:
        return gp

    def unpack_attribute(self, attribute):
        Unpacks an attribute in attribute name, authority name and index
        :param attribute: The attribute to unpack
        :return: The attribute name, authority name and the attribute index, if present.
         group = PairingGroup('SS512')
         maabe = MaabeRW15(group)
        ('STUDENT', 'UT', None)
        ('STUDENT', 'UT', '2')
        parts = re.split(r"[@_]", attribute)
        assert len(parts) > 1, "No @ char in [attribute@authority] name"
        return parts[0], parts[1], None if len(parts) < 3 else parts[2]

    def authsetup(self, gp, name):
        Setup an attribute authority.
        :param gp: The global parameters
        :param name: The name of the authority
        :return: The public and private key of the authority
        alpha, y = self.group.random(), self.group.random()
        egga = gp['egg']**alpha
        gy = gp['g1']**y
        pk = {'name': name, 'egga': egga, 'gy': gy}
        sk = {'name': name, 'alpha': alpha, 'y': y}
        if debug:
            print("Authsetup: %s" % name)
        return pk, sk

    def keygen(self, gp, sk, gid, attribute):
        Generate a user secret key for the attribute.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret key of the attribute authority.
        :param gid: The global user identifier.
        :param attribute: The attribute.
        :return: The secret key for the attribute for the user with identifier gid.
        _, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(attribute)
        assert sk[
            'name'] == auth, "Attribute %s does not belong to authority %s" % (
                attribute, sk['name'])

        t = self.group.random()
        K = gp['g2']**sk['alpha'] * gp['H'](gid)**sk['y'] * gp['F'](
        KP = gp['g1']**t
        if debug:
            print("User: %s, Attribute: %s" % (gid, attribute))
            print({'K': K, 'KP': KP})
        return {'K': K, 'KP': KP}

    def multiple_attributes_keygen(self, gp, sk, gid, attributes):
        Generate a dictionary of secret keys for a user for a list of attributes.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret key of the attribute authority.
        :param gid: The global user identifier.
        :param attributes: The list of attributes.
        :return: A dictionary with attribute names as keys, and secret keys for the attributes as values.
        uk = {}
        for attribute in attributes:
            uk[attribute] = self.keygen(gp, sk, gid, attribute)
        return uk

    def encrypt(self, gp, pks, message, policy_str):
        Encrypt a message under an access policy
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param pks: The public keys of the relevant attribute authorities, as dict from authority name to public key.
        :param message: The message to encrypt.
        :param policy_str: The access policy to use.
        :return: The encrypted message.
        s = self.group.random()  # secret to be shared
        w = self.group.init(ZR, 0)  # 0 to be shared

        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_str)
        attribute_list = self.util.getAttributeList(policy)

        secret_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(
            s, policy)  # These are correctly set to be exponents in Z_p
        zero_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(w, policy)

        C0 = message * (gp['egg']**s)
        C1, C2, C3, C4 = {}, {}, {}, {}
        for i in attribute_list:
            attribute_name, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(i)
            attr = "%s@%s" % (attribute_name, auth)
            tx = self.group.random()
            C1[i] = gp['egg']**secret_shares[i] * pks[auth]['egga']**tx
            C2[i] = gp['g1']**(-tx)
            C3[i] = pks[auth]['gy']**tx * gp['g1']**zero_shares[i]
            C4[i] = gp['F'](attr)**tx
        if debug:
                'policy': policy_str,
                'C0': C0,
                'C1': C1,
                'C2': C2,
                'C3': C3,
                'C4': C4
        return {
            'policy': policy_str,
            'C0': C0,
            'C1': C1,
            'C2': C2,
            'C3': C3,
            'C4': C4

    def decrypt(self, gp, sk, ct):
        Decrypt the ciphertext using the secret keys of the user.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret keys of the user.
        :param ct: The ciphertext to decrypt.
        :return: The decrypted message.
        :raise Exception: When the access policy can not be satisfied with the user's attributes.
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(ct['policy'])
        coefficients = self.util.getCoefficients(policy)
        pruned_list = self.util.prune(policy, sk['keys'].keys())

        if not pruned_list:
            raise Exception(
                "You don't have the required attributes for decryption!")

        B = self.group.init(GT, 1)
        for i in range(len(pruned_list)):
            x = pruned_list[i].getAttribute()  # without the underscore
            y = pruned_list[i].getAttributeAndIndex()  # with the underscore
            B *= (ct['C1'][y] * pair(ct['C2'][y], sk['keys'][x]['K']) *
                  pair(ct['C3'][y], gp['H'](sk['GID'])) *
                  pair(sk['keys'][x]['KP'], ct['C4'][y]))**coefficients[y]
        if debug:
            print("Decrypted Message:")
            print(ct['C0'] / B)
        return ct['C0'] / B
Example #3
class MaabeKPA(ABEncMultiAuth):
    A Multiauthority Attribute Based Cryptosystem with Expressive Policies

    >>> group = PairingGroup('SS512')
    >>> maabe = MaabeKPA(group)
    >>> public_parameters = maabe.setup()

        Setup the attribute authorities
    attributes1 = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR']
    attributes2 = ['THREE', 'FOUR']
    >>> (public_key1, secret_key1) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'AB')
    >>> (public_key2, secret_key2) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'CD')
    >>> (public_key3, secret_key3) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'EF')
    >>> (public_key4, secret_key4) = maabe.authsetup(public_parameters, 'GH')
    >>> public_keys = {'AB': public_key1, 'CD': public_key2, 'EF': public_key3, 'GH': public_key4 }

        Setup a user and give him some keys
    >>> gid = "bob"
    >>> user_attributes1 = ['A1@AB', 'B1@AB', 'C1@AB', 'D1@AB']
    >>> user_attributes2 = ['A2@CD', 'B2@CD', 'C2@CD', 'D2@CD']
    >>> user_attributes3 = ['A3@EF', 'B3@EF', 'C3@EF', 'D3@EF']
    >>> user_attributes4 = ['A4@GH', 'B4@GH', 'C4@GH', 'D4@GH']
    >>> user_keys1 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, secret_key1, gid, user_attributes1)
    >>> user_keys2 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, secret_key2, gid, user_attributes2)
    >>> user_keys3 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, secret_key3, gid, user_attributes3)
    >>> user_keys4 = maabe.multiple_attributes_keygen(public_parameters, secret_key4, gid, user_attributes4)
    >>> user_keys = {'GID': gid, 'keys': merge_dicts(user_keys1, user_keys2, user_keys3, user_keys4)}

        Create a random message
    >>> message = group.random(GT)

        Encrypt the message
    >>> access_policy = '(A1@AB or D2@CD) and (B3@EF or C4@GH)'
    >>> cipher_text = maabe.encrypt(public_parameters, public_keys, message, access_policy)

        Decrypt the message
    >>> decrypted_message = maabe.decrypt(public_parameters, user_keys, cipher_text)
    >>> decrypted_message == message
        Check for key sanity
    >>> sanityCheck = maabe.sanitycheck(public_parameters, public_keys, user_keys, cipher_text['policy'])
    Sanity Check
    SanityCheck1: True
    SanityCheck2: True
    >>> sanityCheck == True
    def __init__(self, group, verbose=False):
        self.group = group
        self.util = SecretUtil(group, verbose)
        f = open('Benchmarks.txt', 'a+')

    def setup(self):
        g1 = self.group.random(G1)
        g2 = self.group.random(G2)
        egg = pair(g1, g2)
        H = lambda x: self.group.hash(x, G2)
        F = lambda x: self.group.hash(x, G2)
        gp = {'g1': g1, 'g2': g2, 'egg': egg, 'H': H, 'F': F}
        if debug:
        return gp

    def unpack_attribute(self, attribute):
        Unpacks an attribute in attribute name, authority name and index
        :param attribute: The attribute to unpack
        :return: The attribute name, authority name and the attribute index, if present.

        >>> group = PairingGroup('SS512')
        >>> maabe = MaabeKPA(group)
        >>> maabe.unpack_attribute('STUDENT@UT')
        ('STUDENT', 'UT', None)
        >>> maabe.unpack_attribute('STUDENT@UT_2')
        ('STUDENT', 'UT', '2')
        parts = re.split(r"[@_]", attribute)
        assert len(parts) > 1, "No @ char in [attribute@authority] name"
        return parts[0], parts[1], None if len(parts) < 3 else parts[2]

    def authsetup(self, gp, name):
        Setup an attribute authority.
        :param gp: The global parameters
        :param name: The name of the authority
        :return: The public and private key of the authority
        f = open('Benchmarks.txt', 'a+')
        assert self.group.InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark"
        self.group.StartBenchmark(["RealTime", "Mul", "Exp", "Pair"])
        alpha, y = self.group.random(), self.group.random()
        a, b = self.group.random(), self.group.random()
        egga = gp['egg']**alpha
        gy = gp['g1']**y
        ga = gp['g1']**a
        gb = gp['g1']**b
        pk = {'name': name, 'egga': egga, 'gy': gy, 'ga': ga, 'gb': gb}
        sk = {'name': name, 'alpha': alpha, 'y': y, 'a': a, 'b': b}
        msmtDict = self.group.GetGeneralBenchmarks()
        f.write("\nAuth Setup Benchmarks for %s:" % name)
        json.dump(msmtDict, f)
        if debug:
            print("Authsetup: %s" % name)
        return pk, sk

    def keygen(self, gp, sk, gid, attribute):
        Generate a user secret key for the attribute.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret key of the attribute authority.
        :param gid: The global user identifier.
        :param attribute: The attribute.
        :return: The secret key for the attribute for the user with identifier gid.
        _, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(attribute)
        assert sk[
            'name'] == auth, "Attribute %s does not belong to authority %s" % (
                attribute, sk['name'])

        t = self.group.random()
        i = self.group.random()
        gid_hash = self.group.hash(gid, ZR)
        j = sk['a'] + sk['a'] * sk['b'] * gid_hash
        K4 = gp['g2']**i
        K1 = gp['g2']**sk['alpha'] * K4**j * gp['H'](gid)**sk['y'] * gp['F'](
        K2 = gid
        K3 = K4**sk['b']
        K5 = gp['g1']**t
        if debug:
            print("User: %s, Attribute: %s" % (gid, attribute))
            print({'K1': K1, 'K2': K2, 'K3': K3, 'K4': K4, 'K5': K5})
        return {'K1': K1, 'K2': K2, 'K3': K3, 'K4': K4, 'K5': K5}

    def multiple_attributes_keygen(self, gp, sk, gid, attributes):
        Generate a dictionary of secret keys for a user for a list of attributes.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret key of the attribute authority.
        :param gid: The global user identifier.
        :param attributes: The list of attributes.
        :return: A dictionary with attribute names as keys, and secret keys for the attributes as values.
        uk = {}
        f = open('Benchmarks.txt', 'a+')
        #        assert self.group.InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark"
        self.group.StartBenchmark(["RealTime", "Mul", "Exp", "Pair"])
        for attribute in attributes:
            uk[attribute] = self.keygen(gp, sk, gid, attribute)
        msmtDict = self.group.GetGeneralBenchmarks()
        f.write("\nTotal Keygen Benchmarks:")
        json.dump(msmtDict, f)
        return uk

    def encrypt(self, gp, pks, message, policy_str):
        Encrypt a message under an access policy
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param pks: The public keys of the relevant attribute authorities, as dict from authority name to public key.
        :param message: The message to encrypt.
        :param policy_str: The access policy to use.
        :return: The encrypted message.
        f = open('Benchmarks.txt', 'a+')
        s = self.group.random()  # secret to be shared
        w = self.group.init(ZR, 0)  # 0 to be shared
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_str)
        attribute_list = self.util.getAttributeList(policy)
        #        assert self.group.InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark"
        self.group.StartBenchmark(["RealTime", "Mul", "Exp", "Pair"])
        secret_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(
            s, policy)  # These are correctly set to be exponents in Z_p
        zero_shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(w, policy)
        C0 = message * (gp['egg']**s)
        C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
        for i in attribute_list:
            attribute_name, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(i)
            attr = "%s@%s" % (attribute_name, auth)
            tx = self.group.random()
            C1[i] = gp['egg']**secret_shares[i] * pks[auth]['egga']**tx
            C2[i] = gp['g1']**(-tx)
            C3[i] = pks[auth]['gy']**tx * gp['g1']**zero_shares[i]
            C4[i] = gp['F'](attr)**tx
            C5[i] = pks[auth]['ga']**tx
        msmtDict = self.group.GetGeneralBenchmarks()
        f.write("\nEncryption Benchmarks:")
        json.dump(msmtDict, f)
        #        granDict = self.group.GetGranularBenchmarks()
        #        print("<=== General Benchmarks ===>")
        #        print("Results  := ", msmtDict)
        #        print("<=== Granular Benchmarks ===>")
        #        print("G1 mul   := ", granDict["Mul"][G1])
        if debug:
                'policy': policy_str,
                'C0': C0,
                'C1': C1,
                'C2': C2,
                'C3': C3,
                'C4': C4,
                'C5': C5
        return {
            'policy': policy_str,
            'C0': C0,
            'C1': C1,
            'C2': C2,
            'C3': C3,
            'C4': C4,
            'C5': C5

    def decrypt(self, gp, sk, ct):
        Decrypt the ciphertext using the secret keys of the user.
        :param gp: The global parameters.
        :param sk: The secret keys of the user.
        :param ct: The ciphertext to decrypt.
        :return: The decrypted message.
        :raise Exception: When the access policy can not be satisfied with the user's attributes.
        f = open('Benchmarks.txt', 'a+')
        #        assert self.group.InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark"
        self.group.StartBenchmark(["RealTime", "Mul", "Exp", "Pair"])
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(ct['policy'])
        coefficients = self.util.getCoefficients(policy)
        pruned_list = self.util.prune(policy, sk['keys'].keys())
        if not pruned_list:
            raise Exception(
                "You don't have the required attributes for decryption!")
        B = self.group.init(GT, 1)
        for i in range(len(pruned_list)):
            x = pruned_list[i].getAttribute()  # without the underscore
            y = pruned_list[i].getAttributeAndIndex()  # with the underscore
            K2_hash = self.group.hash(sk['keys'][x]['K2'], ZR)
            B *= (ct['C1'][y] * pair(ct['C2'][y], sk['keys'][x]['K1']) *
                  pair(ct['C3'][y], gp['H'](sk['keys'][x]['K2'])) *
                  pair(sk['keys'][x]['K5'], ct['C4'][y]) *
                  pair(ct['C5'][y], sk['keys'][x]['K4'] *
        decrypted_message = ct['C0'] / B
        msmtDict = self.group.GetGeneralBenchmarks()
        f.write("\nDecryption Benchmarks:")
        json.dump(msmtDict, f)
        if debug:
            print("Decrypted Message:")
        return decrypted_message

    def sanitycheck(self, gp, pks, sk, policy_ct):
        f = open('Benchmarks.txt', 'a+')
        #        assert self.group.InitBenchmark(), "failed to initialize benchmark"
        self.group.StartBenchmark(["RealTime", "Mul", "Exp", "Pair"])
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_ct)
        pruned_list = self.util.prune(policy, sk['keys'].keys())
        if not pruned_list:
            raise Exception(
                "You don't have the required attributes for decryption!")
        keySanityCheck = False
        for i in range(len(pruned_list)):
            x = pruned_list[i].getAttribute()
            attribute_name, auth, _ = self.unpack_attribute(x)
            K2_hash = self.group.hash(sk['keys'][x]['K2'], ZR)
            keySanityCheck1 = (pair(gp['g1'], sk['keys'][x]['K3']) == pair(
                pks[auth]['gb'], sk['keys'][x]['K4']))
            keySanityCheck2 = (
                pair(gp['g1'], sk['keys'][x]['K1']) == pks[auth]['egga'] *
                pair(pks[auth]['gy'], gp['H'](sk['keys'][x]['K2'])) *
                pair(sk['keys'][x]['K5'], gp['F'](x)) *
                     sk['keys'][x]['K4'] * sk['keys'][x]['K3']**K2_hash))
            keySanityCheck = keySanityCheck1 and keySanityCheck2
            if keySanityCheck:
        msmtDict = self.group.GetGeneralBenchmarks()
        f.write("\nSanity Check Benchmarks:")
        json.dump(msmtDict, f)
        if debug:
            print("Sanity Check")
            print("SanityCheck1:", keySanityCheck1)
            print("SanityCheck2:", keySanityCheck2)
        return keySanityCheck
Example #4
class YLLC15(ABEnc):
    Possibly a subclass of BSW07?
    def __init__(self, group):
        self.group = group
        self.util = SecretUtil(self.group)

    @Output(params_t, msk_t)
    def setup(self):
        g, gp = self.group.random(G1), self.group.random(G2)
        alpha, beta = self.group.random(ZR), self.group.random(ZR)
        # initialize pre-processing for generators

        h = g**beta
        e_gg_alpha = pair(g, gp**alpha)

        params = {'g': g, 'g2': gp, 'h': h, 'e_gg_alpha': e_gg_alpha}
        msk = {'beta': beta, 'alpha': alpha}
        return params, msk

    @Output(pku_t, sku_t)
    def ukgen(self, params):
        g2 = params['g2']
        x = self.group.random(ZR)
        pku = g2**x
        sku = x
        return pku, sku

    @Input(params_t, msk_t, pku_t, pku_t, [str])
    # @Output(pxku_t)
    def proxy_keygen(self, params, msk, pkcs, pku, attribute_list):
        attributes specified in the `attribute_list` are converted to uppercase
        r1 = self.group.random(ZR)
        r2 = self.group.random(ZR)
        g = params['g']
        g2 = params['g2']

        k = ((pkcs**r1) * (pku**msk['alpha']) * (g2**r2))**~msk['beta']
        k_prime = g2**r1
        k_attrs = {}
        for attr in attribute_list:
            attr_caps = attr.upper()
            r_attr = self.group.random(ZR)
            k_attr1 = (g2**r2) * (self.group.hash(str(attr_caps), G2)**r_attr)
            k_attr2 = g**r_attr
            k_attrs[attr_caps] = (k_attr1, k_attr2)

        proxy_key_user = {'k': k, 'k_prime': k_prime, 'k_attrs': k_attrs}
        return proxy_key_user

    @Input(params_t, GT, str)
    # @Output(ct_t)
    def encrypt(self, params, msg, policy_str):
         Encrypt a message M under a policy string.

         attributes specified in policy_str are converted to uppercase
         policy_str must use parentheses e.g. (A) and (B)
        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_str)
        s = self.group.random(ZR)
        shares = self.util.calculateSharesDict(s, policy)

        C = (params['e_gg_alpha']**s) * msg
        c_prime = params['h']**s
        c_prime_prime = params['g']**s

        c_attrs = {}
        for attr in shares.keys():
            attr_stripped = self.util.strip_index(attr)
            c_i1 = params['g']**shares[attr]
            c_i2 = self.group.hash(attr_stripped, G1)**shares[attr]
            c_attrs[attr] = (c_i1, c_i2)

        ciphertext = {
            'policy_str': policy_str,
            'C': C,
            'C_prime': c_prime,
            'C_prime_prime': c_prime_prime,
            'c_attrs': c_attrs
        return ciphertext

    # @Input(sku_t, pxku_t, ct_t)
    def proxy_decrypt(self, skcs, proxy_key_user, ciphertext):
        policy_root_node = ciphertext['policy_str']
        k = proxy_key_user['k']
        k_prime = proxy_key_user['k_prime']
        c_prime = ciphertext['C_prime']
        c_prime_prime = ciphertext['C_prime_prime']
        c_attrs = ciphertext['c_attrs']
        k_attrs = proxy_key_user['k_attrs']

        policy = self.util.createPolicy(policy_root_node)
        attributes = proxy_key_user['k_attrs'].keys()
        pruned_list = self.util.prune(policy, attributes)
        if not pruned_list:
            return None
        z = self.util.getCoefficients(policy)
        # reconstitute the policy random secret (A) which was used to encrypt the message
        A = 1
        for i in pruned_list:
            attr_idx = i.getAttributeAndIndex()
            attr = i.getAttribute()
            A *= (pair(c_attrs[attr_idx][0], k_attrs[attr][0]) /
                  pair(k_attrs[attr][1], c_attrs[attr_idx][1]))**z[attr_idx]

        e_k_c_prime = pair(k, c_prime)
        denominator = (pair(k_prime, c_prime_prime)**skcs) * A
        encrypted_element_for_user_pkenc_scheme = e_k_c_prime / denominator

        intermediate_value = {
            'C': ciphertext['C'],
            'e_term': encrypted_element_for_user_pkenc_scheme

        return intermediate_value

    @Input(type(None), sku_t, v_t)
    def decrypt(self, params, sku, intermediate_value):
        :param params: Not required - pass None instead. For interface compatibility only.
        :param sku: the secret key of the user as generated by `ukgen()`.
        :param intermediate_value: the partially decrypted ciphertext returned by `proxy_decrypt()`.
        :return: the plaintext message
        ciphertext = intermediate_value['C']
        e_term = intermediate_value['e_term']
        denominator = e_term**(sku**-1)
        msg = ciphertext / denominator
        return msg