Example #1
    def test_pearson(self):
        case: empty chart
        c = Chart( Instrument(4) )
        self.assertRaises(Exception, c.pearson, 0, c.get_size() )

        case: one candle
        # TODO

        case: straight line, positive slope
        c = Chart(in_instrument=Instrument(4), count=0)
        fake_candles = []
        fake_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        fake_price = 100.1234
        for i in range(0,10):
            fake_candles.append( Candle(
                timestamp=fake_timestamp + timedelta(seconds=i),   
                high_ask=fake_price + i,
                low_bid=(fake_price + i / 2)
            ) )
        c._candles = fake_candles
        pearson = c.pearson( 0, c.get_size() - 1, 'high_low_avg' )
        # Allow some play for float arithmetic
        self.assertTrue( pearson > 0.99999 and pearson <= 1 )

        case: straight line, negative slope
        c = Chart( in_instrument=Instrument(4), count=0 )
        fake_candles = []
        fake_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        fake_price = 100.1234
        for i in range(0,10):
            fake_candles.append( Candle(
                timestamp=fake_timestamp - timedelta(seconds=i),   
                high_ask=fake_price + i,
                low_bid=(fake_price + i / 2)
            ) )
        c._candles = fake_candles
        pearson = c.pearson( 0, c.get_size() - 1, 'high_low_avg' )
        # Allow some play for float arithmetic
        self.assertTrue( pearson < -0.99999 and pearson >= -1 )

        case: V shape
        c = Chart( in_instrument=Instrument(4), count=0 )
        fake_candles = []
        fake_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        fake_price = 100.1234
        seconds_elapsed = 0
        for i in range(9,-1,-1):
            fake_candles.append( Candle(
                timestamp=fake_timestamp + timedelta(seconds=seconds_elapsed),
                high_ask=fake_price + i,
                low_bid=(fake_price + i / 2)
            ) )
            seconds_elapsed += 1
        for i in range(0,10):
            fake_candles.append( Candle(
                timestamp=fake_timestamp + timedelta(seconds=seconds_elapsed),
                high_ask=fake_price + i,
                low_bid=(fake_price + i / 2)
            ) )
            seconds_elapsed += 1
        c._candles = fake_candles
        pearson = c.pearson( 0, c.get_size() - 1, 'high_low_avg' )
        # Allow some play for float arithmetic
        self.assertTrue( pearson > -0.000001 and pearson < 0.000001 )

        case: random
        c = Chart( in_instrument=Instrument(4), count=0 )
        fake_candles = []
        fake_timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        fake_price = 100
        seconds_elapsed = 0
        for i in range(0,10000):
            offset = random.randrange(1, fake_price)
            fake_candles.append( Candle(
                timestamp=fake_timestamp + timedelta(seconds=seconds_elapsed),
                high_ask=fake_price + offset,
                low_bid=(fake_price + offset / 2)
            ) )
            seconds_elapsed += 1
        c._candles = fake_candles
        pearson = c.pearson( 0, c.get_size() - 1, 'high_low_avg' )
        # Allow some play for float rounding
        print('pearson of random chart: {}'.format(pearson) )
        self.assertTrue( pearson > -0.02 and pearson < 0.02 )