def initResamplingMatrices(self): """ Pre-compute resampling matrices that go from N points to 2N points and vice versa. """ self._MatfromNto2N = cf.ResamplingMatrix(2 * self._N, self._N, chebGridType, chebGridType) self._MatfromNtoDirectN = cf.ResamplingMatrix(self._nptsDirect, self._N, chebGridType, chebGridType) self._MatfromDirectNtoN = cf.ResamplingMatrix(self._N, self._nptsDirect, chebGridType, chebGridType) self._Matfrom2NtoN = cf.ResamplingMatrix(self._N, 2 * self._N, chebGridType, chebGridType) self._stackMatfromNto2N = np.zeros((6 * self._N, 3 * self._N)) self._stackMatfrom2NtoN = np.zeros((3 * self._N, 6 * self._N)) for iD in range(3): self._stackMatfromNto2N[iD::3, iD::3] = self._MatfromNto2N self._stackMatfrom2NtoN[iD::3, iD::3] = self._Matfrom2NtoN W2N = np.diag(np.repeat(self._w2N, 3)) UTWU =,, self._stackMatfromNto2N)) self._LeastSquaresDownsampler = np.linalg.solve( UTWU,, W2N)) self._WeightedUpsamplingMat =, self._stackMatfromNto2N) self._UpsampledChebPolys =, self._Lmat[:, :self._nPolys]).T
def initD4BC(self): """ Compute the operator D_4^BC that is necessary when computing the bending forces. The constant -E_bend is included in this operator """ DownsamplingMat = cf.ResamplingMatrix(self._N, self._N + numBCs, chebGridType, D4BCgridType) SecDMat_upgrid = cf.diffMat(2, [0, self._L], 2, self._N + numBCs, D4BCgridType, D4BCgridType) ThirDMat_upgrid = cf.diffMat(3, [0, self._L], 2, self._N + numBCs, D4BCgridType, D4BCgridType) TotalBCMatrix = np.concatenate( (DownsamplingMat, SecDMat_upgrid, ThirDMat_upgrid)) # This is the only place where you would modify the "free fiber" BCs RHS = np.concatenate((np.identity(self._N), np.zeros((4, self._N)))) TildeConfigMatrix = np.linalg.solve(TotalBCMatrix, RHS) FourDMat_fromUptoDwn = cf.diffMat(4, [0, self._L], self._N, self._N + numBCs, chebGridType, D4BCgridType) OneD4BC = -self._Eb *, TildeConfigMatrix) # Stack up OneD4BC three times since there are 3 coordinates self._D4BC = np.zeros((3 * self._N, 3 * self._N)) for iD in range(3): self._D4BC[iD::3, iD::3] = OneD4BC
def resample(self, Xarg, Nrs, typetarg=chebGridType): """ Resample the fiber at Nrs Chebyshev nodes of type type Inputs: Xarg = a self._N x 3 vector of the fiber points, Nrs = number of points where the resampling is desired. typetarg = type of Chebyshev points (defaults to 1) Outputs: the resampled locations as an Nrs x 3 vector of points. """ RMatrix = cf.ResamplingMatrix(Nrs, self._N, typetarg, chebGridType) Xrs =, Xarg) return Xrs
def initSpecialQuadMatrices(self): """ Initialize matrices that are necessary for special quadrature / resampling. """ self._MatfromNtoUpsamp = cf.ResamplingMatrix(self._nptsUpsample, self._N, chebGridType, chebGridType) self._MatfromNto2panUp = cf.ResamplingMatrix(self._nptsUpsample,self._N,chebGridType,chebGridType,\ nPantarg=2) self._MatfromNtoUniform = cf.ResamplingMatrix(self._nptsUniform, self._N, 'u', chebGridType) self._UpsampledCoefficientsMatrix = cf.CoeffstoValuesMatrix( self._nptsUpsample, self._nptsUpsample, chebGridType) self._UpsampCoeffLU = lu_factor(self._UpsampledCoefficientsMatrix) # Initialize LU factorization of vandermonde matrix for special quadrature self._specQuadNodes = cf.chebPts(self._nptsUpsample, [-1, 1], chebGridType) self._upsampledWeights = cf.chebWts(self._nptsUpsample, [0, self._L], chebGridType) self._NupsampLUpiv = lu_factor( np.vander(self._specQuadNodes, increasing=True).T)
def get2PanelUpsamplingMatrix(self): return cf.ResamplingMatrix(self._N, self._N, chebGridType, chebGridType, nPantarg=2)