def readOptSm(argv, outputdir, selectodir, regionfile, genomefile, motiffile, exclude, prefix): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hf:g:m:o:", ["help", "name=", "excl="]) # List of all short and long options possible except getopt.GetoptError: usageSm() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): # Print usage message usageSm() sys.exit(0) elif opt == '-f': # For region bed file checkBed(arg) regionfile = arg elif opt == '-g': # For genome fasta file checkFasta(arg) genomefile = arg elif opt == '-o': # Output directory is specified if not checkPath(arg): print "Error, the specified path '"+arg+"' does not exists" sys.exit(1) outputdir = arg selectodir = 'true' elif opt == '--name': # Prefix to give to output file prefix = arg elif opt == '-m': # motif file to use for motif scanning checkMotif(arg) motiffile = arg elif opt == '--excl': # genomic region to exclude when genrating backgrund files checkExcl(arg) exclude = arg return outputdir, selectodir, regionfile, genomefile, motiffile, exclude, prefix
def readOptAp(argv, outputdir, selectodir, peakfile, annofile, peakcaller, prefix, graph): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hf:a:o:", ["help", "plot", "name="]) # List of all short and long options possible except getopt.GetoptError: usageAp() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): # Print usage message usageAp() sys.exit(0) elif opt == '-f': # For replicate 1 file checkFile(arg) peakfile = arg elif opt == '-a': # For replicate 2 file checkBed(arg) annofile = arg elif opt == '-o': # Output directory is specified if not checkPath(arg): print "Error, the specified path '"+arg+"' does not exists" sys.exit(1) outputdir = arg selectodir = 'true' elif opt == '--name': # Prefix to give to output file prefix = arg elif opt == '--plot': graph = 'ON' return outputdir, selectodir, peakfile, annofile, peakcaller, prefix, graph
def readOptMd(argv, outputdir, selectodir, regionfile, genomefile, database, scan, prefix): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hf:g:o:", ["help", "name=", "db="]) # List of all short and long options possible except getopt.GetoptError: usageMd() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): # Print usage message usageMd() sys.exit(0) elif opt == '-f': # For region bed file checkBed(arg) regionfile = arg elif opt == '-g': # For genome fasta file checkFasta(arg) genomefile = arg elif opt == '-o': # Output directory is specified if not checkPath(arg): print "Error, the specified path '"+arg+"' does not exists" sys.exit(1) outputdir = arg selectodir = 'true' elif opt == '--name': # Prefix to give to output file prefix = arg elif opt == '--db': # database to use for motif discovery checkDataBase(arg) scan = 'ON' database = arg return outputdir, selectodir, regionfile, genomefile, database, scan, prefix
def createOdir( directory ): # Create an output directory in the current directory when no output directory is given if checkPath(directory): return else: os.mkdir(directory)
def readOptCa(argv, outputdir, selectodir, filterqual, unmapped, filtercoord, indexGenome, rmvdup, sorting, indexBam, coordinatefile, prefix, genome, minqual, fastqfile, fastqfile1, fastqfile2, seq): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hf:1:2:g:o:q:FL:", ["help", "index", "rmdup", "sort", "bamIndex", "name="]) # List of all short and long options possible except getopt.GetoptError: usageCa() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): # Print usage message usageCa() sys.exit(0) elif opt == '-f': # Means that just one SE fastq file is given checkFastq(arg) fastqfile = arg seq = 'SE' elif opt == '-1': # Means that R1 PE fastq file is given checkFastq(arg) fastqfile1 = arg seq = 'PE' elif opt == '-2': # Means that R2 PE fastq file is given checkFastq(arg) fastqfile2 = arg elif opt == '-g': # genome prefix is given checkGenome(arg) genome = arg elif opt == '-o': # Output directory is specified if not checkPath(arg): print "Error, the specified path '"+arg+"' does not exists" sys.exit(1) outputdir = arg selectodir = 'true' elif opt == '-q': # Filter out reads with low quality minqual = arg # quality threshold filterqual = 'ON' elif opt == '-F': # Filter out unmapped reads unmapped = 'ON' elif opt == '-L': # Filter out reads in specific regions (blacklist) checkFile(arg) coordinatefile = arg # file name of blacklist regions filtercoord = 'ON' elif opt == '--index': # Indexing genome before alignment indexGenome = 'ON' elif opt == '--rmdup': # Filter out PCR duplicates and non uniquely mappable reads rmvdup = 'ON' elif opt == '--sort': # Sorting final bam file sorting = 'ON' elif opt == '--bamIndex': # Indexing final bam file indexBam = 'ON' elif opt == '--name': # Prefix to give to output file prefix = arg return outputdir, selectodir, filterqual, unmapped, filtercoord, indexGenome, rmvdup, sorting, indexBam, coordinatefile, prefix, genome, minqual, fastqfile, fastqfile1, fastqfile2, seq
def readOptCp(argv, outputdir, selectodir, rep1, rep2, ctrl1, ctrl2, ctrlsup, idr, idrthresh, finalsets, plot, prefix): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h1:2:o:", ["help", "c1=", "c2=", "idr=", "sets", "no-plots", "name="]) # List of all short and long options possible except getopt.GetoptError: usageCp() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): # Print usage message usageCp() sys.exit(0) elif opt == '-1': # For replicate 1 file checkBam(arg) rep1 = arg elif opt == '-2': # For replicate 2 file checkBam(arg) rep2 = arg elif opt == '-o': # Output directory is specified if not checkPath(arg): print "Error, the specified path '"+arg+"' does not exists" sys.exit(1) outputdir = arg selectodir = 'true' elif opt == '--c1': # For control file checkBam(arg) ctrl1 = arg elif opt == '--c2': # For supplemental control file checkBam(arg) ctrl2 = arg ctrlsup = 'true' elif opt == '--idr': # Perform IDR analysis idr = 'ON' idrthresh = arg elif opt == '--sets': # Create final peak sets finalsets = 'ON' elif opt == '--no-plots': # Create final peak sets plot = 'OFF' elif opt == '--name': # Prefix to give to output file prefix = arg return outputdir, selectodir, rep1, rep2, ctrl1, ctrl2, ctrlsup, idr, idrthresh, finalsets, plot, prefix
def readOptTq(argv, outputdir, selectodir, fastqfile1, fastqfile2, fastqfile, seq1, seq2, lib): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hf:1:2:o:", ["help", "lib=", "adapt="]) # List of all short and long options possible except getopt.GetoptError: usageTq() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): # Print usage message usageTq() sys.exit(0) elif opt == '-f': # for SE fastq file checkFastq(arg) fastqfile = arg seq1 = 'SE' elif opt == '-1': # For R1 fastq file checkFastq(arg) fastqfile1 = arg seq1 = 'PE' elif opt == '-2': # For R2 fastq file checkFastq(arg) fastqfile2 = arg elif opt == '-o': # Output directory is specified if not checkPath(arg): print "Error, the specified path '"+arg+"' does not exists" sys.exit(1) outputdir = arg selectodir = 'true' elif opt == '--lib': # For control file checkLib(arg) lib = arg elif opt == '--adapt': # For supplemental control file if arg != 'SE' and arg != 'PE': print "Error, wrong parameter used for --adapt options, must be 'SE' or 'PE'" sys.exit(1) seq2 = arg return outputdir, selectodir, fastqfile1, fastqfile2, fastqfile, seq1, seq2, lib
def readOptCpnr(argv, outputdir, selectodir, bamfile, ctrlfile, thresh, pvalue, qvalue, qc, prefix , spp): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hf:c:o:pq", ["help", "thresh=", "spp-qual", "name=", "spp-call"]) # List of all short and long options possible except getopt.GetoptError: usageCpnr() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): # Print usage message usageCpnr() sys.exit(0) elif opt == '-f': # For replicate 1 file checkBam(arg) bamfile = arg elif opt == '-c': # For replicate 2 file checkBam(arg) ctrlfile = arg elif opt == '-o': # Output directory is specified if not checkPath(arg): print "Error, the specified path '"+arg+"' does not exists" sys.exit(1) outputdir = arg selectodir = 'true' elif opt == '-p': # p-value threshold pvalue = 'ON' elif opt == '-q': # q-value threshold qvalue = 'ON' pvalue = 'OFF' elif opt == '--thresh': # Perform IDR analysis thresh = arg elif opt == '--spp-qual': # Control read quality with cross correlation before peak calling qc = 'ON' elif opt == '--spp-call': # Call peak on alternative way spp = 'ON' elif opt == '--name': # Prefix to give to output file prefix = arg return outputdir, selectodir, bamfile, ctrlfile, thresh, pvalue, qvalue, qc, prefix, spp
def createOdir(directory): # Create an output directory in the current directory when no output directory is given if checkPath(directory): return else: os.mkdir(directory)