Example #1
def test_solver_linear_error_from_integration(atol):
    class Dummy:
        unit_registry = None

        def expb(self, x):
            return np.exp(x)

    integr = Dummy()
    integr.yout = np.array([1.0]).reshape((1, 1, 1))
    print(integr.yout[slice(None), 0, 0])
    integr.info = {'rtol': 1.0, 'atol': atol}
    integr.rd = Dummy()
    integr.rd.logy = False
    assert np.allclose(solver_linear_error_from_integration(integr),
                       [[-1], [3]])
Example #2
def plot_solver_linear_excess_error(integration, Cref, ax=None, x=None, ti=slice(None), bi=0, si=0, **kwargs):
    Plots the excess error commited by the intergrator, divided by the span
    of the tolerances (atol + rtol*|y_i|).

    integration: chemreac.integrate.Integration
        result from integration.
    Cref: array or float
        analytic solution to compare with
    ax: Axes instance or dict
        if ax is a dict it is used as \*\*kwargs passed to
        matplotlib.pyplot.axes (default: None)
    x: array
        (optional) x-values, when None it is deduced to be
        either t or x (when ti or bi are slices repecitvely)
        (default: None)
    ti: slice
        time indices
    bi: slice
        bin indices
    si: integer
        specie index
    plot_kwargs: dict
        keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot (default: None)
    fill_between_kwargs: dict
        keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between
        (default: None)
    scale_err: float
        value with which errors are scaled. (default: 1.0)
    fill: bool
        whether or not to fill error span
        common keyword arguments of plot_kwargs and fill_between_kwargs,
        e.g. 'color', (default: None).

    See Also
    if x is None:
        if isinstance(ti, slice):
            x = integration.tout[ti]
        elif isinstance(bi, slice):
            x = integration.rd.xcenters[bi]
            raise NotImplementedError("Failed to deduce x-axis.")
    ax = _init_axes(ax)
    le_l, le_u = solver_linear_error_from_integration(integration, ti, bi, si)
    Eexcess_l = Cref[ti, bi, si] - le_l  # Excessive if negative
    Eexcess_u = Cref[ti, bi, si] - le_u  # Excessive if positive
    u_conc = get_derived_unit(integration.rd.unit_registry, "concentration")
    Eexcess_l[np.argwhere(Eexcess_l >= 0)] = 0 * u_conc
    Eexcess_u[np.argwhere(Eexcess_u <= 0)] = 0 * u_conc
    fused = np.concatenate((Eexcess_l[..., np.newaxis], Eexcess_u[..., np.newaxis]), axis=-1)
    indices = np.argmax(abs(fused), axis=-1)
    Eexcess = fused[np.indices(indices.shape), indices][0, ...]
    le_span = le_u - le_l
    ax.plot(np.asarray(integration.tout), np.asarray(Eexcess / le_span), **kwargs)
    return ax
Example #3
def plot_solver_linear_error(
    integration: chemreac.integrate.Integration
        result from integration.
    Cref: array or float
        analytic solution to compare with
    ax: Axes instance or dict
        if ax is a dict it is used as key word arguments passed to
        matplotlib.pyplot.axes (default: None)
    x: array
        (optional) x-values, when None it is deduced to be
        either t or x (when ti or bi are slices repecitvely)
        (default: None)
    ti: slice
        time indices
    bi: slice
        bin indices
    si: integer
        specie index
    plot_kwargs: dict
        keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot (default: None)
    fill_between_kwargs: dict
        keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between
        (default: None)
    scale_err: float
        value with which errors are scaled. (default: 1.0)
    fill: bool
        whether or not to fill error span
        common keyword arguments of plot_kwargs and fill_between_kwargs,
        e.g. 'color', (default: None).

    See Also
    ax = _init_axes(ax)
    Cerr = integration.Cout - to_unitless(Cref, get_derived_unit(integration.rd.unit_registry, "concentration"))
    if x is None:
        if isinstance(ti, slice):
            x = integration.tout[ti]
        elif isinstance(bi, slice):
            x = integration.rd.xcenters[bi]
            raise NotImplementedError("Failed to deduce x-axis.")

    plot_kwargs = plot_kwargs or {}
    set_dict_defaults_inplace(plot_kwargs, kwargs)
    plt.plot(np.asarray(x), np.asarray(scale_err * Cerr[ti, bi, si]), **plot_kwargs)

    if fill:
        le_l, le_u = solver_linear_error_from_integration(integration, ti=ti, bi=bi, si=si)
        Cerr_u = le_u - Cref[ti, bi, si]
        Cerr_l = le_l - Cref[ti, bi, si]
        fill_between_kwargs = fill_between_kwargs or {}
        set_dict_defaults_inplace(fill_between_kwargs, {"alpha": 0.2}, kwargs)
            np.asarray(x), np.asarray(scale_err * Cerr_l), np.asarray(scale_err * Cerr_u), **fill_between_kwargs
    return ax