Example #1
class PlaylistDB:
    def __init__(self, connector=None):
        database.require(DBNAME, version='1')
        self.conn = BoundConnector(DBNAME, connector).connection()

    def deletePlaylist(self, plid, userid, override_owner=False):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        ownerid = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT userid FROM playlists WHERE rowid = ?", (plid,)).fetchone()
        if not ownerid:
            return _("This playlist doesn't exist! Nothing deleted!")
        if userid != ownerid[0] and not override_owner:
            return _("This playlist belongs to another user! Nothing deleted.")
        cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM playlists WHERE rowid = ?""", (plid,))
        return 'success'

    def savePlaylist(self, userid, public, playlist, playlisttitle, overwrite=False):
        if not len(playlist):
            return _('I will not create an empty playlist. sorry.')
        duplicateplaylistid = self.conn.execute("""SELECT rowid FROM playlists
            WHERE userid = ? AND title = ?""",(userid,playlisttitle)).fetchone()
        if duplicateplaylistid and overwrite:
            self.deletePlaylist(duplicateplaylistid[0], userid)
            duplicateplaylistid = False
        if not duplicateplaylistid:
            cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO playlists
                (title, userid, public) VALUES (?,?,?)""",
                (playlisttitle, userid, 1 if public else 0))
            playlistid = cursor.lastrowid;
            #put tracknumber to each track
            numberedplaylist = []
            for track, song in enumerate(playlist):
                numberedplaylist.append((playlistid, track, song['url'], song['title']))
            cursor.executemany("""INSERT INTO tracks (playlistid, track, url, title)
                VALUES (?,?,?,?)""", numberedplaylist)
            return "success"
            return _("This playlist name already exists! Nothing saved.")

    def loadPlaylist(self, playlistid, userid):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("""SELECT rowid FROM playlists WHERE
            rowid = ? AND (public = 1 OR userid = ?) LIMIT 0,1""",
            (playlistid, userid));
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        if result:
            cursor.execute("""SELECT title, url FROM tracks WHERE
                playlistid = ? ORDER BY track ASC""", (playlistid,))
            alltracks = cursor.fetchall()
            apiplaylist = []
            for track in alltracks:
                #TODO ugly hack: playlistdb saves the "serve" dir as well...
                trackurl = unquote(track[1])
                if trackurl.startswith('/serve/'):
                    trackurl = trackurl[7:]
                elif trackurl.startswith('serve/'):
                    trackurl = trackurl[6:]
                apiplaylist.append(MusicEntry(path=trackurl, repr=unquote(track[0])))
            return apiplaylist

    def getName(self, plid, userid ):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""SELECT rowid as id,title FROM playlists WHERE
            (public = 1 OR userid = ?) and rowid=?""", (userid,plid));
        result = cur.fetchall()
        if result:
            return result[0][1]
        return 'playlist'

    def setPublic(self, userid, plid, public):
        ispublic = 1 if public else 0
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""UPDATE playlists SET public = ? WHERE rowid = ? AND userid = ?""", (ispublic, plid, userid))

    def _searchPlaylist(self, searchterm):
        q = '''SELECT DISTINCT playlists.rowid FROM playlists, tracks
               WHERE ( tracks.playlistid = playlists.rowid
                       AND tracks.title LIKE ? )
                       playlists.title LIKE ?'''
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        res = cur.execute(q, ('%'+searchterm+'%', '%'+searchterm+'%'))
        return [row[0] for row in res.fetchall()]

    def showPlaylists(self, userid, filterby='', include_public=True):
        filtered = None
        if filterby != '':
            filtered = self._searchPlaylist(filterby)
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        select = "SELECT rowid, title, userid, public, _created FROM playlists"
        if include_public:
            where = """ WHERE public=:public OR userid=:userid"""
            where = """ WHERE userid=:userid"""
        cur.execute(select + where, {'public': True, 'userid': userid});
        results = cur.fetchall()
        playlists = []
        for result in results:
            if not filtered is None and result[0] not in filtered:
            playlists.append({'plid': result[0],
                              'title': result[1],
                              'userid': result[2],
                              'public': bool(result[3]),
                              'owner': bool(userid==result[2]),
                              'created': result[4]
        return playlists

    def createPLS(self,userid,plid, addrstr):
        pl = self.loadPlaylist(userid=userid, playlistid=plid)
        if pl:
            plsstr = '''[playlist]
            for i,track in enumerate(pl):
                trinfo = {  'idx':i+1,
                plsstr += '''
            return plsstr

    def createM3U(self,userid,plid,addrstr):
        pl = self.loadPlaylist(userid=userid, playlistid=plid)
        if pl:
            trackpaths = map(lambda x: addrstr+'/serve/'+x.path,pl)
            return '\n'.join(trackpaths)
Example #2
class PlaylistDB:
    def __init__(self, connector=None):
        database.require(DBNAME, version='1')
        self.conn = BoundConnector(DBNAME, connector).connection()

    def deletePlaylist(self, plid, userid, override_owner=False):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        ownerid = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT userid FROM playlists WHERE rowid = ?", (plid,)).fetchone()
        if not ownerid:
            return "This playlist doesn't exist! Nothing deleted!"
        if userid != ownerid[0] and not override_owner:
            return "This playlist belongs to another user! Nothing deleted."
        cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM playlists WHERE rowid = ?""", (plid,))
        return 'success'

    def savePlaylist(self, userid, public, playlist, playlisttitle, overwrite=False):
        if not len(playlist):
            return 'I will not create an empty playlist. sorry.'
        duplicateplaylistid = self.conn.execute("""SELECT rowid FROM playlists
            WHERE userid = ? AND title = ?""",(userid,playlisttitle)).fetchone()
        if duplicateplaylistid and overwrite:
            self.deletePlaylist(duplicateplaylistid[0], userid)
            duplicateplaylistid = False
        if not duplicateplaylistid:
            cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO playlists
                (title, userid, public) VALUES (?,?,?)""",
                (playlisttitle, userid, 1 if public else 0))
            playlistid = cursor.lastrowid;
            #put tracknumber to each track
            numberedplaylist = []
            for entry in zip(range(len(playlist)), playlist):
                track = entry[0]
                song = entry[1]
                numberedplaylist.append((playlistid, track, song['url'], song['title']))
            cursor.executemany("""INSERT INTO tracks (playlistid, track, url, title)
                VALUES (?,?,?,?)""", numberedplaylist)
            return "success"
            return "This playlist name already exists! Nothing saved."

    def loadPlaylist(self, playlistid, userid):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("""SELECT rowid FROM playlists WHERE
            rowid = ? AND (public = 1 OR userid = ?) LIMIT 0,1""",
            (playlistid, userid));
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        if result:
            cursor.execute("""SELECT title, url FROM tracks WHERE
                playlistid = ? ORDER BY track ASC""", (playlistid,))
            alltracks = cursor.fetchall()
            apiplaylist = []
            for track in alltracks:
                #TODO ugly hack: playlistdb saves the "serve" dir as well...
                trackurl = unquote(track[1])
                if trackurl.startswith('/serve/'):
                    trackurl = trackurl[7:]
                elif trackurl.startswith('serve/'):
                    trackurl = trackurl[6:]
                apiplaylist.append(MusicEntry(path=trackurl, repr=unquote(track[0])))
            return apiplaylist

    def getName(self, plid, userid ):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""SELECT rowid as id,title FROM playlists WHERE
            (public = 1 OR userid = ?) and rowid=?""", (userid,plid));
        result = cur.fetchall()
        if result:
            return result[0][1]
        return 'playlist'

    def setPublic(self, userid, plid, value):
        ispublic = 1 if value else 0
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""UPDATE playlists SET public = ? WHERE rowid = ? AND userid = ?""", (ispublic, plid, userid))

    def showPlaylists(self, userid):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        #change rowid to id to match api
        cur.execute("""SELECT rowid as id,title, userid, public FROM playlists WHERE
            public = 1 OR userid = ?""", (userid,));
        res = cur.fetchall()
        return list(map(lambda x: {'plid':x[0], 'title':x[1], 'userid':x[2],'public':bool(x[3]), 'owner':bool(userid==x[2])}, res))

    def createPLS(self,userid,plid, addrstr):
        pl = self.loadPlaylist(userid, plid)
        if pl:
            plsstr = '''[playlist]
            for i,track in enumerate(pl):
                trinfo = {  'idx':i+1,
                plsstr += '''
            return plsstr

    def createM3U(self,userid,plid,addrstr):
        pl = self.loadPlaylist(userid, plid)
        if pl:
            trackpaths = map(lambda x: addrstr+'/serve/'+x.path,pl)
            return '\n'.join(trackpaths)
Example #3
class PlaylistDB:
    def __init__(self, connector=None):
        database.require(DBNAME, version='1')
        self.conn = BoundConnector(DBNAME, connector).connection()

    def deletePlaylist(self, plid, userid, override_owner=False):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        ownerid = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT userid FROM playlists WHERE rowid = ?",
            (plid, )).fetchone()
        if not ownerid:
            return _("This playlist doesn't exist! Nothing deleted!")
        if userid != ownerid[0] and not override_owner:
            return _("This playlist belongs to another user! Nothing deleted.")
        cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM playlists WHERE rowid = ?""", (plid, ))
        return 'success'

    def savePlaylist(self,
        if not len(playlist):
            return _('I will not create an empty playlist. sorry.')
        duplicate_playlist = self.conn.execute(
            """SELECT rowid, public FROM playlists WHERE userid = ? AND title = ?""",
            (userid, playlisttitle)).fetchone()

        if duplicate_playlist:
            if overwrite:
                old_playlist_id, old_public_state = duplicate_playlist
                # saving an existing playlist should keep the same public state:
                public = old_public_state
                self.deletePlaylist(old_playlist_id, userid)
                duplicate_playlist = False
                return _("This playlist name already exists! Nothing saved.")

        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            """INSERT INTO playlists
            (title, userid, public) VALUES (?,?,?)""",
            (playlisttitle, userid, 1 if public else 0))
        playlistid = cursor.lastrowid
        #put tracknumber to each track
        numberedplaylist = []
        for track, song in enumerate(playlist):
                (playlistid, track, song['url'], song['title']))
            """INSERT INTO tracks (playlistid, track, url, title)
            VALUES (?,?,?,?)""", numberedplaylist)
        return "success"

    def loadPlaylist(self, playlistid, userid):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            """SELECT rowid FROM playlists WHERE
            rowid = ? AND (public = 1 OR userid = ?) LIMIT 0,1""",
            (playlistid, userid))
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        if result:
                """SELECT title, url FROM tracks WHERE
                playlistid = ? ORDER BY track ASC""", (playlistid, ))
            alltracks = cursor.fetchall()
            apiplaylist = []
            for track in alltracks:
                #TODO ugly hack: playlistdb saves the "serve" dir as well...
                trackurl = unquote(track[1])
                if trackurl.startswith('/serve/'):
                    trackurl = trackurl[7:]
                elif trackurl.startswith('serve/'):
                    trackurl = trackurl[6:]
                    MusicEntry(path=trackurl, repr=unquote(track[0])))
            return apiplaylist

    def getName(self, plid, userid):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
            """SELECT rowid as id,title FROM playlists WHERE
            (public = 1 OR userid = ?) and rowid=?""", (userid, plid))
        result = cur.fetchall()
        if result:
            return result[0][1]
        return 'playlist'

    def setPublic(self, userid, plid, public):
        ispublic = 1 if public else 0
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
            """UPDATE playlists SET public = ? WHERE rowid = ? AND userid = ?""",
            (ispublic, plid, userid))

    def _searchPlaylist(self, searchterm):
        q = '''SELECT DISTINCT playlists.rowid FROM playlists, tracks
               WHERE ( tracks.playlistid = playlists.rowid
                       AND tracks.title LIKE ? )
                       playlists.title LIKE ?'''
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        res = cur.execute(q, ('%' + searchterm + '%', '%' + searchterm + '%'))
        return [row[0] for row in res.fetchall()]

    def showPlaylists(self, userid, filterby='', include_public=True):
        filtered = None
        if filterby != '':
            filtered = self._searchPlaylist(filterby)
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        select = "SELECT rowid, title, userid, public, _created FROM playlists"
        if include_public:
            where = """ WHERE public=:public OR userid=:userid"""
            where = """ WHERE userid=:userid"""
        cur.execute(select + where, {
            'public': True,
            'userid': userid
        results = cur.fetchall()
        playlists = []
        for result in results:
            if not filtered is None and result[0] not in filtered:
                'plid': result[0],
                'title': result[1],
                'userid': result[2],
                'public': bool(result[3]),
                'owner': bool(userid == result[2]),
                'created': result[4]
        return playlists

    def createPLS(self, userid, plid, addrstr):
        pl = self.loadPlaylist(userid=userid, playlistid=plid)
        if pl:
            plsstr = '''[playlist]
            for i, track in enumerate(pl):
                trinfo = {
                    'idx': i + 1,
                    'url': addrstr + '/serve/' + track.path,
                    'name': track.repr,
                    'length': -1,
                plsstr += '''
            return plsstr

    def createM3U(self, userid, plid, addrstr):
        pl = self.loadPlaylist(userid=userid, playlistid=plid)
        if pl:
            trackpaths = map(lambda x: addrstr + '/serve/' + x.path, pl)
            return '\n'.join(trackpaths)
Example #4
class UserDB:
    def __init__(self, connector=None):
        database.require(DBNAME, version='1')
        self.conn = BoundConnector(DBNAME, connector).connection()

    def addUser(self, username, password, admin):
        if not (username.strip() or password.strip()):
            log.d(_('empty username or password!'))
            return False
        user = User.create(username, password, admin)
            exists = self.conn.execute(
                'SELECT username'
                ' FROM users WHERE lower(username) = lower(?)',
                (username, )).fetchone()
            if (not exists):
                INSERT INTO users
                (username, admin, password, salt)
                VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', (user.name, 1 if user.isadmin else 0,
                                      user.password, user.salt))
                raise sqlite3.IntegrityError
        except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
            log.e('cannot create user "%s", already exists!' % user.name)
            return False
        log.i('added user: '******'cannot change password: "******" does not exist!' % username
            return msg

        newuser = User.create(username, newpassword,
                              False)  #dummy user for salt
        UPDATE users SET password = ?, salt = ? WHERE lower(username) = lower(?)
        ''', (newuser.password, newuser.salt, newuser.name))
        return "success"

    def deleteUser(self, userid):
        if self.isDeletable(userid):
            self.conn.execute('''DELETE FROM users WHERE rowid = ?''',
                              (userid, ))
            return True
        return False

    def auth(self, username, password):
        '''try to authenticate the given username and password. on success,
        a valid user tuple will be returned; failure will return User.nobody().
        will fail if username or password are empty.'''

        if not (username.strip() and password.strip()):
            return User.nobody()

        rows = self.conn.execute('SELECT rowid, username, admin, password, salt'
                                 ' FROM users WHERE lower(username) = lower(?)', (username,))\
        assert len(rows) <= 1
        if rows:
            user = User(*rows[0])
            if Crypto.scramble(password, user.salt) == user.password:
                return user
        return User.nobody()

    def getUserList(self):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute('''SELECT rowid, username, admin FROM users''')
        ret = []
        for uid, user, admin in cur.fetchall():
                'id': uid,
                'username': user,
                'admin': admin,
                'deletable': self.isDeletable(uid)
        return ret

    def getUserCount(self):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users''')
        return cur.fetchall()[0][0]

    def getNameById(self, userid):
        res = self.conn.execute(
            '''SELECT username FROM users WHERE rowid = ?''', (userid, ))
        username = res.fetchone()
        return username[0] if username else 'nobody'

    def getIdByName(self, username):
        res = self.conn.execute(
            '''SELECT rowid FROM users WHERE lower(username) = lower(?)''',
            (username, ))
        userid = res.fetchone()
        if userid:
            return userid[0]
Example #5
class UserDB:
    def __init__(self, connector=None):
        database.require(DBNAME, version='1')
        self.conn = BoundConnector(DBNAME, connector).connection()

    def addUser(self, username, password, admin):
        if not (username.strip() or password.strip()):
            log.d(_('empty username or password!'))
            return False
        user = User.create(username, password, admin)
            INSERT INTO users
            (username, admin, password, salt)
            VALUES (?,?,?,?)''',
            (user.name, 1 if user.isadmin else 0, user.password, user.salt))
        except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
            log.e('cannot create user "%s", already exists!' % user.name)
            return False
        log.i('added user: '******'cannot change password: "******" does not exist!' % username
            return msg

        newuser = User.create(username, newpassword, False) #dummy user for salt
        UPDATE users SET password = ?, salt = ? WHERE username = ?
        ''', (newuser.password, newuser.salt, newuser.name) )
        return "success"

    def deleteUser(self, userid):
        if self.isDeletable(userid):
            self.conn.execute('''DELETE FROM users WHERE rowid = ?''', (userid,))
            return True
        return False

    def auth(self, username, password):
        '''try to authenticate the given username and password. on success,
        a valid user tuple will be returned; failure will return User.nobody().
        will fail if username or password are empty.'''

        if not (username.strip() and password.strip()):
            return User.nobody()

        rows = self.conn.execute('SELECT rowid, username, admin, password, salt'
                                 ' FROM users WHERE username = ?', (username,))\
        assert len(rows) <= 1
        if rows:
            user = User(*rows[0])
            if Crypto.scramble(password, user.salt) == user.password:
                return user
        return User.nobody()

    def getUserList(self):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute('''SELECT rowid, username, admin FROM users''')
        ret = []
        for uid, user, admin in cur.fetchall():
            ret.append({'id':uid, 'username':user, 'admin':admin,'deletable':self.isDeletable(uid)})
        return ret

    def getUserCount(self):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users''')
        return cur.fetchall()[0][0]

    def getNameById(self, userid):
        res = self.conn.execute('''SELECT username FROM users WHERE rowid = ?''',(userid,))
        username = res.fetchone()
        return username[0] if username else 'nobody'

    def getIdByName(self, username):
        res = self.conn.execute('''SELECT rowid FROM users WHERE username = ?''',(username,))
        userid = res.fetchone()
        if userid:
            return userid[0]
Example #6
class PlaylistDB:
    def __init__(self, connector=None):
        database.require(DBNAME, version='1')
        self.conn = BoundConnector(DBNAME, connector).connection()

    def deletePlaylist(self, plid, userid, override_owner=False):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
        ownerid = cursor.execute(
            "SELECT userid FROM playlists WHERE rowid = ?",
            (plid, )).fetchone()
        if not ownerid:
            return "This playlist doesn't exist! Nothing deleted!"
        if userid != ownerid[0] and not override_owner:
            return "This playlist belongs to another user! Nothing deleted."
        cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM playlists WHERE rowid = ?""", (plid, ))
        return 'success'

    def savePlaylist(self,
        if not len(playlist):
            return 'I will not create an empty playlist. sorry.'
        duplicateplaylistid = self.conn.execute(
            """SELECT rowid FROM playlists
            WHERE userid = ? AND title = ?""",
            (userid, playlisttitle)).fetchone()
        if duplicateplaylistid and overwrite:
            self.deletePlaylist(duplicateplaylistid[0], userid)
            duplicateplaylistid = False
        if not duplicateplaylistid:
            cursor = self.conn.cursor()
                """INSERT INTO playlists
                (title, userid, public) VALUES (?,?,?)""",
                (playlisttitle, userid, 1 if public else 0))
            playlistid = cursor.lastrowid
            #put tracknumber to each track
            numberedplaylist = []
            for entry in zip(range(len(playlist)), playlist):
                track = entry[0]
                song = entry[1]
                    (playlistid, track, song['url'], song['title']))
                """INSERT INTO tracks (playlistid, track, url, title)
                VALUES (?,?,?,?)""", numberedplaylist)
            return "success"
            return "This playlist name already exists! Nothing saved."

    def loadPlaylist(self, playlistid, userid):
        cursor = self.conn.cursor()
            """SELECT rowid FROM playlists WHERE
            rowid = ? AND (public = 1 OR userid = ?) LIMIT 0,1""",
            (playlistid, userid))
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        if result:
                """SELECT title, url FROM tracks WHERE
                playlistid = ? ORDER BY track ASC""", (playlistid, ))
            alltracks = cursor.fetchall()
            apiplaylist = []
            for track in alltracks:
                #TODO ugly hack: playlistdb saves the "serve" dir as well...
                trackurl = unquote(track[1])
                if trackurl.startswith('/serve/'):
                    trackurl = trackurl[7:]
                elif trackurl.startswith('serve/'):
                    trackurl = trackurl[6:]
                    MusicEntry(path=trackurl, repr=unquote(track[0])))
            return apiplaylist

    def getName(self, plid, userid):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
            """SELECT rowid as id,title FROM playlists WHERE
            (public = 1 OR userid = ?) and rowid=?""", (userid, plid))
        result = cur.fetchall()
        if result:
            return result[0][1]
        return 'playlist'

    def setPublic(self, userid, plid, value):
        ispublic = 1 if value else 0
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
            """UPDATE playlists SET public = ? WHERE rowid = ? AND userid = ?""",
            (ispublic, plid, userid))

    def showPlaylists(self, userid):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        #change rowid to id to match api
            """SELECT rowid as id,title, userid, public FROM playlists WHERE
            public = 1 OR userid = ?""", (userid, ))
        res = cur.fetchall()
        return list(
                lambda x: {
                    'plid': x[0],
                    'title': x[1],
                    'userid': x[2],
                    'public': bool(x[3]),
                    'owner': bool(userid == x[2])
                }, res))

    def createPLS(self, userid, plid, addrstr):
        pl = self.loadPlaylist(userid, plid)
        if pl:
            plsstr = '''[playlist]
            for i, track in enumerate(pl):
                trinfo = {
                    'idx': i + 1,
                    'url': addrstr + '/serve/' + track.path,
                    'name': track.repr,
                    'length': -1,
                plsstr += '''
            return plsstr

    def createM3U(self, userid, plid, addrstr):
        pl = self.loadPlaylist(userid, plid)
        if pl:
            trackpaths = map(lambda x: addrstr + '/serve/' + x.path, pl)
            return '\n'.join(trackpaths)
Example #7
class UserDB:
    def __init__(self, connector=None):
        database.require(DBNAME, version="1")
        self.conn = BoundConnector(DBNAME, connector).connection()

    def addUser(self, username, password, admin):
        if not (username.strip() or password.strip()):
            log.d("empty username or password!")
        user = User.create(username, password, admin)
        INSERT INTO users
        (username, admin, password, salt)
        VALUES (?,?,?,?)""",
            (user.name, 1 if user.isadmin else 0, user.password, user.salt),
        msg = "added user: "******"not a valid password"
            newuser = User.create(username, newpassword, False)  # dummy user for salt
            UPDATE users SET password = ?, salt = ? WHERE username = ?
                (newuser.password, newuser.salt, newuser.name),
            return "success"

    def deleteUser(self, userid):
        if self.isDeletable(userid):
            self.conn.execute("""DELETE FROM users WHERE rowid = ?""", (userid,))
            return True
        return False

    def auth(self, username, password):
        """try to authenticate the given username and password. on success,
        a valid user tuple will be returned; failure will return User.nobody().
        will fail if username or password are empty."""

        if not (username.strip() and password.strip()):
            return User.nobody()

        rows = self.conn.execute(
            "SELECT rowid, username, admin, password, salt" " FROM users WHERE username = ?", (username,)
        assert len(rows) <= 1
        if rows:
            user = User(*rows[0])
            if Crypto.scramble(password, user.salt) == user.password:
                return user
        return User.nobody()

    def getUserList(self):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""SELECT rowid, username, admin FROM users""")
        ret = []
        for uid, user, admin in cur.fetchall():
            ret.append({"id": uid, "username": user, "admin": admin, "deletable": self.isDeletable(uid)})
        return ret

    def getUserCount(self):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users""")
        return cur.fetchall()[0][0]

    def getNameById(self, userid):
        res = self.conn.execute("""SELECT username FROM users WHERE rowid = ?""", (userid,))
        username = res.fetchone()
        return username[0] if username else "nobody"