Example #1
    def __init__(
        root_path: Path,
        farmer_config: Dict,
        pool_config: Dict,
        keychain: Keychain,
        consensus_constants: ConsensusConstants,
        self._root_path = root_path
        self.config = farmer_config
        # Keep track of all sps, keyed on challenge chain signage point hash
        self.sps: Dict[bytes32, List[farmer_protocol.NewSignagePoint]] = {}

        # Keep track of harvester plot identifier (str), target sp index, and PoSpace for each challenge
        self.proofs_of_space: Dict[bytes32, List[Tuple[str, ProofOfSpace]]] = {}

        # Quality string to plot identifier and challenge_hash, for use with harvester.RequestSignatures
        self.quality_str_to_identifiers: Dict[bytes32, Tuple[str, bytes32, bytes32, bytes32]] = {}

        # number of responses to each signage point
        self.number_of_responses: Dict[bytes32, int] = {}

        # A dictionary of keys to time added. These keys refer to keys in the above 4 dictionaries. This is used
        # to periodically clear the memory
        self.cache_add_time: Dict[bytes32, uint64] = {}

        self.cache_clear_task: asyncio.Task
        self.constants = consensus_constants
        self._shut_down = False
        self.server: Any = None
        self.keychain = keychain
        self.state_changed_callback: Optional[Callable] = None
        self.log = log
        all_sks = self.keychain.get_all_private_keys()
        self._private_keys = [master_sk_to_farmer_sk(sk) for sk, _ in all_sks] + [
            master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk) for sk, _ in all_sks

        if len(self.get_public_keys()) == 0:
            error_str = "No keys exist. Please run 'chia keys generate' or open the UI."
            raise RuntimeError(error_str)

        # This is the farmer configuration
        self.farmer_target_encoded = self.config["xch_target_address"]
        self.farmer_target = decode_puzzle_hash(self.farmer_target_encoded)

        self.pool_public_keys = [G1Element.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(pk)) for pk in self.config["pool_public_keys"]]

        # This is the pool configuration, which should be moved out to the pool once it exists
        self.pool_target_encoded = pool_config["xch_target_address"]
        self.pool_target = decode_puzzle_hash(self.pool_target_encoded)
        self.pool_sks_map: Dict = {}
        for key in self.get_private_keys():
            self.pool_sks_map[bytes(key.get_g1())] = key

        assert len(self.farmer_target) == 32
        assert len(self.pool_target) == 32
        if len(self.pool_sks_map) == 0:
            error_str = "No keys exist. Please run 'chia keys generate' or open the UI."
            raise RuntimeError(error_str)
Example #2
def show_all_keys():
    Prints all keys and mnemonics (if available).
    root_path = DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH
    config = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml")
    private_keys = keychain.get_all_private_keys()
    selected = config["selected_network"]
    prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][selected]["address_prefix"]
    if len(private_keys) == 0:
        print("There are no saved private keys")
    print("Showing all private keys:")
    for sk, seed in private_keys:
        print("Fingerprint:", sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint())
        print("Master public key (m):", sk.get_g1())
        print("Master private key (m):", bytes(sk).hex())
            "Farmer public key (m/12381/8444/0/0)::",
        print("Pool public key (m/12381/8444/1/0):", master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk).get_g1())
            "First wallet key (m/12381/8444/2/0):",
            master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(0)).get_g1(),
            "First wallet address:",
            encode_puzzle_hash(create_puzzlehash_for_pk(master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(0)).get_g1()), prefix),
        assert seed is not None
        mnemonic = bytes_to_mnemonic(seed)
        print("  Mnemonic seed (24 secret words):")
Example #3
 async def get_pool_public_key(self, keychain_proxy: Optional[KeychainProxy] = None) -> G1Element:
     sk: Optional[PrivateKey] = await self.get_sk(keychain_proxy)
     if sk is None:
         raise RuntimeError(
             "No keys, please run 'chia keys add', 'chia keys generate' or provide a public key with -p"
     return master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk).get_g1()
def show_all_keys(show_mnemonic: bool):
    Prints all keys and mnemonics (if available).
    root_path = DEFAULT_ROOT_PATH
    config = load_config(root_path, "config.yaml")
    private_keys = keychain.get_all_private_keys()
    selected = config["selected_network"]
    prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][selected]["address_prefix"]
    if len(private_keys) == 0:
        print("There are no saved private keys")
        return None
    msg = "Showing all public keys derived from your private keys:"
    if show_mnemonic:
        msg = "Showing all public and private keys"
    result_list = []
    for sk, seed in private_keys:
        # print("")
        # print("Fingerprint:", sk.get_g1().get_fingerprint())
        # print("Master public key (m):", sk.get_g1())
        # print(
        #     "Farmer public key (m/12381/8444/0/0):",
        #     master_sk_to_farmer_sk(sk).get_g1(),
        # )
        # print("Pool public key (m/12381/8444/1/0):", master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk).get_g1())
        # print(
        #     "First wallet address:",
        #     encode_puzzle_hash(create_puzzlehash_for_pk(master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(0)).get_g1()), prefix),
        # )
        # assert seed is not None
        # print("Master private key (m):", bytes(sk).hex())
        # print(
        #     "First wallet secret key (m/12381/8444/2/0):",
        #     master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(0)).get_g1(),
        # )
        mnemonic = bytes_to_mnemonic(seed)
        # print("  Mnemonic seed (24 secret words):")
        # print(mnemonic)
        data = {
                    master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(0)).get_g1()), prefix),
    return result_list
Example #5
def get_pool_public_key(alt_fingerprint: Optional[int] = None) -> G1Element:
    sk_ent: Optional[Tuple[PrivateKey, bytes]]
    keychain: Keychain = Keychain()
    if alt_fingerprint is not None:
        sk_ent = keychain.get_private_key_by_fingerprint(alt_fingerprint)
        sk_ent = keychain.get_first_private_key()
    if sk_ent is None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "No keys, please run 'chia keys add', 'chia keys generate' or provide a public key with -p"
    return master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk_ent[0]).get_g1()
Example #6
 async def get_private_key(self, request):
     fingerprint = request["fingerprint"]
     sk, seed = await self._get_private_key(fingerprint)
     if sk is not None:
         s = bytes_to_mnemonic(seed) if seed is not None else None
         return {
             "private_key": {
                 "fingerprint": fingerprint,
                 "sk": bytes(sk).hex(),
                 "pk": bytes(sk.get_g1()).hex(),
                 "pool_pk": bytes(master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk).get_g1()).hex(),
                 "seed": s,
     return {"success": False, "private_key": {"fingerprint": fingerprint}}
Example #7
    async def setup_keys(self):
        self.all_root_sks: List[PrivateKey] = [
            sk for sk, _ in await self.get_all_private_keys()
        self._private_keys = [
            master_sk_to_farmer_sk(sk) for sk in self.all_root_sks
        ] + [master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk) for sk in self.all_root_sks]

        if len(self.get_public_keys()) == 0:
            error_str = "No keys exist. Please run 'chia keys generate' or open the UI."
            raise RuntimeError(error_str)

        # This is the farmer configuration
        self.farmer_target_encoded = self.config["xch_target_address"]
        self.farmer_target = decode_puzzle_hash(self.farmer_target_encoded)

        self.pool_public_keys = [
            for pk in self.config["pool_public_keys"]

        # This is the self pooling configuration, which is only used for original self-pooled plots
        self.pool_target_encoded = self.pool_config["xch_target_address"]
        self.pool_target = decode_puzzle_hash(self.pool_target_encoded)
        self.pool_sks_map: Dict = {}
        for key in self.get_private_keys():
            self.pool_sks_map[bytes(key.get_g1())] = key

        assert len(self.farmer_target) == 32
        assert len(self.pool_target) == 32
        if len(self.pool_sks_map) == 0:
            error_str = "No keys exist. Please run 'chia keys generate' or open the UI."
            raise RuntimeError(error_str)

        # The variables below are for use with an actual pool

        # From p2_singleton_puzzle_hash to pool state dict
        self.pool_state: Dict[bytes32, Dict] = {}

        # From public key bytes to PrivateKey
        self.authentication_keys: Dict[bytes, PrivateKey] = {}

        # Last time we updated pool_state based on the config file
        self.last_config_access_time: uint64 = uint64(0)

        self.harvester_cache: Dict[str, Dict[str, HarvesterCacheEntry]] = {}
Example #8
def check_keys(new_root: Path) -> None:
    keychain: Keychain = Keychain()
    all_sks = keychain.get_all_private_keys()
    if len(all_sks) == 0:
            "No keys are present in the keychain. Generate them with 'chia keys generate'"

    config: Dict = load_config(new_root, "config.yaml")
    pool_child_pubkeys = [
        master_sk_to_pool_sk(sk).get_g1() for sk, _ in all_sks
    all_targets = []
    stop_searching_for_farmer = "xch_target_address" not in config["farmer"]
    stop_searching_for_pool = "xch_target_address" not in config["pool"]
    number_of_ph_to_search = 500
    selected = config["selected_network"]
    prefix = config["network_overrides"]["config"][selected]["address_prefix"]
    for i in range(number_of_ph_to_search):
        if stop_searching_for_farmer and stop_searching_for_pool and i > 0:
        for sk, _ in all_sks:
                        master_sk_to_wallet_sk(sk, uint32(i)).get_g1()),
            if all_targets[-1] == config["farmer"].get("xch_target_address"):
                stop_searching_for_farmer = True
            if all_targets[-1] == config["pool"].get("xch_target_address"):
                stop_searching_for_pool = True

    # Set the destinations
    if "xch_target_address" not in config["farmer"]:
            f"Setting the xch destination address for coinbase fees reward to {all_targets[0]}"
        config["farmer"]["xch_target_address"] = all_targets[0]
    elif config["farmer"]["xch_target_address"] not in all_targets:
            f"WARNING: using a farmer address which we don't have the private"
            f" keys for. We searched the first {number_of_ph_to_search} addresses. Consider overriding "
            f"{config['farmer']['xch_target_address']} with {all_targets[0]}")

    if "pool" not in config:
        config["pool"] = {}
    if "xch_target_address" not in config["pool"]:
            f"Setting the xch destination address for coinbase reward to {all_targets[0]}"
        config["pool"]["xch_target_address"] = all_targets[0]
    elif config["pool"]["xch_target_address"] not in all_targets:
            f"WARNING: using a pool address which we don't have the private"
            f" keys for. We searched the first {number_of_ph_to_search} addresses. Consider overriding "
            f"{config['pool']['xch_target_address']} with {all_targets[0]}")

    # Set the pool pks in the farmer
    pool_pubkeys_hex = set(bytes(pk).hex() for pk in pool_child_pubkeys)
    if "pool_public_keys" in config["farmer"]:
        for pk_hex in config["farmer"]["pool_public_keys"]:
            # Add original ones in config

    config["farmer"]["pool_public_keys"] = pool_pubkeys_hex
    save_config(new_root, "config.yaml", config)