def handle_revision(revision): print "revision: %s" % revision filename = os.path.join("mtn2cache", "revision", revision) if not os.path.exists(filename): data = Child(*MTN + ["au", "get_revision", revision]).stdout try: file(filename, "w").write(data) except: os.unlink(filename) raise filename = os.path.join("mtn2cache", "manifest", revision) if not os.path.exists(filename): data = Child(*MTN + ["au", "get_manifest_of", revision]).stdout try: file(filename, "w").write(data) except: os.unlink(filename) raise filename = os.path.join("mtn2cache", "certs", revision) if not os.path.exists(filename): data = Child(*MTN + ["au", "certs", revision]).stdout try: file(filename, "w").write(data) except: os.unlink(filename) raise
def main(): c = Child(300, 100) print(, c.faceValue) #注意:父类中方法名相同,默认调用的是在括号中排前面的父类中的方法 c.func()
def adjust_child_corrals(self, n_cor_full): childs = [] corrals = [] for i, row in enumerate(self.cells): for j, col in enumerate(row): if col[1]: childs.append((i, j)) elif col[2]: corrals.append((i, j)) idx_taken = [] while True: if n_cor_full == 0: break r_idx = random.randint(0, len(childs) - 1) if r_idx not in idx_taken: idx_taken.append(r_idx) child_pos = childs[r_idx] corral_pos = corrals[r_idx] self.cells[child_pos[0]][child_pos[1]][1] = 0 self.cells[corral_pos[0]][corral_pos[1]][2] = 2 n_cor_full -= 1 n = 0 n_childs = {} for i, row in enumerate(self.cells): for j, col in enumerate(row): if col[1]: n_childs[n] = Child(n, (i, j)) n += 1 self.childs = n_childs
def main(controller, cosine_annealing_scheduler): running_reward = 0 child = Child(dropout_rate=float(args.dropout), use_auxiliary=args.use_auxiliary).to(device) child_optimizer = optim.SGD(child.parameters(), lr=0.05, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=1e-4, nesterov=True) cosine_lr_scheduler = cosine_annealing_scheduler(child_optimizer, lr=0.05) for epoch in range(150): cosine_lr_scheduler.step() child = train_child(epoch, controller, child, child_optimizer), './save_model/child.pth'), './save_model/controller.pth') if epoch < 150 - 1: controller_model, running_reward = train_controller( controller, child, running_reward) final_model = model final_acc = test_final_model(final_model) print('training is done. Final accuarcy is ', final_acc)
def main(): c = Child(3000, 100) print(, c.face_value) # 注意:父类中方法名相同,默认调用括号中排前面的父类的方法。 c.func()
def main(): c = Child(300, 100) print(, c.faceValue) #注意:父类中方法名相同,默认调用的是在class(参数括号)中派遣 c.func()
def remote_takeProxy(self, name, transport): '''设置代理通道 @param addr: (hostname,port)hostname 根节点的主机名,根节点的端口 ''' log.msg('node [%s] takeProxy ready' % name) child = Child(name, name) self.childsmanager.addChild(child) child.setTransport(transport)
def handle_parents(revision): parents = Child(*MTN + ["au", "parents", revision]).stdout.strip().split('\n') if not parents: return print "revision: %s (parents: %s)" % (revision, parents) for parent in parents: filename = os.path.join("mtn2cache", "patch", parent + "-" + revision) curfilename = os.path.join("mtn2cache", "manifest", revision) parfilename = os.path.join("mtn2cache", "manifest", parent) if not os.path.exists(filename): diff = Child(*DIFF + [parfilename, curfilename]).stdout try: file(filename, "w").write(diff) except: os.unlink(filename) raise
def remote_takeProxy(self, name, transport): '''设置代理通道 @param name: 根节点的名称 ''' log.msg('node [%s] takeProxy ready' % name) child = Child(name, name) self.childsmanager.addChild(child) child.setTransport(transport) self.doChildConnect(name, transport)
def add_childs(self): childs = {} n = self.n_childs while n: i, j = self.get_rand_tuple() if not any(self.cells[i][j]): self.cells[i][j][1] = 1 childs[n] = Child(n, (i, j)) n -= 1 return childs
def remote_takeProxy(self, name, transport): """设置代理通道 @param name: 根节点的名称 """'>1 node [%s] takeProxy ready' % name) child = Child(self._index, name) self._index += 1 self.childsmanager.addChild(child) child.setTransport(transport) self.doChildConnect(name, transport)'>2 node [%s] takeProxy ready' % name)
def test_ctrl(): # obtain datasets t = time.time() images, labels = read_data() t = time.time() - t print('read dataset consumes %.2f sec' % t) # config of a model class_num = 10 child_num_layers = 6 out_channels = 32 batch_size = 32 device = 'gpu' epoch_num = 4 # files to print sampled archs child_filename = 'child_file.txt' ctrl_filename = 'controller_file.txt' child_file = open(child_filename, 'w') ctrl_file = open(ctrl_filename, 'w') # create a controller ctrl = Controller(child_num_layers=child_num_layers) # create a child, set epoch to 1; later this will be moved to an over epoch child = Child(images, labels, class_num, child_num_layers, out_channels, batch_size, device, 1) print(len(list( # print( # train multiple epochs for _ in range(epoch_num): # sample an arch ctrl.ctrl.net_sample() sample_arch = ctrl.ctrl.sample_arch print_sample_arch(sample_arch, child_file) # train a child model # t = time.time() # child.train(sample_arch) # t = time.time() - t # print('child training time %.2f sec' % t) # train controller t = time.time() ctrl.train(child, ctrl_file) t = time.time() - t print('ctrller training time %.2f sec' % t)
def openChild(self): Child(self.parent, self)
def main(): c = Child(3000, 100) print(, c.faceValue) c.func()
def main(): xiaohua = Child(30000,100)父类Father方法父类Mother方法多继承的几个父类有相同名称的方法,继承对象列表第一个父类的方法
from father import Father from mother import Mother from child import Child #child继承了两个父类:Father和Mother,两个父类都有Func方法,当子类调用func方法时,默认调用的是继承括号中的第一个父类 c = Child(1000,100) print(c.faceValue, c.func()
import random from child import Child population = [] for i in range(0, 200): c = Child() c.randomize() population.append(c) while (1): selection = [] for i in population: i.calc_fitness() print("Fitness is ", if == 28: find() for j in range(0, selection.append(i) population = [] print("length is ", len(selection)) for i in range(0, 200): a = random.randint(0, len(selection) - 1) #print ("a is ", a) b = random.randint(0, len(selection) - 1) #print ("b is ", b) c = selection[a].crossover(selection[b]) population.append(c) def find():
def main(): c = Child(30, 300) print(, c.faceValue) # 注意:父类中方法相同,默认调用的是括号内排前面的 c.func()
def main(): c = Child(1000, 30) print(, c.faceValue) c.feed() c.same() # if super class have the same function,calling the funtion return the first super class's
from child import Child from uuid import uuid4 child = Child(str(uuid4()), "http://localhost:8000") child.start()
def distance(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2): return wikimeasure(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2) children = {} with open('nicelist.txt') as f: for line in f.readlines(): vals = line.split(';') id = vals[0] long = float(vals[1]) lat = float(vals[2]) weight = int(vals[3]) children[id] = Child(id, long, lat, weight) out = [] dist = 0.0 def measure(santalong, santalat, ordering, children): d = 0.0 long = santalong lat = santalat for i in ordering: child = children[i] childlong, childlat = child.long, d += distance(long, lat, childlong, childlat)
def handle_branch(branch): print "branch: %s" % branch heads = Child(*MTN + ["au", "heads", branch]).stdout.strip().split('\n') for head in heads: handle_head(head)
def handle_head(head): print "head: %s" % head ancestors = Child(*MTN + ["au", "ancestors", head]).stdout.strip().split('\n'), ancestors), ancestors)
def main(): branches = Child(*MTN + ["au", "branches"]).stdout.strip().split('\n') for branch in branches: handle_branch(branch)
def setUpClass(self): print('Set up class') self.sue = Child("sue")
def main(): obj = Child() obj.display()
#coding: utf-8 from parent import Parent from child import Child parent = Parent() parent.hogehoge() child = Child() child.hogehoge()
def main(): c = Child(1111, 100) #注意:父类中方法名相同,默认调用的是在括号中排前面的父类中的方法 c.func()
from child import Child ''' 测试模块 演示多继承的结构和使用: 子类:Child 直接父类(多个):Father、Mother 注意: 由于有多个直接父类,多个父类都要自己给其属性赋值, 避免混淆,我们使用类名.__init__(...)这样格式的构造调用 ''' c = Child(100000000, '漂亮', 'python') print(, c.faceValue, c.playing() c.smoking()
from child import Child; michael = Child("Michael", "Jackson", 5, 30); # print(michael.lastName); # print(michael.nrOfToys); michael.show_info();