Example #1
def scan_serial_ports_linux():
    from chiplotle.tools.serialtools import scan_serial_ports_from_list
    ## NOTE: there are also /dev/tty.PL2303-xxxx ports. Should we assume
    ## all /dev/tty.* devices are valid? or should we just add
    ## /dev/tty.PL* to the list? will do the former and see what happens.
    ports = glob.glob('/dev/ttyS*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') +\
    #glob.glob('/dev/tty.USA*') + glob.glob('/dev/tty.KeySerial*')
    return scan_serial_ports_from_list(ports)
def scan_serial_ports_linux( ):
    from chiplotle.tools.serialtools import scan_serial_ports_from_list
    ## NOTE: there are also /dev/tty.PL2303-xxxx ports. Should we assume
    ## all /dev/tty.* devices are valid? or should we just add
    ## /dev/tty.PL* to the list? will do the former and see what happens.
    ports = glob.glob('/dev/ttyS*') + glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') +\
        #glob.glob('/dev/tty.USA*') + glob.glob('/dev/tty.KeySerial*')
    return scan_serial_ports_from_list(ports)
Example #3
def scan_serial_ports_windows():
    from chiplotle.tools.serialtools import scan_serial_ports_from_list
    return scan_serial_ports_from_list(range(256))
def scan_serial_ports_windows( ):
    from chiplotle.tools.serialtools import scan_serial_ports_from_list
    return scan_serial_ports_from_list(range(256))