Example #1
def main(argv=None, cout=None, cerr=None, **kwargs):
    import sys
    from chirp.version import version
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    if cout is None:
        cout = sys.stdout
    if cerr is None:
        cerr = sys.stderr

    import getopt
    from chirp.common.config import configoptions
    config = configoptions()

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hvc:m:')
    if len(args) < 1:
        print _scriptdoc
        return -1

    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-h':
            print _scriptdoc
            return -1
        elif o == '-v':
            print "cpitchstats version %s" % version
            return -1
        elif o == '-c':

    print >> cout, "* Program: cpitchstats"
    print >> cout, "** Version: %s" % version

    summary(config).summarize(args, cout, header=True)
    return 0
Example #2
 def __init__(self, title='chirp', size=(1000, 450), configfile=None):
     super(ChirpGui, self).__init__(None, -1, title, size=size)
     # load configuration file if one's supplied
     self.configfile = config.configoptions(configfile)
     self.filename = None
Example #3
def main(argv=None, cout=None):
    import sys
    import getopt
    import glob
    from chirp.version import version

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    if cout is None:
        cout = sys.stdout

    signals = None
    pitchdir = None
    config = configoptions()
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'c:p:hv@')
    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-h':
            print __doc__
            return -1
        elif o == '-v':
            print "%s version %s" % (_scriptname, version)
            return -1
        elif o == '-p':
            pitchdir = a
        elif o == '-c':
            if not os.path.exists(a):
                print >> cout, "ERROR: config file %s doesn't exist" % a
                return -1
        elif o == '-@':
            signals = (f.strip() for f in sys.stdin.readlines())

    if len(args) < 1:
        print __doc__
    if not signals:
        if len(args) < 2:
            print __doc__
        signals = args[:-1]

    print >> cout, "* Program: cplotpitch"
    print >> cout, "** Version: %s" % version
    print >> cout, "** Loading pitch from %s" % (pitchdir or "same directory as signal")
    print >> cout, "** Output file: %s" % args[-1]

    plotter = multiplotter(args[-1], config, cout, pitchdir=pitchdir)
    for fname in signals:
        basename = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
        ax = plotter.send(basename)
        ax.set_title(basename, ha='left', position=(0.0, 1.0), fontsize=4)

    return 0
Example #4
 def load_params(self, infile):
     self.configfile = config.configoptions(infile)
     # this is sort of kludgy, but it's not too much
     sig, Fs = self.spec.handler.signal, self.spec.handler.Fs
     self.spec.handler = SpecHandler(self.configfile)
     if sig is not None:
         self.spec.handler.plot_data(sig, Fs)
Example #5
def main(argv=None, cout=None, cerr=None, **kwargs):
    import os
    import sys
    from chirp.version import version
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    if cout is None:
        cout = sys.stdout
    if cerr is None:
        cerr = sys.stderr

    import getopt
    from chirp.common.config import configoptions
    config = configoptions()

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hvc:')

    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-h':
            print _scriptdoc
            return -1
        elif o == '-v':
            print " %s version %s" % (_scriptname, version)
            return -1
        elif o == '-c':
    if len(args) < 1:
        print _scriptdoc
        return -1

    wavfile = args[0]
    basename = os.path.splitext(wavfile)[0]
    if len(args) > 1:
        maskfile = args[1]
        maskfile = basename + ".ebl"

    print >> cout, "* Program: %s" % _scriptname
    print >> cout, "** Version: %s" % version
    print >> cout, "* Sound file: %s" % wavfile
    print >> cout, "* Mask file: %s" % maskfile

    splt = splitter(config)
    print >> cout, splt.options_str()

    for i, signal, Fs in splt.splitfile(wavfile, maskfile, cout=cout):
        outfile = "%s_e%03d.wav" % (os.path.split(basename)[1], i)
        print "** Writing extracted signal to %s" % outfile
        fp = ewave.wavfile(outfile, 'w', sampling_rate=Fs * 1000)
Example #6
    def on_start(self, event):
        # load data from controls. I wind up duplicating a lot
        # # of stuff in ccompare.main, unfortunately
        filedir = self.filedir.GetPath()
        if len(filedir) == 0:
            self.status.SetStatusText("No analyis directory selected")
        store_loc = self.storageloc.GetValue()
        if len(store_loc) == 0:
            self.status.SetStatusText("No storage location selected")

        config = configoptions()
        cfg   = self.config.GetPath()
        if len(cfg) > 0:
        store_options = dict()
        store_options['restrict']  = self.restrict.GetValue()
        store_options['skip']  = self.skipcompl.GetValue()
        nw    = self.nworkers.GetValue()

        # load classes
        compare_class = plugins.methods.load(self.method.GetStringSelection())
        storage_class = plugins.storage.load(self.storage.GetStringSelection())

        comparator = compare_class(configfile=config)
        storager = storage_class(comparator, location=store_loc, signals=filedir, **store_options)

        # load the signals

            self.batch_thread = CompareThread(self, storager, comparator, nw)
            self.batch_thread.daemon = True
        except Exception, e:
            self.status.SetStatusText("Error: %s" % e)
Example #7
def cpitch(argv=None, cout=None, cerr=None, **kwargs):
    """ The script front-end """
    import sys
    from chirp.version import version
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    if cout is None:
        cout = sys.stdout
    if cerr is None:
        cerr = sys.stderr

    import getopt
    from chirp.common.config import configoptions
    config = configoptions()

    maskfile = None

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hvc:m:')

    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-h':
            print _scriptdoc
            return -1
        elif o == '-v':
            print "cpitch version %s" % version
            return -1
        elif o == '-c':
            if not os.path.exists(a):
                print >> cout, "ERROR: config file %s doesn't exist" % a
                return -1
        elif o == '-m':
            maskfile = a
    if len(args) < 1:
        print _scriptdoc
        return -1

    print >> cout, "* Program: cpitch"
    print >> cout, "** Version: %s" % version
    print >> cout, "* Input: %s" % args[0]

    from ewave import wavfile
        fp = wavfile(args[0])
    except IOError:
        print >> cerr, "No such file %s" % args[0]
        return -2
        print >> cerr, "Input file %s must be in WAV format" % args[0]
        return -2

    pcm = fp.read()
    samplerate = fp.sampling_rate / 1000.
    print >> cout, "** Samples:", pcm.size
    print >> cout, "** Samplerate: %.2f (kHz)" % samplerate

    pt = tracker(configfile=config, samplerate=samplerate * 1000, **kwargs)
    print >> cout, pt.spectrogram_options_str()
    print >> cout, pt.template_options_str()
    print >> cout, "* DLFT spectrogram:"
    spec, tgrid, fgrid = pt.matched_spectrogram(pcm, samplerate)
    print >> cout, "** Dimensions:", spec.shape

    print >> cout, pt.particle_options_str()

    if maskfile is not None and os.path.exists(maskfile):
        from chirp.common.geom import elementlist, masker
        print >> cout, "* Mask file:", maskfile
        elems = elementlist.read(maskfile)
        mask = masker(configfile=config, **kwargs)
        for startcol, mspec, imask in mask.split(spec, elems, tgrid, fgrid, cout=cout):
                startframe, pitch_mmse, pitch_var, pitch_map, stats = pt.track(mspec, cout=cout, mask=imask)
                stats['p.map'] = None if pitch_map is None else pitch_map * samplerate
                T = tgrid[startframe + startcol:startframe + startcol + pitch_mmse.shape[0]]
                # + tracker.options['winsize'] / (samplerate * 1000) ??
                ptrace = pitchtrace(T, pitch_mmse * samplerate, pitch_var * samplerate * samplerate,
                print >> cout, "*** Pitch calculations:"
            except ValueError, e:
                print >> cout, "*** Pitch calculation error: %s" % e
Example #8
def main(argv=None, cout=None):
    import sys
    import os
    from chirp.version import version
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    if cout is None:
        cout = sys.stdout

    import getopt
    from chirp.common.config import configoptions
    config = configoptions()

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hvc:m:s:j:', ['skip-completed', 'restrict', 'test'])

    method = None
    store_descr = None
    store_options = dict()
    do_test = False

    nworkers = 1
    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-h':
            print _scriptdoc + '\n' + methods.make_scriptdoc() + '\n\n' + storage.make_scriptdoc()
            return -1
        elif o == '-v':
            print "cpitch version %s" % version
            return -1
        elif o == '-c':
            if not os.path.exists(a):
                print >> cout, "ERROR: config file %s doesn't exist" % a
                return -1
        elif o == '-m':
            method = a
        elif o == '-s':
            store_descr = a
        elif o == '-j':
            nworkers = max(1, int(a))
        elif o == '--skip-completed':
            store_options['skip'] = True
        elif o == '--restrict':
            store_options['restrict'] = True
        elif o == '--test':
            do_test = True

    if len(args) == 0:
        signal_dir = os.getcwd()
        signal_dir = args[0]

    print >> cout, "* Program: ccompare"
    print >> cout, "** Version: %s" % version
    print >> cout, "* Input directory: %s" % signal_dir
    print >> cout, "* Number of workers: %d" % nworkers

    if method is None:
        print >> cout, "* Comparison method: None; aborting"
        print >> sys.stderr, "Please specify a comparison method. Options are %s" % ','.join(methods.names())
        return -1
        compare_class = methods.load(method)
        print >> cout, "* Comparison method: %s %s" % (method, compare_class)
    except ImportError, e:
        print >> cout, "* ERROR: bad method descriptor: %s" % e
        return -1