Example #1
    def build_filters(self, filters=None):
        # TODO: make the UI filter on FQDN to avoid the need for this mangling
        host_id = filters.get('host_id', None)
        if host_id is not None:
            del filters['host_id']
            from chroma_core.models import ManagedHost
            host = ManagedHost.objects.get(id=host_id)
            filters['fqdn'] = host.fqdn

        if 'message_class__in' in filters:
            filters.setlist('message_class__in', [
                for s in filters.getlist('message_class__in')

        if 'message_class' in filters:
            filters['message_class'] = MessageClass.from_string(

        return super(LogResource, self).build_filters(filters)
    def build_filters(self, filters=None, **kwargs):
        # TODO: make the UI filter on FQDN to avoid the need for this mangling
        host_id = filters.get("host_id", None)
        if host_id is not None:
            del filters["host_id"]
            from chroma_core.models import ManagedHost

            host = ManagedHost.objects.get(id=host_id)
            filters["fqdn"] = host.fqdn

        if "message_class__in" in filters:
            msg_classes = filters.get("message_class__in")
            if isinstance(msg_classes, basestring):
                msg_classes = [msg_classes]

                [MessageClass.from_string(s).__str__() for s in msg_classes])

        if "message_class" in filters:
            filters["message_class"] = MessageClass.from_string(

        return super(LogResource, self).build_filters(filters, **kwargs)
 def dehydrate_message_class(self, bundle):
     return MessageClass.to_string(bundle.obj.message_class)
class LogResource(ChromaModelResource):
    syslog messages collected by the manager server.


    substitutions = fields.ListField(
        help_text="List of dictionaries describing substrings which "
        "may be used to decorate the 'message' attribute by adding "
        "hyperlinks. Each substitution has `start`, `end`, `label` "
        "and `resource_uri` attributes.",

    message_class = fields.CharField(
        help_text="Unicode string.  One of %s" % MessageClass.strings(),

    def dehydrate_substitutions(self, bundle):
        return self._substitutions(bundle.obj)

    class Meta:
        queryset = LogMessage.objects.all()
        filtering = {
            "fqdn": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_STR,
            "datetime": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_DATE,
            "message": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_STR,
            "message_class": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_ENUMERATION,
            "tag": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_STR,

        serializer = DateSerializer()
        authorization = LogAuthorization()
        authentication = AnonymousAuthentication()
        ordering = ["datetime", "fqdn"]
        list_allowed_methods = ["get"]
        detail_allowed_methods = ["get"]

    def dehydrate_message_class(self, bundle):
        return MessageClass.to_string(bundle.obj.message_class)

    def build_filters(self, filters=None, **kwargs):
        # TODO: make the UI filter on FQDN to avoid the need for this mangling
        host_id = filters.get("host_id", None)
        if host_id is not None:
            del filters["host_id"]
            from chroma_core.models import ManagedHost

            host = ManagedHost.objects.get(id=host_id)
            filters["fqdn"] = host.fqdn

        if "message_class__in" in filters:
            msg_classes = filters.get("message_class__in")
            if isinstance(msg_classes, basestring):
                msg_classes = [msg_classes]

                [MessageClass.from_string(s).__str__() for s in msg_classes])

        if "message_class" in filters:
            filters["message_class"] = MessageClass.from_string(

        return super(LogResource, self).build_filters(filters, **kwargs)

    def _substitutions(self, obj):
        message = obj.message
        from chroma_api import api_log
        from chroma_api.urls import api

        from chroma_core.models import ManagedHost, ManagedTarget
        import re

        substitutions = []

        def substitute(obj, match, group=1):
            resource_uri = api.get_resource_uri(obj)
                "start": match.start(group),
                "end": match.end(group),
                "label": obj.get_label(),
                "resource_uri": resource_uri,

        # TODO: detect other NID types (cray?)
        nid_regex = re.compile("(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}@(tcp|ib)(_\d+)?")
        target_regex = re.compile("[^\w](\w{1,8}-(MDT|OST)[\da-f]{4})")
        for match in nid_regex.finditer(message):
            nid = match.group(0)
            nid = normalize_nid(nid)
                host = ManagedHost.get_by_nid(nid)
            except ManagedHost.DoesNotExist:
                api_log.warn("No host has NID %s" % nid)
            except ManagedHost.MultipleObjectsReturned:
                api_log.warn("Multiple hosts have NID %s" % nid)
            if host.state != "removed":
                substitute(host, match, 0)

        for match in target_regex.finditer(message):
            target_name = match.group(1)
            for target in ManagedTarget.objects.filter(name=target_name)[:1]:
                substitute(target, match)

        return sorted(substitutions, key=lambda sub: sub["start"])