Example #1
    def applyCH(self, state: chstate.CHState) -> chstate.CHState:
        t = state.s ^ (state.G[self.target] * state.v)
        u = (state.s ^ (state.F[self.target] * np.uint8(1 - state.v)) ^
             (state.M[self.target] * state.v))
        alpha = (state.B[self.target] * np.uint8(1 - state.v) * state.s).sum()
        beta = (state.C[self.target] * np.uint8(1 - state.v) * state.s +
                state.A[self.target] * state.v *
                (state.C[self.target] + state.s)).sum()
        if all(t == u):
            state.s = t
            state.phase = state.phase * (
                (-1)**alpha + (complex(0, 1)**state.g[self.target]) *
                (-1)**beta) / np.sqrt(2)
            return state
            phase, VCList, v, s = util.desuperpositionise(
                t, u,
                np.uint8((state.g[self.target] + 2 * (alpha + beta))) %
                constants.UNSIGNED_4, state.v)
            state.phase *= phase
            state.phase *= (-1)**alpha / np.sqrt(
                2)  # sqrt(2) since H = (X + Z)/sqrt(2)
            state.v = v
            state.s = s

            for gate in VCList:

            return state
Example #2
 def rightMultiplyC(self, state: chstate.CHState) -> chstate.CHState:
             self.target] = state.C[:, self.target] ^ state.A[:,
     state.g = np.uint8(state.g -
                        state.A[:, self.target]) % constants.UNSIGNED_4
     return state
Example #3
    def applyCH(self, state: chstate.CHState) -> chstate.CHState:
        alpha = np.uint8((state.G[self.target] *
                          (1 - state.v) * state.s).sum() % np.uint8(2))
        state.s = np.uint8(
            (state.s + state.G[self.target] * state.v) % np.uint8(2))
        state.phase *= (-1)**alpha

        return state
Example #4
    def applyCH(self, state: chstate.CHState) -> chstate.CHState:
        #apply commutation rules to get (1/2) (1+ (-1)^a Z_p) UC UH |s> = (1/2) UC UH (1 + (-1)^a (prod_j Z_j^{G_{pj} (1-v_j)} X_j^{G_{pj}^{v_j}}  )) |s>
        #then we apply the unitaries to |s> to get
        # UC UH (|s> + (-1)^(k+a) |t>)
        k = self.a + (state.B[self.target] * np.uint8(1 + state.v) *
                      state.s).sum(dtype=np.uint8) % np.uint8(2)
        t = np.uint8((state.B[self.target] * state.v) ^ state.s)
        if all(t == state.s):
            state.phase *= (1 + (-1)**k) / 2
            phase, VCList, v, s = util.desuperpositionise(
                state.s, t, np.uint8(2 * k % constants.UNSIGNED_4), state.v)
            for gate in VCList:

            state.phase *= phase / 2  # 2 since P = (I +- Z)/2
            state.v = v
            state.s = s
        return state
Example #5
 def rightMultiplyC(self, state: chstate.CHState) -> chstate.CHState:
             self.control] = state.C[:, self.control] ^ state.A[:,
             self.target] = state.C[:, self.target] ^ state.A[:,
     state.g = (state.g + 2 * state.A[:, self.control] *
                state.A[:, self.target]) % constants.UNSIGNED_4
     return state
Example #6
    def leftMultiplyC(self, state: chstate.CHState) -> chstate.CHState:
        permutation = list(range(state.N))
        permutation[self.a] = self.b
        permutation[self.b] = self.a

        state.A = state.A[permutation][:, permutation]
        state.B = state.B[permutation][:, permutation]
        state.C = state.C[permutation][:, permutation]
        state.g = state.g[permutation]
        state.v = state.v[permutation]
        state.s = state.s[permutation]

        return state
Example #7
from measurement import MeasurementOutcome
from chstate import CHState
import constants
from gates.cliffords import SGate, CXGate, HGate, PauliZProjector
import itertools                    
import util
import random
import qk

from numpy import linalg

if __name__ == "__main__":
    np.set_printoptions(linewidth=128) #makes printing long matrices a bit better sometimes
    #produce the 3 qubit |000>
    state1 = CHState.basis(N=3)

    #produce the 2 qubit |01>
    state2 = CHState.basis(s=[0,1])

    #produce the 3 qubit |111>
    state3 = CHState.basis(s=[1,1,1])

    #print state1 in the form N F G M gamma v s w
    #where N is number of qubits, F, G, M and NxN matrices, gamma, v and s are column vectors and w is a complex number
    #looks like
    3 100 100 000 0 0 0 (1+0j)
      010 010 000 0 0 0
      001 001 000 0 0 0
Example #8
 def rightMultiplyC(self, state: chstate.CHState) -> chstate.CHState:
     state.v = state.v[permutation]
     state.s = state.s[permutation]
     return state