Example #1
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
"""Utility routines for using the parameter module; as with the
other ciao_contrib.*_wrapper modules it is mainly intended for internal
use and so the API is not guaranteed to be stable.


import os

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw
import paramio as pio

logger = lw.initialize_module_logger("param_wrapper")
v5 = logger.verbose5

__all__ = ("open_param_file", )

def show_pfiles():
    """Returns a string listing the directories in the
    PFILES environment variable.


        pf = os.environ["PFILES"]
    except KeyError:
        raise IOError("The PFILES environment variable is not set!")
Example #2
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

__all__ = ["get_radec_from_pos"]

from ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper import initialize_module_logger
logger = initialize_module_logger("parse_pos")
verb0 = logger.verbose0

def _get_radec_from_str(pos):
    Get the ra/dec values from the input string.
    from coords.format import sex2deg
    ps = pos.split(",")
    if len(ps) != 2:
        ps = pos.split("+")
    if len(ps) != 2:
        ps = pos.split("-")
        if len(ps) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
Example #3

import glob
import json
import os
import subprocess

from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError

from ciao_contrib import logger_wrapper as lw

__all__ = ('get_installed_versions', 'get_latest_versions',
           'read_latest_versions', 'check_conda_versions')

lgr = lw.initialize_module_logger('_tools.versioninfo')
v3 = lgr.verbose3
v4 = lgr.verbose4

def read_vfile(fname):
    "Reads the version string from a CIAO version file"

    with open(fname, 'r') as fh:
        cts = fh.readlines()

    # Just take the first line, in case there are any extra new lines
    # in the file, as has happened.
    return cts[0].strip()

Example #4
Wrapper around asect solution files.

import numpy as np

import pycrates as pcr

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw

import ciao_contrib._tools.fileio as fileio

# __all__ = ("",)

lgr = lw.initialize_module_logger('_tools.aspsol')
v3 = lgr.verbose3

class AspectSolution(object):
    """Represent the aspect solution for an observation. It can consist
    of 1 or more aspect solution files. This class deals with sorting
    the files in time order.

    After creation, the idea is that you use the .name field for
    any tool that needs the aspect solution (e.g. asphist.infile or
    skyfov.aspect), and nbins for the number of bins to use in
    a call to asphist.

    If there are multiple files then the .name field will be a
    comma-separated list of files. The assumption here is that
Example #5
As of CIAO 4.6 there should be no need for the PBK (parameter block)
file, but support has been left in.


import os

import pycrates
import stk

from ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper import initialize_module_logger

__all__ = ('find_ancillary_files', 'find_ancillary_files_crate',

lgr = initialize_module_logger('ancillaryfiles')
v1 = lgr.verbose1
v3 = lgr.verbose3
v4 = lgr.verbose4

__typemap = {
    'asol': 'ASOLFILE',
    'bpix': 'BPIXFILE',
    'dtf': 'DTFFILE',
    'flt': 'FLTFILE',
    'mask': 'MASKFILE',
    'mtl': 'MTLFILE',
    'pbk': 'PBKFILE',
    # 'thresh': 'THRFILE',
    # 'gain': 'GAINFILE',
    # 'cti': 'CTIFILE',
Example #6
__all__ = (
    "dmimgcalc2", "dmimgcalc", "dmimgcalc_add",
    "dmhedit_key", "dmhedit_file",
    # TODO: skyfov

lgr = lw.initialize_module_logger('_tools.run')
v2 = lgr.verbose2
v3 = lgr.verbose3

def run(tname, targs):
    """Run the tool (tname) with arguments (targs). Raises an
    IOError on failure. Logs the command and arguments at the DEBUG level.

    v2(">> Running {}".format(tname))
    v2(">>   args: {}".format(targs))

    args = [tname]
    rval = sbp.call(args)
Example #7
interface. Is it worth it?

import os

import ciao_contrib.ancillaryfiles as ancillary
import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw

# Can not rely on too many modules in ciao_contrib._tools as do
# not want circular dependencies
import ciao_contrib._tools.fileio as fileio
import ciao_contrib._tools.utils as utils

# __all__ = ("",)

lgr = lw.initialize_module_logger('_tools.obsinfo')
v2 = lgr.verbose2
v3 = lgr.verbose3

def _remove_dmfilter(fname):
    """Return fname stripped of any DM filter,
    so '/foo/bar/baz.fits' and '/foo/bar/baz.fits[sky=region(../src.reg)]'
    both return '/foo/bar/baz.fits'.

    For now only look at DM filter syntax (so anything "[...") but
    could also look for CFITSIO syntax ("+<block num>" and "...(copy-name)"),
    but only do this if find users actually use this (as unlikely used for
    the use cases of this module, although being used more).
Example #8
Routines that deal with the Chandra field-of-view (FOV)
files created by the skyfov tool (and are also provided as part of
the Chandra standard-data product distribution).


import os

import numpy as np

import pycrates

from ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper import initialize_module_logger

logger = initialize_module_logger("ciao_contrib.region.fov")

v1 = logger.verbose1
v3 = logger.verbose3
v4 = logger.verbose4
v5 = logger.verbose5

__all__ = (

# not very robust
def _is_int(ival):
    "Are we near enough an integer for display purposes?"
Example #9
import socket
import time

from html.parser import HTMLParser
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError

import pycrates

from ciao_contrib import logger_wrapper as lw

__all__ = ("check_caldb_version", "get_caldb_dir", "get_caldb_releases",
           "get_caldb_installed", "get_caldb_installed_version",

lgr = lw.initialize_module_logger('caldb')
v3 = lgr.verbose3

release_notes_url = "https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/caldb/downloads/releasenotes.html"

def todate(txt):
    """Convert text to time.

    This is intended to convert a time string, as reported by the
    CALDB web pages, to a time object.

    txt : str or None
        The time string.
Example #10
import pycrates

from ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper import initialize_module_logger
from ciao_contrib import smooth as sm

__all__ = (
    "make_table_crate", "make_image_crate",
    "write_columns", "write_arrays",

logger = initialize_module_logger("crates_utils")

v3 = logger.verbose3

# time.strftime format to create FITS (like) time format
_fits_time_fmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

def add_colvals(cr, colname, colvals, unit=None, desc=None):
    """Add a new column to the crate.

    Create a new column in the crate with the given name and data
    values. The unit and desc fields are used to set the column unit
    and description if given.

Example #11
import subprocess as sbp

import paramio
import stk

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw

import ciao_contrib.runtool as rt
import coords.format

__all__ = ("ObsId", "make_obsid_from_headers", "print_version",
           "split_outroot", "to_number", "equal_elements", "getUniqueSynset",
           "thresh_is_set", "parse_range", "parse_xygrid", "parse_refpos",
           "sky_to_arcsec", "process_tmpdir")

lgr = lw.initialize_module_logger('_tools.utils')
v1 = lgr.verbose1
v3 = lgr.verbose3
v4 = lgr.verbose4

# This is a manually-curated list. It is (as of 2015) not expected
# to grow.
_multi_obi_obsids = [
    82, 108, 279, 380, 400, 433, 800, 861, 897, 906, 943, 1411, 1431, 1456,
    1561, 1578, 2010, 2042, 2077, 2365, 2783, 3057, 3182, 3764, 4175, 60879,
    60880, 62249, 62264, 62796

def list_multi_obi_obsids():
Example #12

Header routines, currently limited to merging keywords.

The idea is to move this from being text-based to being created with
methods, and having output to text for tools that need it.

import math

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw

__all__ = ("HeaderMerge", )

lgr = lw.initialize_module_logger('_tools.merging')
v2 = lgr.verbose2
v3 = lgr.verbose3
v4 = lgr.verbose4

class BaseMergeRule:
    """How should a list of keyword values be combined?

    This skips the "warn" part of the header rules.

    key : str
        The name of the keyword.
    default : str or None
Example #13
import sys
import ssl
import time

from io import BytesIO
from subprocess import check_output

import urllib.error
import urllib.request
import http.client

from html.parser import HTMLParser

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw

logger = lw.initialize_module_logger("downloadutils")

v0 = logger.verbose0
v1 = logger.verbose1
v2 = logger.verbose1
v3 = logger.verbose3
v4 = logger.verbose4

__all__ = ('retrieve_url', 'find_downloadable_files',
           'find_all_downloadable_files', 'ProgressBar', 'download_progress')

def manual_download(url):
    """Try curl then wget to query the URL.

Example #14
For cases when the CADC resolver is not available it falls back to
using the Sesame interface from CDS: http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/vizier/doc/sesame.htx


from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw

__all__ = ("identify_name", )

logger = lw.initialize_module_logger("cda.resolver")
v4 = logger.verbose4
v5 = logger.verbose5

def strtofloat(val):
    """Convert a string into a float.

    The difference to just calling float(val) is that the error
    is more user-friendly.

    val : str
        The number to convert
Example #15

    # may want to move the following elsewhere

lgr = lw.initialize_module_logger('_tools.fileio')
v1 = lgr.verbose1
v2 = lgr.verbose2
v3 = lgr.verbose3
v4 = lgr.verbose4

def get_infile_type(infile):
    """Returns 'Table' or 'Image' depending on what Crates thinks
    the type of infile is."""
    cr = pycrates.read_file(infile)
    return pycrates.get_crate_type(cr)

def get_filter(infile):
    """returns the DM filter used with an input file or stack"""
Example #16
The API is not guaranteed to remain stable, so use at your own risk.

import os
import sys
import time

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import cxcdm as dm

from ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper import initialize_module_logger

logger = initialize_module_logger("cxcdm_wrapper")
v1 = logger.verbose3
v3 = logger.verbose3
v5 = logger.verbose5

Record = namedtuple("Record", "name value unit comment")
Column = namedtuple("Column", "name pos type dims unit comment range")

__all__ = ["open_block_from_file", "close_block",
           "get_keyword", "get_block_name", "convert_block_number",
Example #17
import os.path

import ssl
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request

from operator import itemgetter

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw
from ciao_contrib import downloadutils

__init__ = ("download_chandra_obsids", )

BASE_URL = 'https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/cdaftp/'

LOGGER = lw.initialize_module_logger("cda.data")

V1 = LOGGER.verbose1
V3 = LOGGER.verbose3


def get_mirror_location(useropt):
    """Returns the mirror location, if set, otherwise None. If useropt
    is not empty or None then this is returned, otherwise the value of
    the CDA_MIRROR_SITE environment variable is returned (if set),
    otherwise returns None.

    Only minor syntactic checks are made (no attempt is made to
    connect to the server).
Example #18
Processing band information (i.e. energy range and representative
energy for instrument maps).

import os

import pycrates
import stk

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw

__all__ = ("validate_bands", )

lgr = lw.initialize_module_logger('_tools.bands')
v1 = lgr.verbose1
v3 = lgr.verbose3

def validate_energy_value(enval):
    "Error out if enval is outside the nominal energy range of Chandra."

    if 0.1 <= enval <= 10.0:

    raise ValueError(
        "Energy of {} keV is outside Chandra's nominal range of 0.1 to 10 keV."

Example #19

import numpy as np

from xml.etree import ElementTree
from collections import OrderedDict

import coords.format as coords
import coords.utils as cutils

from ciao_contrib.downloadutils import retrieve_url

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw

logger = lw.initialize_module_logger("cda.search")

v3 = logger.verbose3
v4 = logger.verbose4
v5 = logger.verbose5

__all__ = (

def _mkl(label):
    return '{http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOTable/v1.1}' + label

Example #20

# KJG: 2016-09013 no changes needed for P3
Routines related specifically to converting to/from Chandra coordinates


__all__ = ["cel_to_chandra", "sky_to_chandra"]

from pixlib import Pixlib

myPixlib = None

import ciao_contrib.logger_wrapper as lw
logger = lw.initialize_module_logger("coords.chandra")

v0 = logger.verbose0

def _setup_sim(keyword_list):
    Get the kewywords related to the SIM location    
    # Get SIM if all keys are present -- should be unless merged then
    # all bets are off anyways.
    if all([x in keyword_list for x in ["SIM_X", "SIM_Y", "SIM_Z"]]):
        sim = [
            keyword_list["SIM_X"], keyword_list["SIM_Y"], keyword_list["SIM_Z"]