Example #1
    def _get_service_target(self, volume):
        """Get the available service parameters

           Get the available service parameters for a given volume using
           its type.
           :param volume: dictionary volume reference

        hdp = self._get_service(volume)
        info = _loc_info(volume['provider_location'])
        (arid, lun_name) = info['id_lu']

        evsid = self.bend.get_evs(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
                                  self.config['password'], hdp)
        svc_label = utils.extract_host(volume['host'], level='pool')
        svc = self.config['services'][svc_label]

        LOG.info(_LI("_get_service_target hdp: %s."), hdp)
        LOG.info(_LI("config[services]: %s."), self.config['services'])

        mapped, lunid, tgt = self.bend.check_lu(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
                                                lun_name, hdp)

        LOG.info(_LI("Target is %(map)s! Targetlist = %(tgtl)s."), {
            'map': "mapped" if mapped else "not mapped",
            'tgtl': tgt

        # The volume is already mapped to a LUN, so no need to create any
        # targets
        if mapped:
            service = (svc['iscsi_ip'], svc['iscsi_port'], svc['ctl'],
                       svc['port'], hdp, tgt['alias'], tgt['secret'])
            return service

        # Each EVS can have up to 32 targets. Each target can have up to 32
        # LUNs attached and have the name format 'evs<id>-tgt<0-N>'. We run
        # from the first 'evs1-tgt0' until we find a target that is not already
        # created in the BE or is created but have slots to place new targets.
        found_tgt = False
        for i in range(0, MAX_HNAS_ISCSI_TARGETS):
            tgt_alias = 'evs' + evsid + '-tgt' + six.text_type(i)
            # TODO(erlon): we need to go to the BE 32 times here
            tgt_exist, tgt = self.bend.check_target(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
                                                    hdp, tgt_alias)
            if tgt_exist and len(tgt['luns']) < 32 or not tgt_exist:
                # Target exists and has free space or, target does not exist
                # yet. Proceed and use the target or create a target using this
                # name.
                found_tgt = True

        # If we've got here and found_tgt is not True, we run out of targets,
        # raise and go away.
        if not found_tgt:
            LOG.error(_LE("No more targets avaliable."))
            raise exception.NoMoreTargets(param=tgt_alias)

        LOG.info(_LI("Using target label: %s."), tgt_alias)

        # Check if we have a secret stored for this target so we don't have to
        # go to BE on every query
        if 'targets' not in self.config.keys():
            self.config['targets'] = {}

        if tgt_alias not in self.config['targets'].keys():
            self.config['targets'][tgt_alias] = {}

        tgt_info = self.config['targets'][tgt_alias]

        # HNAS - one time lookup
        # see if the client supports CHAP authentication and if
        # iscsi_secret has already been set, retrieve the secret if
        # available, otherwise generate and store
        if self.config['chap_enabled'] == 'True':
            # It may not exist, create and set secret.
            if 'iscsi_secret' not in tgt_info.keys():
                LOG.info(_LI("Retrieving secret for service: %s."), tgt_alias)

                out = self.bend.get_targetsecret(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
                                                 tgt_alias, hdp)
                tgt_info['iscsi_secret'] = out
                if tgt_info['iscsi_secret'] == "":
                    randon_secret = utils.generate_password()[0:15]
                    tgt_info['iscsi_secret'] = randon_secret
                                               tgt_alias, hdp,

                    LOG.info(_LI("Set tgt CHAP secret for service: %s."),
            # We set blank password when the client does not
            # support CHAP. Later on, if the client tries to create a new
            # target that does not exists in the backend, we check for this
            # value and use a temporary dummy password.
            if 'iscsi_secret' not in tgt_info.keys():
                # Warns in the first time
                LOG.info(_LI("CHAP authentication disabled."))

            tgt_info['iscsi_secret'] = ""

        if 'tgt_iqn' not in tgt_info:
            LOG.info(_LI("Retrieving target for service: %s."), tgt_alias)

            out = self.bend.get_targetiqn(self.config['hnas_cmd'],
                                          self.config['password'], tgt_alias,
                                          hdp, tgt_info['iscsi_secret'])
            tgt_info['tgt_iqn'] = out

        self.config['targets'][tgt_alias] = tgt_info

        service = (svc['iscsi_ip'], svc['iscsi_port'], svc['ctl'], svc['port'],
                   hdp, tgt_alias, tgt_info['iscsi_secret'])

        return service
Example #2
    def _get_service_target(self, volume):
        """Gets the available service parameters

        Gets the available service parameters for a given volume using its
        :param volume: dictionary volume reference
        :returns: service target information or raises error
        :raises: NoMoreTargets
        fs_label = self._get_service(volume)
        evs_id = self.backend.get_evs(fs_label)

        svc_label = utils.extract_host(volume.host, level='pool')
        svc = self.config['services'][svc_label]

        lu_info = self.backend.check_lu(volume.name, fs_label)

        # The volume is already mapped to a LU, so no need to create any
        # targets
        if lu_info['mapped']:
            service = (svc['iscsi_ip'], svc['iscsi_port'], svc['evs'],
                       svc['port'], fs_label, lu_info['tgt']['alias'],
                _LI("Volume %(vol_name)s already mapped on target "
                    "%(tgt)s to LUN %(lunid)s."), {
                        'vol_name': volume.name,
                        'tgt': lu_info['tgt']['alias'],
                        'lunid': lu_info['id']
            return service

        # Each EVS can have up to 32 targets. Each target can have up to 32
        # LUs attached and have the name format 'evs<id>-tgt<0-N>'. We run
        # from the first 'evs1-tgt0' until we find a target that is not already
        # created in the BE or is created but have slots to place new LUs.
        tgt_alias = ''
        for i in range(0, MAX_HNAS_ISCSI_TARGETS):
            tgt_alias = 'evs' + evs_id + '-tgt' + six.text_type(i)
            tgt = self.backend.check_target(fs_label, tgt_alias)

            if (tgt['found']
                    and len(tgt['tgt']['lus']) < MAX_HNAS_LUS_PER_TARGET
                    or not tgt['found']):
                # Target exists and has free space or, target does not exist
                # yet. Proceed and use the target or create a target using this
                # name.
            # If we've got here, we run out of targets, raise and go away.
            LOG.error(_LE("No more targets available."))
            raise exception.NoMoreTargets(param=tgt_alias)

        LOG.info(_LI("Using target label: %(tgt)s."), {'tgt': tgt_alias})

        # Check if we have a secret stored for this target so we don't have to
        # go to BE on every query
        if 'targets' not in self.config.keys():
            self.config['targets'] = {}

        if tgt_alias not in self.config['targets'].keys():
            self.config['targets'][tgt_alias] = {}

        tgt_info = self.config['targets'][tgt_alias]

        # HNAS - one time lookup
        # see if the client supports CHAP authentication and if
        # iscsi_secret has already been set, retrieve the secret if
        # available, otherwise generate and store
        if self.config['chap_enabled']:
            # CHAP support is enabled. Tries to get the target secret.
            if 'iscsi_secret' not in tgt_info.keys():
                LOG.info(_LI("Retrieving secret for service: %(tgt)s."),
                         {'tgt': tgt_alias})
                out = self.backend.get_target_secret(tgt_alias, fs_label)
                tgt_info['iscsi_secret'] = out

                # CHAP supported and the target has no secret yet. So, the
                # secret is created for the target
                if tgt_info['iscsi_secret'] == "":
                    random_secret = utils.generate_password()[0:15]
                    tgt_info['iscsi_secret'] = random_secret

                    LOG.info(_LI("Set tgt CHAP secret for service: %(tgt)s."),
                             {'tgt': tgt_alias})
            # We set blank password when the client does not
            # support CHAP. Later on, if the client tries to create a new
            # target that does not exist in the backend, we check for this
            # value and use a temporary dummy password.
            if 'iscsi_secret' not in tgt_info.keys():
                # Warns in the first time
                LOG.info(_LI("CHAP authentication disabled."))

            tgt_info['iscsi_secret'] = "''"

        # If the target does not exist, it should be created
        if not tgt['found']:
            self.backend.create_target(tgt_alias, fs_label,
        elif (tgt['tgt']['secret'] == "" and self.config['chap_enabled']):
            # The target exists, has no secret and chap is enabled
            self.backend.set_target_secret(tgt_alias, fs_label,

        if 'tgt_iqn' not in tgt_info:
            LOG.info(_LI("Retrieving IQN for service: %(tgt)s."),
                     {'tgt': tgt_alias})

            out = self.backend.get_target_iqn(tgt_alias, fs_label)
            tgt_info['tgt_iqn'] = out

        self.config['targets'][tgt_alias] = tgt_info

        service = (svc['iscsi_ip'], svc['iscsi_port'], svc['evs'], svc['port'],
                   fs_label, tgt_alias, tgt_info['iscsi_secret'])

        return service