Example #1
def save(bot: Bot, update: Update):
    chat_id = update.effective_chat.id
    msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]

    note_name, text, data_type, content, buttons = get_note_type(msg)

    if data_type is None:
        msg.reply_text("Dude, there's no note")
    if len(text.strip()) == 0:
        text = note_name
    sql.add_note_to_db(chat_id, note_name, text, data_type, buttons=buttons, file=content)

        "Your {note_name} note is added.\nGet it with /get {note_name}, or #{note_name}".format(note_name=note_name))

    if msg.reply_to_message and msg.reply_to_message.from_user.is_bot:
        if text:
            msg.reply_text("Seems like you're trying to save a message from a bot. Unfortunately, "
                           "bots can't forward bot messages, so I can't save the exact message. "
                           "\nI'll save all the text I can, but if you want more, you'll have to "
                           "forward the message yourself, and then save it.")
            msg.reply_text("Bots are kinda handicapped by telegram, making it hard for bots to "
                           "interact with other bots, so I can't save this message "
                           "like I usually would - do you mind forwarding it and "
                           "then saving that new message? Thanks!")
Example #2
def __import_data__(chat_id, data):
    failures = []
    for notename, notedata in data.get('extra', {}).items():
        match = FILE_MATCHER.match(notedata)

        if match:
            notedata = notedata[match.end():].strip()
            if notedata:
                sql.add_note_to_db(chat_id, notename[1:], notedata, sql.Types.TEXT)
            sql.add_note_to_db(chat_id, notename[1:], notedata, sql.Types.TEXT)

    if failures:
        with BytesIO(str.encode("\n".join(failures))) as output:
            output.name = "failed_imports.txt"
            dispatcher.bot.send_document(chat_id, document=output, filename="failed_imports.txt",
                                         caption="These files/photos failed to import due to originating "
                                                 "from another bot. This is a telegram API restriction, and can't "
                                                 "be avoided. Sorry for the inconvenience!")