def test_change_d():
    testing changing the diameter
    c = Circle(4)

    c.diameter = 4
    assert c.radius == 2
    assert c.diameter == 4
    assert round(c.area, 5) == 12.56637
def test_change_r():
    testing changing the radius
    c = Circle(4)

    #"setting the radius to 2:"
    c.radius = 2
    assert c.radius == 2
    assert c.diameter == 4
    assert round(c.area, 5) == 12.56637
def test_from_diameter():
    c = Circle.from_diameter(6.0)
    assert c.radius == 3.0
def test_set_area():
    # trying to set the area
    c = Circle(4)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        c.area = 12