Example #1
def diagonalize_real_symmetric_and_sorted_diagonal_matrices(
        symmetric_matrix: np.ndarray,
        diagonal_matrix: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT) -> np.ndarray:
    """Returns an orthogonal matrix that diagonalizes both given matrices.

    The given matrices must commute.
    Guarantees that the sorted diagonal matrix is not permuted by the
    diagonalization (except for nearly-equal values).

        symmetric_matrix: A real symmetric matrix.
        diagonal_matrix: A real diagonal matrix with entries along the diagonal
            sorted into descending order.
        tolerance: Numeric error thresholds.

        An orthogonal matrix P such that P.T @ symmetric_matrix @ P is diagonal
        and P.T @ diagonal_matrix @ P = diagonal_matrix (up to tolerance).

        ValueError: Matrices don't meet preconditions (e.g. not symmetric).
        ArithmeticError: Failed to meet specified tolerance.

    # Verify preconditions.
    if (np.any(np.imag(symmetric_matrix) != 0)
            or not predicates.is_hermitian(symmetric_matrix)):
        raise ValueError('symmetric_matrix must be real symmetric.')
    if (not predicates.is_diagonal(diagonal_matrix)
            or np.any(np.imag(diagonal_matrix) != 0)
            or np.any(diagonal_matrix[:-1, :-1] < diagonal_matrix[1:, 1:])):
        raise ValueError('diagonal_matrix must be real diagonal descending.')
    if not predicates.commutes(diagonal_matrix, symmetric_matrix):
        raise ValueError('Given matrices must commute.')

    def similar_singular(i, j):
        return tolerance.all_close(diagonal_matrix[i, i], diagonal_matrix[j,

    # Because the symmetric matrix commutes with the diagonal singulars matrix,
    # the symmetric matrix should be block-diagonal with a block boundary
    # wherever the singular values happen change. So we can use the singular
    # values to extract blocks that can be independently diagonalized.
    ranges = _contiguous_groups(diagonal_matrix.shape[0], similar_singular)

    # Build the overall diagonalization by diagonalizing each block.
    p = np.zeros(symmetric_matrix.shape, dtype=np.float64)
    for start, end in ranges:
        block = symmetric_matrix[start:end, start:end]
        p[start:end, start:end] = diagonalize_real_symmetric_matrix(block)

    # Check acceptability vs tolerances.
    if (not predicates.is_diagonal(
            p.T.dot(symmetric_matrix).dot(p), tolerance)
            or not tolerance.all_close(diagonal_matrix,
        raise ArithmeticError('Failed to diagonalize to specified tolerance.')

    return p
Example #2
def kron_factor_4x4_to_2x2s(
        matrix: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT
) -> Tuple[complex, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Splits a 4x4 matrix U = kron(A, B) into A, B, and a global factor.

    Requires the matrix to be the kronecker product of two 2x2 unitaries.
    Requires the matrix to have a non-zero determinant.

        matrix: The 4x4 unitary matrix to factor.
        tolerance: Acceptable numeric error thresholds.

        A scalar factor and a pair of 2x2 unit-determinant matrices. The
        kronecker product of all three is equal to the given matrix.

            The given matrix can't be tensor-factored into 2x2 pieces.

    # Use the entry with the largest magnitude as a reference point.
    a, b = max(
        ((i, j) for i in range(4) for j in range(4)),
        key=lambda t: abs(matrix[t]))

    # Extract sub-factors touching the reference cell.
    f1 = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex128)
    f2 = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex128)
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            f1[(a >> 1) ^ i, (b >> 1) ^ j] = matrix[a ^ (i << 1), b ^ (j << 1)]
            f2[(a & 1) ^ i, (b & 1) ^ j] = matrix[a ^ i, b ^ j]

    # Rescale factors to have unit determinants.
    f1 /= (np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(f1)) or 1)
    f2 /= (np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(f2)) or 1)

    # Determine global phase.
    g = matrix[a, b] / (f1[a >> 1, b >> 1] * f2[a & 1, b & 1])
    if np.real(g) < 0:
        f1 *= -1
        g = -g

    restored = g * combinators.kron(f1, f2)
    if np.any(np.isnan(restored)) or not tolerance.all_close(restored, matrix):
        raise ValueError("Can't factor into kronecker product.")

    return g, f1, f2
Example #3
def kron_factor_4x4_to_2x2s(
        matrix: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT
) -> Tuple[complex, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Splits a 4x4 matrix U = kron(A, B) into A, B, and a global factor.

    Requires the matrix to be the kronecker product of two 2x2 unitaries.
    Requires the matrix to have a non-zero determinant.

        matrix: The 4x4 unitary matrix to factor.
        tolerance: Acceptable numeric error thresholds.

        A scalar factor and a pair of 2x2 unit-determinant matrices. The
        kronecker product of all three is equal to the given matrix.

            The given matrix can't be tensor-factored into 2x2 pieces.

    # Use the entry with the largest magnitude as a reference point.
    a, b = max(
        ((i, j) for i in range(4) for j in range(4)),
        key=lambda t: abs(matrix[t]))

    # Extract sub-factors touching the reference cell.
    f1 = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex128)
    f2 = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex128)
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            f1[(a >> 1) ^ i, (b >> 1) ^ j] = matrix[a ^ (i << 1), b ^ (j << 1)]
            f2[(a & 1) ^ i, (b & 1) ^ j] = matrix[a ^ i, b ^ j]

    # Rescale factors to have unit determinants.
    f1 /= (np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(f1)) or 1)
    f2 /= (np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(f2)) or 1)

    # Determine global phase.
    g = matrix[a, b] / (f1[a >> 1, b >> 1] * f2[a & 1, b & 1])
    if np.real(g) < 0:
        f1 *= -1
        g = -g

    restored = g * combinators.kron(f1, f2)
    if np.any(np.isnan(restored)) or not tolerance.all_close(restored, matrix):
        raise ValueError("Can't factor into kronecker product.")

    return g, f1, f2
Example #4
def is_hermitian(matrix: np.ndarray,
                 tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT) -> bool:
    """Determines if a matrix is approximately Hermitian.

    A matrix is Hermitian if it's square and equal to its adjoint.

        matrix: The matrix to check.
        tolerance: The per-matrix-entry tolerance on equality.

        Whether the matrix is Hermitian within the given tolerance.
    return (matrix.shape[0] == matrix.shape[1]
            and tolerance.all_close(matrix, np.conj(matrix.T)))
Example #5
def is_unitary(matrix: np.ndarray,
               tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT) -> bool:
    """Determines if a matrix is approximately unitary.

    A matrix is unitary if it's square and its adjoint is its inverse.

        matrix: The matrix to check.
        tolerance: The per-matrix-entry tolerance on equality.

        Whether the matrix is unitary within the given tolerance.
    return (matrix.shape[0] == matrix.shape[1] and tolerance.all_close(
        matrix.dot(np.conj(matrix.T)), np.eye(matrix.shape[0])))
Example #6
def _perp_eigendecompose(
        matrix: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance) -> Tuple[np.array, List[np.ndarray]]:
    """An eigendecomposition that ensures eigenvectors are perpendicular.

    numpy.linalg.eig doesn't guarantee that eigenvectors from the same
    eigenspace will be perpendicular. This method uses Gram-Schmidt to recover
    a perpendicular set. It further checks that all eigenvectors are
    perpendicular and raises an ArithmeticError otherwise.

        matrix: The matrix to decompose.
        tolerance: Thresholds for determining whether eigenvalues are from the
            same eigenspace and whether eigenvectors are perpendicular.

        The eigenvalues and column eigenvectors. The i'th eigenvalue is
        associated with the i'th column eigenvector.

        ArithmeticError: Failed to find perpendicular eigenvectors.
    vals, cols = np.linalg.eig(matrix)
    vecs = [cols[:, i] for i in range(len(cols))]

    # Convert list of row arrays to list of column arrays.
    for i in range(len(vecs)):
        vecs[i] = np.reshape(vecs[i], (len(vecs[i]), vecs[i].ndim))

    # Group by similar eigenvalue.
    n = len(vecs)
    groups = _group_similar(
        list(range(n)), lambda k1, k2: tolerance.all_close(vals[k1], vals[k2]))

    # Remove overlap between eigenvectors with the same eigenvalue.
    for g in groups:
        q, _ = np.linalg.qr(np.hstack([vecs[i] for i in g]))
        for i in range(len(g)):
            vecs[g[i]] = q[:, i]

    # Ensure no eigenvectors overlap.
    for i in range(len(vecs)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(vecs)):
            if not tolerance.all_near_zero(np.dot(np.conj(vecs[i].T),
                raise ArithmeticError('Eigenvectors overlap.')

    return vals, vecs
Example #7
def is_special_orthogonal(matrix: np.ndarray,
                          tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT) -> bool:
    """Determines if a matrix is approximately special orthogonal.

    A matrix is special orthogonal if it is square and real and its transpose
    is its inverse and its determinant is one.

        matrix: The matrix to check.
        tolerance: The per-matrix-entry tolerance on equality.

        Whether the matrix is special orthogonal within the given tolerance.
    return (is_orthogonal(matrix, tolerance)
            and (matrix.shape[0] == 0
                 or tolerance.all_close(np.linalg.det(matrix), 1)))
Example #8
def is_orthogonal(matrix: np.ndarray,
                  tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT) -> bool:
    """Determines if a matrix is approximately orthogonal.

    A matrix is orthogonal if it's square and real and its transpose is its

        matrix: The matrix to check.
        tolerance: The per-matrix-entry tolerance on equality.

        Whether the matrix is orthogonal within the given tolerance.
    return (matrix.shape[0] == matrix.shape[1]
            and np.all(np.imag(matrix) == 0) and tolerance.all_close(
                matrix.dot(matrix.T), np.eye(matrix.shape[0])))
Example #9
def so4_to_magic_su2s(
        mat: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Finds 2x2 special-unitaries A, B where mat = Mag.H @ kron(A, B) @ Mag.

    Mag is the magic basis matrix:

        1  0  0  i
        0  i  1  0
        0  i -1  0     (times sqrt(0.5) to normalize)
        1  0  0 -i

        mat: A real 4x4 orthogonal matrix.
        tolerance: Per-matrix-entry tolerance on equality.

        A pair (A, B) of matrices in SU(2) such that Mag.H @ kron(A, B) @ Mag
        is approximately equal to the given matrix.

        ValueError: Bad matrix.
        ArithmeticError: Failed to perform the decomposition to desired
    if mat.shape != (4, 4) or not predicates.is_special_orthogonal(mat,
        raise ValueError('mat must be 4x4 special orthogonal.')

    magic = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1j],
                    [0, 1j, 1, 0],
                    [0, 1j, -1, 0],
                    [1, 0, 0, -1j]]) * np.sqrt(0.5)
    ab = combinators.dot(magic, mat, np.conj(magic.T))
    _, a, b = kron_factor_4x4_to_2x2s(ab, tolerance)

    # Check decomposition against desired tolerance.
    reconstructed = combinators.dot(np.conj(magic.T),
                                    combinators.kron(a, b),
    if not tolerance.all_close(reconstructed, mat):
        raise ArithmeticError('Failed to decompose to desired tolerance.')

    return a, b
Example #10
def so4_to_magic_su2s(
        mat: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Finds 2x2 special-unitaries A, B where mat = Mag.H @ kron(A, B) @ Mag.

    Mag is the magic basis matrix:

        1  0  0  i
        0  i  1  0
        0  i -1  0     (times sqrt(0.5) to normalize)
        1  0  0 -i

        mat: A real 4x4 orthogonal matrix.
        tolerance: Per-matrix-entry tolerance on equality.

        A pair (A, B) of matrices in SU(2) such that Mag.H @ kron(A, B) @ Mag
        is approximately equal to the given matrix.

        ValueError: Bad matrix.
        ArithmeticError: Failed to perform the decomposition to desired
    if mat.shape != (4, 4) or not predicates.is_special_orthogonal(mat,
        raise ValueError('mat must be 4x4 special orthogonal.')

    magic = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1j],
                      [0, 1j, 1, 0],
                      [0, 1j, -1, 0],
                      [1, 0, 0, -1j]]) * np.sqrt(0.5)
    ab = combinators.dot(magic, mat, np.conj(magic.T))
    _, a, b = kron_factor_4x4_to_2x2s(ab, tolerance)

    # Check decomposition against desired tolerance.
    reconstructed = combinators.dot(np.conj(magic.T),
                                    combinators.kron(a, b),
    if not tolerance.all_close(reconstructed, mat):
        raise ArithmeticError('Failed to decompose to desired tolerance.')

    return a, b
Example #11
def is_special_unitary(matrix: np.ndarray,
                       tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT) -> bool:
    """Determines if a matrix is approximately unitary with unit determinant.

    A matrix is special-unitary if it is square and its adjoint is its inverse
    and its determinant is one.

        matrix: The matrix to check.
        tolerance: The per-matrix-entry tolerance on equality.

        Whether the matrix is unitary with unit determinant within the given
    return (is_unitary(matrix, tolerance)
            and (matrix.shape[0] == 0
                 or tolerance.all_close(np.linalg.det(matrix), 1)))
Example #12
def _perp_eigendecompose(matrix: np.ndarray, tolerance: Tolerance
                         ) -> Tuple[np.array, List[np.ndarray]]:
    """An eigendecomposition that ensures eigenvectors are perpendicular.

    numpy.linalg.eig doesn't guarantee that eigenvectors from the same
    eigenspace will be perpendicular. This method uses Gram-Schmidt to recover
    a perpendicular set. It further checks that all eigenvectors are
    perpendicular and raises an ArithmeticError otherwise.

        matrix: The matrix to decompose.
        tolerance: Thresholds for determining whether eigenvalues are from the
            same eigenspace and whether eigenvectors are perpendicular.

        The eigenvalues and column eigenvectors. The i'th eigenvalue is
        associated with the i'th column eigenvector.

        ArithmeticError: Failed to find perpendicular eigenvectors.
    vals, cols = np.linalg.eig(np.mat(matrix))
    vecs = [cols[:, i] for i in range(len(cols))]

    # Group by similar eigenvalue.
    n = len(vecs)
    groups = _group_similar(
        lambda k1, k2: tolerance.all_close(vals[k1], vals[k2]))

    # Remove overlap between eigenvectors with the same eigenvalue.
    for g in groups:
        q, _ = np.linalg.qr(np.concatenate([vecs[i] for i in g], axis=1))
        for i in range(len(g)):
            vecs[g[i]] = q[:, i]

    # Ensure no eigenvectors overlap.
    for i in range(len(vecs)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(vecs)):
            if not tolerance.all_near_zero(np.dot(np.conj(vecs[i].T), vecs[j])):
                raise ArithmeticError('Eigenvectors overlap.')

    return vals, vecs
Example #13
def commutes(m1: np.ndarray,
             m2: np.ndarray,
             tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT) -> bool:
    """Determines if two matrices approximately commute.

    Two matrices A and B commute if they are square and have the same size and
    AB = BA.

        m1: One of the matrices.
        m2: The other matrix.
        tolerance: The per-matrix-entry tolerance on equality.

        Whether the two matrices have compatible sizes and a commutator equal
        to zero within tolerance.
    return (m1.shape[0] == m1.shape[1] and m1.shape == m2.shape
            and tolerance.all_close(m1.dot(m2), m2.dot(m1)))
Example #14
def test_all_close():
    no_tol = Tolerance()
    assert no_tol.all_close(1, 1)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(1, 0.5)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(1, 1.5)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(1, 100.5)
    assert no_tol.all_close(100, 100)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(100, 99.5)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(100, 100.5)

    assert no_tol.all_close([1, 2], [1, 2])
    assert not no_tol.all_close([1, 2], [1, 3])

    atol5 = Tolerance(atol=5)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, 1)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, 0.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, 1.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, 5.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, -3.5)
    assert not atol5.all_close(1, 6.5)
    assert not atol5.all_close(1, -4.5)
    assert not atol5.all_close(1, 100.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(100, 100)
    assert atol5.all_close(100, 100.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(100, 104.5)
    assert not atol5.all_close(100, 105.5)

    rtol2 = Tolerance(rtol=2)
    assert rtol2.all_close(100, 100)
    assert rtol2.all_close(299.5, 100)
    assert rtol2.all_close(1, 100)
    assert rtol2.all_close(-99, 100)
    assert not rtol2.all_close(100, 1)  # Doesn't commute.
    assert not rtol2.all_close(300.5, 100)
    assert not rtol2.all_close(-101, 100)

    tol25 = Tolerance(rtol=2, atol=5)
    assert tol25.all_close(100, 100)
    assert tol25.all_close(106, 100)
    assert tol25.all_close(201, 100)
    assert tol25.all_close(304.5, 100)
    assert not tol25.all_close(305.5, 100)
Example #15
def test_all_close():
    no_tol = Tolerance()
    assert no_tol.all_close(1, 1)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(1, 0.5)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(1, 1.5)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(1, 100.5)
    assert no_tol.all_close(100, 100)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(100, 99.5)
    assert not no_tol.all_close(100, 100.5)

    assert no_tol.all_close([1, 2], [1, 2])
    assert not no_tol.all_close([1, 2], [1, 3])

    atol5 = Tolerance(atol=5)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, 1)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, 0.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, 1.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, 5.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(1, -3.5)
    assert not atol5.all_close(1, 6.5)
    assert not atol5.all_close(1, -4.5)
    assert not atol5.all_close(1, 100.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(100, 100)
    assert atol5.all_close(100, 100.5)
    assert atol5.all_close(100, 104.5)
    assert not atol5.all_close(100, 105.5)

    rtol2 = Tolerance(rtol=2)
    assert rtol2.all_close(100, 100)
    assert rtol2.all_close(299.5, 100)
    assert rtol2.all_close(1, 100)
    assert rtol2.all_close(-99, 100)
    assert not rtol2.all_close(100, 1)  # Doesn't commute.
    assert not rtol2.all_close(300.5, 100)
    assert not rtol2.all_close(-101, 100)

    tol25 = Tolerance(rtol=2, atol=5)
    assert tol25.all_close(100, 100)
    assert tol25.all_close(106, 100)
    assert tol25.all_close(201, 100)
    assert tol25.all_close(304.5, 100)
    assert not tol25.all_close(305.5, 100)
Example #16
def diagonalize_real_symmetric_and_sorted_diagonal_matrices(
        symmetric_matrix: np.ndarray,
        diagonal_matrix: np.ndarray,
        tolerance: Tolerance = Tolerance.DEFAULT
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Returns an orthogonal matrix that diagonalizes both given matrices.

    The given matrices must commute.
    Guarantees that the sorted diagonal matrix is not permuted by the
    diagonalization (except for nearly-equal values).

        symmetric_matrix: A real symmetric matrix.
        diagonal_matrix: A real diagonal matrix with entries along the diagonal
            sorted into descending order.
        tolerance: Numeric error thresholds.

        An orthogonal matrix P such that P.T @ symmetric_matrix @ P is diagonal
        and P.T @ diagonal_matrix @ P = diagonal_matrix (up to tolerance).

        ValueError: Matrices don't meet preconditions (e.g. not symmetric).
        ArithmeticError: Failed to meet specified tolerance.

    # Verify preconditions.
    if (np.any(np.imag(symmetric_matrix) != 0) or
            not predicates.is_hermitian(symmetric_matrix)):
        raise ValueError('symmetric_matrix must be real symmetric.')
    if (not predicates.is_diagonal(diagonal_matrix) or
            np.any(np.imag(diagonal_matrix) != 0) or
            np.any(diagonal_matrix[:-1, :-1] < diagonal_matrix[1:, 1:])):
        raise ValueError(
            'diagonal_matrix must be real diagonal descending.')
    if not predicates.commutes(diagonal_matrix, symmetric_matrix):
        raise ValueError('Given matrices must commute.')

    def similar_singular(i, j):
        return tolerance.all_close(diagonal_matrix[i, i],
                                   diagonal_matrix[j, j])

    # Because the symmetric matrix commutes with the diagonal singulars matrix,
    # the symmetric matrix should be block-diagonal with a block boundary
    # wherever the singular values happen change. So we can use the singular
    # values to extract blocks that can be independently diagonalized.
    ranges = _contiguous_groups(diagonal_matrix.shape[0], similar_singular)

    # Build the overall diagonalization by diagonalizing each block.
    p = np.zeros(symmetric_matrix.shape, dtype=np.float64)
    for start, end in ranges:
        block = symmetric_matrix[start:end, start:end]
        p[start:end, start:end] = diagonalize_real_symmetric_matrix(block)

    # Check acceptability vs tolerances.
    if (not predicates.is_diagonal(p.T.dot(symmetric_matrix).dot(p),
                                    tolerance) or
            not tolerance.all_close(diagonal_matrix,
        raise ArithmeticError('Failed to diagonalize to specified tolerance.')

    return p