def estimate_single_qubit_readout_errors(
        sampler: 'cirq.Sampler',
        qubits: Iterable['cirq.Qid'],
        repetitions: int = 1000) -> SingleQubitReadoutCalibrationResult:
    """Estimate single-qubit readout error.

    For each qubit, prepare the |0⟩ state and measure. Calculate how often a 1
    is measured. Also, prepare the |1⟩ state and calculate how often a 0 is
    measured. The state preparations and measurements are done in parallel,
    i.e., for the first experiment, we actually prepare every qubit in the |0⟩
    state and measure them simultaneously.

        sampler: The quantum engine or simulator to run the circuits.
        qubits: The qubits being tested.
        repetitions: The number of measurement repetitions to perform.

        A SingleQubitReadoutCalibrationResult storing the readout error
        probabilities as well as the number of repetitions used to estimate
        the probabilities. Also stores a timestamp indicating the time when
        data was finished being collected from the sampler.
    qubits = list(qubits)

    zeros_circuit = circuits.Circuit(ops.measure_each(*qubits, key_func=repr))
    ones_circuit = circuits.Circuit(ops.X.on_each(*qubits),
                                    ops.measure_each(*qubits, key_func=repr))

    zeros_result =, repetitions=repetitions)
    ones_result =, repetitions=repetitions)
    timestamp = time.time()

    zero_state_errors = {
        q: np.mean(zeros_result.measurements[repr(q)])
        for q in qubits
    one_state_errors = {
        q: 1 - np.mean(ones_result.measurements[repr(q)])
        for q in qubits

    return SingleQubitReadoutCalibrationResult(
def estimate_parallel_single_qubit_readout_errors(
    sampler: 'cirq.Sampler',
    qubits: Iterable['cirq.Qid'],
    trials: int = 20,
    repetitions: int = 1000,
    trials_per_batch: Optional[int] = None,
    bit_strings: np.ndarray = None,
) -> SingleQubitReadoutCalibrationResult:
    """Estimate single qubit readout error using parallel operations.

    For each trial, prepare and then measure a random computational basis
    bitstring on qubits using gates in parallel.
    Returns a SingleQubitReadoutCalibrationResult which can be used to
    compute readout errors for each qubit.

        sampler: The `cirq.Sampler` used to run the circuits.
        qubits: The qubits being tested.
        repetitions: The number of measurement repetitions to perform for
            each trial.
        trials: The number of bitstrings to prepare.
        trials_per_batch:  If provided, split the experiment into batches
            with this number of trials in each batch.
        bit_strings: Optional numpy array of shape (trials, qubits) where the
            first dimension is the number of the trial and the second
            dimension is the qubit (ordered by the qubit order from
            the qubits parameter).  Each value should be a 0 or 1 which
            specifies which state the qubit should be prepared into during
            that trial.  If not provided, the function will generate random
            bit strings for you.

        A SingleQubitReadoutCalibrationResult storing the readout error
        probabilities as well as the number of repetitions used to estimate
        the probabilities. Also stores a timestamp indicating the time when
        data was finished being collected from the sampler.  Note that,
        if there did not exist a trial where a given qubit was set to |0〉,
        the zero-state error will be set to `nan` (not a number).  Likewise
        for qubits with no |1〉trial and one-state error.
    qubits = list(qubits)

    if trials <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Must provide non-zero trials for readout calibration.")
    if repetitions <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Must provide non-zero repetition for readout calibration.")
    if bit_strings is None:
        bit_strings = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(trials, len(qubits)))
        if not hasattr(bit_strings, 'shape') or bit_strings.shape != (trials, len(qubits)):
            raise ValueError(
                'bit_strings must be numpy array '
                f'of shape (trials, qubits) ({trials}, {len(qubits)}) '
                f"but was {bit_strings.shape if hasattr(bit_strings, 'shape') else None}"
        if not np.all((bit_strings == 0) | (bit_strings == 1)):
            raise ValueError('bit_strings values must be all 0 or 1')
    if trials_per_batch is None:
        trials_per_batch = trials
    if trials_per_batch <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Must provide non-zero trials_per_batch for readout calibration.")

    all_sweeps: List[study.Sweepable] = []
    num_batches = (trials + trials_per_batch - 1) // trials_per_batch

    # Initialize circuits
    flip_symbols = sympy.symbols(f'flip_0:{len(qubits)}')
    flip_circuit = circuits.Circuit(
        [ops.X(q) ** s for q, s in zip(qubits, flip_symbols)],
        [ops.measure_each(*qubits, key_func=repr)],
    all_circuits = [flip_circuit] * num_batches
    # Initialize sweeps
    for batch in range(num_batches):
        single_sweeps = []
        for qubit_idx in range(len(qubits)):
            trial_range = range(
                batch * trials_per_batch, min((batch + 1) * trials_per_batch, trials)
                    points=[bit_strings[bit][qubit_idx] for bit in trial_range],
        total_sweeps = study.Zip(*single_sweeps)

    # Execute circuits
    results = sampler.run_batch(all_circuits, all_sweeps, repetitions=repetitions)
    timestamp = time.time()

    # Analyze results
    zero_state_trials = np.zeros((1, len(qubits)))
    one_state_trials = np.zeros((1, len(qubits)))
    zero_state_totals = np.zeros((1, len(qubits)))
    one_state_totals = np.zeros((1, len(qubits)))
    trial_idx = 0
    for batch_result in results:
        for trial_result in batch_result:
            all_measurements =[[repr(x) for x in qubits]].to_numpy()
            sample_counts = np.einsum('ij->j', all_measurements)

            zero_state_trials += sample_counts * (1 - bit_strings[trial_idx])
            zero_state_totals += repetitions * (1 - bit_strings[trial_idx])
            one_state_trials += (repetitions - sample_counts) * bit_strings[trial_idx]
            one_state_totals += repetitions * bit_strings[trial_idx]

            trial_idx += 1

    zero_state_errors = {
        q: zero_state_trials[0][qubit_idx] / zero_state_totals[0][qubit_idx]
        if zero_state_totals[0][qubit_idx] > 0
        else np.nan
        for qubit_idx, q in enumerate(qubits)
    one_state_errors = {
        q: one_state_trials[0][qubit_idx] / one_state_totals[0][qubit_idx]
        if one_state_totals[0][qubit_idx] > 0
        else np.nan
        for qubit_idx, q in enumerate(qubits)

    return SingleQubitReadoutCalibrationResult(