Example #1
    def create_with_ideal_sqrt_iswap(
        simulator: Optional[Simulator] = None,
    ) -> 'PhasedFSimEngineSimulator':
        """Creates a PhasedFSimEngineSimulator that simulates ideal FSimGate(theta=π/4, phi=0).

            simulator: Simulator object to use. When None, a new instance of cirq.Simulator() will
                be created.

            New PhasedFSimEngineSimulator instance.
        def sample_gate(_1: Qid, _2: Qid,
                        gate: FSimGate) -> PhasedFSimCharacterization:
            assert isinstance(gate, FSimGate), f'Expected FSimGate, got {gate}'
            assert np.isclose(gate.theta, np.pi / 4) and np.isclose(
                gate.phi, 0.0), f'Expected ISWAP ** -0.5 like gate, got {gate}'
            return PhasedFSimCharacterization(theta=np.pi / 4,

        if simulator is None:
            simulator = Simulator()

        return cls(simulator,
Example #2
    def create_from_characterizations_sqrt_iswap(
        characterizations: Iterable[PhasedFSimCalibrationResult],
        simulator: Optional[Simulator] = None,
        ideal_when_missing_gate: bool = False,
        ideal_when_missing_parameter: bool = False,
    ) -> 'PhasedFSimEngineSimulator':
        """Creates PhasedFSimEngineSimulator with fixed drifts from the characterizations results.

            characterizations: Characterization results which are source of the parameters for
                each gate.
            simulator: Simulator object to use. When None, a new instance of cirq.Simulator() will
                be created.
            ideal_when_missing_gate: When set and parameters for some gate for a given pair of
                qubits are not specified in the parameters dictionary then the
                FSimGate(theta=π/4, phi=0) gate parameters will be used. When not set and this
                situation occurs, ValueError is thrown during simulation.
            ideal_when_missing_parameter: When set and some parameter for some gate for a given pair
                of qubits is specified then the matching parameter of FSimGate(theta=π/4, phi=0)
                gate will be used. When not set and this situation occurs, ValueError is thrown
                during simulation.

            New PhasedFSimEngineSimulator instance.

        parameters: PhasedFsimDictParameters = {}
        for characterization in characterizations:
            gate = characterization.gate
            if (not isinstance(gate, FSimGate)
                    or not np.isclose(gate.theta, np.pi / 4)
                    or not np.isclose(gate.phi, 0.0)):
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Expected ISWAP ** -0.5 like gate, got {gate}')

            for (a, b), pair_parameters in characterization.parameters.items():
                if a > b:
                    a, b = b, a
                    pair_parameters = pair_parameters.parameters_for_qubits_swapped(
                if (a, b) in parameters:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Pair ({(a, b)}) appears in multiple moments, multi-moment '
                        f'simulation is not supported.')
                parameters[(a, b)] = pair_parameters

        if simulator is None:
            simulator = Simulator()

        return cls.create_from_dictionary_sqrt_iswap(
Example #3
    def create_with_random_gaussian_sqrt_iswap(
        mean: PhasedFSimCharacterization = SQRT_ISWAP_INV_PARAMETERS,
        simulator: Optional[Simulator] = None,
        sigma: PhasedFSimCharacterization = PhasedFSimCharacterization(
            theta=0.02, zeta=0.05, chi=0.05, gamma=0.05, phi=0.02),
        random_or_seed: RANDOM_STATE_OR_SEED_LIKE = None,
    ) -> 'PhasedFSimEngineSimulator':
        """Creates a PhasedFSimEngineSimulator that introduces a random deviation from the mean.

        The random deviations are described by a Gaussian distribution of a given mean and sigma,
        for each angle respectively.

        Each gate for each pair of qubits retains the sampled values for the entire simulation, even
        when used multiple times within a circuit.

            mean: The mean value for each unitary angle. All parameters must be provided.
            simulator: Simulator object to use. When None, a new instance of cirq.Simulator() will
                be created.
            sigma: The standard deviation for each unitary angle. For sigma parameters that are
                None, the mean value will be used without any sampling.

            New PhasedFSimEngineSimulator instance.

        if mean.any_none():
            raise ValueError(
                f'All mean values must be provided, got mean of {mean}')

        rand = parse_random_state(random_or_seed)

        def sample_value(gaussian_mean: Optional[float],
                         gaussian_sigma: Optional[float]) -> float:
            assert gaussian_mean is not None
            if gaussian_sigma is None:
                return gaussian_mean
            return rand.normal(gaussian_mean, gaussian_sigma)

        def sample_gate(_1: Qid, _2: Qid,
                        gate: FSimGate) -> PhasedFSimCharacterization:
            assert isinstance(gate, FSimGate), f'Expected FSimGate, got {gate}'
            assert np.isclose(gate.theta, np.pi / 4) and np.isclose(
                gate.phi, 0.0), f'Expected ISWAP ** -0.5 like gate, got {gate}'

            return PhasedFSimCharacterization(
                theta=sample_value(mean.theta, sigma.theta),
                zeta=sample_value(mean.zeta, sigma.zeta),
                chi=sample_value(mean.chi, sigma.chi),
                gamma=sample_value(mean.gamma, sigma.gamma),
                phi=sample_value(mean.phi, sigma.phi),

        if simulator is None:
            simulator = Simulator()

        return cls(simulator,
Example #4
    def create_from_dictionary_sqrt_iswap(
        parameters: PhasedFsimDictParameters,
        simulator: Optional[Simulator] = None,
        ideal_when_missing_gate: bool = False,
        ideal_when_missing_parameter: bool = False,
    ) -> 'PhasedFSimEngineSimulator':
        """Creates PhasedFSimEngineSimulator with fixed drifts.

            parameters: Parameters to use for each gate. All keys must be stored in canonical order,
                when the first qubit is not greater than the second one.
            simulator: Simulator object to use. When None, a new instance of cirq.Simulator() will
                be created.
            ideal_when_missing_gate: When set and parameters for some gate for a given pair of
                qubits are not specified in the parameters dictionary then the
                FSimGate(theta=π/4, phi=0) gate parameters will be used. When not set and this
                situation occurs, ValueError is thrown during simulation.
            ideal_when_missing_parameter: When set and some parameter for some gate for a given pair
                of qubits is specified then the matching parameter of FSimGate(theta=π/4, phi=0)
                gate will be used. When not set and this situation occurs, ValueError is thrown
                during simulation.

            New PhasedFSimEngineSimulator instance.
        def sample_gate(a: Qid, b: Qid,
                        gate: FSimGate) -> PhasedFSimCharacterization:
            assert isinstance(gate, FSimGate), f'Expected FSimGate, got {gate}'
            assert np.isclose(gate.theta, np.pi / 4) and np.isclose(
                gate.phi, 0.0), f'Expected ISWAP ** -0.5 like gate, got {gate}'

            if (a, b) in parameters:
                pair_parameters = parameters[(a, b)]
                if not isinstance(pair_parameters, PhasedFSimCharacterization):
                    pair_parameters = PhasedFSimCharacterization(
            elif (b, a) in parameters:
                pair_parameters = parameters[(b, a)]
                if not isinstance(pair_parameters, PhasedFSimCharacterization):
                    pair_parameters = PhasedFSimCharacterization(
                pair_parameters = pair_parameters.parameters_for_qubits_swapped(
            elif ideal_when_missing_gate:
                pair_parameters = SQRT_ISWAP_INV_PARAMETERS
                raise ValueError(f'Missing parameters for pair {(a, b)}')

            if pair_parameters.any_none():
                if not ideal_when_missing_parameter:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'Missing parameter value for pair {(a, b)}, '
                pair_parameters = pair_parameters.merge_with(

            return pair_parameters

        for a, b in parameters:
            if a > b:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'All qubit pairs must be given in canonical order where the first qubit is '
                    f'less than the second, got {a} > {b}')

        if simulator is None:
            simulator = Simulator()

        return cls(simulator,
Example #5
 def set_simulator(self, **kwargs: KwargTypes) -> Simulator:
     return Simulator(seed=kwargs.get("seed"))