Example #1
    def _create_bounded_coord_list(self):
        from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time
        from os.path import basename

        coords = self._create_coord_list()

        lat_bounds_all = []
        lon_bounds_all = []
        for fname in self.filenames:
            if self.grid_path:
                granule = basename(fname).split(".")[2]
                lat_bounds, lon_bounds = self._read_grid_edges(granule)
                var_name = self.gdal_variable_name(fname, "Optical_Depth_055")
                lat_bounds, lon_bounds = self._calculate_grid_edges(var_name)

            # Workaround files containing only one day
            sh = (-1, ) + lat_bounds.shape[:-1]
            keep = np.logical_not(self._read_qcmask(fname)).reshape(sh)

            for keep_slice in keep:

        coords[0].bounds = np.ma.array(lat_bounds_all)
        coords[1].bounds = np.ma.array(lon_bounds_all)
        # As the time stamp is approximate (multiple scans can fall in a single
        # sinusoidal cell), guess the bounds are +/- 2 scans (each being 5s).
        coords[2].bounds = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(
            np.stack([coords[2].data - 10, coords[2].data + 10], axis=-1),

        return coords
Example #2
    def _create_one_dimensional_coord_list(self, filenames, index_offset=1):
        Create a set of coordinates appropriate for a ond-dimensional (column integrated) variable
        :param filenames:
        :param int index_offset: For 5km products this will choose the coordinates which represent the start (0),
        middle (1) and end (2) of the 15 shots making up each column retrieval.
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', "Profile_Time"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        # latitude
        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Latitude'], "SD")
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        # profile time, x
        time = sdata['Profile_Time']
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        time_data = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(time_data, dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
        time_coord = Coord(time_data, Metadata(name='Profile_Time', standard_name='time', shape=time_data.shape,
                                               units=cis_standard_time_unit), "T")

        # create the object containing all coordinates
        coords = CoordList()

        return coords
Example #3
    def test_that_can_convert_julian_tai_to_datetime_obj(self):
        import numpy as np
        sec = 1.0/(24.0*60.0*60.0)
        days_since_standard_epoch = 143541.0  # Almost, but not quite 365.2425*393.0, not sure why...

        a = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3)
        b = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(a, dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1))

        eq_(a.shape, b.shape)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][0], days_since_standard_epoch)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][1], days_since_standard_epoch+1*sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][2], days_since_standard_epoch+2*sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][0], days_since_standard_epoch+3*sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][1], days_since_standard_epoch+4*sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][2], days_since_standard_epoch+5*sec)
Example #4
    def test_that_can_convert_masked_tai_to_datetime_obj(self):
        import numpy.ma as ma
        sec = 1.0/(24.0*60.0*60.0)
        days_since_standard_epoch = 143541.0  # Almost, but not quite 365.2425*393.0, not sure why...

        a = ma.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], mask=[False, False, True, False, False, False]).reshape(2, 3)
        b = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(a, dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1))

        eq_(a.shape, b.shape)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][0], days_since_standard_epoch)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][1], days_since_standard_epoch+1*sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b.filled()[0][2], b.fill_value)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][0], days_since_standard_epoch+3*sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][1], days_since_standard_epoch+4*sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][2], days_since_standard_epoch+5*sec)
Example #5
    def test_that_can_convert_julian_tai_to_datetime_obj(self):
        import numpy as np
        sec = 1.0 / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)
        days_since_standard_epoch = 143541.0  # Almost, but not quite 365.2425*393.0, not sure why...

        a = np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3)
        b = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(a, dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1))

        eq_(a.shape, b.shape)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][0], days_since_standard_epoch)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][1], days_since_standard_epoch + 1 * sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][2], days_since_standard_epoch + 2 * sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][0], days_since_standard_epoch + 3 * sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][1], days_since_standard_epoch + 4 * sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][2], days_since_standard_epoch + 5 * sec)
Example #6
    def _generate_time_array(self, vdata):
        import cis.data_io.hdf_vd as hdf_vd
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time

        Cloudsat_start_time = dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)

        arrays = []
        for i, j in zip(vdata['Profile_time'], vdata['TAI_start']):
            time = hdf_vd.get_data(i)
            start = hdf_vd.get_data(j)
            time += start
            # Do the conversion to standard time here before we expand the time array...
            time = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(time, Cloudsat_start_time)
        return utils.concatenate(arrays)
Example #7
    def _generate_time_array(self, vdata):
        import cis.data_io.hdf_vd as hdf_vd
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time

        Cloudsat_start_time = dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)

        arrays = []
        for i, j in zip(vdata['Profile_time'], vdata['TAI_start']):
            time = hdf_vd.get_data(i)
            start = hdf_vd.get_data(j)
            time += start
            # Do the conversion to standard time here before we expand the time array...
            time = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(time, Cloudsat_start_time)
        return utils.concatenate(arrays)
Example #8
    def test_that_can_convert_masked_tai_to_datetime_obj(self):
        import numpy.ma as ma
        sec = 1.0 / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)
        days_since_standard_epoch = 143541.0  # Almost, but not quite 365.2425*393.0, not sure why...

        a = ma.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
                     mask=[False, False, True, False, False,
                           False]).reshape(2, 3)
        b = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(a, dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1))

        eq_(a.shape, b.shape)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][0], days_since_standard_epoch)
        assert_almost_equal(b[0][1], days_since_standard_epoch + 1 * sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b.filled()[0][2], b.fill_value)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][0], days_since_standard_epoch + 3 * sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][1], days_since_standard_epoch + 4 * sec)
        assert_almost_equal(b[1][2], days_since_standard_epoch + 5 * sec)
Example #9
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, index_offset=0):
        import logging
        from cis.data_io import hdf as hdf
        from cis.data_io.Coord import Coord, CoordList
        from cis.data_io.ungridded_data import Metadata
        import cis.utils as utils
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', "Profile_Time", "Pressure"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        alt_name = "altitude"
        logging.info("Additional coordinates: '" + alt_name + "'")

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = get_data(VDS(filenames[0], "Lidar_Data_Altitudes"), True)
        alt_data *= 1000.0  # Convert to m
        len_x = alt_data.shape[0]

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], self._get_calipso_data)
        len_y = lat_data.shape[0]

        new_shape = (len_x, len_y)

        # altitude
        alt_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(alt_data, len_y, axis=0)
        alt_metadata = Metadata(name=alt_name, standard_name=alt_name, shape=new_shape)
        alt_coord = Coord(alt_data, alt_metadata)

        # pressure
        if self.include_pressure:
            pres_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Pressure'], self._get_calipso_data)
            pres_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Pressure'], "SD")
            # Fix badly formatted units which aren't CF compliant and will break if they are aggregated
            if str(pres_metadata.units) == "hPA":
                pres_metadata.units = "hPa"
            pres_metadata.shape = new_shape
            pres_coord = Coord(pres_data, pres_metadata, 'P')

        # latitude
        lat_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(lat_data[:, index_offset], len_x, axis=1)
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Latitude'], "SD")
        lat_metadata.shape = new_shape
        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_calipso_data)
        lon_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(lon_data[:, index_offset], len_x, axis=1)
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(lon, "SD")
        lon_metadata.shape = new_shape
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        # profile time, x
        time = sdata['Profile_Time']
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, self._get_calipso_data)
        time_data = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(time_data, dt.datetime(1993, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
        time_data = utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(time_data[:, index_offset], len_x, axis=1)
        time_coord = Coord(time_data, Metadata(name='Profile_Time', standard_name='time', shape=time_data.shape,
                                               units=cis_standard_time_unit), "T")

        # create the object containing all coordinates
        coords = CoordList()
        if self.include_pressure and (pres_data.shape == alt_data.shape):
            # For MODIS L1 this may is not be true, so skips the air pressure reading. If required for MODIS L1 then
            # some kind of interpolation of the air pressure would be required, as it is on a different (smaller) grid
            # than for the Lidar_Data_Altitudes.

        return coords
Example #10
File: Coord.py Project: cedadev/cis
 def convert_TAI_time_to_std_time(self, ref):
     from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit
     self._data = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(self.data, ref)
     self.units = cis_standard_time_unit
Example #11
 def convert_TAI_time_to_std_time(self, ref):
     from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit
     self._data = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(self.data, ref)
     self.units = cis_standard_time_unit
Example #12
    def _create_bounded_coord_list(self):
        """Adaptation of the CIS MODIS_L2 class version that isn't lazy."""
        from cis.time_util import convert_sec_since_to_std_time
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from pyhdf.SD import SD

        def calc_latlon_bounds(base_data, nrows=10):
            """Interpolate 10-line MODIS scans to return pixel edges."""
            from acp_utils import rolling_window
            from itertools import product
            from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

            # Coordinates in file give cell centres
            nx, ny = base_data.shape
            assert nx % nrows == 0
            x0 = np.arange(0.5, nrows, 1)
            y0 = np.arange(0.5, ny, 1)

            # Aerosol pixels skip the outermost columns
            ystart = (ny % nrows) // 2
            x1 = np.array([0, nrows])
            y1 = np.arange(ystart, ny + 1, nrows)

            # Iterate over 10-line chunks
            bounds = []
            for chunk in np.split(base_data, nx // nrows, 0):
                if (chunk.max() - chunk.min()) > 180.:
                    # Sodding dateline
                    chunk[chunk < 0.] += 360.
                interp = RegularGridInterpolator((x0, y0), chunk, "linear",
                                                 False, None)
                tmp = interp(list(product(x1, y1))).reshape(2, len(y1))
                corners = rolling_window(tmp, (2, 2))
                bounds.append(corners.reshape(ny // nrows, 4))

            # Ensure corners are given in sequential order
            bounds = np.ma.masked_invalid(bounds)
            bounds[..., 2:4] = bounds[..., [3, 2]]

            return bounds

        lon_bounds = []
        lat_bounds = []
        for f in self._mod03_filenames:
                file_object = SD(f)
                lon_1kmdata = _get_hdf_data(file_object, "Longitude")
                lat_1kmdata = _get_hdf_data(file_object, "Latitude")
            except HDF4Error:
                raise IOError("Corrupted file " + f)

            tmp_bounds = calc_latlon_bounds(lon_1kmdata)
            tmp_bounds[tmp_bounds > 180.] -= 360.
            tmp_bounds[tmp_bounds <= -180.] += 360.

            tmp_bounds = calc_latlon_bounds(lat_1kmdata)
            tmp_bounds[tmp_bounds >= 90.] = np.ma.masked
            tmp_bounds[tmp_bounds <= -90.] = np.ma.masked

        coords = self._create_coord_list()

        coords[0].bounds = concatenate(lat_bounds)
        coords[1].bounds = concatenate(lon_bounds)

        unique_times = np.unique(coords[2].data.compressed())
            deltas = unique_times[1:] - unique_times[:-1]
            delta_map = {t: d / 2 for t, d in zip(unique_times, deltas)}
            delta_map[unique_times[-1]] = deltas[-1] / 2
            time_bounds = np.ma.array([
                [t - delta_map[t], t + delta_map[t]]
                if t is not np.ma.masked else [np.ma.masked, np.ma.masked]
                for t in coords[2].data.ravel()
            ]).reshape(coords[2].data.shape + (2, ))
        except IndexError:
            # File too small to have multiple time stamps; guess +-2.5min
            time_bounds = np.stack(
                [coords[2].data - 0.00174, coords[2].data + 0.00174], axis=2)
        coords[2].bounds = convert_sec_since_to_std_time(
            time_bounds, MODIS_REFERENCE_TIME)

        return coords