Example #1
def Main():
    SupportedOS = ["IOS", "IOS XE", "NX-OS"]

    # Run session start commands and save session information into a dictionary
    session = StartSession(crt)

    # Generate filename used for output files.
    fullFileName = GetFilename(session, settings, "int_summary")

    if session['OS'] in SupportedOS:
        if session['OS'] == "NX-OS":
            SendCmd = "show interface"
            # Save raw output to a file.  Dumping directly to a var has problems with
            # large outputs
            WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName)

            # Create a list that contains all the route entries (minus their line endings)
            intf_raw = ReadFileToList(fullFileName)

            # If the settings allow it, delete the temporary file that holds show cmd output
            if settings['delete_temp']:
                os.remove(fullFileName + ".txt")

            summarytable = ParseNXOSIntfStats(intf_raw)
            field_names = [
                "Interface", "Description", "InBPS", "InPPS", "OutBPS",
                "OutPPS", "InputPackets", "InputErr", "OutputPackets",
            DictListToCSV(field_names, summarytable, fullFileName)
            SendCmd = "show interfaces"
            # Save raw output to a file.  Dumping directly to a var has problems with
            # large outputs
            WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName)

            # Create a list that contains all the route entries (minus their line endings)
            intf_raw = ReadFileToList(fullFileName)

            # If the settings allow it, delete the temporary file that holds show cmd output
            if settings['delete_temp']:
                os.remove(fullFileName + ".txt")

            summarytable = ParseIOSIntfStats(intf_raw)
            field_names = [
                "Interface", "Description", "InBPS", "InPPS", "OutBPS",
                "OutPPS", "InputPackets", "InputErr", "OutputPackets",
            DictListToCSV(field_names, summarytable, fullFileName)
        error_str = "This script does not support {}.\n" \
                    "It will currently only run on IOS Devices.".format(session['OS'])
        crt.Dialog.MessageBox(error_str, "Unsupported Network OS", 16)

Example #2
def Main():
    The purpose of this program is to capture the MAC Table information from the connected
    switch excluding the Port-Channels (Uplinks) and ouptut it into a CSV file.
    SendCmd = 'show mac address- dynamic | exclude Po'

    # Run session start commands and save session information into a dictionary
    session = StartSession(crt)

    # Generate filename used for output files.
    fullFileName = GetFilename(session, settings, "mac-addresses")

    # Save raw "show mac address dynamic | exclude Po" output to a file.  Dumping directly
    # to a huge string has problems when the mac table is large (1000+ lines)
    WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName)

    macs = ReadFileToList(fullFileName)

    macInfo = ParseMAC(macs)

    # If the settings allow it, delete the temporary file that holds show cmd output
    if settings['delete_temp']:
        os.remove(fullFileName + ".txt")

    field_names = ['VLAN', 'MAC', 'Interface']
    DictListToCSV(field_names, macInfo, fullFileName)

    # Clean up before exiting
Example #3
def Main():

    SendCmd = "show vlan brief"
    show_vlan_widths = (5, 33, 10, -1)

    # Run session start commands and save session information into a dictionary
    session = StartSession(crt)

    # Generate filename used for output files.
    fullFileName = GetFilename(session, settings, "ActiveVLANs")

    # Save raw output to a file.  Dumping directly to a var has problems with
    # large outputs
    WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName)

    # Get a list version of the VLAN table
    vlan_table = FixedColumnsToList(fullFileName, show_vlan_widths, ext='.txt')

    # Depending on settings, delete temporary storage of "show vlan" output
    if settings['delete_temp']:
        os.remove(fullFileName + ".txt")

    # Get a table that shows the count of assigned ports, not the names.
    vlan_summary = PortCountList(vlan_table)

    # Write data into a CSV file.
    ListToCSV(vlan_summary, fullFileName)

    # Clean up before exiting
Example #4
def Main():
    This purpose of this program is to capture the output of the command entered by the
    user and save it to a file.  This method is much faster than manually setting a log
    file, or trying to extract only the information needed from the saved log file.
    SendCmd = crt.Dialog.Prompt("Enter the command to capture")
    if SendCmd == "":
        # Save command without spaces to use in output filename.
        CmdName = SendCmd.replace(" ", "_")
        # Add a newline to command before sending it to the remote device.
        SendCmd = SendCmd + "\r\n"

    # Run session start commands and save session information into a dictionary
    session = StartSession(crt)

    # Generate filename used for output files.
    fullFileName = GetFilename(session, settings, CmdName)

    # Get the output of our command and save it to the filename specified
    WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName)

    # Clean up before closing session
Example #5
def Main():

    # Run session start commands and save session information into a dictionary
    session = StartSession(crt)

    # Extract the hostname from the session info.
    hostname = session['hostname']
    save_path = os.path.join(settings['savepath'], hostname)

    # Get the current date in the format supplied in date_format
    mydate = GetDateString(settings['date_format'])

    # Iterate through each command and write a file with the output.
    for (index, SendCmd) in enumerate(COMMANDS):
        SendCmd = SendCmd.strip()
        # Save command without spaces to use in output filename.
        CmdName = SendCmd.replace(" ", "_")
        # Add a newline to command before sending it to the remote device.
        SendCmd = SendCmd + "\n"

        # Create Filename
        filebits = [CmdName, hostname, mydate + ".txt"]
        filename = '-'.join(filebits)

        # Capture output and write to file (extension already in filename, so
        # override the default for the function (.txt), or it'll append twice.)
        fullFileName = GetAbsolutePath(session, save_path, filename)

        # Write the output of the command to a file.
        WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName, ext="")

        # If file isn't empty (greater than 3 bytes)
        # Some of these file only save one CRLF, and so we can't match on 0 bytes
        if os.path.getsize(fullFileName) > 3:
            # Open the file we just created.
            newfile = open(fullFileName, "r")
            # If the file only contains invalid command error, delete it.
            for line in newfile:
                if "% Invalid" in line:
        # If the file is empty, delete it

    # Clean up before closing session

    crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Device Documentation Script Complete",
                          "Script Complete", 64)
Example #6
def Main():
    SupportedOS = ["IOS", "IOS XE", "NX-OS"]
    SendCmd = "show ip route"

    # Run session start commands and save session information into a dictionary
    session = StartSession(crt)

    # Get VRF that we are interested in
    selected_vrf = crt.Dialog.Prompt(
        "Enter the VRF name.\n(Leave blank for default VRF)")
    if selected_vrf != "":
        SendCmd = SendCmd + " vrf {0}".format(selected_vrf)
        session['hostname'] = session['hostname'] + "-VRF-{0}".format(

    # Generate filename used for output files.
    fullFileName = GetFilename(session, settings, "NextHopSummary")

    if session['OS'] in SupportedOS:
        # Save raw "show ip route" output to a file.  Dumping directly to a huge
        # string has problems when the route table is large (1000+ lines)
        WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName)

        routes = ReadFileToList(fullFileName)
        if session['OS'] == "NX-OS":
            routelist = ParseNXOSRoutes(routes)
            routelist = ParseIOSRoutes(routes)

        # If the settings allow it, delete the temporary file that holds show cmd output
        if settings['delete_temp']:
            os.remove(fullFileName + ".txt")

        # Get a list of all nexthop stats as well as connected networks (2 lists).
        nexthops, connected, detailed = NextHopSummary(routelist)

        # Merge the nexthops and connected interfaces into a single list before writing.

        # Write data into a CSV file.
        ListToCSV(nexthops, fullFileName)
        error_str = "This script does not support {}.\n" \
                    "It will currently only run on IOS Devices.".format(session['OS'])
        crt.Dialog.MessageBox(error_str, "Unsupported Network OS", 16)

    # Clean up before exiting
Example #7
    def GetInterfaceSamples(ParseIntfStats):
        for i in range(stat_count):
            sample_time = datetime.now().strftime("%I:%M:%S")

            start = time.clock()
            # Generate filename used for output files.
            fullFileName = GetFilename(session, settings, "int_summary")

            # Save raw output to a file.  Dumping directly to a var has problems with
            # large outputs
            WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName)

            if stat_count != (i + 1):
                # Print status to the Cisco prompt to keep user aware of progress
                # This must start with ! to be a Cisco comment, to prevent in-terminal errors
                warning_msg = "! {0} samples left. DO NOT TYPE IN WINDOW.".format(
                    stat_count - (i + 1))
                tab.Send(warning_msg + '\n')

            # Read text file into a list of lines (no line endings)
            intf_raw = ReadFileToList(fullFileName)

            # If the settings allow it, delete the temporary file that holds show cmd output
            if settings['delete_temp']:
                os.remove(fullFileName + ".txt")

            summarytable = ParseIntfStats(intf_raw)

            for stat in measurements:
                for entry in summarytable:
                    if entry['Interface'] in output[stat]:
                            entry['Interface']][sample_time] = entry[stat]
                        output[stat][entry['Interface']] = {}
                            entry['Interface']][sample_time] = entry[stat]

            end = time.clock()
            if interval - (end - start) > 0:
                if stat_count != (i + 1):
                    time.sleep(interval - (end - start))
                crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Did not complete within interval time",
                                      "Took Too Long", ICON_STOP)
Example #8
def Main():
    This purpose of this program is to capture the output of the "show run" command and
    save it to a file.  This method is much faster than manually setting a log file, or 
    trying to extract the information from a log file.
    SendCmd = "show run"

    # Run session start commands and save session information into a dictionary
    session = StartSession(crt)

    # Generate filename used for output files.
    fullFileName = GetFilename(session, settings, "show-run")

    # Get the output of our command and save it to the filename specified
    WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName)

    # Clean up before closing session
Example #9
def Main():
    errorMessages = ""

    # Get Sessions
    sessionsArray = GetSessions(my_session_dir, my_site_dir)

    # Connect to each session and issue a few commands, then disconnect.
    for my_session in sessionsArray:
            crt.Session.Connect("/S \"" + my_session + "\"")
        except ScriptError:
            error = crt.GetLastErrorMessage()

        # If we successfully connected, we'll do the work we intend to do...
        # otherwise, we'll skip the work and move on to the next session in
        # the list.
        if crt.Session.Connected:

            # Run session start commands and save session information into a dictionary
            session = StartSession(crt)

            # Extract the hostname from the session info.
            hostname = session['hostname']
            save_path = os.path.join(settings['savepath'], hostname)

            # Get the current date in the format supplied in date_format
            mydate = GetDateString(settings['date_format'])

            # Iterate through each command and write a file with the output.
            for (index, SendCmd) in enumerate(COMMANDS):
                SendCmd = SendCmd.strip()
                # Save command without spaces to use in output filename.
                CmdName = SendCmd.replace(" ", "_")
                # Add a newline to command before sending it to the remote device.
                SendCmd = SendCmd + "\n"

                # Create Filename
                hostip = crt.Session.RemoteAddress
                filehostip = hostip.replace(".", "_")
                filehostname = hostname.replace("/", "-")
                filehostname = hostname.replace("\\", "-")
                filebits = [filehostname, filehostip, CmdName, mydate + ".txt"]
                filename = '-'.join(filebits)

                # Capture output and write to file (extension already in filename, so
                # override the default for the function (.txt), or it'll append twice.)
                fullFileName = GetAbsolutePath(session, save_path, filename)

                # Write the output of the command to a file.
                WriteOutput(session, SendCmd, fullFileName, ext="")

                # If file isn't empty (greater than 3 bytes)
                # Some of these file only save one CRLF, and so we can't match on 0 bytes
                if os.path.getsize(fullFileName) > 3:
                    # Open the file we just created.
                    newfile = open(fullFileName, "r")
                    # If the file only contains invalid command error, delete it.
                    for line in newfile:
                        if "% Invalid" in line:
                # If the file is empty, delete it

            # Clean up before closing session

            # Now disconnect from the remote machine...
            # Wait for the connection to close
            while crt.Session.Connected == True:
            errorMessages = errorMessages + "\n" + "*** Error connecting to " + my_session + ": " + error

    if errorMessages == "":
        crt.Dialog.MessageBox("No Errors were detected.")
        crt.Dialog.MessageBox("The following errors occurred:\n" +