Example #1
class Project(Resource['Project']):
    A Citrine Project.

    A project is a collection of datasets, some of which belong directly to the project
    and some of which have been shared with the project.

    name: str
        Name of the project.
    description: str
        Long-form description of the project.
    session: Session, optional
        The Citrine session used to connect to the database.

    uid: UUID
        Unique uuid4 identifier of this project.
    status: str
        Status of the project.
    created_at: int
        Time the project was created, in seconds since epoch.


    _response_key = 'project'

    name = properties.String('name')
    description = properties.Optional(properties.String(), 'description')
    uid = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'id')
    status = properties.Optional(properties.String(), 'status')
    created_at = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'created_at')

    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 description: Optional[str] = None,
                 session: Optional[Session] = Session()):
        self.name: str = name
        self.description: Optional[str] = description
        self.session: Session = session

    def __str__(self):
        return '<Project {!r}>'.format(self.name)

    def _path(self):
        return '/projects/{project_id}'.format(**{"project_id": self.uid})

    def design_spaces(self) -> DesignSpaceCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible design spaces."""
        return DesignSpaceCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def processors(self) -> ProcessorCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible processors."""
        return ProcessorCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def predictors(self) -> PredictorCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible predictors."""
        return PredictorCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def workflows(self) -> WorkflowCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible workflows."""
        return WorkflowCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def datasets(self) -> DatasetCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible datasets."""
        return DatasetCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def tables(self) -> TableCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible Tables."""
        return TableCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def property_templates(self) -> PropertyTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all property templates in this dataset."""
        return PropertyTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def condition_templates(self) -> ConditionTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all condition templates in this dataset."""
        return ConditionTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def parameter_templates(self) -> ParameterTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all parameter templates in this dataset."""
        return ParameterTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def material_templates(self) -> MaterialTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material templates in this dataset."""
        return MaterialTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def measurement_templates(self) -> MeasurementTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement templates in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def process_templates(self) -> ProcessTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process templates in this dataset."""
        return ProcessTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def process_runs(self) -> ProcessRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process runs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessRunCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def measurement_runs(self) -> MeasurementRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement runs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementRunCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def material_runs(self) -> MaterialRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material runs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialRunCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def ingredient_runs(self) -> IngredientRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient runs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientRunCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def process_specs(self) -> ProcessSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process specs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessSpecCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def measurement_specs(self) -> MeasurementSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement specs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementSpecCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def material_specs(self) -> MaterialSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material specs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialSpecCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def ingredient_specs(self) -> IngredientSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient specs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientSpecCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def share(self,
              project_id: str,
              resource_type: str,
              resource_id: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Share a resource with another project."""
        return self.session.post_resource(self._path() + "/share", {
            "project_id": project_id,
            "resource": {"type": resource_type, "id": resource_id}

    def make_public(self,
                    resource: Resource) -> bool:
        Grant public access to a resource owned by this project.

        resource: Resource
            An instance of a resource owned by this project (e.g. a dataset).

            True if the action was performed successfully

        self.session.checked_post(self._path() + "/make-public", {
            "resource": resource.as_entity_dict()
        return True

    def make_private(self,
                     resource: Resource) -> bool:
        Remove public access for a resource owned by this project.

        resource: Resource
            An instance of a resource owned by this project (e.g. a dataset).

            True if the action was performed successfully

        self.session.checked_post(self._path() + "/make-private", {
            "resource": resource.as_entity_dict()
        return True

    def list_members(self) -> List[ProjectMember]:
        List all of the members in the current project.

            The members of the current project

        members = self.session.get_resource(self._path() + "/users")["users"]
        return [ProjectMember(user=User.build(m), project=self, role=m["role"]) for m in members]

    def update_user_role(self, user_uid: Union[str, UUID], role: ROLES, actions: ACTIONS = []):
        Update a User's role and action permissions in the Project

        Valid roles are MEMBER or LEAD.

        WRITE is the only action available for specification.

            Returns True if user role successfully updated
        self.session.checked_post(self._path() + "/users/{}".format(user_uid), {'role': role, 'actions': actions})
        return True

    def add_user(self, user_uid: Union[str, UUID]):
        Add a User to a Project

        Adds User with MEMBER role to the Project. Use the update_user_rule method to change a User's role.

            Returns True if user successfully added
        self.session.checked_post(self._path() + "/users/{}".format(user_uid), {'role': MEMBER, 'actions': []})
        return True

    def remove_user(self, user_uid: Union[str, UUID]) -> bool:
        Remove a User from a Project.

            Returns True if user successfully removed

            self._path() + "/users/{}".format(user_uid)
        return True
class Project(Resource['Project']):
    A Citrine Project.

    A project is a collection of datasets, some of which belong directly to the project
    and some of which have been shared with the project.

    name: str
        Name of the project.
    description: str
        Long-form description of the project.
    session: Session, optional
        The Citrine session used to connect to the database.

    uid: UUID
        Unique uuid4 identifier of this project.
    status: str
        Status of the project.
    created_at: int
        Time the project was created, in seconds since epoch.


    _response_key = 'project'
    _resource_type = ResourceTypeEnum.PROJECT

    name = properties.String('name')
    description = properties.Optional(properties.String(), 'description')
    uid = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'id')
    status = properties.Optional(properties.String(), 'status')
    created_at = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'created_at')

    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 description: Optional[str] = None,
                 session: Optional[Session] = Session()):
        self.name: str = name
        self.description: Optional[str] = description
        self.session: Session = session

    def __str__(self):
        return '<Project {!r}>'.format(self.name)

    def _path(self):
        return '/projects/{project_id}'.format(**{"project_id": self.uid})

    def modules(self) -> ModuleCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible design spaces."""
        return ModuleCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def design_spaces(self) -> DesignSpaceCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible design spaces."""
        return DesignSpaceCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def processors(self) -> ProcessorCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible processors."""
        return ProcessorCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def predictors(self) -> PredictorCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible predictors."""
        return PredictorCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def descriptors(self) -> DescriptorMethods:
        """Return a resource containing a set of methods returning descriptors."""
        return DescriptorMethods(self.uid, self.session)

        details="Use design_workflows or predictor_evaluation_workflows instead"
    def workflows(self) -> WorkflowCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible workflows."""
        return WorkflowCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def predictor_evaluation_workflows(
            self) -> PredictorEvaluationWorkflowCollection:
        """Return a collection representing all visible predictor evaluation workflows."""
        return PredictorEvaluationWorkflowCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def predictor_evaluation_executions(
            self) -> PredictorEvaluationExecutionCollection:
        """Return a collection representing all visible predictor evaluation executions."""
        return PredictorEvaluationExecutionCollection(project_id=self.uid,

    def design_workflows(self) -> DesignWorkflowCollection:
        """Return a collection representing all visible design workflows."""
        return DesignWorkflowCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def datasets(self) -> DatasetCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible datasets."""
        return DatasetCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def tables(self) -> GemTableCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all visible Tables."""
        return GemTableCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    def property_templates(self) -> PropertyTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all property templates in this dataset."""
        return PropertyTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def condition_templates(self) -> ConditionTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all condition templates in this dataset."""
        return ConditionTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def parameter_templates(self) -> ParameterTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all parameter templates in this dataset."""
        return ParameterTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def material_templates(self) -> MaterialTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material templates in this dataset."""
        return MaterialTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def measurement_templates(self) -> MeasurementTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement templates in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def process_templates(self) -> ProcessTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process templates in this dataset."""
        return ProcessTemplateCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def process_runs(self) -> ProcessRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process runs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessRunCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def measurement_runs(self) -> MeasurementRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement runs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementRunCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def material_runs(self) -> MaterialRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material runs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialRunCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def ingredient_runs(self) -> IngredientRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient runs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientRunCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def process_specs(self) -> ProcessSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process specs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessSpecCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def measurement_specs(self) -> MeasurementSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement specs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementSpecCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def material_specs(self) -> MaterialSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material specs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialSpecCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def ingredient_specs(self) -> IngredientSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient specs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientSpecCollection(self.uid, None, self.session)

    def table_configs(self) -> TableConfigCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all Table Configs in the project."""
        return TableConfigCollection(self.uid, self.session)

    @deprecated(deprecated_in="0.52.2", details="Use table_configs instead")
    def ara_definitions(self) -> TableConfigCollection:  # pragma: no cover
        """[DEPRECATED] Use table_configs instead."""
        from warnings import warn
            "ara_definitions is deprecated and will soon be removed. "
            "Please call table_configs instead.", DeprecationWarning)
        return self.table_configs

    def share(self, project_id: str, resource_type: str,
              resource_id: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Share a resource with another project."""
        return self.session.post_resource(
            self._path() + "/share", {
                "project_id": project_id,
                "resource": {
                    "type": resource_type,
                    "id": resource_id

    def transfer_resource(self, resource: Resource,
                          receiving_project_uid: Union[str, UUID]) -> bool:
        Transfer ownership of a resource.

        The new owner of the the supplied resource becomes the project
        with ``uid == receiving_project_uid``.

        resource: Resource
            The resource owned by this project, which will get transferred to
            the project with ``uid == receiving_project_uid``.
        receiving_project_uid: Union[string, UUID]
            The uid of the project to which the resource will be transferred.

            Returns ``True`` upon successful resource transfer.

                self._path() + "/transfer-resource", {
                    "to_project_id": str(receiving_project_uid),
                    "resource": resource.as_entity_dict()
        except AttributeError:  # If _resource_type is not implemented
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Resource of type  {resource.__class__.__name__} "
                f"cannot be made transferred")

        return True

    def make_public(self, resource: Resource) -> bool:
        Grant public access to a resource owned by this project.

        resource: Resource
            An instance of a resource owned by this project (e.g., a dataset).

            ``True`` if the action was performed successfully

            self.session.checked_post(self._path() + "/make-public",
                                      {"resource": resource.as_entity_dict()})
        except AttributeError:  # If _resource_type is not implemented
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Resource of type  {resource.__class__.__name__} "
                f"cannot be made public")
        return True

    def make_private(self, resource: Resource) -> bool:
        Remove public access for a resource owned by this project.

        resource: Resource
            An instance of a resource owned by this project (e.g., a dataset).

            ``True`` if the action was performed successfully

            self.session.checked_post(self._path() + "/make-private",
                                      {"resource": resource.as_entity_dict()})
        except AttributeError:  # If _resource_type is not implemented
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Resource of type  {resource.__class__.__name__} "
                f"cannot be made private")
        return True

    def creator(self) -> str:
        Return the creator of this project.

            The email of the creator of this resource.

        email = self.session.get_resource(self._path() + "/creator")["email"]
        return email

    def owned_dataset_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        List all the ids of the datasets owned by the current project.

            The ids of the modules owned by current project

        dataset_ids = self.session.get_resource(self._path() +
        return dataset_ids

    def owned_table_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        List all the ids of the tables owned by the current project.

            The ids of the tables owned by current project

        table_ids = self.session.get_resource(self._path() +
        return table_ids

    def owned_table_config_ids(self) -> List[str]:
        List all the ids of the table configs owned by the current project.

            The ids of the table configs owned by current project

        result = self.session.get_resource(self._path() +
        return result["table_definition_ids"]

    def list_members(self) -> List[ProjectMember]:
        List all of the members in the current project.

            The members of the current project

        members = self.session.get_resource(self._path() + "/users")["users"]
        return [
            ProjectMember(user=User.build(m), project=self, role=m["role"])
            for m in members

    def update_user_role(self,
                         user_uid: Union[str, UUID],
                         role: ROLES,
                         actions: ACTIONS = []):
        Update a User's role and action permissions in the Project.

        Valid roles are ``MEMBER`` or ``LEAD``.

        ``WRITE`` is the only action available for specification.

            Returns ``True`` if user role successfully updated

        self.session.checked_post(self._path() + "/users/{}".format(user_uid),
                                      'role': role,
                                      'actions': actions
        return True

    def add_user(self, user_uid: Union[str, UUID]):
        Add a User to a Project.

        Adds User with ``MEMBER`` role to the Project.
        Use the ``update_user_rule`` method to change a User's role.

            Returns ``True`` if user successfully added

        self.session.checked_post(self._path() + "/users/{}".format(user_uid),
                                      'role': MEMBER,
                                      'actions': []
        return True

    def remove_user(self, user_uid: Union[str, UUID]) -> bool:
        Remove a User from a Project.

            Returns ``True`` if user successfully removed

        self.session.checked_delete(self._path() +
        return True

    def gemd_batch_delete(
            id_list: List[Union[LinkByUID, UUID, str, BaseEntity]],
            timeout: float = 2 * 60,
            polling_delay: float = 1.0) -> List[Tuple[LinkByUID, ApiError]]:
        Remove a set of GEMD objects.

        You may provide GEMD objects that reference each other, and the objects
        will be removed in the appropriate order.

        A failure will be returned if the object cannot be deleted due to an external

        You must have Write access on the associated datasets for each object.

        id_list: List[Union[LinkByUID, UUID, str, BaseEntity]]
            A list of the IDs of data objects to be removed. They can be passed
            as a LinkByUID tuple, a UUID, a string, or the object itself. A UUID
            or string is assumed to be a Citrine ID, whereas a LinkByUID or
            BaseEntity can also be used to provide an external ID.

        List[Tuple[LinkByUID, ApiError]]
            A list of (LinkByUID, api_error) for each failure to delete an object.
            Note that this method doesn't raise an exception if an object fails to be

        return _async_gemd_batch_delete(id_list,
Example #3
class Dataset(Resource['Dataset']):
    A collection of data objects.

    Datasets are the basic unit of access control. A user with read access to a dataset can view
    every object in that dataset. A user with write access to a dataset can create, update,
    and delete objects in the dataset.

    name: str
        Name of the dataset. Can be used for searching.
    summary: str
        A summary of this dataset.
    description: str
        Long-form description of the dataset.

    uid: UUID
        Unique uuid4 identifier of this dataset.
    deleted: bool
        Flag indicating whether or not this dataset has been deleted.
    created_by: UUID
        ID of the user who created the dataset.
    updated_by: UUID
        ID of the user who last updated the dataset.
    deleted_by: UUID
        ID of the user who deleted the dataset, if it is deleted.
    create_time: int
        Time the dataset was created, in seconds since epoch.
    update_time: int
        Time the dataset was most recently updated, in seconds since epoch.
    delete_time: int
        Time the dataset was deleted, in seconds since epoch, if it is deleted.
    public: bool
        Flag indicating whether the dataset is publicly readable.


    _response_key = 'dataset'

    uid = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'id')
    name = properties.String('name')
    summary = properties.String('summary')
    description = properties.String('description')
    deleted = properties.Optional(properties.Boolean(), 'deleted')
    created_by = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'created_by')
    updated_by = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'updated_by')
    deleted_by = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'deleted_by')
    create_time = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'create_time')
    update_time = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'update_time')
    delete_time = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'delete_time')
    public = properties.Optional(properties.Boolean(), 'public')

    def __init__(self, name: str, summary: str, description: str):
        self.name: str = name
        self.summary: str = summary
        self.description: str = description

        # The attributes below should not be set by the user. Instead they will be updated as the
        # dataset interacts with the backend data service
        self.uid = None
        self.deleted = None
        self.created_by = None
        self.updated_by = None
        self.deleted_by = None
        self.create_time = None
        self.update_time = None
        self.delete_time = None
        self.public = None

    def __str__(self):
        return '<Dataset {!r}>'.format(self.name)

    def property_templates(self) -> PropertyTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all property templates in this dataset."""
        return PropertyTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def condition_templates(self) -> ConditionTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all condition templates in this dataset."""
        return ConditionTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def parameter_templates(self) -> ParameterTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all parameter templates in this dataset."""
        return ParameterTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def material_templates(self) -> MaterialTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material templates in this dataset."""
        return MaterialTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def measurement_templates(self) -> MeasurementTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement templates in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def process_templates(self) -> ProcessTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process templates in this dataset."""
        return ProcessTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def process_runs(self) -> ProcessRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process runs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def measurement_runs(self) -> MeasurementRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement runs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def material_runs(self) -> MaterialRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material runs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def ingredient_runs(self) -> IngredientRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient runs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def process_specs(self) -> ProcessSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process specs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def measurement_specs(self) -> MeasurementSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement specs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def material_specs(self) -> MaterialSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material specs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def ingredient_specs(self) -> IngredientSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient specs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def files(self) -> FileCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all files in the dataset."""
        return FileCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def _collection_for(self, data_concepts_resource):
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MeasurementTemplate):
            return self.measurement_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MeasurementSpec):
            return self.measurement_specs
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MeasurementRun):
            return self.measurement_runs

        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MaterialTemplate):
            return self.material_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MaterialSpec):
            return self.material_specs
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MaterialRun):
            return self.material_runs

        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ProcessTemplate):
            return self.process_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ProcessSpec):
            return self.process_specs
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ProcessRun):
            return self.process_runs

        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, IngredientSpec):
            return self.ingredient_specs
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, IngredientRun):
            return self.ingredient_runs

        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, PropertyTemplate):
            return self.property_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ParameterTemplate):
            return self.parameter_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ConditionTemplate):
            return self.condition_templates

    def register(self, data_concepts_resource: ResourceType, dry_run=False) -> ResourceType:
        """Register a data concepts resource to the appropriate collection."""
        return self._collection_for(data_concepts_resource)\
            .register(data_concepts_resource, dry_run=dry_run)

    def register_all(self, data_concepts_resources: List[ResourceType],
                     dry_run=False) -> List[ResourceType]:
        Register multiple data concepts resources to each of their appropriate collections.

        Does so in an order that is guaranteed to store all linked items before the item that
        references them.

        The uids of the input data concepts resources are updated with their on-platform uids.
        This supports storing an object that has a reference to an object that doesn't have a uid.

        data_concepts_resources: List[ResourceType]
            The resources to register. Can be different types.

        dry_run: bool
            Whether to actually register the item or run a dry run of the register operation.
            Dry run is intended to be used for validation. Default: false

            The registered versions

        resources = list()
        by_type = defaultdict(list)
        for obj in data_concepts_resources:
        typ_groups = sorted(list(by_type.values()), key=lambda x: writable_sort_order(x[0]))
        batch_size = 50
        for typ_group in typ_groups:
            num_batches = len(typ_group) // batch_size
            for batch_num in range(num_batches + 1):
                batch = typ_group[batch_num * batch_size: (batch_num + 1) * batch_size]
                if batch:  # final batch is empty when batch_size divides len(typ_group)
                    registered = self._collection_for(batch[0])\
                        .register_all(batch, dry_run=dry_run)
                    for prewrite, postwrite in zip(batch, registered):
                        if isinstance(postwrite, BaseEntity):
                            prewrite.uids = postwrite.uids
        return resources

    def delete(self, data_concepts_resource: ResourceType, dry_run=False) -> ResourceType:
        """Delete a data concepts resource to the appropriate collection."""
        uid = next(iter(data_concepts_resource.uids.items()), None)
        if uid is None:
            raise ValueError("Only objects that contain identifiers can be deleted.")
        return self._collection_for(data_concepts_resource) \
            .delete(uid[1], scope=uid[0], dry_run=dry_run)
class Dataset(Resource['Dataset']):
    A collection of data objects.

    Datasets are the basic unit of access control. A user with read access to a dataset can view
    every object in that dataset. A user with write access to a dataset can create, update,
    and delete objects in the dataset.

    name: str
        Name of the dataset. Can be used for searching.
    summary: str
        A summary of this dataset.
    description: str
        Long-form description of the dataset.
    unique_name: Optional[str]
        An optional, globally unique name that can be used to retrieve the dataset.

    uid: UUID
        Unique uuid4 identifier of this dataset.
    deleted: bool
        Flag indicating whether or not this dataset has been deleted.
    created_by: UUID
        ID of the user who created the dataset.
    updated_by: UUID
        ID of the user who last updated the dataset.
    deleted_by: UUID
        ID of the user who deleted the dataset, if it is deleted.
    create_time: int
        Time the dataset was created, in seconds since epoch.
    update_time: int
        Time the dataset was most recently updated, in seconds since epoch.
    delete_time: int
        Time the dataset was deleted, in seconds since epoch, if it is deleted.
    public: bool
        Flag indicating whether the dataset is publicly readable.


    _response_key = 'dataset'
    _resource_type = ResourceTypeEnum.DATASET

    uid = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'id')
    name = properties.String('name')
    unique_name = properties.Optional(properties.String(), 'unique_name')
    summary = properties.String('summary')
    description = properties.String('description')
    deleted = properties.Optional(properties.Boolean(), 'deleted')
    created_by = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'created_by')
    updated_by = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'updated_by')
    deleted_by = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'deleted_by')
    create_time = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'create_time')
    update_time = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'update_time')
    delete_time = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'delete_time')
    public = properties.Optional(properties.Boolean(), 'public')

    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 summary: str,
                 description: str,
                 unique_name: Optional[str] = None):
        self.name: str = name
        self.summary: str = summary
        self.description: str = description
        self.unique_name = unique_name

        # The attributes below should not be set by the user. Instead they will be updated as the
        # dataset interacts with the backend data service
        self.uid = None
        self.deleted = None
        self.created_by = None
        self.updated_by = None
        self.deleted_by = None
        self.create_time = None
        self.update_time = None
        self.delete_time = None
        self.public = None

    def __str__(self):
        return '<Dataset {!r}>'.format(self.name)

    def property_templates(self) -> PropertyTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all property templates in this dataset."""
        return PropertyTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid,

    def condition_templates(self) -> ConditionTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all condition templates in this dataset."""
        return ConditionTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid,

    def parameter_templates(self) -> ParameterTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all parameter templates in this dataset."""
        return ParameterTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid,

    def material_templates(self) -> MaterialTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material templates in this dataset."""
        return MaterialTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid,

    def measurement_templates(self) -> MeasurementTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement templates in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid,

    def process_templates(self) -> ProcessTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process templates in this dataset."""
        return ProcessTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid,

    def process_runs(self) -> ProcessRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process runs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def measurement_runs(self) -> MeasurementRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement runs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid,

    def material_runs(self) -> MaterialRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material runs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def ingredient_runs(self) -> IngredientRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient runs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def process_specs(self) -> ProcessSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process specs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def measurement_specs(self) -> MeasurementSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement specs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid,

    def material_specs(self) -> MaterialSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material specs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def ingredient_specs(self) -> IngredientSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient specs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid,

    def files(self) -> FileCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all files in the dataset."""
        return FileCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def _collection_for(self, data_concepts_resource):
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MeasurementTemplate):
            return self.measurement_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MeasurementSpec):
            return self.measurement_specs
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MeasurementRun):
            return self.measurement_runs

        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MaterialTemplate):
            return self.material_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MaterialSpec):
            return self.material_specs
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, MaterialRun):
            return self.material_runs

        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ProcessTemplate):
            return self.process_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ProcessSpec):
            return self.process_specs
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ProcessRun):
            return self.process_runs

        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, IngredientSpec):
            return self.ingredient_specs
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, IngredientRun):
            return self.ingredient_runs

        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, PropertyTemplate):
            return self.property_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ParameterTemplate):
            return self.parameter_templates
        if isinstance(data_concepts_resource, ConditionTemplate):
            return self.condition_templates

    def register(self,
                 data_concepts_resource: ResourceType,
                 dry_run=False) -> ResourceType:
        """Register a data concepts resource to the appropriate collection."""
        return self._collection_for(data_concepts_resource)\
            .register(data_concepts_resource, dry_run=dry_run)

    def register_all(self,
                     data_concepts_resources: List[ResourceType],
                     dry_run=False) -> List[ResourceType]:
        Register multiple data concepts resources to each of their appropriate collections.

        Does so in an order that is guaranteed to store all linked items before the item that
        references them.

        The uids of the input data concepts resources are updated with their on-platform uids.
        This supports storing an object that has a reference to an object that doesn't have a uid.

        data_concepts_resources: List[ResourceType]
            The resources to register. Can be different types.

        dry_run: bool
            Whether to actually register the item or run a dry run of the register operation.
            Dry run is intended to be used for validation. Default: false

            The registered versions

        resources = list()
        by_type = defaultdict(list)
        for obj in data_concepts_resources:
        typ_groups = sorted(list(by_type.values()),
                            key=lambda x: writable_sort_order(x[0]))
        batch_size = 50
        for typ_group in typ_groups:
            num_batches = len(typ_group) // batch_size
            for batch_num in range(num_batches + 1):
                batch = typ_group[batch_num * batch_size:(batch_num + 1) *
                if batch:  # final batch is empty when batch_size divides len(typ_group)
                    registered = self._collection_for(batch[0])\
                        .register_all(batch, dry_run=dry_run)
                    for prewrite, postwrite in zip(batch, registered):
                        if isinstance(postwrite, BaseEntity):
                            prewrite.uids = postwrite.uids
        return resources

    def update(self, model: ResourceType) -> ResourceType:
        """Update a data concepts resource using the appropriate collection."""
        return self._collection_for(model).update(model)

    def delete(self,
               data_concepts_resource: ResourceType,
               dry_run=False) -> ResourceType:
        """Delete a data concepts resource to the appropriate collection."""
        uid = next(iter(data_concepts_resource.uids.items()), None)
        if uid is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Only objects that contain identifiers can be deleted.")
        return self._collection_for(data_concepts_resource) \
            .delete(uid[1], scope=uid[0], dry_run=dry_run)

    def delete_contents(self,
                        timeout: float = 2 * 60,
                        polling_delay: float = 1.0):
        Delete all the GEMD objects from within a single Dataset.

        timeout: float
            Amount of time to wait on the job (in seconds) before giving up.
            Note that this number has no effect on the underlying job itself,
            which can also time out server-side.

        polling_delay: float
            How long to delay between each polling retry attempt.

        List[Tuple[LinkByUID, ApiError]]
            A list of (LinkByUID, api_error) for each failure to delete an object.
            Note that this method doesn't raise an exception if an object fails to be

        path = 'projects/{project_id}/datasets/{dataset_uid}/contents'.format(
            dataset_uid=self.uid, project_id=self.project_id)

        response = self.session.delete_resource(path)
        job_id = response["job_id"]

        return _poll_for_async_batch_delete_result(self.project_id,
                                                   self.session, job_id,
                                                   timeout, polling_delay)

    def gemd_batch_delete(
            id_list: List[Union[LinkByUID, UUID, str, BaseEntity]],
            timeout: float = 2 * 60,
            polling_delay: float = 1.0) -> List[Tuple[LinkByUID, ApiError]]:
        Remove a set of GEMD objects.

        You may provide GEMD objects that reference each other, and the objects
        will be removed in the appropriate order.

        A failure will be returned if the object cannot be deleted due to an external

        All data objects must be associated with this dataset resource. You must also
        have write access on this dataset.

        If you wish to delete more than 50 objects, queuing of deletes requires that
        the types of objects be known, and thus you _must_ provide ids in the form
        of BaseEntities.

        Also note that Attribute Templates cannot be deleted at present.

        id_list: List[Union[LinkByUID, UUID, str, BaseEntity]]
            A list of the IDs of data objects to be removed. They can be passed
            as a LinkByUID tuple, a UUID, a string, or the object itself. A UUID
            or string is assumed to be a Citrine ID, whereas a LinkByUID or
            BaseEntity can also be used to provide an external ID.

        List[Tuple[LinkByUID, ApiError]]
            A list of (LinkByUID, api_error) for each failure to delete an object.
            Note that this method doesn't raise an exception if an object fails to be

        return _async_gemd_batch_delete(id_list,
Example #5
class Dataset(Resource['Dataset']):
    A collection of data objects.

    Datasets are the basic unit of access control. A user with read access to a dataset can view
    every object in that dataset. A user with write access to a dataset can create, update,
    and delete objects in the dataset.

    name: str
        Name of the dataset. Can be used for searching.
    summary: str
        A summary of this dataset.
    description: str
        Long-form description of the dataset.

    uid: UUID
        Unique uuid4 identifier of this dataset.
    deleted: bool
        Flag indicating whether or not this dataset has been deleted.
    created_by: UUID
        ID of the user who created the dataset.
    updated_by: UUID
        ID of the user who last updated the dataset.
    deleted_by: UUID
        ID of the user who deleted the dataset, if it is deleted.
    create_time: int
        Time the dataset was created, in seconds since epoch.
    update_time: int
        Time the dataset was most recently updated, in seconds since epoch.
    delete_time: int
        Time the dataset was deleted, in seconds since epoch, if it is deleted.


    _response_key = 'dataset'

    uid = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'id')
    name = properties.String('name')
    summary = properties.String('summary')
    description = properties.String('description')
    deleted = properties.Optional(properties.Boolean(), 'deleted')
    created_by = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'created_by')
    updated_by = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'updated_by')
    deleted_by = properties.Optional(properties.UUID(), 'deleted_by')
    create_time = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'create_time')
    update_time = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'update_time')
    delete_time = properties.Optional(properties.Datetime(), 'delete_time')

    def __init__(self, name: str, summary: str, description: str):
        self.name: str = name
        self.summary: str = summary
        self.description: str = description

        # The attributes below should not be set by the user. Instead they will be updated as the
        # dataset interacts with the backend data service
        self.uid = None
        self.deleted = None
        self.created_by = None
        self.updated_by = None
        self.deleted_by = None
        self.create_time = None
        self.update_time = None
        self.delete_time = None

    def __str__(self):
        return '<Dataset {!r}>'.format(self.name)

    def property_templates(self) -> PropertyTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all property templates in this dataset."""
        return PropertyTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def condition_templates(self) -> ConditionTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all condition templates in this dataset."""
        return ConditionTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def parameter_templates(self) -> ParameterTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all parameter templates in this dataset."""
        return ParameterTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def material_templates(self) -> MaterialTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material templates in this dataset."""
        return MaterialTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def measurement_templates(self) -> MeasurementTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement templates in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def process_templates(self) -> ProcessTemplateCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process templates in this dataset."""
        return ProcessTemplateCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def process_runs(self) -> ProcessRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process runs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def measurement_runs(self) -> MeasurementRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement runs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def material_runs(self) -> MaterialRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material runs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def ingredient_runs(self) -> IngredientRunCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient runs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientRunCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def process_specs(self) -> ProcessSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all process specs in this dataset."""
        return ProcessSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def measurement_specs(self) -> MeasurementSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all measurement specs in this dataset."""
        return MeasurementSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def material_specs(self) -> MaterialSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all material specs in this dataset."""
        return MaterialSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def ingredient_specs(self) -> IngredientSpecCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all ingredient specs in this dataset."""
        return IngredientSpecCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)

    def files(self) -> FileCollection:
        """Return a resource representing all files in the dataset."""
        return FileCollection(self.project_id, self.uid, self.session)