Example #1
def test_validate_templates_successful_all_params(collection, session):
    Test that DataObjectCollection.validate_templates() handles a successful return value when
    passing in all params

    # Given
    project_id = '6b608f78-e341-422c-8076-35adc8828545'
    run = MaterialRunFactory(name="validate_templates_successful")
    template = MaterialTemplateFactory()
    unused_process_template = ProcessTemplateFactory()

    # When
    errors = collection.validate_templates(run, template,

    # Then
    assert 1 == session.num_calls
    expected_call = FakeCall(
            "dataObject": scrub_none(run.dump()),
            "objectTemplate": scrub_none(template.dump()),
    assert session.last_call == expected_call
    assert errors == []
Example #2
def test_validate_templates_errors(collection, session):
    Test that DataObjectCollection.validate_templates() handles validation errors
    # Given
    project_id = '6b608f78-e341-422c-8076-35adc8828545'
    run = MaterialRunFactory(name="")

    # When
    validation_error = ValidationError(failure_message="you failed",
            FakeRequestResponseApiError(400, "Bad Request",
    errors = collection.validate_templates(run)

    # Then
    assert 1 == session.num_calls
    expected_call = FakeCall(
        json={"dataObject": scrub_none(run.dump())})
    assert session.last_call == expected_call
    assert errors == [validation_error]
Example #3
    def register(self, model: Dataset) -> Dataset:
        Create a new element of the collection by registering an existing resource.

        This differs from super().register() in that None fields are scrubbed, and the json
        response is not assumed to come in a dictionary with a single entry 'dataset'.
        Both of these behaviors are in contrast to the behavior of projects. Eventually they
        will be unified in the backend, and one register() method will suffice.

        model: Dataset
            The dataset to register.

            A copy of the registered dataset as it now exists in the database.

        path = self._get_path()
        dumped_dataset = model.dump()
        dumped_dataset["deleted"] = None
        data = self.session.post_resource(path, scrub_none(dumped_dataset))
        full_model = self.build(data)
        full_model.project_id = self.project_id
        return full_model
Example #4
    def register(self, model: ResourceType):
        Create a new element of the collection or update an existing element.

        If the input model has an ID that corresponds to an existing object in the
        database, then that object will be updated. Otherwise a new object will be created.

        model: DataConcepts
            The DataConcepts object.

            A copy of the registered object as it now exists in the database.

        if self.dataset_id is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Must specify a dataset in order to register a data model object.")
        path = self._get_path()
        # How do we prepare a citrine-python object to be the json in a POST request?
        # Right now, that method scrubs out None values and replaces top-level objects with links.
        # Eventually, we want to replace it with the following:
        #   dumped_data = dumps(loads(dumps(model.dump())))
        # This dumps the object to a dictionary (model.dump()), and then to a string (dumps()).
        # But this string is still nested--because it's a dictionary, taurus.dumps() does not know
        # how to replace the objects with link-by-uids. loads() converts this string into nested
        # taurus objects, and then the final dumps() converts that to a json-ready string in which
        # all of the object references have been replaced with link-by-uids.
        dumped_data = replace_objects_with_links(scrub_none(model.dump()))
        data = self.session.post_resource(path, dumped_data)
        full_model = self.build(data)
        model.session = self.session
        return full_model
    def register(self, model: Dataset) -> Dataset:
        Create a new dataset in the collection, or update an existing one.

        If the Dataset has an ID present, then we update the existing resource,
        else we create a new one.

        This differs from super().register() in that None fields are scrubbed, and the json
        response is not assumed to come in a dictionary with a single entry 'dataset'.
        Both of these behaviors are in contrast to the behavior of projects. Eventually they
        will be unified in the backend, and one register() method will suffice.

        model: Dataset
            The dataset to register.

            A copy of the registered dataset as it now exists in the database.

        path = self._get_path()
        dumped_dataset = model.dump()
        dumped_dataset["deleted"] = None

        # Only use the idempotent put approach if a) a unique name is provided, and b)
        # the session is configured to use it (default to False for backwards compatibility).
        if model.unique_name is not None and self.session.use_idempotent_dataset_put:
            # Leverage the create-or-update endpoint if we've got a unique name
            data = self.session.put_resource(path, scrub_none(dumped_dataset))

            if model.uid is None:
                # POST to create a new one if a UID is not assigned
                data = self.session.post_resource(path,

                # Otherwise PUT to update it
                data = self.session.put_resource(self._get_path(model.uid),

        full_model = self.build(data)
        full_model.project_id = self.project_id
        return full_model
    def register(self, model: ResourceType, dry_run=False):
        Create a new element of the collection or update an existing element.

        If the input model has an ID that corresponds to an existing object in the
        database, then that object will be updated. Otherwise a new object will be created.

        Only the top-level object in `model` itself is written to the database with this
        method. References to other objects are persisted as links, and the object returned
        by this method has all instances of data objects replaced by instances of LinkByUid.
        Registering an object which references other objects does NOT implicitly register
        those other objects. Rather, those other objects' values are ignored, and the
        pre-existence of objects with their IDs is asserted before attempting to write

        model: ResourceType
            The DataConcepts object.
        dry_run: bool
            Whether to actually register the item or run a dry run of the register operation.
            Dry run is intended to be used for validation. Default: false

            A copy of the registered object as it now exists in the database.

        if self.dataset_id is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Must specify a dataset in order to register a data model object."
        path = self._get_path()
        params = {'dry_run': dry_run}
        # How do we prepare a citrine-python object to be the json in a POST request?
        # Right now, that method scrubs out None values and replaces top-level objects with links.
        # Eventually, we want to replace it with the following:
        #   dumped_data = dumps(loads(dumps(model.dump())))
        # This dumps the object to a dictionary (model.dump()), and then to a string (dumps()).
        # But this string is still nested--because it's a dictionary, GEMDJson.dumps() does not
        # know how to replace the objects with link-by-uids. loads() converts this string into
        # nested gemd objects, and then the final dumps() converts that to a json-ready string
        # in which all of the object references have been replaced with link-by-uids.

        temp_scope = str(uuid4())
        scope = temp_scope if dry_run else CITRINE_SCOPE
            model)  # This apparent no-op populates uids
        dumped_data = replace_objects_with_links(scrub_none(model.dump()))
            model, lambda x: x.uids.pop(temp_scope, None))  # Strip temp uids

        data = self.session.post_resource(path, dumped_data, params=params)
        full_model = self.build(data)
        return full_model
def test_scrub_none():
    """Test that scrub_none() when applied to some examples yields expected results."""
    json = dict(key1=1, key2=None)
    assert json == dict(key1=1)

    json = dict(key1=dict(key11='foo', key12=None),
                    dict(key21=None, key22=17),
                    dict(key24=34, key25=51)
    assert json == dict(
        key2=[dict(key22=17), dict(),
              dict(key24=34, key25=51)])

    json = dict(key1=1,
                key2=[None, 'foo', None, None, 'bar', None],
                key3=[None, None, None])
    # None should not be removed from lists
    assert json == dict(key1=1,
                        key2=[None, 'foo', None, None, 'bar', None],
                        key3=[None, None, None])
    def validate_templates(self,
                           model: DataObjectResourceType,
                           object_template: Optional[ObjectTemplateResourceType] = None,
                           ingredient_process_template: Optional[ProcessTemplate] = None)\
            -> List[ValidationError]:
        Validate a data object against its templates.

        Validates against provided object templates (passed in as parameters) and stored attribute
        templates linked on the data object.

        :param model: the data object to validate
        :param object_template: optional object template to validate against
        :param ingredient_process_template: optional process template to validate ingredient
         against. Ignored unless data object is an IngredientSpec or IngredientRun.
        :return: List[ValidationError] of validation errors encountered. Empty if successful.
        path = self._get_path(ignore_dataset=True) + "/validate-templates"

        temp_scope = str(uuid4())
            model)  # This apparent no-op populates uids
        dumped_data = replace_objects_with_links(scrub_none(model.dump()))
            model, lambda x: x.uids.pop(temp_scope, None))  # Strip temp uids

        request_data = {"dataObject": dumped_data}
        if object_template is not None:
            request_data["objectTemplate"] = \
        if ingredient_process_template is not None:
            request_data["ingredientProcessTemplate"] = \
            self.session.put_resource(path, request_data)
            return []
        except BadRequest as e:
            if e.api_error is not None and e.api_error.validation_errors:
                return e.api_error.validation_errors
            raise e
Example #9
    def register_all(self,
                     models: List[ResourceType],
                     dry_run=False) -> List[ResourceType]:
        [ALPHA] Create or update each model in models.

        This method has the same behavior as `register`, except that all no models will be
        written if any one of them is invalid.

        Using this method should yield significant improvements to write speed over separate
        calls to `register`.

        models: List[ResourceType]
            The objects to be written.
        dry_run: bool
            Whether to actually register the objects or run a dry run of the register operation.
            Dry run is intended to be used for validation. Default: false

            Each object model as it now exists in the database. The order and number of models
            is guaranteed to be the same as originally specified.

        if self.dataset_id is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Must specify a dataset in order to register a data model object."
        path = self._get_path()
        params = {'dry_run': dry_run}

        temp_scope = str(uuid4())
        scope = temp_scope if dry_run else CITRINE_SCOPE
        json = GEMDJson(scope=scope)
        [json.dumps(x) for x in models]  # This apparent no-op populates uids

        objects = [
            for model in models

            models, lambda x: x.uids.pop(temp_scope, None))  # Strip temp uids

        response_data = self.session.put_resource(path + '/batch',
                                                  json={'objects': objects},
        return [self.build(obj) for obj in response_data['objects']]
Example #10
    def register(self, model: ResourceType, dry_run=False):
        Create a new element of the collection or update an existing element.

        If the input model has an ID that corresponds to an existing object in the
        database, then that object will be updated. Otherwise a new object will be created.

        Only the top-level object in `model` itself is written to the database with this
        method. References to other objects are persisted as links, and the object returned
        by this method has all instances of data objects replaced by instances of LinkByUid.
        Registering an object which references other objects does NOT implicitly register
        those other objects. Rather, those other objects' values are ignored, and the
        pre-existence of objects with their IDs is asserted before attempting to write

        model: ResourceType
            The DataConcepts object.
        dry_run: bool
            Whether to actually register the item or run a dry run of the register operation.
            Dry run is intended to be used for validation. Default: false

            A copy of the registered object as it now exists in the database.

        if self.dataset_id is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Must specify a dataset in order to register a data model object."
        path = self._get_path()
        params = {'dry_run': dry_run}

        temp_scope = str(uuid4())
        scope = temp_scope if dry_run else CITRINE_SCOPE
            model)  # This apparent no-op populates uids
        dumped_data = replace_objects_with_links(scrub_none(model.dump()))
            model, lambda x: x.uids.pop(temp_scope, None))  # Strip temp uids

        data = self.session.post_resource(path, dumped_data, params=params)
        full_model = self.build(data)
        return full_model
Example #11
    def async_update(self,
                     model: ResourceType,
                     dry_run: bool = False,
                     wait_for_response: bool = True,
                     timeout: float = 2 * 60,
                     polling_delay: float = 1.0) -> Optional[UUID]:
        [ALPHA] Update a particular element of the collection with data validation.

        Update a particular element of the collection, doing a deeper check to ensure that
        the dependent data objects are still with the (potentially) changed constraints
        of this change. This will allow you to make bounds and allowed named/labels changes
        to templates.

        model: ResourceType
            The DataConcepts object.
        dry_run: bool
            Whether to actually update the item or run a dry run of the update operation.
            Dry run is intended to be used for validation. Default: false
            Whether to poll for the eventual response. This changes the return type (see
            How long to poll for the result before giving up. This is expressed in
            (fractional) seconds.
            How long to delay between each polling retry attempt.

            If wait_for_response if True, then this call will poll the backend, waiting
            for the eventual job result. In the case of successful validation/update,
            a return value of None is provided which indicates success. In the case of
            a failure validating or processing the update, an exception (JobFailureError)
            is raised and an error message is logged with the underlying reason of the

            If wait_for_response if False, A job ID (of type UUID) is returned that one
            can use to poll for the job completion and result with the

        temp_scope = str(uuid4())
            model)  # This apparent no-op populates uids
        dumped_data = replace_objects_with_links(scrub_none(model.dump()))
            model, lambda x: x.uids.pop(temp_scope, None))  # Strip temp uids

        scope = CITRINE_SCOPE
        id = dumped_data['uids']['id']
        if self.dataset_id is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Must specify a dataset in order to update "
                               "a data model object with data validation.")

        url = self._get_path() + \
            "/" + scope + "/" + id + "/async"

        response_json = self.session.put_resource(url,
                                                  params={'dry_run': dry_run})

        job_id = response_json["job_id"]

        if wait_for_response:

            # That worked, nothing returned in this case
            return None
            # TODO: use JobSubmissionResponse here instead
            return job_id