Example #1
    def build(cls, data, start, end, center=None):
        log.info("Loading OpenPaths data...")

        if center is not None:
            points = [Point(i, float(d['lon']), float(d['lat']), d['t']) for i, d in enumerate(data) if d['t'] >= start and d['t'] <= end and science.geo_distance((float(d['lon']), float(d['lat'])), center) <= RADIUS]            
            points = [Point(i, float(d['lon']), float(d['lat']), d['t']) for i, d in enumerate(data) if d['t'] >= start and d['t'] <= end]                        
        points.sort(key=lambda p: p.t)                

        log.info("Generating graph...")
        start_clock = time.clock()  

        paths = Path.find_paths(points)
        places = Place.find_places(paths, CLUSTER_RADIUS)  
        cities = City.find_cities(places, CITY_RADIUS)
        almanac = Almanac(points, paths, places, cities)

        # almanac.label()        

        print("(%ss)" % (time.clock() - start_clock))

        return almanac