def loadLabels(self): filename = self.getLabelFilename() if not filename: self.clearAnnotation() return # If we have everything and the filename did not change, then we are good if self.annotation and filename == self.currentLabelFile: return # Clear the current labels first self.clearAnnotation() try: self.annotation = Annotation(self.gtType) self.annotation.fromJsonFile(filename) except IOError as e: # This is the error if the file does not exist message = "Error parsing labels in {0}. Message: {1}".format( filename, e.strerror) self.statusBar().showMessage(message) # Remember the filename loaded self.currentLabelFile = filename # Remeber the status bar message to restore it later restoreMessage = self.statusBar().currentMessage() # Restore the message self.statusBar().showMessage(restoreMessage)
def json2labelImg(inJson, outImg, encoding="ids"): annotation = Annotation() annotation.fromJsonFile(inJson) # 调用上面的函数,根据annotation来画图 labelImg = createLabelImage(annotation, encoding) # PIL的Image的保存函数
def read_label(json_path): assert os.path.isfile(json_path), 'file not exists' annotation = Annotation() annotation.fromJsonFile(json_path) labelImg = createLabelImage(annotation, 'color') return labelImg
def loadLabels(self): filename = self.getLabelFilename() if not filename: self.clearAnnotation() return # If we have everything and the filename did not change, then we are good if self.annotation and filename == self.currentLabelFile: return # Clear the current labels first self.clearAnnotation() try: self.annotation = Annotation(self.gtType) self.annotation.fromJsonFile(filename) except IOError as e: # This is the error if the file does not exist message = "Error parsing labels in {0}. Message: {1}".format( filename, e.strerror ) self.statusBar().showMessage(message) # Remember the filename loaded self.currentLabelFile = filename # Remeber the status bar message to restore it later restoreMessage = self.statusBar().currentMessage() # Restore the message self.statusBar().showMessage( restoreMessage )
def json2instanceImg(inJson, outImg, encoding="ids"): annotation = Annotation() annotation.fromJsonFile(inJson) instanceImg = createInstanceImage(annotation, encoding)
def json2labelImg(inJson, outImg, encoding="ids"): annotation = Annotation() annotation.fromJsonFile(inJson) labelImg = createLabelImage(annotation, encoding)
def json2instanceImg(inJson,outImg,encoding="ids"): annotation = Annotation() annotation.fromJsonFile(inJson) instanceImg = createInstanceImage( annotation , encoding ) outImg )
class CityscapesViewer(QtGui.QMainWindow): ############################# ## Construction / Destruction ############################# # Constructor def __init__(self): # Construct base class super(CityscapesViewer, self).__init__() # This is the configuration. # The filename of the image we currently working on self.currentFile = "" # The filename of the labels we currently working on self.currentLabelFile = "" # The path of the images of the currently loaded city = "" # The name of the currently loaded city self.cityName = "" # Ground truth type self.gtType = CsObjectType.POLY # The path of the labels. In this folder we expect a folder for each city # Within these city folders we expect the label with a filename matching # the images, except for the extension self.labelPath = "" # The transparency of the labels over the image self.transp = 0.5 # The zoom toggle self.zoom = False # The zoom factor self.zoomFactor = 1.5 # The size of the zoom window. Currently there is no setter or getter for that self.zoomSize = 400 #px # The width that we actually use to show the image self.w = 0 # The height that we actually use to show the image self.h = 0 # The horizontal offset where we start drawing within the widget self.xoff = 0 # The vertical offset where we start drawing withing the widget self.yoff = 0 # A gap that we leave around the image as little border self.bordergap = 20 # The scale that was used, ie # self.w = self.scale * self.image.width() # self.h = self.scale * self.image.height() self.scale = 1.0 # Filenames of all images in current city self.images = [] # Image extension self.imageExt = "_leftImg8bit.png" # Ground truth extension self.gtExt = "_gt*.json" # Current image as QImage self.image = QtGui.QImage() # Index of the current image within the city folder self.idx = 0 # All annotated objects in current image, i.e. list of csPoly or csBbox self.annotation = [] # The current object the mouse points to. It's index in self.labels self.mouseObj = -1 # The object that is highlighted and its label. An object instance self.highlightObj = None self.highlightObjLabel = None # The position of the mouse self.mousePosOrig = None # The position of the mouse scaled to label coordinates self.mousePosScaled = None # If the mouse is outside of the image self.mouseOutsideImage = True # The position of the mouse upon enabling the zoom window self.mousePosOnZoom = None # A list of toolbar actions that need an image self.actImage = [] # A list of toolbar actions that need an image that is not the first self.actImageNotFirst = [] # A list of toolbar actions that need an image that is not the last self.actImageNotLast = [] # Toggle status of the play icon self.playState = False # Enable disparity visu in general self.enableDisparity = True # Show disparities instead of labels self.showDisparity = False # The filename of the disparity map we currently working on self.currentDispFile = "" # The disparity image self.dispImg = None # As overlay self.dispOverlay = None # The disparity search path self.dispPath = None # Disparity extension self.dispExt = "_disparity.png" # Generate colormap try: norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=3, vmax=100) cmap = self.colormap =, cmap=cmap) except: self.enableDisparity = False # check if pillow was imported, otherwise no disparity visu possible if not 'PILLOW_VERSION' in globals(): self.enableDisparity = False # Default label self.defaultLabel = 'static' if self.defaultLabel not in name2label: print( 'The {0} label is missing in the internal label definitions.'. format(self.defaultLabel)) return # Last selected label self.lastLabel = self.defaultLabel # Setup the GUI self.initUI() # If we already know a city from the saved config -> load it self.loadCity() self.imageChanged() # Destructor def __del__(self): return # Construct everything GUI related. Called by constructor def initUI(self): # Create a toolbar self.toolbar = self.addToolBar('Tools') # Add the tool buttons iconDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'icons') # Loading a new city loadAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'open.png')), '&Tools', self) loadAction.setShortcuts(['o']) self.setTip(loadAction, 'Open city') loadAction.triggered.connect(self.getCityFromUser) self.toolbar.addAction(loadAction) # Open previous image backAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'back.png')), '&Tools', self) backAction.setShortcut('left') backAction.setStatusTip('Previous image') backAction.triggered.connect(self.prevImage) self.toolbar.addAction(backAction) self.actImageNotFirst.append(backAction) # Open next image nextAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'next.png')), '&Tools', self) nextAction.setShortcut('right') self.setTip(nextAction, 'Next image') nextAction.triggered.connect(self.nextImage) self.toolbar.addAction(nextAction) self.actImageNotLast.append(nextAction) # Play playAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'play.png')), '&Tools', self) playAction.setShortcut(' ') playAction.setCheckable(True) playAction.setChecked(False) self.setTip(playAction, 'Play all images') playAction.triggered.connect(self.playImages) self.toolbar.addAction(playAction) self.actImageNotLast.append(playAction) self.playAction = playAction # Select image selImageAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'shuffle.png')), '&Tools', self) selImageAction.setShortcut('i') self.setTip(selImageAction, 'Select image') selImageAction.triggered.connect(self.selectImage) self.toolbar.addAction(selImageAction) self.actImage.append(selImageAction) # Enable/disable disparity visu. Toggle button if self.enableDisparity: dispAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'disp.png')), '&Tools', self) dispAction.setShortcuts(['d']) dispAction.setCheckable(True) dispAction.setChecked(self.showDisparity) self.setTip(dispAction, 'Enable/disable depth visualization') dispAction.toggled.connect(self.dispToggle) self.toolbar.addAction(dispAction) self.actImage.append(dispAction) # Enable/disable zoom. Toggle button zoomAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'zoom.png')), '&Tools', self) zoomAction.setShortcuts(['z']) zoomAction.setCheckable(True) zoomAction.setChecked(self.zoom) self.setTip(zoomAction, 'Enable/disable permanent zoom') zoomAction.toggled.connect(self.zoomToggle) self.toolbar.addAction(zoomAction) self.actImage.append(zoomAction) # Decrease transparency minusAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'minus.png')), '&Tools', self) minusAction.setShortcut('-') self.setTip(minusAction, 'Decrease transparency') minusAction.triggered.connect(self.minus) self.toolbar.addAction(minusAction) # Increase transparency plusAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'plus.png')), '&Tools', self) plusAction.setShortcut('+') self.setTip(plusAction, 'Increase transparency') plusAction.triggered.connect( self.toolbar.addAction(plusAction) # Display path to current image in message bar displayFilepathAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'filepath.png')), '&Tools', self) displayFilepathAction.setShortcut('f') self.setTip(displayFilepathAction, 'Show path to current image') displayFilepathAction.triggered.connect(self.displayFilepath) self.toolbar.addAction(displayFilepathAction) # Display help message helpAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'help19.png')), '&Tools', self) helpAction.setShortcut('h') self.setTip(helpAction, 'Help') helpAction.triggered.connect(self.displayHelpMessage) self.toolbar.addAction(helpAction) # Close the application exitAction = QtGui.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(iconDir, 'exit.png')), '&Tools', self) exitAction.setShortcuts(['Esc']) self.setTip(exitAction, 'Exit') exitAction.triggered.connect(self.close) self.toolbar.addAction(exitAction) # The default text for the status bar self.defaultStatusbar = 'Ready' # Create a statusbar. Init with default self.statusBar().showMessage(self.defaultStatusbar) # Enable mouse move events self.setMouseTracking(True) self.toolbar.setMouseTracking(True) # Open in full screen self.showFullScreen() # Set a title self.applicationTitle = 'Cityscapes Viewer v1.0' self.setWindowTitle(self.applicationTitle) self.displayHelpMessage() self.getCityFromUser() # And show the application ############################# ## Toolbar call-backs ############################# # Switch to previous image in file list # Load the image # Load its labels # Update the mouse selection # View def prevImage(self): if not self.images: return if self.idx > 0: self.idx -= 1 self.imageChanged() else: message = "Already at the first image" self.statusBar().showMessage(message) return # Switch to next image in file list # Load the image # Load its labels # Update the mouse selection # View def nextImage(self): if not self.images: return if self.idx < len(self.images) - 1: self.idx += 1 self.imageChanged() elif self.playState: self.playState = False self.playAction.setChecked(False) else: message = "Already at the last image" self.statusBar().showMessage(message) if self.playState: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.nextImage) return # Play images, i.e. auto-switch to next image def playImages(self, status): self.playState = status if self.playState: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.nextImage) # Switch to a selected image of the file list # Ask the user for an image # Load the image # Load its labels # Update the mouse selection # View def selectImage(self): if not self.images: return dlgTitle = "Select image to load" self.statusBar().showMessage(dlgTitle) items = QtCore.QStringList([os.path.basename(i) for i in self.images]) (item, ok) = QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem(self, dlgTitle, "Image", items, self.idx, False) if (ok and item): idx = items.indexOf(item) if idx != self.idx: self.idx = idx self.imageChanged() else: # Restore the message self.statusBar().showMessage(self.defaultStatusbar) # Toggle zoom def zoomToggle(self, status): self.zoom = status if status: self.mousePosOnZoom = self.mousePosOrig self.update() # Toggle disparity visu def dispToggle(self, status): self.showDisparity = status self.imageChanged() # Increase label transparency def minus(self): self.transp = max(self.transp - 0.1, 0.0) self.update() def displayFilepath(self): self.statusBar().showMessage("Current image: {0}".format( self.currentFile)) self.update() def displayHelpMessage(self): message = self.applicationTitle + "\n\n" message += "INSTRUCTIONS\n" message += " - select a city from drop-down menu\n" message += " - browse images and labels using\n" message += " the toolbar buttons or the controls below\n" message += "\n" message += "CONTROLS\n" message += " - select city [o]\n" message += " - highlight objects [move mouse]\n" message += " - next image [left arrow]\n" message += " - previous image [right arrow]\n" message += " - toggle autoplay [space]\n" message += " - increase/decrease label transparency\n" message += " [ctrl+mousewheel] or [+ / -]\n" if self.enableDisparity: message += " - show disparity/depth overlay (if available) [d]\n" message += " - open zoom window [z]\n" message += " zoom in/out [mousewheel]\n" message += " enlarge/shrink zoom window [shift+mousewheel]\n" message += " - select a specific image [i]\n" message += " - show path to image below [f]\n" message += " - exit viewer [esc]\n" QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self, "HELP!", message) self.update() # Decrease label transparency def plus(self): self.transp = min(self.transp + 0.1, 1.0) self.update() # Close the application def closeEvent(self, event): event.accept() ############################# ## Custom events ############################# def imageChanged(self): # Load the first image self.loadImage() # Load its labels if available self.loadLabels() # Load disparities if available self.loadDisparities() # Update the object the mouse points to self.updateMouseObject() # Update the GUI self.update() ############################# ## File I/O ############################# # Load the currently selected city if possible def loadCity(self): # clear annotations self.annotation = [] # Search for all *.pngs to get the image list self.images = [] if os.path.isdir( self.images = glob.glob( os.path.join(, '*' + self.imageExt)) self.images.sort() if self.currentFile in self.images: self.idx = self.images.index(self.currentFile) else: self.idx = 0 # Load the currently selected image # Does only load if not previously loaded # Does not refresh the GUI def loadImage(self): success = False message = self.defaultStatusbar if self.images: filename = self.images[self.idx] filename = os.path.normpath(filename) if not self.image.isNull() and filename == self.currentFile: success = True else: self.image = QtGui.QImage(filename) if self.image.isNull(): message = "Failed to read image: {0}".format(filename) else: message = "Read image: {0}".format(filename) self.currentFile = filename success = True # Update toolbar actions that need an image for act in self.actImage: act.setEnabled(success) for act in self.actImageNotFirst: act.setEnabled(success and self.idx > 0) for act in self.actImageNotLast: act.setEnabled(success and self.idx < len(self.images) - 1) self.statusBar().showMessage(message) # Load the labels from file # Only loads if they exist # Otherwise the filename is stored and that's it def loadLabels(self): filename = self.getLabelFilename() if not filename: self.clearAnnotation() return # If we have everything and the filename did not change, then we are good if self.annotation and filename == self.currentLabelFile: return # Clear the current labels first self.clearAnnotation() try: self.annotation = Annotation(self.gtType) self.annotation.fromJsonFile(filename) except IOError as e: # This is the error if the file does not exist message = "Error parsing labels in {0}. Message: {1}".format( filename, e.strerror) self.statusBar().showMessage(message) # Remember the filename loaded self.currentLabelFile = filename # Remeber the status bar message to restore it later restoreMessage = self.statusBar().currentMessage() # Restore the message self.statusBar().showMessage(restoreMessage) # Load the disparity map from file # Only loads if they exist def loadDisparities(self): if not self.enableDisparity: return if not self.showDisparity: return filename = self.getDisparityFilename() if not filename: self.dispImg = None return # If we have everything and the filename did not change, then we are good if self.dispImg and filename == self.currentDispFile: return # Clear the current labels first self.dispImg = None try: self.dispImg = except IOError as e: # This is the error if the file does not exist message = "Error parsing disparities in {0}. Message: {1}".format( filename, e.strerror) self.statusBar().showMessage(message) self.dispImg = None if self.dispImg: dispNp = np.array(self.dispImg) dispNp = dispNp / 128. dispNp.round() dispNp = np.array(dispNp, dtype=np.uint8) dispQt = QtGui.QImage(, dispNp.shape[1], dispNp.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_Indexed8) colortable = [] for i in range(256): color = self.colormap.to_rgba(i) colorRgb = (int(color[0] * 255), int(color[1] * 255), int(color[2] * 255)) colortable.append(QtGui.qRgb(*colorRgb)) dispQt.setColorTable(colortable) dispQt = dispQt.convertToFormat( QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) self.dispOverlay = dispQt # Remember the filename loaded self.currentDispFile = filename # Remember the status bar message to restore it later restoreMessage = self.statusBar().currentMessage() # Restore the message self.statusBar().showMessage(restoreMessage) ############################# ## Drawing ############################# # This method is called when redrawing everything # Can be manually triggered by self.update() # Note that there must not be any other self.update within this method # or any methods that are called within def paintEvent(self, event): # Create a QPainter that can perform draw actions within a widget or image qp = QtGui.QPainter() # Begin drawing in the application widget qp.begin(self) # Update scale self.updateScale(qp) # Determine the object ID to highlight self.getHighlightedObject(qp) # Draw the image first self.drawImage(qp) if self.enableDisparity and self.showDisparity: # Draw the disparities on top overlay = self.drawDisp(qp) else: # Draw the labels on top if self.gtType == CsObjectType.POLY: overlay = self.drawLabels(qp) elif self.gtType == CsObjectType.BBOX: overlay = self.drawBboxes(qp) # Draw the label name next to the mouse self.drawLabelAtMouse(qp) # Draw the zoom self.drawZoom(qp, overlay) # Thats all drawing qp.end() # Forward the paint event QtGui.QMainWindow.paintEvent(self, event) # Update the scaling def updateScale(self, qp): if not self.image.width() or not self.image.height(): return # Horizontal offset self.xoff = self.bordergap # Vertical offset self.yoff = self.toolbar.height() + self.bordergap # We want to make sure to keep the image aspect ratio and to make it fit within the widget # Without keeping the aspect ratio, each side of the image is scaled (multiplied) with sx = float(qp.device().width() - 2 * self.xoff) / self.image.width() sy = float(qp.device().height() - 2 * self.yoff) / self.image.height() # To keep the aspect ratio while making sure it fits, we use the minimum of both scales # Remember the scale for later self.scale = min(sx, sy) # These are then the actual dimensions used self.w = self.scale * self.image.width() self.h = self.scale * self.image.height() # Determine the highlighted object for drawing def getHighlightedObject(self, qp): # This variable we want to fill self.highlightObj = None # Without labels we cannot do so if not self.annotation: return # If available its the selected object highlightObjId = -1 # If not available but the polygon is empty or closed, its the mouse object if highlightObjId < 0 and not self.mouseOutsideImage: highlightObjId = self.mouseObj # Get the actual object that is highlighted if highlightObjId >= 0: self.highlightObj = self.annotation.objects[highlightObjId] self.highlightObjLabel = self.annotation.objects[ highlightObjId].label # Draw the image in the given QPainter qp def drawImage(self, qp): # Return if no image available if self.image.isNull(): return # Save the painters current setting to a stack # Draw the image qp.drawImage(QtCore.QRect(self.xoff, self.yoff, self.w, self.h), self.image) # Restore the saved setting from the stack qp.restore() def getPolygon(self, obj): poly = QtGui.QPolygonF() for pt in obj.polygon: point = QtCore.QPointF(pt.x, pt.y) poly.append(point) return poly # Draw the labels in the given QPainter qp # optionally provide a list of labels to ignore def drawLabels(self, qp, ignore=[]): if self.image.isNull() or self.w == 0 or self.h == 0: return if not self.annotation: return # The overlay is created in the viewing coordinates # This way, the drawing is more dense and the polygon edges are nicer # We create an image that is the overlay # Within this image we draw using another QPainter # Finally we use the real QPainter to overlay the overlay-image on what is drawn so far # The image that is used to draw the overlays overlay = QtGui.QImage(self.w, self.h, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) # Fill the image with the default color defaultLabel = name2label[self.defaultLabel] col = QtGui.QColor(*defaultLabel.color) overlay.fill(col) # Create a new QPainter that draws in the overlay image qp2 = QtGui.QPainter() qp2.begin(overlay) # The color of the outlines qp2.setPen(QtGui.QColor('white')) # Draw all objects for obj in self.annotation.objects: # The label of the object name = assureSingleInstanceName(obj.label) # If we do not know a color for this label, warn the user if name not in name2label: print( "The annotations contain unkown labels. This should not happen. Please inform the datasets authors. Thank you!" ) print("Details: label '{}', file '{}'".format( name, self.currentLabelFile)) continue poly = self.getPolygon(obj) # Scale the polygon properly polyToDraw = poly * QtGui.QTransform.fromScale( self.scale, self.scale) # Default drawing # Color from color table, solid brush col = QtGui.QColor(*name2label[name].color) brush = QtGui.QBrush(col, QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern) qp2.setBrush(brush) # Overwrite drawing if this is the highlighted object if self.highlightObj and obj == self.highlightObj: # First clear everything below of the polygon qp2.setCompositionMode(QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_Clear) qp2.drawPolygon(polyToDraw) qp2.setCompositionMode( QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceOver) # Set the drawing to a special pattern brush = QtGui.QBrush(col, QtCore.Qt.DiagCrossPattern) qp2.setBrush(brush) qp2.drawPolygon(polyToDraw) # Draw outline of selected object dotted if self.highlightObj: brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush) qp2.setBrush(brush) qp2.setPen(QtCore.Qt.DashLine) polyToDraw = self.getPolygon( self.highlightObj) * QtGui.QTransform.fromScale( self.scale, self.scale) qp2.drawPolygon(polyToDraw) # End the drawing of the overlay qp2.end() # Save QPainter settings to stack # Define transparency qp.setOpacity(self.transp) # Draw the overlay image qp.drawImage(self.xoff, self.yoff, overlay) # Restore settings qp.restore() return overlay def getBoundingBox(self, obj): bbox = QtCore.QRectF(obj.bbox[0], obj.bbox[1], obj.bbox[2], obj.bbox[3]) bboxVis = QtCore.QRectF(obj.bboxVis[0], obj.bboxVis[1], obj.bboxVis[2], obj.bboxVis[3]) return bbox, bboxVis def scaleBoundingBox(self, bbox): bboxToDraw = copy.deepcopy(bbox) x, y, w, h = bboxToDraw.getRect() bboxToDraw.setTopLeft(QtCore.QPointF(x * self.scale, y * self.scale)) bboxToDraw.setSize(QtCore.QSizeF(w * self.scale, h * self.scale)) return bboxToDraw # Draw the labels in the given QPainter qp # optionally provide a list of labels to ignore def drawBboxes(self, qp, ignore=[]): if self.image.isNull() or self.w == 0 or self.h == 0: return if not self.annotation: return # The overlay is created in the viewing coordinates # This way, the drawing is more dense and the polygon edges are nicer # We create an image that is the overlay # Within this image we draw using another QPainter # Finally we use the real QPainter to overlay the overlay-image on what is drawn so far # The image that is used to draw the overlays overlay = QtGui.QImage(self.w, self.h, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) # Fill the image col = QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0) overlay.fill(col) # Create a new QPainter that draws in the overlay image qp2 = QtGui.QPainter() qp2.begin(overlay) # Draw all objects for obj in self.annotation.objects: bbox, bboxVis = self.getBoundingBox(obj) bboxToDraw = self.scaleBoundingBox(bbox) bboxVisToDraw = self.scaleBoundingBox(bbox) # The label of the object name = obj.label # If we do not know a color for this label, warn the user if name not in name2labelCp: print( "The annotations contain unknown labels. This should not happen. Please inform the datasets authors. Thank you!" ) print("Details: label '{}', file '{}'".format( name, self.currentLabelFile)) continue # Reset brush for QPainter object qp2.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush()) # Color from color table col = QtGui.QColor(*name2labelCp[name].color) if name2labelCp[name].hasInstances: if self.highlightObj and obj == self.highlightObj: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(col), 5.0) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(col), 3.0) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setOpacity(1.0) qp2.drawRect(bboxToDraw) if self.highlightObj and obj == self.highlightObj: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(col), 3.0, style=QtCore.Qt.DotLine) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setOpacity(1.0) qp2.drawRect(bboxVisToDraw) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(col), 1.0, style=QtCore.Qt.DashLine) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setOpacity(1.0) qp2.drawRect(bboxVisToDraw) qp2.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(col, QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern)) qp2.setOpacity(0.4) qp2.drawRect(bboxVisToDraw) else: if self.highlightObj and obj == self.highlightObj: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(col), 3.0) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(col, QtCore.Qt.NoBrush)) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(col), 1.0) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(col, QtCore.Qt.DiagCrossPattern)) qp2.setOpacity(1.0) qp2.drawRect(bboxToDraw) # End the drawing of the overlay qp2.end() # Save QPainter settings to stack # Define transparency qp.setOpacity(self.transp) # Draw the overlay image qp.drawImage(self.xoff, self.yoff, overlay) # Restore settings qp.restore() return overlay # Draw the label name next to the mouse def drawLabelAtMouse(self, qp): # Nothing to do without a highlighted object if not self.highlightObj: return # Nothing to without a mouse position if not self.mousePosOrig: return # Save QPainter settings to stack # That is the mouse positiong mouse = self.mousePosOrig # Will show zoom showZoom = self.zoom and not self.image.isNull() and self.w and self.h # The text that is written next to the mouse mouseText = self.highlightObj.label # Where to write the text # Depends on the zoom (additional offset to mouse to make space for zoom?) # The location in the image (if we are at the top we want to write below of the mouse) off = 36 if showZoom: off += self.zoomSize / 2 if mouse.y() - off > self.toolbar.height(): top = mouse.y() - off btm = mouse.y() vAlign = QtCore.Qt.AlignTop else: # The height of the cursor if not showZoom: off += 20 top = mouse.y() btm = mouse.y() + off vAlign = QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom # Here we can draw rect = QtCore.QRect() rect.setTopLeft(QtCore.QPoint(mouse.x() - 200, top)) rect.setBottomRight(QtCore.QPoint(mouse.x() + 200, btm)) # The color qp.setPen(QtGui.QColor('white')) # The font to use font = QtGui.QFont("Helvetica", 20, QtGui.QFont.Bold) qp.setFont(font) # Non-transparent qp.setOpacity(1) # Draw the text, horizontally centered qp.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter | vAlign, mouseText) # Restore settings qp.restore() # Draw the zoom def drawZoom(self, qp, overlay): # Zoom disabled? if not self.zoom: return # No image if self.image.isNull() or not self.w or not self.h: return # No mouse if not self.mousePosOrig: return # Abbrevation for the zoom window size zoomSize = self.zoomSize # Abbrevation for the mouse position mouse = self.mousePosOrig # The pixel that is the zoom center pix = self.mousePosScaled # The size of the part of the image that is drawn in the zoom window selSize = zoomSize / (self.zoomFactor * self.zoomFactor) # The selection window for the image sel = QtCore.QRectF(pix.x() - selSize / 2, pix.y() - selSize / 2, selSize, selSize) # The selection window for the widget view = QtCore.QRectF(mouse.x() - zoomSize / 2, mouse.y() - zoomSize / 2, zoomSize, zoomSize) if overlay: overlay_scaled = overlay.scaled(self.image.width(), self.image.height()) else: overlay_scaled = QtGui.QImage( self.image.width(), self.image.height(), QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) # Show the zoom image qp.drawImage(view, self.image, sel) qp.setOpacity(self.transp) qp.drawImage(view, overlay_scaled, sel) qp.restore() # Draw disparities def drawDisp(self, qp): if not self.dispOverlay: return # Save QPainter settings to stack # Define transparency qp.setOpacity(self.transp) # Draw the overlay image qp.drawImage(QtCore.QRect(self.xoff, self.yoff, self.w, self.h), self.dispOverlay) # Restore settings qp.restore() return self.dispOverlay ############################# ## Mouse/keyboard events ############################# # Mouse moved # Need to save the mouse position # Need to drag a polygon point # Need to update the mouse selected object def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if self.image.isNull() or self.w == 0 or self.h == 0: return mousePosOrig = QtCore.QPointF(event.x(), event.y()) mousePosScaled = QtCore.QPointF( float(mousePosOrig.x() - self.xoff) / self.scale, float(mousePosOrig.y() - self.yoff) / self.scale) mouseOutsideImage = not self.image.rect().contains( mousePosScaled.toPoint()) mousePosScaled.setX(max(mousePosScaled.x(), 0.)) mousePosScaled.setY(max(mousePosScaled.y(), 0.)) mousePosScaled.setX(min(mousePosScaled.x(), self.image.rect().right())) mousePosScaled.setY(min(mousePosScaled.y(), self.image.rect().bottom())) if not self.image.rect().contains(mousePosScaled.toPoint()): print(self.image.rect()) print(mousePosScaled.toPoint()) self.mousePosScaled = None self.mousePosOrig = None self.updateMouseObject() self.update() return self.mousePosScaled = mousePosScaled self.mousePosOrig = mousePosOrig self.mouseOutsideImage = mouseOutsideImage # Redraw self.updateMouseObject() self.update() # Mouse left the widget def leaveEvent(self, event): self.mousePosOrig = None self.mousePosScaled = None self.mouseOutsideImage = True # Mouse wheel scrolled def wheelEvent(self, event): ctrlPressed = event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier deltaDegree = / 8 # Rotation in degree deltaSteps = deltaDegree / 15 # Usually one step on the mouse is 15 degrees if ctrlPressed: self.transp = max(min(self.transp + (deltaSteps * 0.1), 1.0), 0.0) self.update() else: if self.zoom: # If shift is pressed, change zoom window size if event.modifiers() and QtCore.Qt.Key_Shift: self.zoomSize += deltaSteps * 10 self.zoomSize = max(self.zoomSize, 10) self.zoomSize = min(self.zoomSize, 1000) # Change zoom factor else: self.zoomFactor += deltaSteps * 0.05 self.zoomFactor = max(self.zoomFactor, 0.1) self.zoomFactor = min(self.zoomFactor, 10) self.update() ############################# ## Little helper methods ############################# # Helper method that sets tooltip and statustip # Provide an QAction and the tip text # This text is appended with a hotkeys and then assigned def setTip(self, action, tip): tip += " (Hotkeys: '" + "', '".join( [str(s.toString()) for s in action.shortcuts()]) + "')" action.setStatusTip(tip) action.setToolTip(tip) # Update the object that is selected by the current mouse curser def updateMouseObject(self): self.mouseObj = -1 if self.mousePosScaled is None: return for idx in reversed(range(len(self.annotation.objects))): obj = self.annotation.objects[idx] if obj.objectType == CsObjectType.POLY: if self.getPolygon(obj).containsPoint(self.mousePosScaled, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill): self.mouseObj = idx break elif obj.objectType == CsObjectType.BBOX: bbox, _ = self.getBoundingBox(obj) if bbox.contains(self.mousePosScaled): self.mouseObj = idx break # Clear the current labels def clearAnnotation(self): self.annotation = None self.currentLabelFile = "" def getCityFromUser(self): # Reset the status bar to this message when leaving restoreMessage = self.statusBar().currentMessage() if 'CITYSCAPES_DATASET' in os.environ: csPath = os.environ['CITYSCAPES_DATASET'] else: csPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', '..') availableCities = [] annotations = ["gtFine", "gtCoarse", "gtBboxCityPersons"] splits = ["train_extra", "train", "val", "test0"] for gt in annotations: for split in splits: cities = glob.glob(os.path.join(csPath, gt, split, '*')) cities.sort() availableCities.extend([(split, gt, os.path.basename(c)) for c in cities if os.listdir(c)]) # List of possible labels items = [ split + ", " + gt + ", " + city for (split, gt, city) in availableCities ] # Specify title dlgTitle = "Select new city" message = dlgTitle question = dlgTitle message = "Select city for viewing" question = "Which city would you like to view?" self.statusBar().showMessage(message) if items: # Create and wait for dialog (item, ok) = QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem(self, dlgTitle, question, items, 0, False) # Restore message self.statusBar().showMessage(restoreMessage) if ok and item: (split, gt, city) = [str(i) for i in item.split(', ')] if split == 'test0' and not self.showDisparity: self.transp = 0.1 else: self.transp = 0.5 = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(csPath, "leftImg8bit", split, city)) self.labelPath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(csPath, gt, split, city)) self.dispPath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(csPath, "disparity", split, city)) if gt in ["gtFine", "gtCoarse"]: self.gtType = CsObjectType.POLY elif gt in ["gtBboxCityPersons"]: self.gtType = CsObjectType.BBOX self.loadCity() self.imageChanged() else: warning = "" warning += "The data was not found. Please:\n\n" warning += " - make sure the scripts folder is in the Cityscapes root folder\n" warning += "or\n" warning += " - set CITYSCAPES_DATASET to the Cityscapes root folder\n" warning += " e.g. 'export CITYSCAPES_DATASET=<root_path>'\n" reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "ERROR!", warning, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok: sys.exit() return # Determine if the given candidate for a label path makes sense def isLabelPathValid(self, labelPath): return os.path.isdir(labelPath) # Get the filename where to load labels # Returns empty string if not possible def getLabelFilename(self): # And we need to have a directory where labels should be searched if not self.labelPath: return "" # Without the name of the current images, there is also nothing we can do if not self.currentFile: return "" # Check if the label directory is valid. if not self.isLabelPathValid(self.labelPath): return "" # Generate the filename of the label file filename = os.path.basename(self.currentFile) filename = filename.replace(self.imageExt, self.gtExt) filename = os.path.join(self.labelPath, filename) search = glob.glob(filename) if not search: return "" filename = os.path.normpath(search[0]) return filename # Get the filename where to load disparities # Returns empty string if not possible def getDisparityFilename(self): # And we need to have a directory where disparities should be searched if not self.dispPath: return "" # Without the name of the current images, there is also nothing we can do if not self.currentFile: return "" # Check if the label directory is valid. if not os.path.isdir(self.dispPath): return "" # Generate the filename of the label file filename = os.path.basename(self.currentFile) filename = filename.replace(self.imageExt, self.dispExt) filename = os.path.join(self.dispPath, filename) filename = os.path.normpath(filename) return filename # Disable the popup menu on right click def createPopupMenu(self): pass
json_files = glob.glob('gtFine/train/*/*json') json_files = json_files + glob.glob('gtFine/val/*/*json') for i in range(len(png_files)): shutil.move(png_files[i], imgDir + str(i) + '.png') shutil.move(json_files[i], annDir + str(i) + '.json') shutil.rmtree('./gtFine') shutil.rmtree('./leftImg8bit') #content process traffic_objects = [ 'traffic light', 'traffic sign', 'person', 'rider', 'car', 'truck', 'bus', 'motorcycle', 'bicycle' ] json_files = glob.glob(annDir + '/*json') for json_file in json_files: annotation = Annotation() annotation.fromJsonFile(json_file) width = annotation.imgWidth height = annotation.imgHeight #pdb.set_trace() file_name = json_file.split('\\')[1].split('.')[0] xml_file = open(annDir + file_name + '.xml', 'w') xml_file.write('<annotation>\n') xml_file.write(' <folder>./</folder>\n') xml_file.write(' <filename>' + imgDir + file_name + '.png' + '</filename>\n') xml_file.write(' <size>\n') xml_file.write(' <width>' + str(width) + '</width>\n') xml_file.write(' <height>' + str(height) + '</height>\n') xml_file.write(' <depth>3</depth>\n') xml_file.write(' </size>\n')
class CityscapesViewer(QtGui.QMainWindow): ############################# ## Construction / Destruction ############################# # Constructor def __init__(self): # Construct base class super(CityscapesViewer, self).__init__() # This is the configuration. # The filename of the image we currently working on self.currentFile = "" # The filename of the labels we currently working on self.currentLabelFile = "" # The path of the images of the currently loaded city = "" # The name of the currently loaded city self.cityName = "" # Ground truth type self.gtType = CsObjectType.POLY # The path of the labels. In this folder we expect a folder for each city # Within these city folders we expect the label with a filename matching # the images, except for the extension self.labelPath = "" # The transparency of the labels over the image self.transp = 0.5 # The zoom toggle self.zoom = False # The zoom factor self.zoomFactor = 1.5 # The size of the zoom window. Currently there is no setter or getter for that self.zoomSize = 400 #px # The width that we actually use to show the image self.w = 0 # The height that we actually use to show the image self.h = 0 # The horizontal offset where we start drawing within the widget self.xoff = 0 # The vertical offset where we start drawing withing the widget self.yoff = 0 # A gap that we leave around the image as little border self.bordergap = 20 # The scale that was used, ie # self.w = self.scale * self.image.width() # self.h = self.scale * self.image.height() self.scale = 1.0 # Filenames of all images in current city self.images = [] # Image extension self.imageExt = "_leftImg8bit.png" # Ground truth extension self.gtExt = "_gt*.json" # Current image as QImage self.image = QtGui.QImage() # Index of the current image within the city folder self.idx = 0 # All annotated objects in current image, i.e. list of csPoly or csBbox self.annotation = [] # The current object the mouse points to. It's index in self.labels self.mouseObj = -1 # The object that is highlighted and its label. An object instance self.highlightObj = None self.highlightObjLabel = None # The position of the mouse self.mousePosOrig = None # The position of the mouse scaled to label coordinates self.mousePosScaled = None # If the mouse is outside of the image self.mouseOutsideImage = True # The position of the mouse upon enabling the zoom window self.mousePosOnZoom = None # A list of toolbar actions that need an image self.actImage = [] # A list of toolbar actions that need an image that is not the first self.actImageNotFirst = [] # A list of toolbar actions that need an image that is not the last self.actImageNotLast = [] # Toggle status of the play icon self.playState = False # Enable disparity visu in general self.enableDisparity = True # Show disparities instead of labels self.showDisparity = False # The filename of the disparity map we currently working on self.currentDispFile = "" # The disparity image self.dispImg = None # As overlay self.dispOverlay = None # The disparity search path self.dispPath = None # Disparity extension self.dispExt = "_disparity.png" # Generate colormap try: norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=3,vmax=100) cmap = self.colormap = norm=norm , cmap=cmap ) except: self.enableDisparity = False # check if pillow was imported, otherwise no disparity visu possible if not 'PILLOW_VERSION' in globals(): self.enableDisparity = False # Default label self.defaultLabel = 'static' if self.defaultLabel not in name2label: print('The {0} label is missing in the internal label definitions.'.format(self.defaultLabel)) return # Last selected label self.lastLabel = self.defaultLabel # Setup the GUI self.initUI() # If we already know a city from the saved config -> load it self.loadCity() self.imageChanged() # Destructor def __del__(self): return # Construct everything GUI related. Called by constructor def initUI(self): # Create a toolbar self.toolbar = self.addToolBar('Tools') # Add the tool buttons iconDir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__) , 'icons' ) # Loading a new city loadAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'open.png' )), '&Tools', self) loadAction.setShortcuts(['o']) self.setTip( loadAction, 'Open city' ) loadAction.triggered.connect( self.getCityFromUser ) self.toolbar.addAction(loadAction) # Open previous image backAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'back.png')), '&Tools', self) backAction.setShortcut('left') backAction.setStatusTip('Previous image') backAction.triggered.connect( self.prevImage ) self.toolbar.addAction(backAction) self.actImageNotFirst.append(backAction) # Open next image nextAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'next.png')), '&Tools', self) nextAction.setShortcut('right') self.setTip( nextAction, 'Next image' ) nextAction.triggered.connect( self.nextImage ) self.toolbar.addAction(nextAction) self.actImageNotLast.append(nextAction) # Play playAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'play.png')), '&Tools', self) playAction.setShortcut(' ') playAction.setCheckable(True) playAction.setChecked(False) self.setTip( playAction, 'Play all images' ) playAction.triggered.connect( self.playImages ) self.toolbar.addAction(playAction) self.actImageNotLast.append(playAction) self.playAction = playAction # Select image selImageAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'shuffle.png' )), '&Tools', self) selImageAction.setShortcut('i') self.setTip( selImageAction, 'Select image' ) selImageAction.triggered.connect( self.selectImage ) self.toolbar.addAction(selImageAction) self.actImage.append(selImageAction) # Enable/disable disparity visu. Toggle button if self.enableDisparity: dispAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'disp.png' )), '&Tools', self) dispAction.setShortcuts(['d']) dispAction.setCheckable(True) dispAction.setChecked(self.showDisparity) self.setTip( dispAction, 'Enable/disable depth visualization' ) dispAction.toggled.connect( self.dispToggle ) self.toolbar.addAction(dispAction) self.actImage.append(dispAction) # Enable/disable zoom. Toggle button zoomAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'zoom.png' )), '&Tools', self) zoomAction.setShortcuts(['z']) zoomAction.setCheckable(True) zoomAction.setChecked(self.zoom) self.setTip( zoomAction, 'Enable/disable permanent zoom' ) zoomAction.toggled.connect( self.zoomToggle ) self.toolbar.addAction(zoomAction) self.actImage.append(zoomAction) # Decrease transparency minusAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'minus.png' )), '&Tools', self) minusAction.setShortcut('-') self.setTip( minusAction, 'Decrease transparency' ) minusAction.triggered.connect( self.minus ) self.toolbar.addAction(minusAction) # Increase transparency plusAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'plus.png' )), '&Tools', self) plusAction.setShortcut('+') self.setTip( plusAction, 'Increase transparency' ) plusAction.triggered.connect( ) self.toolbar.addAction(plusAction) # Display path to current image in message bar displayFilepathAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'filepath.png' )), '&Tools', self) displayFilepathAction.setShortcut('f') self.setTip( displayFilepathAction, 'Show path to current image' ) displayFilepathAction.triggered.connect( self.displayFilepath ) self.toolbar.addAction(displayFilepathAction) # Display help message helpAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'help19.png' )), '&Tools', self) helpAction.setShortcut('h') self.setTip( helpAction, 'Help' ) helpAction.triggered.connect( self.displayHelpMessage ) self.toolbar.addAction(helpAction) # Close the application exitAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon( os.path.join( iconDir , 'exit.png' )), '&Tools', self) exitAction.setShortcuts(['Esc']) self.setTip( exitAction, 'Exit' ) exitAction.triggered.connect( self.close ) self.toolbar.addAction(exitAction) # The default text for the status bar self.defaultStatusbar = 'Ready' # Create a statusbar. Init with default self.statusBar().showMessage( self.defaultStatusbar ) # Enable mouse move events self.setMouseTracking(True) self.toolbar.setMouseTracking(True) # Open in full screen self.showFullScreen( ) # Set a title self.applicationTitle = 'Cityscapes Viewer v1.0' self.setWindowTitle(self.applicationTitle) self.displayHelpMessage() self.getCityFromUser() # And show the application ############################# ## Toolbar call-backs ############################# # Switch to previous image in file list # Load the image # Load its labels # Update the mouse selection # View def prevImage(self): if not self.images: return if self.idx > 0: self.idx -= 1 self.imageChanged() else: message = "Already at the first image" self.statusBar().showMessage(message) return # Switch to next image in file list # Load the image # Load its labels # Update the mouse selection # View def nextImage(self): if not self.images: return if self.idx < len(self.images)-1: self.idx += 1 self.imageChanged() elif self.playState: self.playState = False self.playAction.setChecked(False) else: message = "Already at the last image" self.statusBar().showMessage(message) if self.playState: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.nextImage) return # Play images, i.e. auto-switch to next image def playImages(self, status): self.playState = status if self.playState: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.nextImage) # Switch to a selected image of the file list # Ask the user for an image # Load the image # Load its labels # Update the mouse selection # View def selectImage(self): if not self.images: return dlgTitle = "Select image to load" self.statusBar().showMessage(dlgTitle) items = QtCore.QStringList( [ os.path.basename(i) for i in self.images ] ) (item, ok) = QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem(self, dlgTitle, "Image", items, self.idx, False) if (ok and item): idx = items.indexOf(item) if idx != self.idx: self.idx = idx self.imageChanged() else: # Restore the message self.statusBar().showMessage( self.defaultStatusbar ) # Toggle zoom def zoomToggle(self, status): self.zoom = status if status : self.mousePosOnZoom = self.mousePosOrig self.update() # Toggle disparity visu def dispToggle(self, status): self.showDisparity = status self.imageChanged() # Increase label transparency def minus(self): self.transp = max(self.transp-0.1,0.0) self.update() def displayFilepath(self): self.statusBar().showMessage("Current image: {0}".format( self.currentFile )) self.update() def displayHelpMessage(self): message = self.applicationTitle + "\n\n" message += "INSTRUCTIONS\n" message += " - select a city from drop-down menu\n" message += " - browse images and labels using\n" message += " the toolbar buttons or the controls below\n" message += "\n" message += "CONTROLS\n" message += " - select city [o]\n" message += " - highlight objects [move mouse]\n" message += " - next image [left arrow]\n" message += " - previous image [right arrow]\n" message += " - toggle autoplay [space]\n" message += " - increase/decrease label transparency\n" message += " [ctrl+mousewheel] or [+ / -]\n" if self.enableDisparity: message += " - show disparity/depth overlay (if available) [d]\n" message += " - open zoom window [z]\n" message += " zoom in/out [mousewheel]\n" message += " enlarge/shrink zoom window [shift+mousewheel]\n" message += " - select a specific image [i]\n" message += " - show path to image below [f]\n" message += " - exit viewer [esc]\n" QtGui.QMessageBox.about(self, "HELP!", message) self.update() # Decrease label transparency def plus(self): self.transp = min(self.transp+0.1,1.0) self.update() # Close the application def closeEvent(self,event): event.accept() ############################# ## Custom events ############################# def imageChanged(self): # Load the first image self.loadImage() # Load its labels if available self.loadLabels() # Load disparities if available self.loadDisparities() # Update the object the mouse points to self.updateMouseObject() # Update the GUI self.update() ############################# ## File I/O ############################# # Load the currently selected city if possible def loadCity(self): # clear annotations self.annotation = [] # Search for all *.pngs to get the image list self.images = [] if os.path.isdir( self.images = glob.glob( os.path.join( , '*' + self.imageExt ) ) self.images.sort() if self.currentFile in self.images: self.idx = self.images.index(self.currentFile) else: self.idx = 0 # Load the currently selected image # Does only load if not previously loaded # Does not refresh the GUI def loadImage(self): success = False message = self.defaultStatusbar if self.images: filename = self.images[self.idx] filename = os.path.normpath( filename ) if not self.image.isNull() and filename == self.currentFile: success = True else: self.image = QtGui.QImage(filename) if self.image.isNull(): message = "Failed to read image: {0}".format( filename ) else: message = "Read image: {0}".format( filename ) self.currentFile = filename success = True # Update toolbar actions that need an image for act in self.actImage: act.setEnabled(success) for act in self.actImageNotFirst: act.setEnabled(success and self.idx > 0) for act in self.actImageNotLast: act.setEnabled(success and self.idx < len(self.images)-1) self.statusBar().showMessage(message) # Load the labels from file # Only loads if they exist # Otherwise the filename is stored and that's it def loadLabels(self): filename = self.getLabelFilename() if not filename: self.clearAnnotation() return # If we have everything and the filename did not change, then we are good if self.annotation and filename == self.currentLabelFile: return # Clear the current labels first self.clearAnnotation() try: self.annotation = Annotation(self.gtType) self.annotation.fromJsonFile(filename) except IOError as e: # This is the error if the file does not exist message = "Error parsing labels in {0}. Message: {1}".format( filename, e.strerror ) self.statusBar().showMessage(message) # Remember the filename loaded self.currentLabelFile = filename # Remeber the status bar message to restore it later restoreMessage = self.statusBar().currentMessage() # Restore the message self.statusBar().showMessage( restoreMessage ) # Load the disparity map from file # Only loads if they exist def loadDisparities(self): if not self.enableDisparity: return if not self.showDisparity: return filename = self.getDisparityFilename() if not filename: self.dispImg = None return # If we have everything and the filename did not change, then we are good if self.dispImg and filename == self.currentDispFile: return # Clear the current labels first self.dispImg = None try: self.dispImg = except IOError as e: # This is the error if the file does not exist message = "Error parsing disparities in {0}. Message: {1}".format( filename, e.strerror ) self.statusBar().showMessage(message) self.dispImg = None if self.dispImg: dispNp = np.array( self.dispImg ) dispNp = dispNp / 128. dispNp.round() dispNp = np.array( dispNp , dtype=np.uint8 ) dispQt = QtGui.QImage( , dispNp.shape[1] , dispNp.shape[0] , QtGui.QImage.Format_Indexed8 ) colortable = [] for i in range(256): color = self.colormap.to_rgba(i) colorRgb = ( int(color[0]*255) , int(color[1]*255) , int(color[2]*255) ) colortable.append( QtGui.qRgb( *colorRgb ) ) dispQt.setColorTable( colortable ) dispQt = dispQt.convertToFormat( QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied ) self.dispOverlay = dispQt # Remember the filename loaded self.currentDispFile = filename # Remember the status bar message to restore it later restoreMessage = self.statusBar().currentMessage() # Restore the message self.statusBar().showMessage( restoreMessage ) ############################# ## Drawing ############################# # This method is called when redrawing everything # Can be manually triggered by self.update() # Note that there must not be any other self.update within this method # or any methods that are called within def paintEvent(self, event): # Create a QPainter that can perform draw actions within a widget or image qp = QtGui.QPainter() # Begin drawing in the application widget qp.begin(self) # Update scale self.updateScale(qp) # Determine the object ID to highlight self.getHighlightedObject(qp) # Draw the image first self.drawImage(qp) if self.enableDisparity and self.showDisparity: # Draw the disparities on top overlay = self.drawDisp(qp) else: # Draw the labels on top if self.gtType == CsObjectType.POLY: overlay = self.drawLabels(qp) elif self.gtType == CsObjectType.BBOX: overlay = self.drawBboxes(qp) # Draw the label name next to the mouse self.drawLabelAtMouse(qp) # Draw the zoom self.drawZoom(qp, overlay) # Thats all drawing qp.end() # Forward the paint event QtGui.QMainWindow.paintEvent(self,event) # Update the scaling def updateScale(self, qp): if not self.image.width() or not self.image.height(): return # Horizontal offset self.xoff = self.bordergap # Vertical offset self.yoff = self.toolbar.height()+self.bordergap # We want to make sure to keep the image aspect ratio and to make it fit within the widget # Without keeping the aspect ratio, each side of the image is scaled (multiplied) with sx = float(qp.device().width() - 2*self.xoff) / self.image.width() sy = float(qp.device().height() - 2*self.yoff) / self.image.height() # To keep the aspect ratio while making sure it fits, we use the minimum of both scales # Remember the scale for later self.scale = min( sx , sy ) # These are then the actual dimensions used self.w = self.scale * self.image.width() self.h = self.scale * self.image.height() # Determine the highlighted object for drawing def getHighlightedObject(self, qp): # This variable we want to fill self.highlightObj = None # Without labels we cannot do so if not self.annotation: return # If available its the selected object highlightObjId = -1 # If not available but the polygon is empty or closed, its the mouse object if highlightObjId < 0 and not self.mouseOutsideImage: highlightObjId = self.mouseObj # Get the actual object that is highlighted if highlightObjId >= 0: self.highlightObj = self.annotation.objects[highlightObjId] self.highlightObjLabel = self.annotation.objects[highlightObjId].label # Draw the image in the given QPainter qp def drawImage(self, qp): # Return if no image available if self.image.isNull(): return # Save the painters current setting to a stack # Draw the image qp.drawImage(QtCore.QRect( self.xoff, self.yoff, self.w, self.h ), self.image) # Restore the saved setting from the stack qp.restore() def getPolygon(self, obj): poly = QtGui.QPolygonF() for pt in obj.polygon: point = QtCore.QPointF(pt.x,pt.y) poly.append( point ) return poly # Draw the labels in the given QPainter qp # optionally provide a list of labels to ignore def drawLabels(self, qp, ignore = []): if self.image.isNull() or self.w == 0 or self.h == 0: return if not self.annotation: return # The overlay is created in the viewing coordinates # This way, the drawing is more dense and the polygon edges are nicer # We create an image that is the overlay # Within this image we draw using another QPainter # Finally we use the real QPainter to overlay the overlay-image on what is drawn so far # The image that is used to draw the overlays overlay = QtGui.QImage( self.w, self.h, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied ) # Fill the image with the default color defaultLabel = name2label[self.defaultLabel] col = QtGui.QColor( *defaultLabel.color ) overlay.fill( col ) # Create a new QPainter that draws in the overlay image qp2 = QtGui.QPainter() qp2.begin(overlay) # The color of the outlines qp2.setPen(QtGui.QColor('white')) # Draw all objects for obj in self.annotation.objects: # The label of the object name = assureSingleInstanceName( obj.label ) # If we do not know a color for this label, warn the user if name not in name2label: print("The annotations contain unkown labels. This should not happen. Please inform the datasets authors. Thank you!") print("Details: label '{}', file '{}'".format(name,self.currentLabelFile)) continue poly = self.getPolygon(obj) # Scale the polygon properly polyToDraw = poly * QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(self.scale,self.scale) # Default drawing # Color from color table, solid brush col = QtGui.QColor( *name2label[name].color ) brush = QtGui.QBrush( col, QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern ) qp2.setBrush(brush) # Overwrite drawing if this is the highlighted object if self.highlightObj and obj == self.highlightObj: # First clear everything below of the polygon qp2.setCompositionMode( QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_Clear ) qp2.drawPolygon( polyToDraw ) qp2.setCompositionMode( QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_SourceOver ) # Set the drawing to a special pattern brush = QtGui.QBrush(col,QtCore.Qt.DiagCrossPattern) qp2.setBrush(brush) qp2.drawPolygon( polyToDraw ) # Draw outline of selected object dotted if self.highlightObj: brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush) qp2.setBrush(brush) qp2.setPen(QtCore.Qt.DashLine) polyToDraw = self.getPolygon(self.highlightObj) * QtGui.QTransform.fromScale(self.scale,self.scale) qp2.drawPolygon( polyToDraw ) # End the drawing of the overlay qp2.end() # Save QPainter settings to stack # Define transparency qp.setOpacity(self.transp) # Draw the overlay image qp.drawImage(self.xoff,self.yoff,overlay) # Restore settings qp.restore() return overlay def getBoundingBox(self, obj): bbox = QtCore.QRectF(obj.bbox[0], obj.bbox[1], obj.bbox[2], obj.bbox[3]) bboxVis = QtCore.QRectF(obj.bboxVis[0], obj.bboxVis[1], obj.bboxVis[2], obj.bboxVis[3]) return bbox, bboxVis def scaleBoundingBox(self, bbox): bboxToDraw = copy.deepcopy(bbox) x,y,w,h = bboxToDraw.getRect() bboxToDraw.setTopLeft(QtCore.QPointF(x*self.scale, y*self.scale)) bboxToDraw.setSize(QtCore.QSizeF(w*self.scale, h*self.scale)) return bboxToDraw # Draw the labels in the given QPainter qp # optionally provide a list of labels to ignore def drawBboxes(self, qp, ignore = []): if self.image.isNull() or self.w == 0 or self.h == 0: return if not self.annotation: return # The overlay is created in the viewing coordinates # This way, the drawing is more dense and the polygon edges are nicer # We create an image that is the overlay # Within this image we draw using another QPainter # Finally we use the real QPainter to overlay the overlay-image on what is drawn so far # The image that is used to draw the overlays overlay = QtGui.QImage( self.w, self.h, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied ) # Fill the image col = QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 0) overlay.fill( col ) # Create a new QPainter that draws in the overlay image qp2 = QtGui.QPainter() qp2.begin(overlay) # Draw all objects for obj in self.annotation.objects: bbox, bboxVis = self.getBoundingBox(obj) bboxToDraw = self.scaleBoundingBox(bbox) bboxVisToDraw = self.scaleBoundingBox(bbox) # The label of the object name = obj.label # If we do not know a color for this label, warn the user if name not in name2labelCp: print("The annotations contain unknown labels. This should not happen. Please inform the datasets authors. Thank you!") print("Details: label '{}', file '{}'".format(name,self.currentLabelFile)) continue # Reset brush for QPainter object qp2.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush()) # Color from color table col = QtGui.QColor( *name2labelCp[name].color ) if name2labelCp[name].hasInstances: if self.highlightObj and obj == self.highlightObj: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush( col ), 5.0) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush( col ), 3.0) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setOpacity(1.0) qp2.drawRect( bboxToDraw ) if self.highlightObj and obj == self.highlightObj: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush( col ), 3.0, style=QtCore.Qt.DotLine) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setOpacity(1.0) qp2.drawRect( bboxVisToDraw ) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush( col ), 1.0, style=QtCore.Qt.DashLine) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setOpacity(1.0) qp2.drawRect( bboxVisToDraw ) qp2.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush( col, QtCore.Qt.SolidPattern )) qp2.setOpacity(0.4) qp2.drawRect( bboxVisToDraw ) else: if self.highlightObj and obj == self.highlightObj: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush( col ), 3.0) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush( col, QtCore.Qt.NoBrush )) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush( col ), 1.0) qp2.setPen(pen) qp2.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush( col, QtCore.Qt.DiagCrossPattern )) qp2.setOpacity(1.0) qp2.drawRect( bboxToDraw ) # End the drawing of the overlay qp2.end() # Save QPainter settings to stack # Define transparency qp.setOpacity(self.transp) # Draw the overlay image qp.drawImage(self.xoff,self.yoff,overlay) # Restore settings qp.restore() return overlay # Draw the label name next to the mouse def drawLabelAtMouse(self, qp): # Nothing to do without a highlighted object if not self.highlightObj: return # Nothing to without a mouse position if not self.mousePosOrig: return # Save QPainter settings to stack # That is the mouse positiong mouse = self.mousePosOrig # Will show zoom showZoom = self.zoom and not self.image.isNull() and self.w and self.h # The text that is written next to the mouse mouseText = self.highlightObj.label # Where to write the text # Depends on the zoom (additional offset to mouse to make space for zoom?) # The location in the image (if we are at the top we want to write below of the mouse) off = 36 if showZoom: off += self.zoomSize/2 if mouse.y()-off > self.toolbar.height(): top = mouse.y()-off btm = mouse.y() vAlign = QtCore.Qt.AlignTop else: # The height of the cursor if not showZoom: off += 20 top = mouse.y() btm = mouse.y()+off vAlign = QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom # Here we can draw rect = QtCore.QRect() rect.setTopLeft(QtCore.QPoint(mouse.x()-200,top)) rect.setBottomRight(QtCore.QPoint(mouse.x()+200,btm)) # The color qp.setPen(QtGui.QColor('white')) # The font to use font = QtGui.QFont("Helvetica",20,QtGui.QFont.Bold) qp.setFont(font) # Non-transparent qp.setOpacity(1) # Draw the text, horizontally centered qp.drawText(rect,QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter|vAlign,mouseText) # Restore settings qp.restore() # Draw the zoom def drawZoom(self,qp,overlay): # Zoom disabled? if not self.zoom: return # No image if self.image.isNull() or not self.w or not self.h: return # No mouse if not self.mousePosOrig: return # Abbrevation for the zoom window size zoomSize = self.zoomSize # Abbrevation for the mouse position mouse = self.mousePosOrig # The pixel that is the zoom center pix = self.mousePosScaled # The size of the part of the image that is drawn in the zoom window selSize = zoomSize / ( self.zoomFactor * self.zoomFactor ) # The selection window for the image sel = QtCore.QRectF(pix.x() -selSize/2 ,pix.y() -selSize/2 ,selSize,selSize ) # The selection window for the widget view = QtCore.QRectF(mouse.x()-zoomSize/2,mouse.y()-zoomSize/2,zoomSize,zoomSize) if overlay : overlay_scaled = overlay.scaled(self.image.width(), self.image.height()) else : overlay_scaled = QtGui.QImage( self.image.width(), self.image.height(), QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied ) # Show the zoom image qp.drawImage(view,self.image,sel) qp.setOpacity(self.transp) qp.drawImage(view,overlay_scaled,sel) qp.restore() # Draw disparities def drawDisp( self , qp ): if not self.dispOverlay: return # Save QPainter settings to stack # Define transparency qp.setOpacity(self.transp) # Draw the overlay image qp.drawImage(QtCore.QRect( self.xoff, self.yoff, self.w, self.h ),self.dispOverlay) # Restore settings qp.restore() return self.dispOverlay ############################# ## Mouse/keyboard events ############################# # Mouse moved # Need to save the mouse position # Need to drag a polygon point # Need to update the mouse selected object def mouseMoveEvent(self,event): if self.image.isNull() or self.w == 0 or self.h == 0: return mousePosOrig = QtCore.QPointF( event.x() , event.y() ) mousePosScaled = QtCore.QPointF( float(mousePosOrig.x() - self.xoff) / self.scale , float(mousePosOrig.y() - self.yoff) / self.scale ) mouseOutsideImage = not self.image.rect().contains( mousePosScaled.toPoint() ) mousePosScaled.setX( max( mousePosScaled.x() , 0. ) ) mousePosScaled.setY( max( mousePosScaled.y() , 0. ) ) mousePosScaled.setX( min( mousePosScaled.x() , self.image.rect().right() ) ) mousePosScaled.setY( min( mousePosScaled.y() , self.image.rect().bottom() ) ) if not self.image.rect().contains( mousePosScaled.toPoint() ): print(self.image.rect()) print(mousePosScaled.toPoint()) self.mousePosScaled = None self.mousePosOrig = None self.updateMouseObject() self.update() return self.mousePosScaled = mousePosScaled self.mousePosOrig = mousePosOrig self.mouseOutsideImage = mouseOutsideImage # Redraw self.updateMouseObject() self.update() # Mouse left the widget def leaveEvent(self, event): self.mousePosOrig = None self.mousePosScaled = None self.mouseOutsideImage = True # Mouse wheel scrolled def wheelEvent(self, event): ctrlPressed = event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier deltaDegree = / 8 # Rotation in degree deltaSteps = deltaDegree / 15 # Usually one step on the mouse is 15 degrees if ctrlPressed: self.transp = max(min(self.transp+(deltaSteps*0.1),1.0),0.0) self.update() else: if self.zoom: # If shift is pressed, change zoom window size if event.modifiers() and QtCore.Qt.Key_Shift: self.zoomSize += deltaSteps * 10 self.zoomSize = max( self.zoomSize, 10 ) self.zoomSize = min( self.zoomSize, 1000 ) # Change zoom factor else: self.zoomFactor += deltaSteps * 0.05 self.zoomFactor = max( self.zoomFactor, 0.1 ) self.zoomFactor = min( self.zoomFactor, 10 ) self.update() ############################# ## Little helper methods ############################# # Helper method that sets tooltip and statustip # Provide an QAction and the tip text # This text is appended with a hotkeys and then assigned def setTip( self, action, tip ): tip += " (Hotkeys: '" + "', '".join([str(s.toString()) for s in action.shortcuts()]) + "')" action.setStatusTip(tip) action.setToolTip(tip) # Update the object that is selected by the current mouse curser def updateMouseObject(self): self.mouseObj = -1 if self.mousePosScaled is None: return for idx in reversed(range(len(self.annotation.objects))): obj = self.annotation.objects[idx] if obj.objectType == CsObjectType.POLY: if self.getPolygon(obj).containsPoint(self.mousePosScaled, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill): self.mouseObj = idx break elif obj.objectType == CsObjectType.BBOX: bbox, _ = self.getBoundingBox(obj) if bbox.contains(self.mousePosScaled): self.mouseObj = idx break # Clear the current labels def clearAnnotation(self): self.annotation = None self.currentLabelFile = "" def getCityFromUser(self): # Reset the status bar to this message when leaving restoreMessage = self.statusBar().currentMessage() if 'CITYSCAPES_DATASET' in os.environ: csPath = os.environ['CITYSCAPES_DATASET'] else: csPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),'..','..') availableCities = [] annotations = [ "gtFine" , "gtCoarse" , "gtBboxCityPersons" ] splits = [ "train_extra" , "train" , "val" , "test" ] for gt in annotations: for split in splits: cities = glob.glob(os.path.join(csPath, gt, split, '*')) cities.sort() availableCities.extend( [ (split,gt,os.path.basename(c)) for c in cities if os.listdir(c) ] ) # List of possible labels items = [split + ", " + gt + ", " + city for (split,gt,city) in availableCities] # Specify title dlgTitle = "Select new city" message = dlgTitle question = dlgTitle message = "Select city for viewing" question = "Which city would you like to view?" self.statusBar().showMessage(message) if items: # Create and wait for dialog (item, ok) = QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem(self, dlgTitle, question, items, 0, False) # Restore message self.statusBar().showMessage(restoreMessage) if ok and item: (split, gt, city) = [str(i) for i in item.split(', ')] if split == 'test' and not self.showDisparity: self.transp = 0.1 else: self.transp = 0.5 = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(csPath, "leftImg8bit", split, city)) self.labelPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(csPath, gt , split, city)) self.dispPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(csPath, "disparity" , split, city)) if gt in [ "gtFine", "gtCoarse" ]: self.gtType = CsObjectType.POLY elif gt in [ "gtBboxCityPersons" ]: self.gtType = CsObjectType.BBOX self.loadCity() self.imageChanged() else: warning = "" warning += "The data was not found. Please:\n\n" warning += " - make sure the scripts folder is in the Cityscapes root folder\n" warning += "or\n" warning += " - set CITYSCAPES_DATASET to the Cityscapes root folder\n" warning += " e.g. 'export CITYSCAPES_DATASET=<root_path>'\n" reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "ERROR!", warning, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok: sys.exit() return # Determine if the given candidate for a label path makes sense def isLabelPathValid(self, labelPath): return os.path.isdir(labelPath) # Get the filename where to load labels # Returns empty string if not possible def getLabelFilename(self): # And we need to have a directory where labels should be searched if not self.labelPath: return "" # Without the name of the current images, there is also nothing we can do if not self.currentFile: return "" # Check if the label directory is valid. if not self.isLabelPathValid(self.labelPath): return "" # Generate the filename of the label file filename = os.path.basename(self.currentFile) filename = filename.replace(self.imageExt, self.gtExt) filename = os.path.join(self.labelPath, filename) search = glob.glob(filename) if not search: return "" filename = os.path.normpath(search[0]) return filename # Get the filename where to load disparities # Returns empty string if not possible def getDisparityFilename( self ): # And we need to have a directory where disparities should be searched if not self.dispPath: return "" # Without the name of the current images, there is also nothing we can do if not self.currentFile: return "" # Check if the label directory is valid. if not os.path.isdir(self.dispPath): return "" # Generate the filename of the label file filename = os.path.basename( self.currentFile ) filename = filename.replace( self.imageExt , self.dispExt ) filename = os.path.join( self.dispPath , filename ) filename = os.path.normpath(filename) return filename # Disable the popup menu on right click def createPopupMenu(self): pass
# json_path = '/home/xianr/TurboRuns/cityscapes/gtFine/train/aachen/aachen_000029_000019_gtFine_polygons.json' # labled_img_path = '/home/xianr/TurboRuns/cityscapes/gtFine/train/aachen/aachen_000029_all_gtFine_instances.png' cityscapesPath = '/home/xianr/TurboRuns/cityscapes/' searchFine = os.path.join(cityscapesPath, "gtFine", "*", "*", "*_gt*_polygons.json") filesFine = glob.glob(searchFine) for json_path in filesFine: # create the output filename labled_img_path = json_path.replace("_polygons.json", "_all_instances.png") if labled_img_path.endswith('json'): import pdb pdb.set_trace() annotation = Annotation() annotation.fromJsonFile(json_path) backgroundId = name2label['unlabeled'].id size = (annotation.imgWidth, annotation.imgHeight) instanceImg ="I", size, backgroundId) drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(instanceImg) for obj in annotation.objects: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() label = obj.label polygon = obj.polygon if obj.deleted: import pdb pdb.set_trace()
def json2labelImg(inJson,outImg,encoding="ids"): annotation = Annotation() annotation.fromJsonFile(inJson) labelImg = createLabelImage( annotation , encoding ) outImg )
def json2labelImg(inJson,outImg,encoding="ids"): # i. inJson: ~~polygons.json 경로, outImg: 만들어서저장해줄 ~~labelTrainIds.png 경로. annotation = Annotation() annotation.fromJsonFile(inJson) labelImg = createLabelImage( annotation , encoding ) outImg )