def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.crm = Civicrm(config.civicrm_db)
def main(): global config, messaging, options, civi parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]") parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest='configFile', default=["paypal-audit.cfg"], action='append', help='Path to configuration file') parser.add_option("-f", "--auditFile", dest='auditFile', default=None, help='CSV of transaction history') parser.add_option( '-l', "--logFile", dest='logFile', default="audit.log", help='Destination logfile. New messages will be appended.') parser.add_option("-n", "--no-effect", dest='noEffect', default=False, action="store_true", help="Dummy no-effect mode") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() path = options.auditFile if'[.]gz$', path): f =, "rb") else: f = open(path, "rU") infile = csv.DictReader(f) config = SafeConfigParser() if options.noEffect: log("*** Dummy mode! Not injecting stomp messages ***") messaging = Stomp(config) civi = Civicrm(config.items('Db')) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, "") # fix spurious whitespace around column header names infile.fieldnames = [name.strip() for name in infile.fieldnames] ignore_types = [ "Authorization", "Cancelled Fee", # currency conversion is an explanation of amounts which appear elsewhere "Currency Conversion", # TODO: handle in IPN "Temporary Hold", # seems to be the cancellation of a temporary hold "Update to Reversal", "Website Payments Pro API Solution", ] audit_dispatch = { "Reversal": handle_refund, "Chargeback Settlement": handle_refund, "Refund": handle_refund, "Subscription Payment Received": handle_payment, "Web Accept Payment Received": handle_payment, "Shopping Cart Payment Received": handle_payment, "Virtual Debt Card Credit Received": handle_payment, "Payment Received": handle_payment, "Update to eCheck Received": handle_payment, } for line in infile: if line['Type'] in ignore_types: log("Ignoring %s of type %s" % (line['Transaction ID'], line['Type'])) continue if line['Type'] in audit_dispatch: audit_dispatch[line['Type']](line) else: handle_unknown(line)
class TrrFile(object): VERSION = [4, 8] stomp = None # FIXME: these are version 8 headers, we would fail on multi-part v4 files... column_headers = [ "Column Type", "Transaction ID", "Invoice ID", "PayPal Reference ID", "PayPal Reference ID Type", "Transaction Event Code", "Transaction Initiation Date", "Transaction Completion Date", "Transaction Debit or Credit", "Gross Transaction Amount", "Gross Transaction Currency", "Fee Debit or Credit", "Fee Amount", "Fee Currency", "Transactional Status", "Insurance Amount", "Sales Tax Amount", "Shipping Amount", "Transaction Subject", "Transaction Note", "Payer's Account ID", "Payer Address Status", "Item Name", "Item ID", "Option 1 Name", "Option 1 Value", "Option 2 Name", "Option 2 Value", "Auction Site", "Auction Buyer ID", "Auction Closing Date", "Shipping Address Line1", "Shipping Address Line2", "Shipping Address City", "Shipping Address State", "Shipping Address Zip", "Shipping Address Country", "Shipping Method", "Custom Field", "Billing Address Line1", "Billing Address Line2", "Billing Address City", "Billing Address State", "Billing Address Zip", "Billing Address Country", "Consumer ID", "First Name", "Last Name", "Consumer Business Name", "Card Type", "Payment Source", "Shipping Name", "Authorization Review Status", "Protection Eligibility", "Payment Tracking ID", ] @staticmethod def handle(path): obj = TrrFile(path) obj.parse() def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.crm = Civicrm(config.civicrm_db) def parse(self): # FIXME: encapsulation issues, self.VERSION, self.parse_line, self.column_headers) def parse_line(self, row): if row['Billing Address Line1']: addr_prefix = 'Billing Address ' else: addr_prefix = 'Shipping Address ' out = { 'gateway_txn_id': row['Transaction ID'], 'date': row['Transaction Initiation Date'], 'settled_date': row['Transaction Completion Date'], 'gross': float(row['Gross Transaction Amount']) / 100.0, 'currency': row['Gross Transaction Currency'], 'gateway_status': row['Transactional Status'], 'gateway': 'paypal', 'note': row['Transaction Note'], 'email': row['Payer\'s Account ID'], 'street_address': row[addr_prefix + 'Line1'], 'supplemental_address_1': row[addr_prefix + 'Line2'], 'city': row[addr_prefix + 'City'], 'state_province': row[addr_prefix + 'State'], 'postal_code': row[addr_prefix + 'Zip'], 'country': row[addr_prefix + 'Country'], } if row['Fee Amount']: out['fee'] = float(row['Fee Amount']) / 100.0 if row['Fee Currency'] and row['Gross Transaction Currency'] != row['Fee Currency']: raise RuntimeError("Failed to import because multiple currencies for one transaction is not handled.") if 'First Name' in row: out['first_name'] = row['First Name'] if 'Last Name' in row: out['last_name'] = row['Last Name'] if 'Payment Source' in row: out['payment_method'] = row['Payment Source'] if 'Card Type' in row: out['payment_submethod'] = row['Card Type'] if row['PayPal Reference ID Type'] == 'SUB': out['subscr_id'] = row['PayPal Reference ID'] event_type = row['Transaction Event Code'][0:3] queue = None if event_type in ('T00', 'T03', 'T05', 'T07', 'T22'): if row['Transaction Event Code'] == 'T0002': queue = 'recurring' out = self.normalize_recurring(out) elif row['Transaction Debit or Credit'] == 'DR': # sic: double-space is coming from the upstream"-Debit\t{id}\t{date}\tPayment to".format(id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=out['date'])) # This payment is from us! Do not send to the CRM. return else: queue = 'donations' elif event_type in ('T11', 'T12'): out['gateway_refund_id'] = out['gateway_txn_id'] out['gross_currency'] = out['currency'] if row['PayPal Reference ID Type'] == 'TXN': out['gateway_parent_id'] = row['PayPal Reference ID'] if row['Transaction Event Code'] == 'T1106': out['type'] = 'reversal' elif row['Transaction Event Code'] == 'T1107': out['type'] = 'refund' elif row['Transaction Event Code'] == 'T1201': out['type'] = 'chargeback' else:"-Unknown\t{id}\t{date}\t(Refundish type {type})".format(id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=out['date'], type=row['Transaction Event Code'])) return queue = 'refund' if not queue:"-Unknown\t{id}\t{date}\t(Type {type})".format(id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=out['date'], type=event_type)) return if self.crm.transaction_exists(gateway_txn_id=out['gateway_txn_id'], gateway='paypal'):"-Duplicate\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format(id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=row['Transaction Initiation Date'], type=queue)) return if 'last_name' not in out and queue != 'refund': out['first_name'], out['last_name'] = self.fetch_donor_name(out['gateway_txn_id']) if config.no_thankyou: out['thankyou_date'] = 0"+Sending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format(id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=row['Transaction Initiation Date'], type=queue)) self.send(queue, out) def send(self, queue, msg): if not self.stomp: self.stomp = Stomp() self.stomp.send(queue, msg) def normalize_recurring(self, msg): 'Synthesize a raw PayPal message' if 'fee' not in msg: msg['fee'] = 0 out = { 'gateway': 'paypal', 'txn_type': 'subscr_payment', 'gateway_txn_id': msg['gateway_txn_id'], 'txn_id': msg['gateway_txn_id'], 'subscr_id': msg['subscr_id'], 'payment_date': msg['date'], 'payer_email': msg['email'], 'mc_currency': msg['currency'], 'mc_gross': msg['gross'], 'mc_fee': msg['fee'], 'address_street': "\n".join([msg['street_address'], msg['supplemental_address_1']]), 'address_city': msg['city'], 'address_zip': msg['postal_code'], 'address_state': msg['state_province'], 'address_country_code': msg['country'], } return out def fetch_donor_name(self, txn_id): api = PaypalApiClassic() response ='GetTransactionDetails', TRANSACTIONID=txn_id) if 'FIRSTNAME' not in response: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get transaction details for {id}, repsonse: {response}".format(id=txn_id, response=response)) return (response['FIRSTNAME'][0], response['LASTNAME'][0])
class SarFile(object): VERSION = 2 redis = None column_headers = [ "Column Type", "Subscription ID", "Subscription Action Type", "Subscription Currency", "Subscription Creation Date", "Subscription Period 1", "Period 1 Amount", "Subscription Period 2", "Period 2 Amount", "Subscription Period 3", "Period 3 Amount", "Recurring", "Recurrence number", "Subscription Payer PayPal Account ID", "Subscription Payer email address", "Subscription Payer Name", "Subscription Payer Business Name", "Shipping Address Line1", "Shipping Address City", "Shipping Address State", "Shipping Address Zip", "Shipping Address Country", "Subscription Description", "Subscription Memo", "Subscription Custom Field", ] @staticmethod def handle(path): obj = SarFile(path) obj.parse() def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.crm = Civicrm(config.civicrm_db) def parse(self):, self.VERSION, self.parse_line, self.column_headers) def parse_line(self, row): required_fields = [ "Period 3 Amount", "Subscription Currency", "Subscription ID", "Subscription Payer Name", "Subscription Period 3", ] missing_fields = [] for field in required_fields: if field not in row or row[field] == '': missing_fields.append(field) if missing_fields: raise RuntimeError("Message is missing some important fields: [{fields}]".format(fields=", ".join(missing_fields))) names = row['Subscription Payer Name'].split(' ') out = { 'subscr_id': row['Subscription ID'], 'mc_currency': row['Subscription Currency'], 'mc_amount3': float(row['Period 3 Amount']) / 100, 'period3': row['Subscription Period 3'], 'subscr_date': row['Subscription Creation Date'], 'payer_email': row['Subscription Payer email address'], 'first_name': names[0], 'last_name': " ".join(names[1:]), 'address_street': row['Shipping Address Line1'], 'address_city': row['Shipping Address City'], 'address_zip': row['Shipping Address Zip'], 'address_state': row['Shipping Address State'], 'address_country_code': row['Shipping Address Country'], 'gateway': 'paypal', } # FIXME what historical evil caused... if row['Subscription Period 3'] != "1 M": raise RuntimeError("Unknown subscription period {period}".format(period=row['Subscription Period 3'])) if row['Subscription Action Type'] == 'S0000': out['txn_type'] = 'subscr_signup' if self.crm.subscription_exists(out['subscr_id']):"-Duplicate\t{id}\t{date}\tsubscr_signup".format(id=out['subscr_id'], date=out['subscr_date'])) return elif row['Subscription Action Type'] == 'S0100':"-Ignored\t{id}\t{date}\tsubscr_modify".format(id=out['subscr_id'], date=out['subscr_date'])) return elif row['Subscription Action Type'] == 'S0200': out['txn_type'] = 'subscr_cancel' out['cancel_date'] = out['subscr_date'] elif row['Subscription Action Type'] == 'S0300': out['txn_type'] = 'subscr_eot' if config.no_thankyou: out['thankyou_date'] = 0"+Sending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format(id=out['subscr_id'], date=out['subscr_date'], type=out['txn_type'])) self.send(out) def send(self, msg): if not self.redis: self.redis = Redis() self.redis.send('recurring', msg)
class SarFile(object): VERSION = 2 stomp = None column_headers = [ "Column Type", "Subscription ID", "Subscription Action Type", "Subscription Currency", "Subscription Creation Date", "Subscription Period 1", "Period 1 Amount", "Subscription Period 2", "Period 2 Amount", "Subscription Period 3", "Period 3 Amount", "Recurring", "Recurrence number", "Subscription Payer PayPal Account ID", "Subscription Payer email address", "Subscription Payer Name", "Subscription Payer Business Name", "Shipping Address Line1", "Shipping Address City", "Shipping Address State", "Shipping Address Zip", "Shipping Address Country", "Subscription Description", "Subscription Memo", "Subscription Custom Field", ] @staticmethod def handle(path): obj = SarFile(path) obj.parse() def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.crm = Civicrm(config.civicrm_db) def parse(self):, self.VERSION, self.parse_line, self.column_headers) def parse_line(self, row): required_fields = [ "Period 3 Amount", "Subscription Currency", "Subscription ID", "Subscription Payer Name", "Subscription Period 3", ] missing_fields = [] for field in required_fields: if not field in row or row[field] == '': missing_fields.append(field) if missing_fields: raise RuntimeError( "Message is missing some important fields: [{fields}]".format( fields=", ".join(missing_fields))) names = row['Subscription Payer Name'].split(' ') out = { 'subscr_id': row['Subscription ID'], 'mc_currency': row['Subscription Currency'], 'mc_amount3': float(row['Period 3 Amount']) / 100, 'period3': row['Subscription Period 3'], 'subscr_date': row['Subscription Creation Date'], 'payer_email': row['Subscription Payer email address'], 'first_name': names[0], 'last_name': " ".join(names[1:]), 'address_street': row['Shipping Address Line1'], 'address_city': row['Shipping Address City'], 'address_zip': row['Shipping Address Zip'], 'address_state': row['Shipping Address State'], 'address_country_code': row['Shipping Address Country'], 'gateway': 'paypal', } # FIXME what historical evil caused... if row['Subscription Period 3'] != "1 M": raise RuntimeError("Unknown subscription period {period}".format( period=row['Subscription Period 3'])) if row['Subscription Action Type'] == 'S0000': out['txn_type'] = 'subscr_signup' if self.crm.subscription_exists(out['subscr_id']):"-Duplicate\t{id}\t{date}\tsubscr_signup".format( id=out['subscr_id'], date=out['subscr_date'])) return elif row['Subscription Action Type'] == 'S0100':"-Ignored\t{id}\t{date}\tsubscr_modify".format( id=out['subscr_id'], date=out['subscr_date'])) return elif row['Subscription Action Type'] == 'S0200': out['txn_type'] = 'subscr_cancel' out['cancel_date'] = out['subscr_date'] elif row['Subscription Action Type'] == 'S0300': out['txn_type'] = 'subscr_eot' if config.no_thankyou: out['thankyou_date'] = 0 "+Sending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format(id=out['subscr_id'], date=out['subscr_date'], type=out['txn_type'])) self.send(out) def send(self, msg): if not self.stomp: self.stomp = Stomp() self.stomp.send('recurring', msg)
class TransactionReconciliationFile(object): filename_re = r"^MA\.PISCESSW\.#M\.RECON\..*" stomp = None row_header_segment = [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ] credit_debit_summary_segment = [ ("accepted_debits", 11), ("rejected_debits", 11), ("pending_debits", 11), ("accepted_credits", 11), ("rejected_credits", 11), ("pending_credits", 11), ("accepted_debits_count", 7), ("rejected_debits_count", 7), ("pending_debits_count", 7), ("accepted_credits_count", 7), ("rejected_credits_count", 7), ("pending_credits_count", 7), ] file_header = FixedRecordType("00", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("file_id", 13), ("count", 7), ], credit_debit_summary_segment, [ ("file_creation_date", 6), ("file_sequence_number", 3), ("site_id", 3), ] ) reconciliation_merchant_company_header = FixedRecordType("05", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("company_number", 13), ("count", 7), ], credit_debit_summary_segment ) reconciliation_merchant_outlet = FixedRecordType("10", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("merchant_id", 13), ("trading_day", 6), ("processing_date", 6), ], credit_debit_summary_segment ) reconciliation_transaction_data = FixedRecordType("15", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("pan", 19), ("expiry_date", 4), ("transaction_value", 11), ("transaction_date", 6), ("transaction_time", 6), ("transaction_type", 1), ("transaction_source", 1), ("receipt_number", 6), ("status", 1), ("reserved1", 2), ("local_value", 9), ("local_currency_code", 3), ("local_exponent", 1), ("settlement_value", 9), ("settlement_currency_code", 3), ("settlement_exponent", 1), ("acquired_processed_indicator", 1), ("card_type", 5), ]) reconciliation_transaction_supplementary_data = FixedRecordType("16", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("auth_code", 6), ("auth_method", 1), ("card_issue_number", 2), ("card_start_date", 4), ("cash_amount", 7), ("originators_transaction_reference", 20), ("ticket_number", 14), ]) known_record_types = [ file_header, reconciliation_merchant_company_header, reconciliation_merchant_outlet, reconciliation_transaction_data, reconciliation_transaction_supplementary_data, ] @staticmethod def is_mine(path): filename = os.path.basename(path) return re.match(TransactionReconciliationFile.filename_re, filename) @staticmethod def handle(path): obj = TransactionReconciliationFile(path) obj.parse() def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.crm = Civicrm(config.civicrm_db) self.pending_data = None self.pending_supplemental_data = None def parse(self): """Parse the file""" self.file = file(self.path) for line in self.file: self.parse_line(line.rstrip("\r\n")) self.flush_data() def parse_line(self, line): """Parse one line and send it to the appropriate queue There is a crazy thing happening here where we need to coordinate sequential lines, and merge supplemental records into the main transaction data. See add_transaction_data and add_supplementary_data. """ # Peek at row header to determine its type row_info = unpack_fixed_width_line(self.row_header_segment, line[:10]) # Find the corresponding line format and parse the contents record = None for record_type in self.known_record_types: if record_type.record_type == row_info["record_type"]: record = unpack_fixed_width_line(record_type.fields, line) if not record: raise RuntimeError("Unknown record type {type} while processing {path}, aborting!".format(type=row_info["record_type"], path=self.path)) # Dispatch to a handler if record["record_type"] == self.reconciliation_transaction_data.record_type: self.add_transaction_data(record) elif record["record_type"] == self.reconciliation_transaction_supplementary_data.record_type: self.add_supplementary_data(record) else: # ignore other crap. # TODO: assertions for checksummy things built into the file pass def send(self, queue, msg): """Send over the wire""" if not self.stomp: self.stomp = Stomp() self.stomp.send(queue, msg) def add_transaction_data(self, record): self.flush_data() self.pending_data = record def add_supplementary_data(self, record): if not self.pending_data: raise RuntimeError("Cannot eat supplementary transaction data because there no unconsumed base data. Line {line}".format(line=record["sequence_no"])) if self.pending_supplemental_data: raise RuntimeError("Cannot eat supplementary data because there is already unconsumed supplemental data. Line {line}".format(line=record["sequence_no"])) self.pending_supplemental_data = record def flush_data(self): if self.pending_data: self.send_transaction() def send_transaction(self): record = self.pending_data # Verify that the data and supplemental data are a pair if self.pending_supplemental_data: if int(self.pending_supplemental_data["sequence_no"]) != int(self.pending_data["sequence_no"]) + 1: raise RuntimeError("Mismatched data and supplemental data!") record.update(self.pending_supplemental_data) self.normalize_and_send(record) self.pending_data = None self.pending_supplemental_data = None def normalize_and_send(self, record): """Transform the record into a WMF queue message See""" msg = {} if record["transaction_type"] == "0": queue = "donations" elif record["transaction_type"] == "5": queue = "refund" else: raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to handle transaction type {type}.".format(type=record["transaction_type"])) msg["date"] = to_timestamp(datetime.strptime(record["transaction_date"] + record["transaction_time"], "%d%m%y%H%M%S").utctimetuple()) iso_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(msg["date"]).isoformat() msg["gateway"] = "worldpay" # FIXME: is this the CustomerId or what? if "originators_transaction_reference" in record: msg["gateway_txn_id"] = record["originators_transaction_reference"].strip() else: raise RuntimeError("We're gonna die: no gateway_txn_id available.") # The default currency is GBP, don't make me explain why the amount # comes from a different field when currency != GBP :( if record["local_currency_code"].strip(): msg["currency"] = record["local_currency_code"] msg["gross"] = int(record["local_value"]) * exponent_to_multiplier(record["local_exponent"]) else: msg["currency"] = "GBP" msg["gross"] = int(record["transaction_value"]) * exponent_to_multiplier(2) if queue == "refund": msg["gross_currency"] = msg["currency"] msg["gateway_parent_id"] = msg["gateway_txn_id"] # Note that we do not have a new txn id for the refund msg["gateway_refund_id"] = msg["gateway_txn_id"] # FIXME: chargeback vs refund info is not available in this file. msg["type"] = "refund""+Sending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format(id=msg["gateway_parent_id"], date=iso_date, type=msg["type"])) self.send(queue, msg) return if self.crm.transaction_exists(gateway_txn_id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], gateway="worldpay"):"-Duplicate\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format(id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], date=iso_date, type=queue)) return # Switch behavior depending on the status. We only like "accepted" transactions. status = record["status"].strip() if status == "P":"-Pending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format(id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], date=iso_date, type=queue)) return elif status == "R":"-Rejection\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format(id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], date=iso_date, type=queue)) return elif status != "A": raise RuntimeError("Unknown gateway status: {code}".format(code=status)) # Include settlement details if they are available. if record["settlement_value"].strip(): if record["settlement_currency_code"].strip(): msg["settlement_currency"] = record["settlement_currency_code"] else: msg["settlement_currency"] = "GBP" msg["settlement_amount"] = int(record["settlement_value"]) * exponent_to_multiplier(record["settlement_exponent"]) msg["email"] = "*****@*****.**" msg["payment_method"] = "cc" msg["payment_submethod"] = reference_data.decode_card_type(record["card_type"].strip()) # custom values msg["raw_card_type"] = record["card_type"].strip()"+Sending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format(id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], date=iso_date, type=queue)) self.send(queue, msg) def normalize_transaction(self, record): """Transform a raw reconciliation record into a donation queue message""" # TODO return record
def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.crm = Civicrm(config.civicrm_db) self.pending_data = None self.pending_supplemental_data = None
class TransactionReconciliationFile(object): filename_re = r"^MA\.PISCESSW\.#M\.RECON\..*" stomp = None row_header_segment = [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ] credit_debit_summary_segment = [ ("accepted_debits", 11), ("rejected_debits", 11), ("pending_debits", 11), ("accepted_credits", 11), ("rejected_credits", 11), ("pending_credits", 11), ("accepted_debits_count", 7), ("rejected_debits_count", 7), ("pending_debits_count", 7), ("accepted_credits_count", 7), ("rejected_credits_count", 7), ("pending_credits_count", 7), ] file_header = FixedRecordType("00", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("file_id", 13), ("count", 7), ], credit_debit_summary_segment, [ ("file_creation_date", 6), ("file_sequence_number", 3), ("site_id", 3), ]) reconciliation_merchant_company_header = FixedRecordType( "05", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("company_number", 13), ("count", 7), ], credit_debit_summary_segment) reconciliation_merchant_outlet = FixedRecordType( "10", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("merchant_id", 13), ("trading_day", 6), ("processing_date", 6), ], credit_debit_summary_segment) reconciliation_transaction_data = FixedRecordType("15", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("pan", 19), ("expiry_date", 4), ("transaction_value", 11), ("transaction_date", 6), ("transaction_time", 6), ("transaction_type", 1), ("transaction_source", 1), ("receipt_number", 6), ("status", 1), ("reserved1", 2), ("local_value", 9), ("local_currency_code", 3), ("local_exponent", 1), ("settlement_value", 9), ("settlement_currency_code", 3), ("settlement_exponent", 1), ("acquired_processed_indicator", 1), ("card_type", 5), ]) reconciliation_transaction_supplementary_data = FixedRecordType( "16", [ ("record_type", 2), ("sequence_no", 8), ("auth_code", 6), ("auth_method", 1), ("card_issue_number", 2), ("card_start_date", 4), ("cash_amount", 7), ("originators_transaction_reference", 20), ("ticket_number", 14), ]) known_record_types = [ file_header, reconciliation_merchant_company_header, reconciliation_merchant_outlet, reconciliation_transaction_data, reconciliation_transaction_supplementary_data, ] @staticmethod def is_mine(path): filename = os.path.basename(path) return re.match(TransactionReconciliationFile.filename_re, filename) @staticmethod def handle(path): obj = TransactionReconciliationFile(path) obj.parse() def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.crm = Civicrm(config.civicrm_db) self.pending_data = None self.pending_supplemental_data = None def parse(self): """Parse the file""" self.file = file(self.path) for line in self.file: self.parse_line(line.rstrip("\r\n")) self.flush_data() def parse_line(self, line): """Parse one line and send it to the appropriate queue There is a crazy thing happening here where we need to coordinate sequential lines, and merge supplemental records into the main transaction data. See add_transaction_data and add_supplementary_data. """ # Peek at row header to determine its type row_info = unpack_fixed_width_line(self.row_header_segment, line[:10]) # Find the corresponding line format and parse the contents record = None for record_type in self.known_record_types: if record_type.record_type == row_info["record_type"]: record = unpack_fixed_width_line(record_type.fields, line) if not record: raise RuntimeError( "Unknown record type {type} while processing {path}, aborting!" .format(type=row_info["record_type"], path=self.path)) # Dispatch to a handler if record[ "record_type"] == self.reconciliation_transaction_data.record_type: self.add_transaction_data(record) elif record[ "record_type"] == self.reconciliation_transaction_supplementary_data.record_type: self.add_supplementary_data(record) else: # ignore other crap. # TODO: assertions for checksummy things built into the file pass def send(self, queue, msg): """Send over the wire""" if not self.stomp: self.stomp = Stomp() self.stomp.send(queue, msg) def add_transaction_data(self, record): self.flush_data() self.pending_data = record def add_supplementary_data(self, record): if not self.pending_data: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot eat supplementary transaction data because there no unconsumed base data. Line {line}" .format(line=record["sequence_no"])) if self.pending_supplemental_data: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot eat supplementary data because there is already unconsumed supplemental data. Line {line}" .format(line=record["sequence_no"])) self.pending_supplemental_data = record def flush_data(self): if self.pending_data: self.send_transaction() def send_transaction(self): record = self.pending_data # Verify that the data and supplemental data are a pair if self.pending_supplemental_data: if int(self.pending_supplemental_data["sequence_no"]) != int( self.pending_data["sequence_no"]) + 1: raise RuntimeError("Mismatched data and supplemental data!") record.update(self.pending_supplemental_data) self.normalize_and_send(record) self.pending_data = None self.pending_supplemental_data = None def normalize_and_send(self, record): """Transform the record into a WMF queue message See""" msg = {} if record["transaction_type"] == "0": queue = "donations" elif record["transaction_type"] == "5": queue = "refund" else: raise RuntimeError( "Don't know how to handle transaction type {type}.".format( type=record["transaction_type"])) msg["date"] = to_timestamp( datetime.strptime( record["transaction_date"] + record["transaction_time"], "%d%m%y%H%M%S").utctimetuple()) iso_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(msg["date"]).isoformat() msg["gateway"] = "worldpay" # FIXME: is this the CustomerId or what? if "originators_transaction_reference" in record: msg["gateway_txn_id"] = record[ "originators_transaction_reference"].strip() else: raise RuntimeError("We're gonna die: no gateway_txn_id available.") # The default currency is GBP, don't make me explain why the amount # comes from a different field when currency != GBP :( if record["local_currency_code"].strip(): msg["currency"] = record["local_currency_code"] msg["gross"] = int(record["local_value"]) * exponent_to_multiplier( record["local_exponent"]) else: msg["currency"] = "GBP" msg["gross"] = int( record["transaction_value"]) * exponent_to_multiplier(2) if queue == "refund": msg["gross_currency"] = msg["currency"] msg["gateway_parent_id"] = msg["gateway_txn_id"] # Note that we do not have a new txn id for the refund msg["gateway_refund_id"] = msg["gateway_txn_id"] # FIXME: chargeback vs refund info is not available in this file. msg["type"] = "refund""+Sending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format( id=msg["gateway_parent_id"], date=iso_date, type=msg["type"])) self.send(queue, msg) return if self.crm.transaction_exists(gateway_txn_id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], gateway="worldpay"):"-Duplicate\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format( id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], date=iso_date, type=queue)) return # Switch behavior depending on the status. We only like "accepted" transactions. status = record["status"].strip() if status == "P":"-Pending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format( id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], date=iso_date, type=queue)) return elif status == "R":"-Rejection\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format( id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], date=iso_date, type=queue)) return elif status != "A": raise RuntimeError( "Unknown gateway status: {code}".format(code=status)) # Include settlement details if they are available. if record["settlement_value"].strip(): if record["settlement_currency_code"].strip(): msg["settlement_currency"] = record["settlement_currency_code"] else: msg["settlement_currency"] = "GBP" msg["settlement_amount"] = int( record["settlement_value"]) * exponent_to_multiplier( record["settlement_exponent"]) msg["email"] = "*****@*****.**" msg["payment_method"] = "cc" msg["payment_submethod"] = reference_data.decode_card_type( record["card_type"].strip()) # custom values msg["raw_card_type"] = record["card_type"].strip()"+Sending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format( id=msg["gateway_txn_id"], date=iso_date, type=queue)) self.send(queue, msg) def normalize_transaction(self, record): """Transform a raw reconciliation record into a donation queue message""" # TODO return record
class TrrFile(object): VERSION = [4, 8] stomp = None # FIXME: these are version 8 headers, we would fail on multi-part v4 files... column_headers = [ "Column Type", "Transaction ID", "Invoice ID", "PayPal Reference ID", "PayPal Reference ID Type", "Transaction Event Code", "Transaction Initiation Date", "Transaction Completion Date", "Transaction Debit or Credit", "Gross Transaction Amount", "Gross Transaction Currency", "Fee Debit or Credit", "Fee Amount", "Fee Currency", "Transactional Status", "Insurance Amount", "Sales Tax Amount", "Shipping Amount", "Transaction Subject", "Transaction Note", "Payer's Account ID", "Payer Address Status", "Item Name", "Item ID", "Option 1 Name", "Option 1 Value", "Option 2 Name", "Option 2 Value", "Auction Site", "Auction Buyer ID", "Auction Closing Date", "Shipping Address Line1", "Shipping Address Line2", "Shipping Address City", "Shipping Address State", "Shipping Address Zip", "Shipping Address Country", "Shipping Method", "Custom Field", "Billing Address Line1", "Billing Address Line2", "Billing Address City", "Billing Address State", "Billing Address Zip", "Billing Address Country", "Consumer ID", "First Name", "Last Name", "Consumer Business Name", "Card Type", "Payment Source", "Shipping Name", "Authorization Review Status", "Protection Eligibility", "Payment Tracking ID", ] @staticmethod def handle(path): obj = TrrFile(path) obj.parse() def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.crm = Civicrm(config.civicrm_db) def parse(self): # FIXME: encapsulation issues, self.VERSION, self.parse_line, self.column_headers) def parse_line(self, row): if row['Billing Address Line1']: addr_prefix = 'Billing Address ' else: addr_prefix = 'Shipping Address ' out = { 'gateway_txn_id': row['Transaction ID'], 'date': row['Transaction Initiation Date'], 'settled_date': row['Transaction Completion Date'], 'gross': float(row['Gross Transaction Amount']) / 100.0, 'currency': row['Gross Transaction Currency'], 'gateway_status': row['Transactional Status'], 'gateway': 'paypal', 'note': row['Transaction Note'], 'email': row['Payer\'s Account ID'], 'street_address': row[addr_prefix + 'Line1'], 'supplemental_address_1': row[addr_prefix + 'Line2'], 'city': row[addr_prefix + 'City'], 'state_province': row[addr_prefix + 'State'], 'postal_code': row[addr_prefix + 'Zip'], 'country': row[addr_prefix + 'Country'], } if row['Fee Amount']: out['fee'] = float(row['Fee Amount']) / 100.0 if row['Fee Currency'] and row[ 'Gross Transaction Currency'] != row['Fee Currency']: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to import because multiple currencies for one transaction is not handled." ) if 'First Name' in row: out['first_name'] = row['First Name'] if 'Last Name' in row: out['last_name'] = row['Last Name'] if 'Payment Source' in row: out['payment_method'] = row['Payment Source'] if 'Card Type' in row: out['payment_submethod'] = row['Card Type'] if row['PayPal Reference ID Type'] == 'SUB': out['subscr_id'] = row['PayPal Reference ID'] event_type = row['Transaction Event Code'][0:3] queue = None if event_type in ('T00', 'T03', 'T05', 'T07', 'T22'): if row['Transaction Event Code'] == 'T0002': queue = 'recurring' out = self.normalize_recurring(out) elif row['Transaction Debit or Credit'] == 'DR': # sic: double-space is coming from the upstream"-Debit\t{id}\t{date}\tPayment to".format( id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=out['date'])) # This payment is from us! Do not send to the CRM. return else: queue = 'donations' elif event_type in ('T11', 'T12'): out['gateway_refund_id'] = out['gateway_txn_id'] out['gross_currency'] = out['currency'] if row['PayPal Reference ID Type'] == 'TXN': out['gateway_parent_id'] = row['PayPal Reference ID'] if row['Transaction Event Code'] == 'T1106': out['type'] = 'reversal' elif row['Transaction Event Code'] == 'T1107': out['type'] = 'refund' elif row['Transaction Event Code'] == 'T1201': out['type'] = 'chargeback' else: "-Unknown\t{id}\t{date}\t(Refundish type {type})".format( id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=out['date'], type=row['Transaction Event Code'])) return queue = 'refund' if not queue:"-Unknown\t{id}\t{date}\t(Type {type})".format( id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=out['date'], type=event_type)) return if self.crm.transaction_exists(gateway_txn_id=out['gateway_txn_id'], gateway='paypal'):"-Duplicate\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format( id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=row['Transaction Initiation Date'], type=queue)) return if 'last_name' not in out and queue != 'refund': out['first_name'], out['last_name'] = self.fetch_donor_name( out['gateway_txn_id']) if config.no_thankyou: out['thankyou_date'] = 0"+Sending\t{id}\t{date}\t{type}".format( id=out['gateway_txn_id'], date=row['Transaction Initiation Date'], type=queue)) self.send(queue, out) def send(self, queue, msg): if not self.stomp: self.stomp = Stomp() self.stomp.send(queue, msg) def normalize_recurring(self, msg): 'Synthesize a raw PayPal message' if 'fee' not in msg: msg['fee'] = 0 out = { 'gateway': 'paypal', 'txn_type': 'subscr_payment', 'gateway_txn_id': msg['gateway_txn_id'], 'txn_id': msg['gateway_txn_id'], 'subscr_id': msg['subscr_id'], 'payment_date': msg['date'], 'payer_email': msg['email'], 'mc_currency': msg['currency'], 'mc_gross': msg['gross'], 'mc_fee': msg['fee'], 'address_street': "\n".join([msg['street_address'], msg['supplemental_address_1']]), 'address_city': msg['city'], 'address_zip': msg['postal_code'], 'address_state': msg['state_province'], 'address_country_code': msg['country'], } return out def fetch_donor_name(self, txn_id): api = PaypalApiClassic() response ='GetTransactionDetails', TRANSACTIONID=txn_id) if 'FIRSTNAME' not in response: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to get transaction details for {id}, repsonse: {response}" .format(id=txn_id, response=response)) return (response['FIRSTNAME'][0], response['LASTNAME'][0])