Example #1
File: user.py Project: ITMGR/ckan
    def new(self, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
        '''GET to display a form for registering a new user.
           or POST the form data to actually do the user registration.
        context = {'model': model,
                   'session': model.Session,
                   'user': c.user,
                   'auth_user_obj': c.userobj,
                   'schema': self._new_form_to_db_schema(),
                   'save': 'save' in request.params}

            check_access('user_create', context)
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(403, _('Unauthorized to create a user'))

        if context['save'] and not data:
            return self._save_new(context)

        if c.user and not data and not authz.is_sysadmin(c.user):
            # #1799 Don't offer the registration form if already logged in
            return render('user/logout_first.html')

        data = data or {}
        errors = errors or {}
        error_summary = error_summary or {}
        vars = {'data': data, 'errors': errors, 'error_summary': error_summary}

        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
        c.form = render(self.new_user_form, extra_vars=vars)
        return render('user/new.html')
Example #2
def ignore_not_package_admin(key, data, errors, context):
    '''Ignore if the user is not allowed to administer the package specified.'''

    model = context['model']
    user = context.get('user')

    if 'ignore_auth' in context:

    if user and authz.is_sysadmin(user):

    authorized = False
    pkg = context.get('package')
    if pkg:
            authorized = True
        except logic.NotAuthorized:
            authorized = False

    if (user and pkg and authorized):

    # allow_state_change in the context will allow the state to be changed
    # FIXME is this the best way to cjeck for state only?
    if key == ('state',) and context.get('allow_state_change'):
    def _setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict):
        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
            user_dict = get_action('user_show')(context, data_dict)
        except NotFound:
            abort(404, _('User not found'))
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(401, _('Not authorized to see this page'))

        c.user_dict = user_dict

        lang = get_lang()[0]

        #  MULTILANG - Localizing Datasets names and descriptions in search list
        for item in c.user_dict.get('datasets'):
            log.info(':::::::::::: Retrieving the corresponding localized title and abstract :::::::::::::::')
            q_results = model.Session.query(PackageMultilang).filter(PackageMultilang.package_id == item.get('id'), PackageMultilang.lang == lang).all() 

            if q_results:
                for result in q_results:
                    item[result.field] = result.text

        c.is_myself = user_dict['name'] == c.user
        c.about_formatted = h.render_markdown(user_dict['about'])
def protect_portal_release_date(key, data, errors, context):
    Ensure the portal_release_date is not changed by an unauthorized user.
    if is_sysadmin(context['user']):
    original = ''
    package = context.get('package')
    if package:
        original = package.extras.get('portal_release_date', '')
    value = data.get(key, '')
    if original == value:

    user = context['user']
    user = model.User.get(user)
    if may_publish_datasets(user):

    if not value:
        # silently replace with the old value when none is sent
        data[key] = original

    errors[key].append("Cannot change value of key from '%s' to '%s'. "
        'This key is read-only' % (original, value))

    raise StopOnError
    def request_account(self, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
        '''GET to display a form for requesting a user account or POST the
           form data to submit the request.
        context = {
            'model': model,
            'session': model.Session,
            'user': c.user or c.author,
            # why?
            #'user': model.Session.query(model.User).filter_by(sysadmin=True).first().name,
            'auth_user_obj': c.userobj,
            'schema': self._new_form_to_db_schema(),
            'save': 'save' in request.params
        if context['save'] and not data:
            return self._save_new_pending(context)

        if c.user and not data:
            # Don't offer the registration form if already logged in
            return render('user/logout_first.html')
        data = data or {}
        errors = errors or {}
        error_summary = error_summary or {}
        organizations = logic.get_action('organization_list')({}, {})
        organization = []
        for org in organizations:
          organization.append(logic.get_action('organization_show')({},{'id': org}))

        vars = {'data': data, 'errors': errors, 'error_summary': error_summary, 'organization': organization}

        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
        c.form = render(self.new_user_form, extra_vars=vars)
        return render('user/new.html')
Example #6
File: user.py Project: ITMGR/ckan
    def edit(self, id=None, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
        context = {'save': 'save' in request.params,
                   'schema': self._edit_form_to_db_schema(),
                   'model': model, 'session': model.Session,
                   'user': c.user, 'auth_user_obj': c.userobj
        if id is None:
            if c.userobj:
                id = c.userobj.id
                abort(400, _('No user specified'))
        data_dict = {'id': id}

            check_access('user_update', context, data_dict)
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(403, _('Unauthorized to edit a user.'))

        if (context['save']) and not data:
            return self._save_edit(id, context)

            old_data = get_action('user_show')(context, data_dict)

            schema = self._db_to_edit_form_schema()
            if schema:
                old_data, errors = \
                    dictization_functions.validate(old_data, schema, context)

            c.display_name = old_data.get('display_name')
            c.user_name = old_data.get('name')

            data = data or old_data

        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(403, _('Unauthorized to edit user %s') % '')
        except NotFound:
            abort(404, _('User not found'))

        user_obj = context.get('user_obj')

        if not (authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
                or c.user == user_obj.name):
            abort(403, _('User %s not authorized to edit %s') %
                  (str(c.user), id))

        errors = errors or {}
        vars = {'data': data, 'errors': errors, 'error_summary': error_summary}

        self._setup_template_variables({'model': model,
                                        'session': model.Session,
                                        'user': c.user},

        c.is_myself = True
        c.show_email_notifications = asbool(
        c.form = render(self.edit_user_form, extra_vars=vars)

        return render('user/edit.html')
Example #7
    def new(self, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
        """GET to display a form for registering a new user.
           or POST the form data to actually do the user registration.
        context = {
            "model": model,
            "session": model.Session,
            "user": c.user or c.author,
            "auth_user_obj": c.userobj,
            "schema": self._new_form_to_db_schema(),
            "save": "save" in request.params,

            check_access("user_create", context)
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(401, _("Unauthorized to create a user"))

        if context["save"] and not data:
            return self._save_new(context)

        if c.user and not data:
            # #1799 Don't offer the registration form if already logged in
            return render("user/logout_first.html")

        data = data or {}
        errors = errors or {}
        error_summary = error_summary or {}
        vars = {"data": data, "errors": errors, "error_summary": error_summary}

        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
        c.form = render(self.new_user_form, extra_vars=vars)
        return render("user/new.html")
    def validator(key, data, errors, context):

        if context.get('group') is not None:
            old_organization = get_action('organization_show')(context, {'id': context['group'].id})
            old_parent_group_names = [org['name'] for org in old_organization.get('groups', [])]
            old_parent_group_names = []

        user = context['user']

        # Uses CKAN core function to specify parent, in html groups__0__name
        actual_key = ("groups", 0, "name")

        if data.get(actual_key):

            if not authz.is_sysadmin(user):

                selected_organization = get_action('organization_show')(context, {'id': data[actual_key]})

                if data[actual_key] and data[actual_key] not in old_parent_group_names:
                    admin_in_orgs = model.Session.query(model.Member).filter(model.Member.state == 'active')\
                        .filter(model.Member.table_name == 'user')\
                        .filter(model.Member.capacity == 'admin')\
                        .filter(model.Member.table_id == authz.get_user_id_for_username(user, allow_none=True))

                    if not any(selected_organization['name'] == admin_org.group.name for admin_org in admin_in_orgs):
                        errors[key].append(_('User %s is not administrator in the selected parent organization') % user)

        # Remove parent_org from data as it is missing from the form
        data.pop(key, None)

        # Stop validation if error has happened
        raise StopOnError
Example #9
def member_requests_list(context, data_dict):
    ''' Organization admins/editors will see a list of member requests to be approved.
    :param group: name of the group (optional)
    :type group: string
    logic.check_access('member_requests_list', context, data_dict)

    user = context.get('user', None)
    user_object = model.User.get(user)
    is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(user)

    # ALL members with pending state only
    query = model.Session.query(model.Member).filter(
        model.Member.table_name == "user").filter(model.Member.state == 'pending')

    if not is_sysadmin:
        admin_in_groups = model.Session.query(model.Member).filter(model.Member.state == "active")\
            .filter(model.Member.table_name == "user") \
            .filter(model.Member.capacity == 'admin').filter(model.Member.table_id == user_object.id)

        if admin_in_groups.count() <= 0:
            return []
        # members requests for this organization
        query = query.filter(model.Member.group_id.in_(

    group = data_dict.get('group', None)
    if group:
        group_object = model.Group.get(group)
        if group_object:
            query = query.filter(model.Member.group_id == group_object.id)

    members = query.all()

    return _member_list_dictize(members, context)
Example #10
def member_create(context, data_dict=None):
    Make an object (e.g. a user, dataset or group) a member of a group.

    Custom organization permission handling added on top of CKAN's own member_create action.
    _log_action('Member', 'create', context['user'], data_dict.get('id'))


    user = context['user']
    user_id = authz.get_user_id_for_username(user, allow_none=True)

    group_id, obj_id, obj_type, capacity = _get_or_bust(data_dict, ['id', 'object', 'object_type', 'capacity'])

    # get role the user has for the group
    user_role = utils.get_member_role(group_id, user_id)

    if obj_type == 'user':
        # get role for the target of this role change
        target_role = utils.get_member_role(group_id, obj_id)
        if target_role is None:
            target_role = capacity

        if authz.is_sysadmin(user):
            # Sysadmin can do anything
        elif not settings.ORGANIZATION_MEMBER_PERMISSIONS.get((user_role, target_role, capacity, user_id == obj_id), False):
            raise ckan.logic.NotAuthorized(_("You don't have permission to modify roles for this organization."))

    return ckan.logic.action.create.member_create(context, data_dict)
Example #11
def member_delete(context, data_dict=None):
    Remove an object (e.g. a user, dataset or group) from a group.

    Custom organization permission handling added on top of CKAN's own member_create action.
    _log_action('Member', 'delete', context['user'], data_dict.get('id'))


    user = context['user']
    user_id = authz.get_user_id_for_username(user, allow_none=True)

    group_id, target_name, obj_type = _get_or_bust(data_dict, ['id', 'object', 'object_type'])

    if obj_type == 'user':
        # get user's role for this group
        user_role = utils.get_member_role(group_id, user_id)

        target_id = authz.get_user_id_for_username(target_name, allow_none=True)

        # get target's role for this group
        target_role = utils.get_member_role(group_id, target_id)

        if authz.is_sysadmin(user):
            # Sysadmin can do anything.
        elif not settings.ORGANIZATION_MEMBER_PERMISSIONS.get((user_role, target_role, 'member', user_id == target_id), False):
            raise ckan.logic.NotAuthorized(_("You don't have permission to remove this user."))

    return ckan.logic.action.delete.member_delete(context, data_dict)
Example #12
    def edit(self, id=None, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
        context = {
            "save": "save" in request.params,
            "schema": self._edit_form_to_db_schema(),
            "model": model,
            "session": model.Session,
            "user": c.user,
            "auth_user_obj": c.userobj,
        if id is None:
            if c.userobj:
                id = c.userobj.id
                abort(400, _("No user specified"))
        data_dict = {"id": id}

            check_access("user_update", context, data_dict)
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(401, _("Unauthorized to edit a user."))

        if (context["save"]) and not data:
            return self._save_edit(id, context)

            old_data = get_action("user_show")(context, data_dict)

            schema = self._db_to_edit_form_schema()
            if schema:
                old_data, errors = dictization_functions.validate(old_data, schema, context)

            c.display_name = old_data.get("display_name")
            c.user_name = old_data.get("name")

            data = data or old_data

        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(401, _("Unauthorized to edit user %s") % "")
        except NotFound:
            abort(404, _("User not found"))

        user_obj = context.get("user_obj")

        if not (authz.is_sysadmin(c.user) or c.user == user_obj.name):
            abort(401, _("User %s not authorized to edit %s") % (str(c.user), id))

        errors = errors or {}
        vars = {"data": data, "errors": errors, "error_summary": error_summary}

            {"model": model, "session": model.Session, "user": c.user or c.author}, data_dict

        c.is_myself = True
        c.show_email_notifications = h.asbool(config.get("ckan.activity_streams_email_notifications"))
        c.form = render(self.edit_user_form, extra_vars=vars)

        return render("user/edit.html")
Example #13
    def get(self, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):

        if g.user and not data and not authz.is_sysadmin(g.user):
            # #1799 Don't offer the registration form if already logged in
            return base.render(u'user/logout_first.html', {})

        form_vars = {
            u'data': data or {},
            u'errors': errors or {},
            u'error_summary': error_summary or {}

        extra_vars = {
            u'is_sysadmin': authz.is_sysadmin(g.user),
            u'form': base.render(new_user_form, form_vars)
        return base.render(u'user/new.html', extra_vars)
Example #14
def ignore_not_sysadmin(key, data, errors, context):
    '''Ignore the field if user not sysadmin or ignore_auth in context.'''

    user = context.get('user')
    ignore_auth = context.get('ignore_auth')

    if ignore_auth or (user and authz.is_sysadmin(user)):

Example #15
    def register(self, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
        '''GET to display a form for registering a new user.
           or POST the form data to actually do the user registration.

           The bulk of this code is pulled directly from
        context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session,
                   'user': c.user or c.author,
                   'schema': schema.user_new_form_schema(),
                   'save': 'save' in request.params}

            check_access('user_create', context)
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(401, _('Unauthorized to create a user'))

        if context['save'] and not data:
                return self._save_new(context)
            except HTTPFound:
                # redirected after successful user create
                    email=request.params.get('email', ''),
                    fullname=request.params.get('fullname', ''),
                    username=request.params.get('name', ''),
                    phoneno=request.params.get('phoneno', ''),
                    dept=request.params.get('department', ''))

        if c.user and not data and not is_sysadmin(c.user):
            # #1799 Don't offer the registration form if already logged in
            return render('user/logout_first.html')

        data = data or {}
        errors = errors or {}
        error_summary = error_summary or {}

        d = {'data': data, 'errors': errors, 'error_summary': error_summary}
        c.is_sysadmin = is_sysadmin(c.user)
        c.form = render('user/new_user_form.html', extra_vars=d)
        return render('user/new.html')
Example #16
def empty_if_not_sysadmin(key, data, errors, context):
    '''Only sysadmins may pass this value'''
    from ckan.lib.navl.validators import empty

    user = context.get('user')

    ignore_auth = context.get('ignore_auth')
    if ignore_auth or (user and authz.is_sysadmin(user)):

    empty(key, data, errors, context)
def datarequest_create(context, data_dict):
    Action to create a new dara request. The function checks the access rights
    of the user before creating the data request. If the user is not allowed
    a NotAuthorized exception will be risen.

    In addition, you should note that the parameters will be checked and an
    exception (ValidationError) will be risen if some of these parameters are
    not valid.

    :param title: The title of the data request
    :type title: string

    :param description: A brief description for your data request
    :type description: string

    :param organiztion_id: If you want to create the data request in a specific
    :type organization_id: string

    :returns: A dict with the data request (id, user_id, title, description,
        organization_id, open_time, accepted_dataset, close_time, closed)
    :rtype: dict

    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    # Init the data base

    # Check access
    tk.check_access(constants.DATAREQUEST_CREATE, context, data_dict)

    # Validate data
    validator.validate_datarequest(context, data_dict)

    # Store the data
    data_req = db.DataRequest()
    _undictize_datarequest_basic(data_req, data_dict)
    data_req.user_id = context['auth_user_obj'].id if context['auth_user_obj'] else 'anonymous'
    data_req.open_time = datetime.datetime.now()

    data_req.visibility = constants.DataRequestState.visible.value
    context['ignore_auth'] = config.get('ckan.datarequests.ignore_auth', False)
    user = context['user']
    if context['ignore_auth'] == False and not authz.is_sysadmin(user):
        data_req.visibility = constants.DataRequestState.hidden.value


    return _dictize_datarequest(data_req)
    def _guess_package_type(self, expecting_name=False):
        # this is a bit unortodox, but this method allows us to conveniently
        # alter the search method without much code duplication.
        if not is_sysadmin(c.user):
            abort(401, _('Not authorized to see this page'))

        # always set ready_to_publish to true for the publishing interface
        request.GET['ready_to_publish'] = u'true'

        # This MUST be None, otherwise the default filtering will apply and
        # restrict to just dataset_type=dataset.
        return None
Example #19
File: user.py Project: ITMGR/ckan
    def _setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict):
        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
            user_dict = get_action('user_show')(context, data_dict)
        except NotFound:
            abort(404, _('User not found'))
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(403, _('Not authorized to see this page'))

        c.user_dict = user_dict
        c.is_myself = user_dict['name'] == c.user
        c.about_formatted = h.render_markdown(user_dict['about'])
Example #20
    def _setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict):
        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
            user_dict = get_action("user_show")(context, data_dict)
        except NotFound:
            abort(404, _("User not found"))
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(401, _("Not authorized to see this page"))

        c.user_dict = user_dict
        c.is_myself = user_dict["name"] == c.user
        c.about_formatted = h.render_markdown(user_dict["about"])
Example #21
    def _setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict):
        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
            user_dict = get_action('user_show')(context, data_dict)
        except NotFound:
            h.flash_error(_('Not authorized to see this page'))
            h.redirect_to(controller='user', action='login')
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(403, _('Not authorized to see this page'))

        c.user_dict = user_dict
        c.is_myself = user_dict['name'] == c.user
        c.about_formatted = h.render_markdown(user_dict['about'])
Example #22
def iati_publisher_state_validator(key, data, errors, context):
    user = context.get('user')

    if 'ignore_auth' in context:

    if user and new_authz.is_sysadmin(user):

    # If the user is not a sysadmin but we are creating the publisher,
    # we need to keep the state = pending value, otherwise ignore it.
    if not context.get('__iati_state_pending'):
Example #23
def user_password_not_empty(key, data, errors, context):
    '''Only check if password is present if the user is created via action API.
       If not, user_both_passwords_entered will handle the validation'''

    # sysadmin may provide password_hash directly for importing users
    if (data.get(('password_hash', ), missing) is not missing
            and authz.is_sysadmin(context.get('user'))):

    if not ('password1', ) in data and not ('password2', ) in data:
        password = data.get(('password', ), None)
        if not password:
            errors[key].append(_('Missing value'))
Example #24
def organization_form_read_only(data):
    data contains most of the publisher data. However, for the first time it contains state of the dataset
    but if any validation error in the form, then data doest contain state. Hence, organization_show is necessary
    which is a quite an expensive process for the validation.

    sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
    attrs = {}

    if not sysadmin and data and data.get('state', '') == 'active':
        attrs = {'readonly': "readonly"}
    return attrs
Example #25
    def _guess_package_type(self, expecting_name=False):
        # this is a bit unortodox, but this method allows us to conveniently
        # alter the search method without much code duplication.
        if not is_sysadmin(c.user):
            abort(401, _('Not authorized to see this page'))

        # always set ready_to_publish to true for the publishing interface
        request.GET['ready_to_publish'] = u'true'
        request.GET['imso_approval'] = u'true'

        # This MUST be None, otherwise the default filtering will apply and
        # restrict to just dataset_type=dataset.
        return None
Example #26
    def new(self, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
        '''GET to display a form for registering a new user.
            or POST the form data to actually do the user registration.
        context = {
            'model': model,
            'session': model.Session,
            'user': c.user,
            'auth_user_obj': c.userobj,
            'schema': self._new_form_to_db_schema(),
            'save': 'save' in request.params

            check_access('user_create', context)
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(403, _('Unauthorized to create a user'))

        if context['save'] and not data:
            return self._save_new(context)

        if c.user and not data and not authz.is_sysadmin(c.user):
            # #1799 Don't offer the registration form if already logged in
            return render('user/logout_first.html')

        data = data or {}
        errors = errors or {}
        error_summary = error_summary or {}
        vars = {
            'data': data,
            'errors': errors,
            'error_summary': error_summary,
            'origin': origin,
            'countries': allCountries,
            'occupations': occupations
        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
        c.form = render(self.new_user_form, extra_vars=vars)
        return render('user/new.html')
Example #27
File: user.py Project: tino097/ckan
    def get(self,
            data: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
            errors: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None,
            error_summary: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> str:
        user = current_user.name

        if user and not data and not authz.is_sysadmin(user):
            # #1799 Don't offer the registration form if already logged in
            return base.render(u'user/logout_first.html', {})

        form_vars = {
            u'data': data or {},
            u'errors': errors or {},
            u'error_summary': error_summary or {}

        extra_vars: dict[str, Any] = {
            u'is_sysadmin': authz.is_sysadmin(user),
            u'form': base.render(new_user_form, form_vars)
        return base.render(u'user/new.html', extra_vars)
Example #28
def user_password_not_empty(key, data, errors, context):
    '''Only check if password is present if the user is created via action API.
       If not, user_both_passwords_entered will handle the validation'''

    # sysadmin may provide password_hash directly for importing users
    if (data.get(('password_hash',), missing) is not missing and

    if not ('password1',) in data and not ('password2',) in data:
        password = data.get(('password',),None)
        if not password:
            errors[key].append(_('Missing value'))
Example #29
File: user.py Project: gsueur/ckan
    def _setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict):
        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
            user_dict = get_action('user_show')(context, data_dict)
        except NotFound:
            h.flash_error(_('Not authorized to see this page'))
            h.redirect_to(controller='user', action='login')
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(403, _('Not authorized to see this page'))

        c.user_dict = user_dict
        c.is_myself = user_dict['name'] == c.user
        c.about_formatted = h.render_markdown(user_dict['about'])
Example #30
def iati_publisher_state_validator(key, data, errors, context):
    user = context.get('user')

    if 'ignore_auth' in context:

    if user and new_authz.is_sysadmin(user):

    # If the user is not a sysadmin but we are creating the publisher,
    # we need to keep the state = pending value, otherwise ignore it.
    if not context.get('__iati_state_pending'):
def check_access_api_action(api_user, api_action):
    Check an api_action against a list of restricted API actions
    :param api_user:
    :param api_action:
    :return: False if api_action is restricted and no user, or user not sysadmin, else True
    # @TODO: Improve this to handle wildcards such as `harvest_source*`
    restricted_api_actions = config.get('ckan.restricted.api_actions', [])
    if api_action in restricted_api_actions:
        if not api_user or not authz.is_sysadmin(api_user.name):
            return False
    return True
Example #32
    def _setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict):
        c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
            # calling adapted user_show instead of CKAN's user_show
            user_dict = _user_show(context, data_dict)
        except NotFound:
            abort(404, _('User not found'))
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(403, _('Not authorized to see this page'))

        c.user_dict = user_dict
        c.is_myself = user_dict['name'] == c.user
        c.about_formatted = h.render_markdown(user_dict['about'])
Example #33
    def post(self):
        context = self._prepare()
            data_dict = logic.clean_dict(

        except dictization_functions.DataError:
            base.abort(400, _(u'Integrity Error'))

        context[u'message'] = data_dict.get(u'log_message', u'')
        except captcha.CaptchaError:
            error_msg = _(u'Bad Captcha. Please try again.')
            return self.get(data_dict)

            logic.get_action(u'user_create')(context, data_dict)
        except logic.NotAuthorized:
            base.abort(403, _(u'Unauthorized to create user %s') % u'')
        except logic.NotFound:
            base.abort(404, _(u'User not found'))
        except logic.ValidationError as e:
            errors = e.error_dict
            error_summary = e.error_summary
            return self.get(data_dict, errors, error_summary)

        if g.user:
            # #1799 User has managed to register whilst logged in - warn user
            # they are not re-logged in as new user.
                _(u'User "%s" is now registered but you are still '
                  u'logged in as "%s" from before') % (data_dict[u'name'],
            if authz.is_sysadmin(g.user):
                # the sysadmin created a new user. We redirect him to the
                # activity page for the newly created user
                return h.redirect_to(u'user.activity', id=data_dict[u'name'])
                return base.render(u'user/logout_first.html')

        # log the user in programatically
        resp = h.redirect_to(u'user.me')
        set_repoze_user(data_dict[u'name'], resp)
        return resp
Example #34
def user_dictize(
        user, context, include_password_hash=False,

    if context.get('with_capacity'):
        user, capacity = user
        result_dict = d.table_dictize(user, context, capacity=capacity)
        result_dict = d.table_dictize(user, context)

    password_hash = result_dict.pop('password')
    del result_dict['reset_key']

    result_dict['display_name'] = user.display_name
    result_dict['email_hash'] = user.email_hash
    result_dict['number_created_packages'] = user.number_created_packages(
            'count_private_and_draft_datasets', False))

    requester = context.get('user')

    reset_key = result_dict.pop('reset_key', None)
    apikey = result_dict.pop('apikey', None)
    email = result_dict.pop('email', None)
    plugin_extras = result_dict.pop('plugin_extras', None)

    if context.get('keep_email', False):
        result_dict['email'] = email

    if context.get('keep_apikey', False):
        result_dict['apikey'] = apikey

    if requester == user.name:
        result_dict['apikey'] = apikey
        result_dict['email'] = email

    if authz.is_sysadmin(requester):
        result_dict['apikey'] = apikey
        result_dict['email'] = email

        if include_password_hash:
            result_dict['password_hash'] = password_hash

        if include_plugin_extras:
            result_dict['plugin_extras'] = copy.deepcopy(
                plugin_extras) if plugin_extras else plugin_extras

    model = context['model']
    session = model.Session

    return result_dict
def inventory_entry_list_for_user(context, data_dict):
    # TODO @palcu: DRY the code below from organization_list_for_user
    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']

    check_access('organization_list_for_user', context, data_dict)
    sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(user)

    orgs_q = model.Session.query(InventoryEntry).join(model.Group) \
        .filter(model.Group.is_organization == True) \
        .filter(model.Group.state == 'active')

    if not sysadmin:
        # for non-Sysadmins check they have the required permission

        # NB 'edit_group' doesn't exist so by default this action returns just
        # orgs with admin role
        permission = data_dict.get('permission', 'edit_group')

        roles = authz.get_roles_with_permission(permission)

        if not roles:
            return []
        user_id = authz.get_user_id_for_username(user, allow_none=True)
        if not user_id:
            return []

        q = model.Session.query(model.Member, model.Group) \
            .filter(model.Member.table_name == 'user') \
            .filter(model.Member.capacity.in_(roles)) \
            .filter(model.Member.table_id == user_id) \
            .filter(model.Member.state == 'active') \

        group_ids = set()
        roles_that_cascade = \
        for member, group in q.all():
            if member.capacity in roles_that_cascade:
                group_ids |= set([
                    grp_tuple[0] for grp_tuple
                    in group.get_children_group_hierarchy(type='organization')

        if not group_ids:
            return []

        orgs_q = orgs_q.filter(model.Group.id.in_(group_ids))

    return [table_dictize(obj, context) for obj in orgs_q.all()]
Example #36
def user_dictize(user, context, include_password_hash=False):

    if context.get('with_capacity'):
        user, capacity = user
        result_dict = d.table_dictize(user, context, capacity=capacity)
        result_dict = d.table_dictize(user, context)

    password_hash = result_dict.pop('password')
    del result_dict['reset_key']

    result_dict['display_name'] = user.display_name
    result_dict['email_hash'] = user.email_hash
    result_dict['number_of_edits'] = user.number_of_edits()
    result_dict['number_created_packages'] = user.number_created_packages(
            'count_private_and_draft_datasets', False))

    requester = context.get('user')

    reset_key = result_dict.pop('reset_key', None)
    apikey = result_dict.pop('apikey', None)
    email = result_dict.pop('email', None)

    if context.get('keep_email', False):
        result_dict['email'] = email

    if context.get('keep_apikey', False):
        result_dict['apikey'] = apikey

    if requester == user.name:
        result_dict['apikey'] = apikey
        result_dict['email'] = email

    if authz.is_sysadmin(requester):
        result_dict['apikey'] = apikey
        result_dict['email'] = email

        if include_password_hash:
            result_dict['password_hash'] = password_hash

    model = context['model']
    session = model.Session

    if context.get('with_related'):
        related_items = session.query(model.Related).\
        result_dict['related_items'] = related_list_dictize(related_items,

    return result_dict
Example #37
 def edit(self, id=None, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
     context = {
         'save': 'save' in request.params,
         'schema': self._edit_form_to_db_schema(),
         'model': model,
         'session': model.Session,
         'user': c.user,
         'auth_user_obj': c.userobj
     if id is None:
         if c.userobj:
             id = c.userobj.id
             abort(400, _('No user specified'))
     data_dict = {'id': id}
         check_access('user_update', context, data_dict)
     except NotAuthorized:
         abort(403, _('Unauthorized to edit a user.'))
     if context['save'] and not data and request.method == 'POST':
         return self._save_edit(id, context)
         old_data = get_action('user_show')(context, data_dict)
         schema = self._db_to_edit_form_schema()
         if schema:
             old_data, errors = \
                 dictization_functions.validate(old_data, schema, context)
         c.display_name = old_data.get('display_name')
         c.user_name = old_data.get('name')
         data = data or old_data
     except NotAuthorized:
         abort(403, _('Unauthorized to edit user %s') % '')
     except NotFound:
         abort(404, _('User not found'))
     user_obj = context.get('user_obj')
     if not (authz.is_sysadmin(c.user) or c.user == user_obj.name):
               _('User %s not authorized to edit %s') % (str(c.user), id))
     errors = errors or {}
     vars = {'data': data, 'errors': errors, 'error_summary': error_summary}
             'model': model,
             'session': model.Session,
             'user': c.user
         }, data_dict)
     c.is_myself = True
     c.show_email_notifications = asbool(
     c.form = render(self.edit_user_form, extra_vars=vars)
     return render('user/edit.html')
Example #38
def user_dictize(user, context, include_password_hash=False):

    if context.get('with_capacity'):
        user, capacity = user
        result_dict = d.table_dictize(user, context, capacity=capacity)
        result_dict = d.table_dictize(user, context)

    password_hash = result_dict.pop('password')
    del result_dict['reset_key']

    result_dict['display_name'] = user.display_name
    result_dict['email_hash'] = user.email_hash
    result_dict['number_of_edits'] = user.number_of_edits()
    result_dict['number_created_packages'] = user.number_created_packages(
            'count_private_and_draft_datasets', False))

    requester = context.get('user')

    reset_key = result_dict.pop('reset_key', None)
    apikey = result_dict.pop('apikey', None)
    email = result_dict.pop('email', None)

    if context.get('keep_email', False):
        result_dict['email'] = email

    if context.get('keep_apikey', False):
        result_dict['apikey'] = apikey

    if requester == user.name:
        result_dict['apikey'] = apikey
        result_dict['email'] = email

    if authz.is_sysadmin(requester):
        result_dict['apikey'] = apikey
        result_dict['email'] = email

        if include_password_hash:
            result_dict['password_hash'] = password_hash

    model = context['model']
    session = model.Session

    if context.get('with_related'):
        related_items = session.query(model.Related).\
        result_dict['related_items'] = related_list_dictize(
            related_items, context)

    return result_dict
Example #39
def _check_access_to_change_ids(key, data, group, user):

    if isinstance(key, tuple):
        key_comp = key[0]

    if key_comp =='publisher_iati_id':
        val = group.extras.get('publisher_iati_id', '')
    elif key_comp == 'name':
        val = group.name

    if val and val != data.get(key) and group.state == 'active':
        if not new_authz.is_sysadmin(user):
            return False
    return True
Example #40
def check_access_ui_path(repoze_who_identity, username, ui_path):
    Check a UI path (URI) against a list of restricted paths set in the CKAN `.ini` file
    :param repoze_who_identity:
    :param username:
    :param ui_path:
    # @TODO: Improve this to handle wildcards such as /user/salsa (without restricting /user/XYZ/edit when required)
    restricted_ui_paths = config.get('ckan.restricted.ui_paths', []).split()
    if ui_path in restricted_ui_paths:
        if not repoze_who_identity or not username or not authz.is_sysadmin(username):
            return False
    return True
Example #41
def dataset_license_id(key, data, errors, context):
    """Restrict to licenses.json (except sysadmins)"""
    user = context.get('user')
    ignore_auth = context.get('ignore_auth')
    if ignore_auth or (user and authz.is_sysadmin(user)):

    value = data[key]
    register = model.Package.get_license_register()
    sorted_licenses = sorted(register.values(), key=lambda x: x.title)
    license_ids = [ll.id for ll in sorted_licenses if ll.id != "none"]
    if value not in license_ids:
        raise toolkit.Invalid(
            "Please choose a license_id: {}".format(license_ids))
    def attr_map_edit(self,
        context = {
            'model': model,
            'session': model.Session,
            'user': tk.c.user,
            'save': 'save' in tk.request.params

        if context['save'] and not data and tk.request.method == 'POST':
            return self._save_attr_map_edit(id, attr_map_id, context)

            tk.check_access('metadata_json_attr_map_update', context)
        except tk.NotAuthorized:
            tk.abort(403, tk._('Not authorized to update attribute mappings'))

            old_data = tk.get_action('metadata_json_attr_map_show')(
                context, {
                    'id': attr_map_id
            data = data or old_data
        except (tk.ObjectNotFound, tk.NotAuthorized):
            tk.abort(404, tk._('Attribute map not found'))

        errors = errors or {}
        error_summary = error_summary or {}
        vars = {
            'data': data,
            'errors': errors,
            'error_summary': error_summary,
            'action': 'edit',
            'record_attr_list': self._attr_map_record_attr_list(),
            'is_elasticsearch_enabled': self._is_elasticsearch_enabled()

        tk.c.metadata_standard = tk.get_action('metadata_standard_show')(
            context, {
                'id': id
        tk.c.is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(tk.c.user)
        tk.c.form = tk.render('metadata_standard/attr_map_form.html',
        return tk.render('metadata_standard/attr_map_edit.html',
Example #43
def ogdch_admin_capacity():
    """tests whether the current user is a sysadmin
    or an organization admin
    if authz.is_sysadmin(c.user):
        return True
    context = {"user": c.user, "auth_user_obj": c.userobj}
    roles_for_user = tk.get_action("organization_list_for_user")(context, {
        "id": c.user
    capacities = [role.get("capacity") for role in roles_for_user]
    if CAPACITY_ADMIN in capacities:
        return True
    return False
Example #44
    def policy(self, policy_id):
        if not authz.is_sysadmin(c.user):
            abort(403, _('Unauthorized'))
        c.policy = GDPRPolicy.get(id=policy_id)
        accepted_policy = GDPRAccept.filter(policy_id=c.policy.id)
        c.accepting_users = []
        for policy in accepted_policy:

        c.not_accepting_users = [
            item for item in User.all() if item not in c.accepting_users

        return toolkit.render('gdpr/policy.html')
Example #45
 def _save_new(self, context):
     came_from = request.params.get('came_from', '')
     sig = request.params.get('sig', '')
     redirect_url = came_from + '&sig=' + sig if came_from != '' else ''
     redirect_url = str(redirect_url)  #to deal with Unicode objects
         data_dict = logic.clean_dict(
         context['message'] = data_dict.get('log_message', '')
         user = get_action('user_create')(context, data_dict)
     except NotAuthorized:
         abort(403, _('Unauthorized to create user %s') % '')
     except NotFound as e:
         abort(404, _('User not found'))
     except DataError:
         abort(400, _(u'Integrity Error'))
     except captcha.CaptchaError:
         error_msg = _(u'Bad Captcha. Please try again.')
         return self.new(data_dict)
     except ValidationError as e:
         errors = e.error_dict
         error_summary = e.error_summary
         return self.new(data_dict, errors, error_summary)
     if not c.user:
         # log the user in programatically
         if redirect_url == '':
             h.redirect_to(controller='user', action='me')
             log.error("\n\n Redirect URL: %s\n\n" % redirect_url)
         # #1799 User has managed to register whilst logged in - warn user
         # they are not re-logged in as new user.
             _('User "%s" is now registered but you are still '
               'logged in as "%s" from before') %
             (data_dict['name'], c.user))
         if authz.is_sysadmin(c.user):
             # the sysadmin created a new user. We redirect him to the
             # activity page for the newly created user
             return render('user/logout_first.html')
Example #46
    def gdpr(self):
        if not authz.is_sysadmin(c.user):
            abort(403, _('Unauthorized'))

        gdpr = GDPR.get()
        if request.method == 'GET':
            c.tos = ''
            c.policies = {}
            if gdpr is not None:
                c.tos = gdpr.tos
                c.policies = GDPRPolicy.filter(gdpr_id=gdpr.id).order_by(

            return toolkit.render('gdpr/gdpr.html')

        if request.method == 'POST':
            if gdpr is None:
                gdpr = GDPR.create(tos=request.POST.get('tos'))
                gdpr = GDPR.get()
                gdpr.tos = request.POST.get('tos')

            # Create new policies
            log.debug('Creating new policies')
            for key in request.POST.iterkeys():
                if key.startswith('policy-'):
                    required = False
                    if 'required-{}'.format(key) in request.POST:
                        required = True

            # Update existing policies
            for key in request.POST.iterkeys():
                if not key.startswith(('policy-', 'required-', 'tos')):
                    required = False
                    if 'required-{}'.format(key) in request.POST:
                        required = True
                    policy = GDPRPolicy.get(id=key)
                    policy.content = request.POST.get(key)
                    policy.required = required


            return redirect('/gdpr')
Example #47
def member_requests_mylist(context, data_dict):
    ''' Users wil see a list of her member requests
    logic.check_access('member_requests_mylist', context, data_dict)

    user = context.get('user', None)
    if authz.is_sysadmin(user):
        return []

    user_object = model.User.get(user)
    # Return current state for memberships for all organizations for the user
    # in context. (last modified date)
    membership_requests = model.Session.query(model.Member).filter(
        model.Member.table_id == user_object.id).all()
    return _membeship_request_list_dictize(membership_requests, context)
Example #48
def member_requests_mylist(context, data_dict):
    ''' Users wil see a list of her member requests
    logic.check_access('member_requests_mylist', context, data_dict)

    user = context.get('user', None)
    if authz.is_sysadmin(user):
        return []

    user_object = model.User.get(user)
    # Return current state for memberships for all organizations for the user
    # in context. (last modified date)
    membership_requests = model.Session.query(model.Member).filter(
        model.Member.table_id == user_object.id).all()
    return _membeship_request_list_dictize(membership_requests, context)
    def new(self, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
        '''GET to display a form for registering a new user.
           or POST the form data to actually do the user registration.
        context = {
            'model': model,
            'session': model.Session,
            'user': c.user,
            'auth_user_obj': c.userobj,
            'schema': self._new_form_to_db_schema(),
            'save': 'save' in request.params

            check_access('user_create', context)
        except NotAuthorized:

        if context['save'] and not data and request.method == 'POST':
            return self._save_new(context)

        if c.user and not data and not authz.is_sysadmin(c.user):
            # #1799 Don't offer the registration form if already logged in
            return render('user/logout_first.html')

        form_vars = {
            u'data': data or {},
            u'errors': errors or {},
            u'error_summary': error_summary or {}

        extra_vars = {
            u'is_sysadmin': authz.is_sysadmin(c.user),
            u'form': render(self.new_user_form, form_vars)
        return render(u'user/new.html', extra_vars)
Example #50
def group_tree_filtered(context, data_dict):
    currentuser = context['user']
    sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(currentuser)

    model = context['model']
    group_type = data_dict.get('type', 'group')

    group_counts = model_dictize.get_group_dataset_counts()['owner_org']

    filtered_groups = []
    for group in model.Group.get_top_level_groups(type=group_type):
        branch = _group_tree_branch(group, type=group_type, group_counts=None if sysadmin else group_counts)
        if len(branch['children']) > 0 or branch['id'] in group_counts or sysadmin:

    return filtered_groups
Example #51
    def type_redirect(self, resource_name):
        orgs = h.organizations_available('read')

        if not orgs:
            abort(404, _('No organizations found'))
            chromo = get_chromo(resource_name)
        except RecombinantException:
            abort(404, _('Recombinant resource_name not found'))

        # custom business logic
        if is_sysadmin(c.user):
            return redirect(h.url_for('recombinant_resource',
                                      resource_name=resource_name, owner_org='tbs-sct'))
        return redirect(h.url_for('recombinant_resource',
                                  resource_name=resource_name, owner_org=orgs[0]['name']))
Example #52
def get_user_email(context, data_dict):
    Returns the user names and emails of all the users
    if not authz.is_sysadmin(toolkit.c.user):
        toolkit.abort(403, _('You are not authorized to access this list'))

    user_list = toolkit.get_action('user_list')(context, data_dict)
    user_name_email = []

    for user in user_list:                                          
        email = user['email']                                       
        user_name = user['display_name']                                        

    return user_name_email
Example #53
    def register(self, data=None, errors=None, error_summary=None):
        '''GET to display a form for registering a new user.
           or POST the form data to actually do the user registration.

           The bulk of this code is pulled directly from
        context = {
            'model': model,
            'session': model.Session,
            'user': c.user or c.author,
            'schema': schema.user_new_form_schema(),
            'save': 'save' in request.params

            check_access('user_create', context)
        except NotAuthorized:
            abort(401, _('Unauthorized to create a user'))

        if context['save'] and not data:
                return self._save_new(context)
            except HTTPFound:
                # redirected after successful user create
                    email=request.params.get('email', ''),
                    fullname=request.params.get('fullname', ''),
                    username=request.params.get('name', ''),
                    phoneno=request.params.get('phoneno', ''),
                    dept=request.params.get('department', ''))

        if c.user and not data:
            # #1799 Don't offer the registration form if already logged in
            return render('user/logout_first.html')

        data = data or {}
        errors = errors or {}
        error_summary = error_summary or {}

        d = {'data': data, 'errors': errors, 'error_summary': error_summary}
        c.is_sysadmin = is_sysadmin(c.user)
        c.form = render('user/new_user_form.html', extra_vars=d)
        return render('user/new.html')
Example #54
    def validator(key, data, errors, context):

        if context.get('group') is not None:
            old_organization = get_action('organization_show')(
                context, {
                    'id': context['group'].id
            old_parent_group_names = [
                org['name'] for org in old_organization.get('groups', [])
            old_parent_group_names = []

        user = context['user']

        # Uses CKAN core function to specify parent, in html groups__0__name
        actual_key = ("groups", 0, "name")

        if data.get(actual_key):

            if not authz.is_sysadmin(user):

                selected_organization = get_action('organization_show')(
                    context, {
                        'id': data[actual_key]

                if data[actual_key] and data[
                        actual_key] not in old_parent_group_names:
                    admin_in_orgs = model.Session.query(model.Member).filter(model.Member.state == 'active')\
                        .filter(model.Member.table_name == 'user')\
                        .filter(model.Member.capacity == 'admin')\
                        .filter(model.Member.table_id == authz.get_user_id_for_username(user, allow_none=True))

                    if not any(selected_organization['name'] ==
                               for admin_org in admin_in_orgs):
                            _('User %s is not administrator in the selected parent organization'
                              ) % user)

        # Remove parent_org from data as it is missing from the form
        data.pop(key, None)

        # Stop validation if error has happened
        raise StopOnError
Example #55
    def post(self):
        context = self._prepare()
            data_dict = logic.clean_dict(
        except dictization_functions.DataError:
            base.abort(400, _(u'Integrity Error'))

        context[u'message'] = data_dict.get(u'log_message', u'')
        except captcha.CaptchaError:
            error_msg = _(u'Bad Captcha. Please try again.')
            return self.get(data_dict)

            logic.get_action(u'user_create')(context, data_dict)
        except logic.NotAuthorized:
            base.abort(403, _(u'Unauthorized to create user %s') % u'')
        except logic.NotFound:
            base.abort(404, _(u'User not found'))
        except logic.ValidationError as e:
            errors = e.error_dict
            error_summary = e.error_summary
            return self.get(data_dict, errors, error_summary)

        if g.user:
            # #1799 User has managed to register whilst logged in - warn user
            # they are not re-logged in as new user.
                _(u'User "%s" is now registered but you are still '
                  u'logged in as "%s" from before') % (data_dict[u'name'],
            if authz.is_sysadmin(g.user):
                # the sysadmin created a new user. We redirect him to the
                # activity page for the newly created user
                return h.redirect_to(u'user.activity', id=data_dict[u'name'])
                return base.render(u'user/logout_first.html')

        # log the user in programatically
        resp = h.redirect_to(u'user.me')
        set_repoze_user(data_dict[u'name'], resp)
        return resp
 def _setup_template_variables(self, context, data_dict):
     Sets up template variables. If the user is deleted, throws a 404
     unless the user is logged in as sysadmin.
     c.is_sysadmin = new_authz.is_sysadmin(c.user)
         user_dict = get_action('user_show')(context, data_dict)
     except NotFound:
         abort(404, _('User not found'))
     except NotAuthorized:
         abort(401, _('Not authorized to see this page'))
     if user_dict['state'] == 'deleted' and not c.is_sysadmin:
         abort(404, _('User not found'))
     c.user_dict = user_dict
     c.is_myself = user_dict['name'] == c.user
     c.about_formatted = h.render_markdown(user_dict['about'])
Example #57
def _user_has_minumum_role(context):
    Determines whether the user has the minimum required role
    as specific in configuration. This is deliberately verbose.
    roles = ['editor', 'admin', 'sysadmin']
    user = context['user']
    userobj = model.User.get(user)

    # Do we have a configured minimum role, if not just say ok now.
    minimum_role = config.get('ckanext.webhooks.minimum_auth', '').lower()
    if not minimum_role or minimum_role.lower() == 'none':
        return {'success': True}

    # Validate that the config option is valid and refuse, if we added
    # the option we probably wanted it to be *something*.
    if not minimum_role in roles:
        log.warning("ckanext.webhooks.minimum_auth has an invalid option")
        return {'success': False}

    # Always let sysadmins do their thing.
    if authz.is_sysadmin(user):
        return {'success': True}

    # We let sysadmins in just not, so just refuse if we get here.
    if minimum_role == 'sysadmin':
        return {'success': False}

    # Determine if the user has the required role in any organization
    q = model.Session.query(model.Member) \
        .filter(model.Member.table_name == 'user') \
        .filter(model.Member.table_id == userobj.id) \
        .filter(model.Member.state == 'active')
    roles_for_user = [m.capacity for m in q.all()]

    # If we want admins, let in anyone who has admin
    if minimum_role == 'admin':
        if 'admin' in roles_for_user:
            return {'success': True}

    # Only allow users who have editor
    if minimum_role == 'editor':
        if 'editor' in roles_for_user or 'admin' in roles_for_user:
            return {'success': True}

    return {'success': False}
Example #58
    def search(cls, querystr, sqlalchemy_query=None, user_name=None):
        '''Search name, fullname, email. '''
        if sqlalchemy_query is None:
            query = meta.Session.query(cls)
            query = sqlalchemy_query
        qstr = '%' + querystr + '%'
        filters = [
        # sysadmins can search on user emails
        import ckan.authz as authz
        if user_name and authz.is_sysadmin(user_name):

        query = query.filter(or_(*filters))
        return query
Example #59
def _extra_template_variables(context, data_dict):
    is_sysadmin = authz.is_sysadmin(g.user)
        user_dict = logic.get_action(u'user_show')(context, data_dict)
    except logic.NotFound:
        h.flash_error(_(u'Not authorized to see this page'))
    except logic.NotAuthorized:
        base.abort(403, _(u'Not authorized to see this page'))

    is_myself = user_dict[u'name'] == g.user
    about_formatted = h.render_markdown(user_dict[u'about'])
    extra = {
        u'is_sysadmin': is_sysadmin,
        u'user_dict': user_dict,
        u'is_myself': is_myself,
        u'about_formatted': about_formatted
    return extra
Example #60
def datastore_create_temp_user_table(context):
    Create a table to pass the current username and sysadmin
    state to our triggers for marking modified rows
    from ckanext.datastore.helpers import literal_string
    connection = context['connection']
    username = context['user']
        CREATE TEMP TABLE datastore_user (
            username text NOT NULL,
            sysadmin boolean NOT NULL
            ) ON COMMIT DROP;
        INSERT INTO datastore_user VALUES (
            {username}, {sysadmin}
            sysadmin='TRUE' if is_sysadmin(username) else 'FALSE'))