Example #1
    def test_successful_reimport(self):
        '''If all is good and the FIS-Broker service returns a record,
           return an HTTP 200.'''

        fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup(
        job.status = u'Finished'
        package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict)
        package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id']
        package = Package.get(package_id)
        old_title = package.title
        response = self.app.get(
            headers={'Accept': 'application/json'},
                'REMOTE_USER': self.context['user'].encode('ascii')
        # assert successful HTTP response
        _assert_equal(response.status_int, 200)
        content = json.loads(response.body)
        # assert success marker in resonse JSON
        assert content['success']
        # assert that title has changed to the correct value (i.e., the reimport has actually happened)
            u"NÀhrstoffversorgung des Oberbodens 2015 (Umweltatlas) - [WFS]")
        _assert_not_equal(package.title, old_title)
Example #2
    def test_reimport_invalid_dataset_triggers_deletion(self):
        """If a previously harvested dataset is reimported, and the
           reimport results in an ERROR_DURING_IMPORT, the package should
           have its state changed to deleted."""

        fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup(
        job.status = u'Finished'
        package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict)
        package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id']

        response = self.app.get(
            headers={'Accept': 'application/json'},
                'REMOTE_USER': self.context['user'].encode('ascii')

        # assert successful HTTP response
        _assert_equal(response.status_int, 200)
        content = json.loads(response.body)

        # assert failure marker in response JSON
        assert not content['success']
        _assert_equal(content['error']['code'], ERROR_DURING_IMPORT)
        package = Package.get(package_id)
        _assert_equal(package.state, 'deleted')
Example #3
    def test_reimport_browser_triggers_redirect(self):
        '''If the reimport is triggered via the Browser (HTML is requested), the response should be a
           302 redirect to a specific URL.'''
        # unsuccessful request, /dataset/dunk does not exist:
        response = self.app.get(url='/dataset/dunk/reimport',
                                headers={'Accept': 'text/html'},
        url = urlparse(response.location)
        _assert_equal(response.status_int, 302)
        _assert_equal(url.path, "/dataset/dunk")

        # successful request:
        fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup(
        job.status = u'Finished'
        package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict)
        package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id']
        response = self.app.get(url='/dataset/{}/reimport'.format(package_id),
                                headers={'Accept': 'text/html'},
        url = urlparse(response.location)
        _assert_equal(response.status_int, 302)
        _assert_equal(url.path, "/dataset/{}".format(package_id))
Example #4
def package_update_minimal(context, data_dict):
    '''Update a dataset (package).

    You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs
    It is recommended to call
    :py:func:`ckan.logic.action.get.package_show`, make the desired changes to
    the result, and then call ``package_update()`` with it.

    Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending on the value
    of the dataset's ``type`` attribute, see the
    :py:class:`~ckan.plugins.interfaces.IDatasetForm` plugin interface.

    For further parameters see

    :param id: the name or id of the dataset to update
    :type id: string

    :returns: the updated dataset (if ``'return_package_dict'`` is ``True`` in
              the context, which is the default. Otherwise returns just the
              dataset id)
    :rtype: dictionary
    package= ''
    fulltext = ''
    old_fulltext = ''
    if data_dict.has_key('extras'):
        contains = _contains_key(data_dict['extras'], 'full_text_search')
            fulltext = contains
            data_dict = _del_extra_field_from_dict(data_dict, 'full_text_search')
            package = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
            old_fulltext = None
            if package.has_key('id'):
                old_fulltext = Session.query(PackageFulltext) \
                                    .filter(PackageFulltext.package_id==package['id']) \
            fulltext_dict_save(fulltext, old_fulltext, package, context)
            package = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
        package = update.package_update(context, data_dict)

    if check_logged_in(context):
        fulltext = _get_fulltext(package['id'])
        if fulltext:
            fulltext_dict = { 'key': 'full_text_search',
                              'value': fulltext.text
        return package
    minimal_package = _del_extra_field_from_dict(package)
    minimal_package = _del_main_field_from_dict(minimal_package)
    return minimal_package
Example #5
def package_update_minimal(context, data_dict):
    '''Update a dataset (package).

    You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs
    It is recommended to call
    :py:func:`ckan.logic.action.get.package_show`, make the desired changes to
    the result, and then call ``package_update()`` with it.

    Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending on the value
    of the dataset's ``type`` attribute, see the
    :py:class:`~ckan.plugins.interfaces.IDatasetForm` plugin interface.

    For further parameters see

    :param id: the name or id of the dataset to update
    :type id: string

    :returns: the updated dataset (if ``'return_package_dict'`` is ``True`` in
              the context, which is the default. Otherwise returns just the
              dataset id)
    :rtype: dictionary
    package = ''
    fulltext = ''
    old_fulltext = ''
    if data_dict.has_key('extras'):
        contains = _contains_key(data_dict['extras'], 'full_text_search')
        if (contains):
            fulltext = contains
            data_dict = _del_extra_field_from_dict(data_dict,

            package = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
            old_fulltext = None
            if package.has_key('id'):
                old_fulltext = Session.query(PackageFulltext) \
                                    .filter(PackageFulltext.package_id==package['id']) \
            fulltext_dict_save(fulltext, old_fulltext, package, context)
            package = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
        package = update.package_update(context, data_dict)

    if check_logged_in(context):
        fulltext = _get_fulltext(package['id'])
        if fulltext:
            fulltext_dict = {'key': 'full_text_search', 'value': fulltext.text}
        return package

    minimal_package = _del_extra_field_from_dict(package)
    minimal_package = _del_main_field_from_dict(minimal_package)
    return minimal_package
Example #6
def pkg_update(context, data_dict):

    # Here we are doing custom update for only 2 dataset types ('model-package' and 'model-configuration')
    # These 2 dataset types have metadata elements that are populated by the system only. That's why this custom
    # update is needed in order to be able to edit these 2 types of datasets as some of the metadata elements are not
    # exposed to the UI for user to update since there are supposed to be populated by the system.

    log.debug('my very own package_update() called')

    # get the already saved package
    orig_pkg = p.toolkit.get_action('package_show')(context, data_dict)

    # find the type pf package/dataset
    pkg_type = orig_pkg.get('type', None)
    if pkg_type is None:
        return package_update(context, data_dict)

    if pkg_type == 'model-package':
        if data_dict.get('package_run_status', None) is None:
            if orig_pkg.get('package_run_status', None):
                data_dict['package_run_status'] = orig_pkg[
                data_dict['package_run_status'] = 'Not yet submitted'

        if data_dict.get('package_run_job_id', None) is None:
            if orig_pkg.get('package_run_job_id', None):
                data_dict['package_run_job_id'] = orig_pkg[
                data_dict['package_run_job_id'] = ' '
    elif pkg_type == 'model-configuration':
        if data_dict.get('model_name', None) is None:
            data_dict['model_name'] = orig_pkg['model_name']

        if data_dict.get('processing_status', None) is None:
            data_dict['processing_status'] = orig_pkg['processing_status']

        if data_dict.get('package_build_request_job_id', None) is None:
            if orig_pkg.get('package_build_request_job_id', None):
                data_dict['package_build_request_job_id'] = orig_pkg[
                data_dict['package_build_request_job_id'] = ''

        if data_dict.get('package_availability', None) is None:
            if orig_pkg.get('package_availability', None):
                data_dict['package_availability'] = orig_pkg[
                data_dict['package_availability'] = 'Not available'

    return package_update(context, data_dict)
Example #7
    def test_raise_error_for_failed_getrecordbyid_request(self):
        '''A reimport should fail with a NoConnectionError when the
           getrecordbyid-Request failed with a timeout.'''

        fb_controller = controller.FISBrokerController()
        fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup(
            FISBROKER_HARVESTER_CONFIG, fb_guid='cannot_connect')
        package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict)
        package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id']

        package_ids = [package_id]
        with assert_raises(NoConnectionError):
            fb_controller.reimport_batch(package_ids, self.context)
Example #8
def pkg_update(context, data_dict):

    # Here we are doing custom update for only 2 dataset types ('model-package' and 'model-configuration')
    # These 2 dataset types have metadata elements that are populated by the system only. That's why this custom
    # update is needed in order to be able to edit these 2 types of datasets as some of the metadata elements are not
    # exposed to the UI for user to update since there are supposed to be populated by the system.

    log.debug('my very own package_update() called')

    # get the already saved package
    orig_pkg = p.toolkit.get_action('package_show')(context, data_dict)

    # find the type pf package/dataset
    pkg_type = orig_pkg.get('type', None)
    if pkg_type is None:
        return package_update(context, data_dict)

    if pkg_type == 'model-package':
        if data_dict.get('package_run_status', None) is None:
            if orig_pkg.get('package_run_status', None):
                data_dict['package_run_status'] = orig_pkg['package_run_status']
                data_dict['package_run_status'] = 'Not yet submitted'

        if data_dict.get('package_run_job_id', None) is None:
            if orig_pkg.get('package_run_job_id', None):
                data_dict['package_run_job_id'] = orig_pkg['package_run_job_id']
                data_dict['package_run_job_id'] = ' '
    elif pkg_type == 'model-configuration':
        if data_dict.get('model_name', None) is None:
            data_dict['model_name'] = orig_pkg['model_name']

        if data_dict.get('processing_status', None) is None:
            data_dict['processing_status'] = orig_pkg['processing_status']

        if data_dict.get('package_build_request_job_id', None) is None:
            if orig_pkg.get('package_build_request_job_id', None):
                data_dict['package_build_request_job_id'] = orig_pkg['package_build_request_job_id']
                data_dict['package_build_request_job_id'] = ''

        if data_dict.get('package_availability', None) is None:
            if orig_pkg.get('package_availability', None):
                data_dict['package_availability'] = orig_pkg['package_availability']
                data_dict['package_availability'] = 'Not available'

    return package_update(context, data_dict)
Example #9
    def test_reimport_anonymously_fails(self):
        '''Only a logged in user can initiate a successful reimport, so anonymous access
           should raise an authorization error.'''

        fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup(
        job.status = u'Finished'
        package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict)
        package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id']

        with assert_raises(NotAuthorized):
                         headers={'Accept': 'text/html'},
Example #10
def package_patch(context, data_dict):
    '''Patch a dataset (package).

    :param id: the id or name of the dataset
    :type id: string

    The difference between the update and patch methods is that the patch will
    perform an update of the provided parameters, while leaving all other
    parameters unchanged, whereas the update methods deletes all parameters
    not explicitly provided in the data_dict

    You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs
    _check_access('package_patch', context, data_dict)

    show_context = {
        'model': context['model'],
        'session': context['session'],
        'user': context['user'],
        'auth_user_obj': context['auth_user_obj'],

    package_dict = _get_action('package_show')(
        {'id': _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')})

    patched = dict(package_dict)
    patched['id'] = package_dict['id']
    return _update.package_update(context, patched)
Example #11
def package_update(context, data_dict):

    # The only thing we do here is remove some extras that are always
    # inherited from the dataset publisher, to avoid duplicating them

    return update_core.package_update(context, data_dict)
Example #12
def package_update(context, data_dict):
    userobj = toolkit.c.userobj

    # Decide if we need notification
    # - deposited-datset AND
    # - not a test env AND
    # - just published
    notify = False
    if data_dict.get('type') == 'deposited-dataset' and hasattr(userobj, 'id'):
        dataset = toolkit.get_action('package_show')(context, {
            'id': data_dict['id']
        if dataset.get('state') == 'draft' and data_dict.get(
                'state') == 'active':
            notify = True

    # Update dataset
    dataset = update_core.package_update(context, data_dict)

    # Send notification if needed
    if notify:
        dataset['url'] = toolkit.url_for('dataset_read',
        curation = helpers.get_deposited_dataset_user_curation_status(
            dataset, userobj.id)
        subj = mailer.compose_curation_email_subj(dataset)
        body = mailer.compose_curation_email_body(dataset, curation,
        mailer.mail_user_by_id(userobj.id, subj, body)

    return dataset
Example #13
def package_update_rest_minimal(context, data_dict):
    package = ''
    fulltext = ''
    old_fulltext = ''
    if data_dict.has_key('extras'):
        if 'full_text_search' in data_dict['extras'].keys():
            fulltext = data_dict['extras']['full_text_search']
            data_dict = _del_extra_field_from_list(data_dict,
            package = update.package_update_rest(context, data_dict)
            old_fulltext = None

            if package.has_key('id'):
                old_fulltext = Session.query(PackageFulltext) \
                                    .filter(PackageFulltext.package_id==package['id']) \
            fulltext_dict_save(fulltext, old_fulltext, package, context)
            package = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
        package = update.package_update_rest(context, data_dict)

    if check_logged_in(context):
        fulltext = _get_fulltext(package['id'])
        if fulltext:
            package['extras']['full_text_search'] = fulltext.text
        return package

    minimal_package = _del_extra_field_from_list(package)
    minimal_package = _del_main_field_from_dict(minimal_package)
    return minimal_package
Example #14
def package_update(context, data_dict):

    # The only thing we do here is remove some extras that are always
    # inherited from the dataset publisher, to avoid duplicating them

    return update_core.package_update(context, data_dict)
Example #15
 def test_resource_list(self):
     # TODO restore this test. It doesn't make much sense with the
     # present resource list design.
     name = 'annakarenina'
     cache_url = 'http://thedatahub.org/test_cache_url.csv'
     # add a cache_url to the first resource in the package
     context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session, 'user': '******'}
     data = {'id': 'annakarenina'}
     pkg = get.package_show(context, data)
     pkg['resources'][0]['cache_url'] = cache_url
     # FIXME need to pretend to be called by the api
     context['api_version'] = 3
     update.package_update(context, pkg)
     # check that the cache url is included on the dataset view page
     offset = url_for(controller='package', action='read', id=name)
     res = self.app.get(offset)
Example #16
def package_patch(context, data_dict):
    '''Patch a dataset (package).

    :param id: the id or name of the dataset
    :type id: string

    The difference between the update and patch methods is that the patch will
    perform an update of the provided parameters, while leaving all other
    parameters unchanged, whereas the update methods deletes all parameters
    not explicitly provided in the data_dict

    You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs
    _check_access('package_patch', context, data_dict)

    show_context = {
        'model': context['model'],
        'session': context['session'],
        'user': context['user'],
        'auth_user_obj': context['auth_user_obj'],

    package_dict = _get_action('package_show')(
        show_context, {
            'id': _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')

    patched = dict(package_dict)
    patched['id'] = package_dict['id']
    return _update.package_update(context, patched)
Example #17
def package_update_rest_minimal(context, data_dict):
    package= ''
    fulltext = ''
    old_fulltext = ''
    if data_dict.has_key('extras'):
        if 'full_text_search' in data_dict['extras'].keys():
            fulltext = data_dict['extras']['full_text_search']
            data_dict = _del_extra_field_from_list(data_dict, 'full_text_search')
            package = update.package_update_rest(context, data_dict)
            old_fulltext = None
            if package.has_key('id'):
                old_fulltext = Session.query(PackageFulltext) \
                                    .filter(PackageFulltext.package_id==package['id']) \
            fulltext_dict_save(fulltext, old_fulltext, package, context)
            package = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
        package = update.package_update_rest(context, data_dict)

    if check_logged_in(context):
        fulltext = _get_fulltext(package['id'])
        if fulltext:
            package['extras']['full_text_search'] = fulltext.text 
        return package
    minimal_package = _del_extra_field_from_list(package)
    minimal_package = _del_main_field_from_dict(minimal_package)
    return minimal_package
Example #18
 def drupal_package_update(self, context, data_dict):
     session = context['model'].Session
     context['nid'] = data_dict.pop('nid')
     context['extras_as_string'] = True
     package_update = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
     package_update['nid'] = context['nid']
     package_update['revision_message'] = '%s-%s'%(session.revision.id,session.revision.message)
     return package_update
def dataset_update(context, data_dict=None):
    ret_val = package_update(context, data_dict)
    if not context.get('defer_commit'):
        log.debug("package_update sync dataset")
    return ret_val
Example #20
 def drupal_package_update(self, context, data_dict):
     session = context['model'].Session
     context['nid'] = data_dict.pop('nid')
     context['extras_as_string'] = True
     package_update = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
     package_update['nid'] = context['nid']
     package_update['revision_message'] = '%s-%s' % (
         session.revision.id, session.revision.message)
     return package_update
Example #21
def drupal_package_update(context, data_dict):
    session = context['model'].Session
    context['nid'] = data_dict.pop('nid')
    context['vid'] = data_dict.pop('vid')
    package_create = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
    package_create['nid'] = context['nid']
    package_create['vid'] = context['vid']
    package_create['revision_message'] = '%s-%s'%(session.revision.id,session.revision.message)
    return package_create
Example #22
    def test_handle_not_found_fisbroker(self):
        '''If FIS-Broker service replies that no record with the given guid exisits, return an
           HTTP 404 with internal error code 9.'''

        fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup(
            FISBROKER_HARVESTER_CONFIG, fb_guid='invalid_guid')
        package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict)
        package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id']
        response = self.app.get(
            headers={'Accept': 'application/json'},
                'REMOTE_USER': self.context['user'].encode('ascii')
        _assert_equal(response.status_int, 404)
        content = json.loads(response.body)
Example #23
    def test_reimport_batch_raises_no_connection_error(self):
        '''A batch reimport show trigger a NoConnectionError if a connection to
           FIS-Broker cannot be established.'''

        fb_controller = controller.FISBrokerController()
        unreachable_config = {
            'title': 'Unreachable FIS-Broker Harvest Source',
            'name': 'unreachable-fis-broker-harvest-source',
            'source_type': HARVESTER_ID,
            'url': "http://somewhere.over.the.ra.invalid/csw"
        fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup(
        package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict)
        package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id']

        package_ids = [package_id]
        with assert_raises(NoConnectionError):
            fb_controller.reimport_batch(package_ids, self.context)
Example #24
 def test_resource_list(self, app):
     # TODO restore this test. It doesn't make much sense with the
     # present resource list design.
     name = "annakarenina"
     cache_url = "http://thedatahub.org/test_cache_url.csv"
     # add a cache_url to the first resource in the package
     context = {
         "model": model,
         "session": model.Session,
         "user": "******",
     data = {"id": "annakarenina"}
     pkg = get.package_show(context, data)
     pkg["resources"][0]["cache_url"] = cache_url
     # FIXME need to pretend to be called by the api
     context["api_version"] = 3
     update.package_update(context, pkg)
     # check that the cache url is included on the dataset view page
     offset = url_for("dataset.read", id=name)
     res = app.get(offset)
Example #25
def package_update(context, data_dict):
    mapped_resources = []
    if 'resources' in data_dict:
        for resource in data_dict['resources']:
            mapped_resource = generate_mapping(context, resource)
        data_dict['resources'] = mapped_resources

    package_dict = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
    if package_dict['type'] == 'dataset':
        send_dataset_log(context, package_dict, 'Dataset updated',
    return package_dict
Example #26
    def test_handle_no_connection_to_fisbroker(self):
        '''If the FIS-Broker service cannot be reached, return an HTTP 500 with internal
           error code 8.'''

        unreachable_config = {
            'title': 'Unreachable FIS-Broker Harvest Source',
            'name': 'unreachable-fis-broker-harvest-source',
            'source_type': HARVESTER_ID,
            'url': "http://somewhere.over.the.ra.invalid/csw"
        fb_dataset_dict, source, job = self._harvester_setup(
        package_update(self.context, fb_dataset_dict)
        package_id = fb_dataset_dict['id']
        response = self.app.get(
            headers={'Accept': 'application/json'},
                'REMOTE_USER': self.context['user'].encode('ascii')
        _assert_equal(response.status_int, 500)
        content = json.loads(response.body)
        _assert_equal(content['error']['code'], controller.ERROR_NO_CONNECTION)
Example #27
    def package_update(self, context, data_dict):
        preview = context.get('preview', False)
        schema = context.get('schema') or default_update_package_schema()
        if preview:
        if 'id' not in data_dict:
            raise NotFound
        result = self.engine.execute(
                    or_(self.package_table.c.id == data_dict['id'],
                        self.package_table.c.name == data_dict['id'])
        if not result:
            raise NotFound
        nid = result['nid']
        data_dict['body'] = data_dict['notes']
        ## run through validate to make sure tags are in correct place
        data, errors = validate(data_dict, schema, context)
        terms = {}
        for num, tag in enumerate(data.get('tags', [])):
            terms[str(num)] = tag['name']
        data_dict['terms'] = terms

        if data_dict.get('state', 'active') == 'active':
            data_dict['status'] = '1'
            data_dict['status'] = '0'

        url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, 'services/package/%s.json' % (nid))
        data = json.dumps({'data': data_dict})
        req = urllib2.Request(url, data, {'Content-type': 'application/json'})
        req.get_method = lambda: 'PUT'
        ##XXX think about error conditions a bit more
        f = urllib2.urlopen(req, None, 3)
            drupal_info = json.loads(f.read())

        session = context['model'].Session
        context['nid'] = result['nid']
        package_update = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
        package_update['nid'] = result['nid']
        package_update['revision_message'] = '%s-%s'%(session.revision.id,session.revision.message)
        return package_update
Example #28
    def package_update(self, context, data_dict):
        preview = context.get('preview', False)
        schema = context.get('schema') or default_update_package_schema()
        if preview:
        if 'id' not in data_dict:
            raise NotFound
        result = self.engine.execute(
                or_(self.package_table.c.id == data_dict['id'],
                    self.package_table.c.name == data_dict['id']))).fetchone()
        if not result:
            raise NotFound
        nid = result['nid']
        data_dict['body'] = data_dict['notes']
        ## run through validate to make sure tags are in correct place
        data, errors = validate(data_dict, schema, context)
        terms = {}
        for num, tag in enumerate(data.get('tags', [])):
            terms[str(num)] = tag['name']
        data_dict['terms'] = terms

        if data_dict.get('state', 'active') == 'active':
            data_dict['status'] = '1'
            data_dict['status'] = '0'

        url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url,
                               'services/package/%s.json' % (nid))
        data = json.dumps({'data': data_dict})
        req = urllib2.Request(url, data, {'Content-type': 'application/json'})
        req.get_method = lambda: 'PUT'
        ##XXX think about error conditions a bit more
        f = urllib2.urlopen(req, None, 3)
            drupal_info = json.loads(f.read())

        session = context['model'].Session
        context['nid'] = result['nid']
        package_update = update.package_update(context, data_dict)
        package_update['nid'] = result['nid']
        package_update['revision_message'] = '%s-%s' % (
            session.revision.id, session.revision.message)
        return package_update
Example #29
def showcase_update(context, data_dict):

    # If get_uploader is available (introduced for IUploader in CKAN 2.5), use
    # it, otherwise use the default uploader.
    # https://github.com/ckan/ckan/pull/2510
        upload = uploader.get_uploader('showcase', data_dict['image_url'])
    except AttributeError:
        upload = uploader.Upload('showcase', data_dict['image_url'])

    upload.update_data_dict(data_dict, 'image_url', 'image_upload',


    pkg = package_update(context, data_dict)
    #pkg = toolkit.get_action('package_update')(context, data_dict)

    return pkg
Example #30
def package_patch(context: Context,
                  data_dict: DataDict) -> ActionResult.PackagePatch:
    '''Patch a dataset (package).

    :param id: the id or name of the dataset
    :type id: string

    The difference between the update and patch methods is that the patch will
    perform an update of the provided parameters, while leaving all other
    parameters unchanged, whereas the update methods deletes all parameters
    not explicitly provided in the data_dict.

    You are able to partially update and/or create resources with
    package_patch. If you are updating existing resources be sure to provide
    the resource id. Existing resources excluded from the package_patch
    data_dict will be removed. Resources in the package data_dict without
    an id will be treated as new resources and will be added. New resources
    added with the patch method do not create the default views.

    You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs
    _check_access('package_patch', context, data_dict)

    show_context: Context = {
        'model': context['model'],
        'session': context['session'],
        'user': context['user'],
        'auth_user_obj': context['auth_user_obj'],
        'ignore_auth': context.get('ignore_auth', False),
        'for_update': True

    package_dict = _get_action('package_show')(
        show_context, {
            'id': _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')

    patched = dict(package_dict)
    patched['id'] = package_dict['id']
    return _update.package_update(context, patched)
Example #31
def package_update(context, data_dict):

    # The only thing we do here is remove some extras that are always
    # inherited from the dataset publisher, to avoid duplicating them
    old_package_dict = get_core.package_show(
        context, {"id": data_dict.get('id') or data_dict.get('name')})
    updated_package = update_core.package_update(context, data_dict)
    # Part of first publisher date patch
    if 'owner_org' in data_dict:

    if old_package_dict.get('private') and not updated_package.get('private') and \
            updated_package.get('satte') != "deleted":
        # Data is published send an email
        package_title = updated_package.get('title') or updated_package.get(
                                         updated_package.get('owner_org', ''),

    return updated_package
Example #32
def package_patch(context, data_dict):
    '''Patch a dataset (package).

    :param id: the id or name of the dataset
    :type id: string

    The difference between the update and patch methods is that the patch will
    perform an update of the provided parameters, while leaving all other
    parameters unchanged, whereas the update methods deletes all parameters
    not explicitly provided in the data_dict.

    You are able to partially update and/or create resources with
    package_patch. If you are updating existing resources be sure to provide
    the resource id. Existing resources excluded from the package_patch
    data_dict will be removed. Resources in the package data_dict without
    an id will be treated as new resources and will be added. New resources
    added with the patch method do not create the default views.

    You must be authorized to edit the dataset and the groups that it belongs
    _check_access('package_patch', context, data_dict)

    show_context = {
        'model': context['model'],
        'session': context['session'],
        'user': context['user'],
        'auth_user_obj': context['auth_user_obj'],

    package_dict = _get_action('package_show')(
        {'id': _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'id')})

    patched = dict(package_dict)
    patched['id'] = package_dict['id']
    return _update.package_update(context, patched)
Example #33
def update_groups_for_all_datasets():
    # This job re-calculate all harvested dataset groups from scratch
    # It makes actual update call only on changed packages

    # Get groups
    groups = helpers.get_groups_with_extras()

    # Get packages
    offset = 0
    limit = 1000
    packages = []
    while True:
        page = toolkit.get_action('package_search')(
                'model': model
            }, {
                'start': offset,
                'rows': limit,
                'fq': 'dataset_type:dataset',
        if not page:
        offset += limit

    # Update packages
    for package in packages:
        old_group_names = _extract_group_names(package)
        package = tagging.recalculate_dataset_groups(package, groups=groups)
        new_group_names = _extract_group_names(package)
        if old_group_names != new_group_names:
            # We don't want to recalculate groups twice
            # (see ckanext.lacounts.logic.actions.package_create/udpate)
            context = {'model': model, 'user': toolkit.c.user}
            package = update_core.package_update(context, package)
            log.debug('Updated groups for package: %s' % package['name'])
Example #34
    def test_user_activity(self):
        """Test user activity streams HTML rendering."""

        # Register a new user.
        user_dict = {'name': 'billybeane',
                'fullname': 'Billy Beane',
                'about': 'General Manager, Oakland Athletics',
                'email': '*****@*****.**',
                'password': '******'}
        context = {
            'model': ckan.model,
            'session': ckan.model.Session,
            'user': self.sysadmin_user.name,
            'allow_partial_update': True,
        user = user_create(context, user_dict)
        offset = url_for('user.activity', id=user['id'])
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s signed up' % user['fullname'] in stripped, stripped

        # Create a new package.
        package = {
            'name' : 'baseball_stats',
            'title' : "Billy's Stats about Baseball Players",
        context['user'] = user['name']
        # FIXME This test use an old way to get at the schema to
        # recreate this we need to pretend to be using the api. We
        # should not be calling package_create like this we should be
        # going via the api or package controllers
        context['api_version'] = 3
        context['ignore_auth'] = True
        package = package_create(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s created the dataset %s ' % (
                user['fullname'], package['title']) in stripped, stripped

        # Add a resource to the package.
        resource = {
            'url': 'http://www.example.com',
            'description': "Chad Bradford's OBP Stats`",
            'format': 'cvs',
            'name': 'Chad Bradford Stats',
        request_data = {
                'id': package['id'],
                'resources': package['resources'],
        package = package_update(context, request_data)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s added the resource %s to the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], resource['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the package.
        package['title'] =  "Billy's Updated Stats about Baseball Players"
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s updated the dataset %s' \
                % (user['fullname'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the resource.
        resource = package['resources'][0]
        resource['name'] = 'Chad Bradford Updated Stats'
        resource = resource_update(context, resource)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s updated the resource %s in the dataset %s' \
                % (user['fullname'], resource['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Delete the resource.
        context['allow_partial_update'] = False
        package['resources'] = []
        package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s deleted the resource %s from the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], resource['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Follow the package.
        follow_dataset(context, {'id': package['id']})
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s started following %s' % (user['fullname'],
                package['title']) not in stripped, stripped

        # Follow another user.
        follow_user(context, {'id': 'joeadmin'})
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s started following %s' % (user['fullname'],
                'joeadmin') not in stripped, stripped

        # Create a new group.
        group = {
            'name': 'baseball-stats-group',
            'title': 'A Group for Datasets about Baseball'
        context['allow_partial_update'] = True
        group = group_create(context, group)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s created the group %s' % (user['fullname'], group['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the group.
        group['title'] = 'updated'
        group = group_update(context, group)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s updated the group %s' % (user['fullname'], group['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Delete the group.
        group['state'] = 'deleted'
        group_update(context, group)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s deleted the group %s' % (user['fullname'], group['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Add a new tag to the package.
        tag = {'name': 'baseball'}
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s added the tag %s to the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], tag['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Remove the tag from the package.
        package['tags'] = []
        context['allow_partial_update'] = False
        package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s removed the tag %s from the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], tag['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Add an extra to the package.
        package['extras'].append({'key': 'quality', 'value': '10000'})
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s added the extra "%s" to the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], 'quality', package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the extra.
        package['extras'][0]['value'] = 'updated'
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s changed the extra "%s" of the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], 'quality', package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Delete the extra.
        del package['extras'][0]
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s deleted the extra "%s" from the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], 'quality', package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Delete the package.
        # we need to get round the delete permission
        context['ignore_auth'] = True
        package_delete(context, package)
        del context['ignore_auth']
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s deleted the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the user's profile.
        user['about'] = ''
        user_update(context, user)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s updated their profile' % user['fullname'] \
                in stripped, stripped

        # By now we've created >15 activities, but only the latest 15 should
        # appear on the page.
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        assert result.body.count('<span class="actor">') \
                == 15, result.body.count('<span class="actor">')

        # The user's dashboard page should load successfully and have the
        # latest 15 activities on it.
        offset = url_for('dashboard.index')
        extra_environ = {'Authorization':
        result = self.app.get(offset, extra_environ=extra_environ,
        assert result.body.count('<span class="actor">') == 15, \
            result.body.count('<span class="actor">')
Example #35
def package_update(context, data_dict):
    if data_dict.get('type') == 'dataset':
        data_dict = _package_create_or_update(data_dict)
    return update_core.package_update(context, data_dict)
Example #36
def pkg_update(context, data_dict):
    log.debug('my very own package_update() called')

    # turning context 'validate' key on/off to allow schema changes to work with existing dataset
    context['validate'] = False
    origpkg = p.toolkit.get_action('package_show')(context, data_dict)
    context['validate'] = True

    # this is needed when adding a resource to an existing dataset
    if context.get('save', None) is None:
        for extra in origpkg['extras']:
            if data_dict.get(extra['key'], None) is None:
                data_dict[extra['key']] = extra['value']

    #get name of the author to use in citation
    author = origpkg.get('author', None)
    # get the name of the submitter to use in citation if author is not available
    sub_name = None
    sub_email = None
    submitter_dict = [extra for extra in origpkg['extras'] if extra['key'] == 'sub_name' or extra['key'] == 'sub_email']
    for extra in submitter_dict:
        if extra['key'] == 'sub_name':
            sub_name = extra['value']
        if extra['key'] == 'sub_email':
            sub_email = extra['value']

    if not sub_name:
        context['return_minimal'] = True
        # turning context 'validate' key on/off to allow schema changes to work with existing dataset
        context['validate'] = False
        user = p.toolkit.get_action('user_show')(context, {'id': context['user']})
        context['validate'] = True
        data_dict['sub_name'] = user['fullname']
        data_dict['sub_email'] = user['email']
        data_dict['sub_name'] = sub_name
        data_dict['sub_email'] = sub_email

    # TODO: may be we do not need the original CKAN author information
    if not author:
        data_dict['author'] = data_dict['sub_name']
        data_dict['author_email'] = data_dict['sub_email']

    data_dict['version'] = u'1.0'
    data_dict['license_id'] = u'cc-by'

    dateval = origpkg['metadata_created']
    year = dateval.split("-")[0]

    if origpkg['state'] != 'active':
        if data_dict.get('author', None):
            data_dict['citation'] = createcitation(context, data_dict, year)
            data_dict['citation'] = u''
        data_dict['citation'] = createcitation(context, data_dict, year)
        context['validate'] = False

    # This was added to allow creation metadata only dataset (dataset without resources)
    # Here we are deleting our dummy resource if it exists
    if origpkg['state'] == 'draft' or origpkg['state'] == 'draft-complete':
        if data_dict.get('resources', None):
            if len(data_dict['resources']) > 0:
                dummy_resource = data_dict['resources'][0]
                if dummy_resource.get('dummy_resource', None):
                    del data_dict['resources'][0]
        elif origpkg.get('resources', None):
            if len(origpkg['resources']) > 0:
                dummy_resource = origpkg['resources'][0]
                if dummy_resource.get('dummy_resource', None):
                    del origpkg['resources'][0]

    iutahorg = p.toolkit.get_action('organization_show')(context, {'id': 'iutah'})

    if not data_dict.get('owner_org', None):
        data_dict['owner_org'] = origpkg['owner_org']
        data_dict['private'] = origpkg['private']
        if data_dict['owner_org'] == iutahorg['id']:
            data_dict['private'] = origpkg['private']

    # remove if there any deleted repeatable elements from the data_dict
    _remove_deleted_repeatable_elements(data_dict, 'creators')
    _remove_deleted_repeatable_elements(data_dict, 'contributors')
    _remove_deleted_repeatable_elements(data_dict, 'variables')

    # remove any invalid variables

    # add tag names to the tag_string element if 'tag_string' is missing from the data_dict
    # needed to make the entry of one tag (keyword) as required
    if not 'tag_string' in data_dict.keys():
        tags = ','.join(tag['name'] for tag in data_dict['tags'])
        data_dict['tag_string'] = tags

    return package_update(context, data_dict)
Example #37
    def test_activity(self):
        """Test activity streams HTML rendering."""

        # Register a new user.
        user_dict = {'name': 'billybeane',
                'fullname': 'Billy Beane',
                'about': 'General Manager, Oakland Athletics',
                'email': '*****@*****.**',
                'password': '******'}
        context = {
            'model': ckan.model,
            'session': ckan.model.Session,
            'user': self.sysadmin_user.name,
            'allow_partial_update': True,
            'extras_as_string': True,
        user = user_create(context, user_dict)
        offset = url_for(controller='user', action='read', id=user['id'])
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s signed up.' % user['fullname'] in stripped, stripped

        # Create a new package.
        package = {
            'name' : 'baseball_stats',
            'title' : "Billy's Stats about Baseball Players",
        context['user'] = user['name']
        package = package_create(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s created the dataset %s ' % (
                user['fullname'], package['title']) in stripped, stripped

        # Add a resource to the package.
        resource = {
            'url': 'http://www.example.com',
            'description': "Chad Bradford's OBP Stats`",
            'format': 'cvs',
            'name': 'Chad Bradford Stats',
        request_data = {
                'id': package['id'],
                'resources': package['resources'],
        package = package_update(context, request_data)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s added the resource %s to the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], resource['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the package.
        package['title'] =  "Billy's Updated Stats about Baseball Players"
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s updated the dataset %s' \
                % (user['fullname'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the resource.
        resource = package['resources'][0]
        resource['name'] = 'Chad Bradford Updated Stats'
        resource = resource_update(context, resource)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s updated the resource %s in the dataset %s' \
                % (user['fullname'], resource['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Delete the resource.
        context['allow_partial_update'] = False
        package['resources'] = []
        package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s deleted the resource %s from the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], resource['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Create a new group.
        group = {
            'name': 'baseball-stats-group',
            'title': 'A Group for Datasets about Baseball'
        context['allow_partial_update'] = True
        group = group_create(context, group)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s created the group %s' % (user['fullname'], group['name']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the group.
        group['title'] = 'updated'
        group = group_update(context, group)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s updated the group %s' % (user['fullname'], group['name']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Delete the group.
        group['state'] = 'deleted'
        group_update(context, group)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s deleted the group %s' % (user['fullname'], group['name']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Add a new tag to the package.
        tag = {'name': 'baseball'}
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s added the tag %s to the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], tag['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Remove the tag from the package.
        package['tags'] = []
        context['allow_partial_update'] = False
        package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s removed the tag %s from the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], tag['name'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Add an extra to the package.
        package['extras'].append({'key': 'quality', 'value': '10000'})
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s added the extra "%s" to the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], 'quality', package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the extra.
        package['extras'][0]['value'] = 'updated'
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s changed the extra "%s" of the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], 'quality', package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Delete the extra.
        del package['extras'][0]
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s deleted the extra "%s" from the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], 'quality', package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Delete the package.
        package_delete(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s deleted the dataset %s' % \
                (user['fullname'], package['title']) \
                in stripped, stripped

        # Update the user's profile.
        user['about'] = ''
        user_update(context, user)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert '%s updated their profile.' % user['fullname'] \
                in stripped, stripped

        # By now we've created >15 activities, but only the latest 15 should
        # appear on the page.
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        assert result.body.count('<div class="activity">') \
                == 15
Example #38
def SaerischemaPlugin_package_update(context, data_dict):
    data_dict = SaerischemaPlugin_add_group_to_package_based_on_topic_category(
        context, data_dict)
    return package_update(context, data_dict)
Example #39
    def test_user_activity(self):
        """Test user activity streams HTML rendering."""

        # Register a new user.
        user_dict = {
            "name": "billybeane",
            "fullname": "Billy Beane",
            "about": "General Manager, Oakland Athletics",
            "email": "*****@*****.**",
            "password": "******",
        context = {
            "model": ckan.model,
            "session": ckan.model.Session,
            "user": self.sysadmin_user.name,
            "allow_partial_update": True,
            "extras_as_string": True,
        user = user_create(context, user_dict)
        offset = url_for(controller="user", action="read", id=user["id"])
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s signed up" % user["fullname"] in stripped, stripped

        # Create a new package.
        package = {"name": "baseball_stats", "title": "Billy's Stats about Baseball Players"}
        context["user"] = user["name"]
        # FIXME This test use an old way to get at the schema to
        # recreate this we need to pretend to be using the api. We
        # should not be calling package_create like this we should be
        # going via the api or package controllers
        context["api_version"] = 3
        context["ignore_auth"] = True
        package = package_create(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s created the dataset %s " % (user["fullname"], package["title"]) in stripped, stripped

        # Add a resource to the package.
        resource = {
            "url": "http://www.example.com",
            "description": "Chad Bradford's OBP Stats`",
            "format": "cvs",
            "name": "Chad Bradford Stats",
        request_data = {"id": package["id"], "resources": package["resources"]}
        package = package_update(context, request_data)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert (
            "%s added the resource %s to the dataset %s" % (user["fullname"], resource["name"], package["title"])
            in stripped
        ), stripped

        # Update the package.
        package["title"] = "Billy's Updated Stats about Baseball Players"
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s updated the dataset %s" % (user["fullname"], package["title"]) in stripped, stripped

        # Update the resource.
        resource = package["resources"][0]
        resource["name"] = "Chad Bradford Updated Stats"
        resource = resource_update(context, resource)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert (
            "%s updated the resource %s in the dataset %s" % (user["fullname"], resource["name"], package["title"])
            in stripped
        ), stripped

        # Delete the resource.
        context["allow_partial_update"] = False
        package["resources"] = []
        package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert (
            "%s deleted the resource %s from the dataset %s" % (user["fullname"], resource["name"], package["title"])
            in stripped
        ), stripped

        # Follow the package.
        follow_dataset(context, {"id": package["id"]})
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s started following %s" % (user["fullname"], package["title"]) not in stripped, stripped

        # Follow another user.
        follow_user(context, {"id": "joeadmin"})
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s started following %s" % (user["fullname"], "joeadmin") not in stripped, stripped

        # Create a new group.
        group = {"name": "baseball-stats-group", "title": "A Group for Datasets about Baseball"}
        context["allow_partial_update"] = True
        group = group_create(context, group)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s created the group %s" % (user["fullname"], group["title"]) in stripped, stripped

        # Update the group.
        group["title"] = "updated"
        group = group_update(context, group)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s updated the group %s" % (user["fullname"], group["title"]) in stripped, stripped

        # Delete the group.
        group["state"] = "deleted"
        group_update(context, group)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s deleted the group %s" % (user["fullname"], group["title"]) in stripped, stripped

        # Add a new tag to the package.
        tag = {"name": "baseball"}
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert (
            "%s added the tag %s to the dataset %s" % (user["fullname"], tag["name"], package["title"]) in stripped
        ), stripped

        # Remove the tag from the package.
        package["tags"] = []
        context["allow_partial_update"] = False
        package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert (
            "%s removed the tag %s from the dataset %s" % (user["fullname"], tag["name"], package["title"]) in stripped
        ), stripped

        # Add an extra to the package.
        package["extras"].append({"key": "quality", "value": "10000"})
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert (
            '%s added the extra "%s" to the dataset %s' % (user["fullname"], "quality", package["title"]) in stripped
        ), stripped

        # Update the extra.
        package["extras"][0]["value"] = "updated"
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert (
            '%s changed the extra "%s" of the dataset %s' % (user["fullname"], "quality", package["title"]) in stripped
        ), stripped

        # Delete the extra.
        del package["extras"][0]
        package = package_update(context, package)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert (
            '%s deleted the extra "%s" from the dataset %s' % (user["fullname"], "quality", package["title"])
            in stripped
        ), stripped

        # Delete the package.
        # we need to get round the delete permission
        context["ignore_auth"] = True
        package_delete(context, package)
        del context["ignore_auth"]
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s deleted the dataset %s" % (user["fullname"], package["title"]) in stripped, stripped

        # Update the user's profile.
        user["about"] = ""
        user_update(context, user)
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        stripped = self.strip_tags(result)
        assert "%s updated their profile" % user["fullname"] in stripped, stripped

        # By now we've created >15 activities, but only the latest 15 should
        # appear on the page.
        result = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
        assert result.body.count('<div class="activity">') == 15

        # The user's dashboard page should load successfully and have the
        # latest 15 activities on it.
        offset = url_for(controller="user", action="dashboard")
        extra_environ = {"Authorization": str(ckan.model.User.get("billybeane").apikey)}
        result = self.app.post(offset, extra_environ=extra_environ, status=200)
        assert result.body.count('<div class="activity">') == 15