Example #1
def group_list(context, data_dict):
    '''Returns a list of groups'''

    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']
    api = context.get('api_version') or '1'
    ref_group_by = 'id' if api == '2' else 'name'
    order_by = data_dict.get('order_by', 'name')
    if order_by not in set(('name', 'packages')):
        raise logic.ParameterError('"order_by" value %r not implemented.' %
    all_fields = data_dict.get('all_fields', None)

    check_access('group_list', context, data_dict)

    query = model.Session.query(model.Group).join(model.GroupRevision)
    query = query.filter(model.GroupRevision.state == 'active')
    query = query.filter(model.GroupRevision.current == True)

    if order_by == 'name':
        sort_by, reverse = 'name', False

    groups = query.all()

    if order_by == 'packages':
        sort_by, reverse = 'packages', True

    group_list = model_dictize.group_list_dictize(groups, context,
                                                  lambda x: x[sort_by],

    if not all_fields:
        group_list = [group[ref_group_by] for group in group_list]

    return group_list
Example #2
def string_to_timedelta(s):
    '''Parse a string s and return a standard datetime.timedelta object.

    Handles days, hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds.

    Accepts strings in these formats:

    2 days
    14 days
    4:35:00 (hours, minutes and seconds)
    4:35:12.087465 (hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds)
    7 days, 3:23:34
    7 days, 3:23:34.087465
    .087465 (microseconds only)

    :raises ckan.logic.ParameterError: if the given string does not match any
        of the recognised formats

    patterns = []
    days_only_pattern = '(?P<days>\d+)\s+day(s)?'
    hms_only_pattern = '(?P<hours>\d?\d):(?P<minutes>\d\d):(?P<seconds>\d\d)'
    ms_only_pattern = '.(?P<milliseconds>\d\d\d)(?P<microseconds>\d\d\d)'
    hms_and_ms_pattern = hms_only_pattern + ms_only_pattern
    days_and_hms_pattern = '{0},\s+{1}'.format(days_only_pattern,
    days_and_hms_and_ms_pattern = days_and_hms_pattern + ms_only_pattern

    for pattern in patterns:
        match = re.match('^{0}$'.format(pattern), s)
        if match:

    if not match:
        raise logic.ParameterError('Not a valid time: {0}'.format(s))

    gd = match.groupdict()
    days = int(gd.get('days', '0'))
    hours = int(gd.get('hours', '0'))
    minutes = int(gd.get('minutes', '0'))
    seconds = int(gd.get('seconds', '0'))
    milliseconds = int(gd.get('milliseconds', '0'))
    microseconds = int(gd.get('microseconds', '0'))
    delta = datetime.timedelta(days=days,
    return delta
Example #3
def send_email_notifications(context, data_dict):
    '''Send any pending activity stream notification emails to users.

    You must provide a sysadmin's API key in the Authorization header of the
    request, or call this action from the command-line via a `paster post ...`

    # If paste.command_request is True then this function has been called
    # by a `paster post ...` command not a real HTTP request, so skip the
    # authorization.
    if not pylons.request.environ.get('paste.command_request'):
        _check_access('send_email_notifications', context, data_dict)

    if not paste.deploy.converters.asbool(
        raise logic.ParameterError('ckan.activity_streams_email_notifications'
                                   ' is not enabled in config')

Example #4
File: update.py Project: arkka/ckan
def user_role_update(context, data_dict):
    '''Update a user or authorization group's roles for a domain object.

    Either the ``user`` or the ``authorization_group`` parameter must be given.

    You must be authorized to update the domain object.

    To delete all of a user or authorization group's roles for domain object,
    pass an empty list ``[]`` to the ``roles`` parameter.

    :param user: the name or id of the user
    :type user: string
    :param authorization_group: the name or id of the authorization group
    :type authorization_group: string
    :param domain_object: the name or id of the domain object (e.g. a package,
        group or authorization group)
    :type domain_object: string
    :param roles: the new roles, e.g. ``['editor']``
    :type roles: list of strings

    :returns: the updated roles of all users and authorization_groups for the
        domain object
    :rtype: dictionary

    model = context['model']

    new_user_ref = data_dict.get(
        'user')  # the user who is being given the new role
    new_authgroup_ref = data_dict.get(
        'authorization_group')  # the authgroup who is being given the new role
    if bool(new_user_ref) == bool(new_authgroup_ref):
        raise logic.ParameterError(
            'You must provide either "user" or "authorization_group" parameter.'
    domain_object_ref = _get_or_bust(data_dict, 'domain_object')
    if not isinstance(data_dict['roles'], (list, tuple)):
        raise logic.ParameterError('Parameter "%s" must be of type: "%s"' %
                                   ('role', 'list'))
    desired_roles = set(data_dict['roles'])

    if new_user_ref:
        user_object = model.User.get(new_user_ref)
        if not user_object:
            raise NotFound('Cannot find user %r' % new_user_ref)
        data_dict['user'] = user_object.id
        add_user_to_role_func = model.add_user_to_role
        remove_user_from_role_func = model.remove_user_from_role
        user_object = model.AuthorizationGroup.get(new_authgroup_ref)
        if not user_object:
            raise NotFound('Cannot find authorization group %r' %
        data_dict['authorization_group'] = user_object.id
        add_user_to_role_func = model.add_authorization_group_to_role
        remove_user_from_role_func = model.remove_authorization_group_from_role

    domain_object = logic.action.get_domain_object(model, domain_object_ref)
    data_dict['id'] = domain_object.id
    if isinstance(domain_object, model.Package):
        _check_access('package_edit_permissions', context, data_dict)
    elif isinstance(domain_object, model.Group):
        _check_access('group_edit_permissions', context, data_dict)
    elif isinstance(domain_object, model.AuthorizationGroup):
        _check_access('authorization_group_edit_permissions', context,
    # Todo: 'system' object
        raise logic.ParameterError(
            'Not possible to update roles for domain object type %s' %

    # current_uors: in order to avoid either creating a role twice or
    # deleting one which is non-existent, we need to get the users\'
    # current roles (if any)
    current_role_dicts = _get_action('roles_show')(context, data_dict)['roles']
    current_roles = set(
        [role_dict['role'] for role_dict in current_role_dicts])

    # Whenever our desired state is different from our current state,
    # change it.
    for role in (desired_roles - current_roles):
        add_user_to_role_func(user_object, role, domain_object)
    for role in (current_roles - desired_roles):
        remove_user_from_role_func(user_object, role, domain_object)

    # and finally commit all these changes to the database
    if not (current_roles == desired_roles):

    return _get_action('roles_show')(context, data_dict)
Example #5
def user_role_update(context, data_dict):
    For a named user (or authz group), set his/her authz roles on a domain_object.
    model = context['model']
    user = context['user']  # the current user, who is making the authz change

    new_user_ref = data_dict.get(
        'user')  # the user who is being given the new role
    new_authgroup_ref = data_dict.get(
        'authorization_group')  # the authgroup who is being given the new role
    if bool(new_user_ref) == bool(new_authgroup_ref):
        raise logic.ParameterError(
            'You must provide either "user" or "authorization_group" parameter.'
    domain_object_ref = data_dict['domain_object']
    if not isinstance(data_dict['roles'], (list, tuple)):
        raise logic.ParameterError('Parameter "%s" must be of type: "%s"' %
                                   ('role', 'list'))
    desired_roles = set(data_dict['roles'])

    if new_user_ref:
        user_object = model.User.get(new_user_ref)
        if not user_object:
            raise NotFound('Cannot find user %r' % new_user_ref)
        data_dict['user'] = user_object.id
        add_user_to_role_func = model.add_user_to_role
        remove_user_from_role_func = model.remove_user_from_role
        user_object = model.AuthorizationGroup.get(new_authgroup_ref)
        if not user_object:
            raise NotFound('Cannot find authorization group %r' %
        data_dict['authorization_group'] = user_object.id
        add_user_to_role_func = model.add_authorization_group_to_role
        remove_user_from_role_func = model.remove_authorization_group_from_role

    domain_object = logic.action.get_domain_object(model, domain_object_ref)
    data_dict['id'] = domain_object.id
    if isinstance(domain_object, model.Package):
        check_access('package_edit_permissions', context, data_dict)
    elif isinstance(domain_object, model.Group):
        check_access('group_edit_permissions', context, data_dict)
    elif isinstance(domain_object, model.AuthorizationGroup):
        check_access('authorization_group_edit_permissions', context,
    # Todo: 'system' object
        raise logic.ParameterError(
            'Not possible to update roles for domain object type %s' %

    # current_uors: in order to avoid either creating a role twice or
    # deleting one which is non-existent, we need to get the users\'
    # current roles (if any)
    current_role_dicts = get_action('roles_show')(context, data_dict)['roles']
    current_roles = set(
        [role_dict['role'] for role_dict in current_role_dicts])

    # Whenever our desired state is different from our current state,
    # change it.
    for role in (desired_roles - current_roles):
        add_user_to_role_func(user_object, role, domain_object)
    for role in (current_roles - desired_roles):
        remove_user_from_role_func(user_object, role, domain_object)

    # and finally commit all these changes to the database
    if not (current_roles == desired_roles):

    return get_action('roles_show')(context, data_dict)