Example #1
def harvest_job_create(context, data_dict):
    log.info('Harvest job create: %r', data_dict)
    check_access('harvest_job_create', context, data_dict)

    source_id = data_dict['source_id']

    # Check if source exists
    source = HarvestSource.get(source_id)
    if not source:
        log.warn('Harvest source %s does not exist', source_id)
        raise NotFound('Harvest source %s does not exist' % source_id)

    # Check if the source is active
    if not source.active:
            'Harvest job cannot be created for inactive source %s',
        raise Exception('Can not create jobs on inactive sources')

    # Check if there already is an unrun or currently running job for this
    # source
    exists = _check_for_existing_jobs(context, source_id)
    if exists:
            'There is already an unrun job %r for this source %s',
        raise HarvestJobExists('There already is an unrun job for this source')

    job = HarvestJob()
    job.source = source

    log.info('Harvest job saved %s', job.id)
    return harvest_job_dictize(job, context)
Example #2
def harvest_source_show_status(context, data_dict):
    Returns a status report for a harvest source

    Given a particular source, returns a dictionary containing information
    about the source jobs, datasets created, errors, etc.
    Note that this information is already included on the output of
    harvest_source_show, under the 'status' field.

    :param id: the id or name of the harvest source
    :type id: string

    :rtype: dictionary

    p.toolkit.check_access('harvest_source_show_status', context, data_dict)

    model = context.get('model')

    source = harvest_model.HarvestSource.get(data_dict['id'])
    if not source:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
            'Harvest source {0} does not exist'.format(

    out = {
        'job_count': 0,
        'last_job': None,
        'total_datasets': 0,

    jobs = harvest_model.HarvestJob.filter(source=source).all()

    job_count = len(jobs)
    if job_count == 0:
        return out

    out['job_count'] = job_count

    # Get the most recent job
    last_job = harvest_model.HarvestJob.filter(source=source) \

    if not last_job:
        return out

    out['last_job'] = harvest_job_dictize(last_job, context)

    # Overall statistics
    packages = model.Session.query(model.Package) \
        .join(harvest_model.HarvestObject) \
        .filter(harvest_model.HarvestObject.harvest_source_id == source.id) \
        .filter(harvest_model.HarvestObject.current) \
        .filter(model.Package.state == u'active') \
        .filter(model.Package.private == False)
    out['total_datasets'] = packages.count()

    return out
Example #3
def harvest_job_show(context, data_dict):

    check_access('harvest_job_show', context, data_dict)

    id = data_dict.get('id')
    attr = data_dict.get('attr', None)

    job = HarvestJob.get(id, attr=attr)
    if not job:
        raise NotFound

    return harvest_job_dictize(job, context)
Example #4
def harvest_job_list(context, data_dict):

    check_access('harvest_job_list', context, data_dict)

    model = context['model']
    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id', False)
    status = data_dict.get('status', False)

    query = session.query(HarvestJob)

    if source_id:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.source_id == source_id)

    if status:
        query = query.filter(HarvestJob.status == status)

    query = query.order_by(HarvestJob.created.desc())

    jobs = query.all()

    context['return_error_summary'] = False
    return [harvest_job_dictize(job, context) for job in jobs]