def lookup(cls, name=None, title=None, for_keywords=False): """Lookup by name or title and return a Thesaurus instance. This is a factory method that tries to instantiate a Thesaurus object from a collection of well-known (mostly related to INSPIRE) vocabularies. """ vocab = None if (name is None) and title: name = vocabularies.normalize_thesaurus_title(title, for_keywords) if name: vocab = vocabularies.by_name(name) else: raise ValueError("Expected a name/title lookup") if vocab: kwargs = { "title": vocab.get("title"), "name": vocab.get("name"), "reference_date": vocab.get("reference_date"), "version": vocab.get("version"), "date_type": vocab.get("date_type"), } return cls(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Cannot find a thesaurus named "%s"' % (name))
class IFundingReference(IObject): funder_name = zope.schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Funder name'), description=_(u'funder'), required=False) funder_identifier = zope.schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Funder identifier'), description=_(u'e.g.'), required=False) funder_identifier_type = zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'Funder identifier type'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('funder-identifier-type').get( 'vocabulary'), #default = 'crossrefFunder', description=_(u'funder identifier type'), required=False) award_number = zope.schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Award number'), description=_(u'e.g. GBMF3859.01'), required=False) award_uri = zope.schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Award uri'), description=_(u'e.g.'), required=False) award_title = zope.schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Award title'), description=_(u'award title'), required=False)
class IConformity(IObject): title = zope.schema.Text(title=_(u'Specification'), required=True) title.setTaggedValue('translatable', True) date = zope.schema.Date(title=_(u'Date'), required=True) date_type = zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'Date Type'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('date-types').get('vocabulary'), required=True) degree = zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'Degree'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('degrees').get('vocabulary'), description= _(u'This is the degree of conformity of the resource to the implementing rules adopted under Article 7(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC or other specification.' ), default="not-evaluated", required=True)
class IRelatedIdentifier(IObject): related_identifier = zope.schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Related identifier'), description=_(u'related identifier'), required=False) related_identifier_type = zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'Related identifier type'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('related-identifier-type').get( 'vocabulary'), #default = 'issn', description=_(u'related identifier type'), required=False) relation_type = zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'Relation type'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('relation-type').get('vocabulary'), #default = 'IsSupplementTo', description=_(u'relation type'), required=False) related_metadata_scheme = zope.schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Related metadata scheme'), description=_(u'related metadat scheme'), required=False) related_metadata_scheme_uri = zope.schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Related metadata scheme uri'), description=_(u'related metadat scheme uri'), required=False) related_metadata_scheme_type = zope.schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Related metadata scheme type'), description=_(u'related metadat scheme type'), required=False)
class IResponsibleParty(IObject): organization = zope.schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Organization Name'), required=True, min_length=2) organization.setTaggedValue('translatable', True) email ='Email'), required=True) role = zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'Responsible Party Role'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('party-roles').get('vocabulary'), description=_(u'This is the role of the responsible organisation.'), default='pointOfContact', required=True)
def vocabulary_get(self, name): name = str(name) r = None vocab = vocabularies.by_name(name) if vocab: r = { 'date_type': vocab.get('date_type'), 'reference_date': vocab.get('reference_date'), 'title': vocab.get('title'), 'name': vocab.get('name'), 'terms': [{'token': t.token, 'value': t.value, 'title': t.title} for t in vocab['vocabulary']], } response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_types['json'] return [to_json(r)]
class IReferenceSystem(IObject): code = zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'System'), description=_(u'Coordinate Reference System'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('reference-systems').get('vocabulary'), default='', required=True) code_space = zope.schema.NativeStringLine( title=_(u'Code-Space'), description=_(u'Reference System Code-Space'), #default = 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG', required=False) version = zope.schema.NativeStringLine( title=_(u'Version'), description=_(u'Reference System version'), #default = '6.11.2', required=False)
class IInspireMetadata(IMetadata): zope.interface.taggedValue('recurse-on-invariants', True) # Metadata on metadata contact = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Metadata Point of Contact'), description= _(u'The organisations responsible for the creation and maintenance of the metadata.' ), required=True, min_length=1, max_length=4, value_type=zope.schema.Object(IResponsibleParty, title=_(u'Contact'), required=True)) datestamp = zope.schema.Date( title=_(u'Metadata Date'), description= _(u'The date which specifies when the metadata record was created or updated. This date shall be expressed in conformity with ISO 8601.' ), required=False, languagecode = zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'Metadata Language'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('languages-iso-639-2').get( 'vocabulary'), description= _(u'This is the language in which the metadata elements are expressed. The value domain of this metadata element is limited to the official languages of the Community expressed in conformity with ISO 639-2.' ), required=True, default='eng') # Identification identtype = zope.schema.DottedName( title=_(u'Type'), required=True, default='dataset', ) title = zope.schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Resource Title'), description= _(u'This a characteristic (and often unique) name by which the resource is known.' ), required=True) title.setTaggedValue('translatable', True) identifier = zope.schema.NativeStringLine( title=_(u'Identifier'), description= _(u'A value uniquely identifying the dataset. The value domain of this metadata element is a mandatory character string code, generally assigned by the data owner, and a character string namespace uniquely identifying the context of the identifier code (for example, the data owner).' ), required=True) identifier.setTaggedValue('links-to', 'id') abstract = zope.schema.Text( title=_(u'Resource Abstract'), description= _(u'This is a brief narrative summary of the contents of this dataset.' ), required=True) abstract.setTaggedValue('translatable', True) abstract.setTaggedValue('links-to', 'notes') locator = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Resource Locator'), description= _(u'The resource locator defines the link(s) to the resource and/or the link to additional information about the resource. The value domain of this metadata element is a character string, commonly expressed as uniform resource locator (URL).' ), required=True, min_length=1, max_length=6, value_type=zope.schema.URI(title=_(u'Linkage'), required=True)) resource_language = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Resource Languages'), description= _(u'The language(s) used within the resource. The value domain of this metadata element is limited to the languages defined in ISO 639-2.' ), required=False, max_length=5, value_type=zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'Resource Language'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('languages-iso-639-2').get( 'vocabulary'), )) # Classification topic_category = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Topic Categories'), description= _(u'The topic category is a high-level classification scheme to assist in the grouping and topic-based search of available spatial data resources. The value domain of this metadata element is defined in Part D.2.' ), required=True, min_length=1, max_length=6, value_type=zope.schema.Choice( title=_(u'Topic Category'), vocabulary=vocabularies.by_name('topic-category').get( 'vocabulary'), )) topic_category.setTaggedValue('format:markup', {'descend-if-dictized': False}) # Keywords keywords = zope.schema.Dict( title=_(u'Keywords'), description= _(u'The keyword value is a commonly used word, formalised word or phrase used to describe the subject. While the topic category is too coarse for detailed queries, keywords help narrowing a full text search and they allow for structured keyword search.' ), required=True, min_length=1, key_type=zope.schema.Choice(vocabulary=SimpleVocabulary( tuple( SimpleTerm(k, k, vocabularies.by_name(k).get('title')) for k in keyword_thesaurus_names)), title=_(u'Keyword Thesaurus')), value_type=zope.schema.Object(IThesaurusTerms, title=_(u'Keywords'))) keywords.setTaggedValue('format:markup', {'descend-if-dictized': False}) @zope.interface.invariant def check_keywords(obj): if obj.keywords: if not ('keywords-gemet-inspire-themes' in obj.keywords): raise zope.interface.Invalid( _(u'You need to select at least one keyword from INSPIRE data themes' )) free_keywords = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Free Keywords'), description= _(u'The keyword value is a commonly used word, formalised word or phrase used to describe the subject. While the topic category is too coarse for detailed queries, keywords help narrowing a full text search and they allow for structured keyword search.' ), required=False, max_length=20, value_type=zope.schema.Object(IFreeKeyword, title=_(u'Free Keyword'))) free_keywords.setTaggedValue('format:markup', {'descend-if-dictized': False}) # Geographic bounding_box = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Geographic Bounding Box'), description= _(u'This is the extent of the resource in the geographic space, given as a bounding box. The bounding box shall be expressed with westbound and eastbound longitudes, and southbound and northbound latitudes in decimal degrees, with a precision of at least two decimals.' ), required=True, min_length=1, max_length=4, value_type=zope.schema.Object(IGeographicBoundingBox, title=_(u'Bounding Box'))) bounding_box.setTaggedValue('format:markup', {'descend-if-dictized': True}) # Temporal temporal_extent = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Temporal Extents'), description= _(u'The temporal extent defines the time period covered by the content of the resource. This time period may be expressed as any of the following: - an individual date, - an interval of dates expressed through the starting date and end date of the interval,- a mix of individual dates and intervals of dates.' ), required=False, max_length=3, value_type=zope.schema.Object(ITemporalExtent, title=_(u'Extent'))) creation_date = zope.schema.Date( title=_(u'Creation Date'), description= _(u'This is the date of creation of the resource. There shall not be more than one date of creation.' ), required=False) publication_date = zope.schema.Date( title=_(u'Publication Date'), description= _(u'This is the date of publication of the resource when available, or the date of entry into force. There may be more than one date of publication.' ), required=False) revision_date = zope.schema.Date( title=_(u'Revision Date'), description= _(u'This is the date of last revision of the resource, if the resource has been revised. There shall not be more than one date of last revision.' ), required=False) @zope.interface.invariant def check_creation_publication_order(obj): errs = [] if obj.creation_date and obj.publication_date: if obj.creation_date > obj.publication_date: errs.append( 'Creation date (%s) is later than publication date (%s)' % (obj.creation_date, obj.publication_date)) if obj.publication_date and obj.revision_date: if obj.publication_date > obj.revision_date: errs.append( 'Publication date (%s) is later than last revision date (%s)' % (obj.publication_date, obj.revision_date)) if obj.creation_date and obj.revision_date: if obj.creation_date > obj.revision_date: errs.append( 'Creation date (%s) is later than last revision date (%s)' % (obj.creation_date, obj.revision_date)) if errs: raise zope.interface.Invalid(errs) # Quality & Validity lineage = zope.schema.Text( title=_(u'Lineage'), description= _(u'This is a statement on process history and/or overall quality of the spatial data set. Where appropriate it may include a statement whether the data set has been validated or quality assured, whether it is the official version (if multiple versions exist), and whether it has legal validity. The value domain of this metadata element is free text.' ), required=False) lineage.setTaggedValue('translatable', True) spatial_resolution = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Spatial Resolution'), description= _(u'''Spatial resolution refers to the level of detail of the data set. It shall be expressed as a set of zero to many resolution distances (typically for gridded data and imagery-derived products) or equivalent scales (typically for maps or map-derived products). An equivalent scale is generally expressed as an integer value expressing the scale denominator. A resolution distance shall be expressed as a numerical value associated with a unit of length.''' ), required=False, max_length=6, value_type=zope.schema.Object(ISpatialResolution, title=_(u'Resolution'))) spatial_resolution.value_type.setTaggedValue('allow-partial-update', False) reference_system = zope.schema.Object( IReferenceSystem, title=_(u'Coordinate Reference System'), description=_(u'Coordinate Reference System'), required=False) reference_system.setTaggedValue('format:markup', {'descend-if-dictized': False}) # Conformity conformity = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Conformity'), description= _(u'''This is a citation of the implementing rules adopted under Article 7(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC or other specification to which a particular resource conforms. A resource may conform to more than one implementing rules adopted under Article 7(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC or other specification. This citation shall include at least the title and a reference date (date of publication, date of last revision or of creation) of the implementing rules adopted under Article 7(1) of Directive 2007/2/EC or of the specification.''' ), required=False, max_length=4, value_type=zope.schema.Object(IConformity, title=_(u'Specification'))) # Constraints # Todo: The following fields should have suggestions (autocompleted?) values. access_constraints = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Access Constraints'), description= _(u'Define the conditions for access and use of spatial data sets and services, and where applicable, corresponding fees as required by Article 5(2)(b) and Article 11(2)(f) of Directive 2007/2/EC. The value domain of this metadata element is free text. The element must have values. If no conditions apply to the access and use of the resource, "no conditions apply" shall be used. If conditions are unknown, "conditions unknown" shall be used. This element shall also provide information on any fees necessary to access and use the resource, if applicable, or refer to a uniform resource locator (URL) where information on fees is available.' ), required=True, min_length=1, max_length=4, value_type=zope.schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Condition'))) limitations = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Limitations'), description= _(u'When member states limit public access to spatial data sets and spatial data services under Article 13 of Directive 2007/2/EC, this metadata element shall provide information on the limitations and the reasons for them. If there are no limitations on public access, this metadata element shall indicate that fact. The value domain of this metadata element is free text.' ), required=True, min_length=1, max_length=4, value_type=zope.schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Limitation'))) # Responsible Party responsible_party = zope.schema.List( title=_(u'Responsible Party'), description= _(u'The responsible party names the organisation responsible for the establishment, management, maintenance and distribution of resources contained in this dataset.' ), required=True, min_length=1, max_length=3, value_type=zope.schema.Object(IResponsibleParty, title=_(u'Party')))
def from_xml(self, e): '''Build and return an InspireMetadata object from a (serialized) etree Element e. ''' def to_date(s): return strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d').date() if isinstance(s, str) else None def to_responsible_party(alist): result = [] for it in alist: result.append(ResponsibleParty( organization = unicode(it.organization), email = unicode(, role = it.role)) return result # Parse object md = MD_Metadata(e) datestamp = to_date(md.datestamp) id_list = md.identification.uricode url_list = [] if md.distribution: for it in url_list.append(it.url) topic_list = [] for topic in md.identification.topiccategory: topic_list.append(topic) free_keywords = [] keywords = {} for it in md.identification.keywords: thes_title = it['thesaurus']['title'] # Lookup and instantiate a named thesaurus thes = None if thes_title: try: thes_title, thes_version = thes_title.split(',') except: thes_version = None else: thes_version = re.sub(r'^[ ]*version[ ]+(\d\.\d)$', r'\1', thes_version) # Note thes_version can be used to enforce a specific thesaurus version try: thes = Thesaurus.lookup(title=thes_title, for_keywords=True) except ValueError: thes = None # Treat present keywords depending on if they belong to a thesaurus if thes: # Treat as thesaurus terms; discard unknown terms terms = [] for keyword in it['keywords']: term = thes.vocabulary.by_value.get(keyword) if not term: term = thes.vocabulary.by_token.get(keyword) if term: terms.append(term.value) keywords[] = ThesaurusTerms(thesaurus=thes, terms=terms) else: # Treat as free keywords (not really a thesaurus) vocab_date = to_date(it['thesaurus']['date']) vocab_datetype = it['thesaurus']['datetype'] if thes_title: thes_title = unicode(thes_title) for keyword in it['keywords']: free_keywords.append(FreeKeyword( value = keyword, reference_date = vocab_date, date_type = vocab_datetype, originating_vocabulary = thes_title)) temporal_extent = [] if md.identification.temporalextent_start or md.identification.temporalextent_end: temporal_extent = [TemporalExtent( start = to_date(md.identification.temporalextent_start), end = to_date(md.identification.temporalextent_end))] bbox = [] if md.identification.extent: if md.identification.extent.boundingBox: bbox = [GeographicBoundingBox( nblat = float(md.identification.extent.boundingBox.maxy), sblat = float(md.identification.extent.boundingBox.miny), eblng = float(md.identification.extent.boundingBox.maxx), wblng = float(md.identification.extent.boundingBox.minx))] creation_date = None publication_date = None revision_date = None for it in if it.type == 'creation': creation_date = to_date( elif it.type == 'publication': publication_date = to_date( elif it.type == 'revision': revision_date = to_date( spatial_list = [] if len(md.identification.distance) != len(md.identification.uom): raise Exception(_('Found unequal list lengths distance,uom (%s, %s)' % ( md.identification.distance,md.identification.uom))) else: for i in range(0,len(md.identification.distance)): spatial_list.append(SpatialResolution( distance = int(md.identification.distance[i]), uom = unicode(md.identification.uom[i]))) for i in range(0, len(md.identification.denominators)): spatial_list.append(SpatialResolution( denominator = int(md.identification.denominators[i]))) conf_list = [] invalid_degree = False #if md.referencesystem.codeSpace: # code_space = md.referenceSystem.codeSpace reference_system = None if md.referencesystem: code = md.referencesystem.code reference_systems = vocabularies.by_name('reference-systems').get('vocabulary') if code in reference_systems: # Check whether the URI is provided reference_system = ReferenceSystem(code = code) else: # Check whether just the EPSG code suffix is provided code_full = '{code}'.format(code=code) if code_full in reference_systems: reference_system = ReferenceSystem(code = code_full) else: raise Exception(_('Reference system not recognizable')) if md.referencesystem.codeSpace: reference_system.code_space = md.referencesystem.codeSpace if md.referencesystem.version: reference_system.version = md.referencesystem.version if len(md.dataquality.conformancedate) != len(md.dataquality.conformancedatetype): # Date list is unequal to datetype list, this means wrong XML so exception is thrown raise Exception(_('Found unequal list lengths: conformance date, conformancedatetype')) if len(md.dataquality.conformancedegree) != len(md.dataquality.conformancedate): # Degree list is unequal to date/datetype lists, so we are unable to conclude # to which conformity item each degree value corresponds, so all are set to # not-evaluated (Todo: MD_Metadata bug #63) invalid_degree = True if md.dataquality.conformancedate: #and len(md.dataquality.conformancedate) == len( for i in range(0,len(md.dataquality.conformancedate)): date = to_date(md.dataquality.conformancedate[i]) date_type = md.dataquality.conformancedatetype[i] # TODO md.dataquality.conformancedatetype returns empty if invalid_degree: degree = 'not-evaluated' else: try: if md.dataquality.conformancedegree[i] == 'true': degree = 'conformant' elif md.dataquality.conformancedegree[i] == 'false': degree = 'not-conformant' except: degree = "not-evaluated" title = unicode(md.dataquality.conformancetitle[i]) if title != 'None': conf_list.append(Conformity(title=title, date=date, date_type=date_type, degree=degree)) # TODO: is title required fields? If so the following is unnecessary else: conf_list.append(Conformity(date=date, date_type=date_type, degree=degree)) limit_list = [] for it in md.identification.uselimitation: limit_list.append(unicode(it)) constr_list = [] for it in md.identification.otherconstraints: constr_list.append(unicode(it)) obj = InspireMetadata() = to_responsible_party( obj.datestamp = datestamp obj.languagecode = md.languagecode obj.title = unicode(md.identification.title) obj.abstract = unicode(md.identification.abstract) obj.identifier = id_list[0] obj.locator = url_list #obj.resource_language = md.identification.resourcelanguage obj.topic_category = topic_list obj.keywords = keywords obj.free_keywords = free_keywords obj.bounding_box = bbox obj.temporal_extent = temporal_extent obj.creation_date = creation_date obj.publication_date = publication_date obj.revision_date = revision_date obj.lineage = unicode(md.dataquality.lineage) obj.spatial_resolution = spatial_list obj.reference_system = reference_system obj.conformity = conf_list obj.access_constraints = limit_list obj.limitations = constr_list obj.responsible_party = to_responsible_party( return obj
def vocabulary(self): vocab = vocabularies.by_name( return vocab.get("vocabulary") if vocab else None
import zope.interface import zope.schema from zope.interface import Interface from ckanext.publicamundi.lib import vocabularies from ckanext.publicamundi.lib.util import check_uuid from ckanext.publicamundi.lib.metadata import IMetadata from ckanext.publicamundi.lib.metadata.ibase import IFieldWithContext language_vocabulary = vocabularies.by_name('languages-iso-639-1').get('vocabulary') __all__ = [ 'IFieldTranslation', 'IKeyBasedFieldTranslation', 'IValueBasedFieldTranslation', 'ITranslatedField', 'ITranslatedMetadata', 'ITranslator', 'IMetadataTranslator', ] class IFieldTranslation(Interface): def get(field, language, state='active'): '''Return a bound field translated for the given pair (field, language). This method should always return a bound field, or None if no translation exists. The translated value (found at .context.value) should be unicode text. *Note* Maybe return just unicode text (avoid wrapping to a field) ?