Example #1
def save_qa_result(resource, qa_result):
    Saves the results of the QA check to the qa table.
    import ckan.model as model
    from ckanext.qa.model import QA

    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    qa = QA.get_for_resource(resource.id)
    if not qa:
        qa = QA.create(resource.id)
        log.info(u'QA from before: %r', qa)

    for key in ('openness_score', 'openness_score_reason', 'format'):
        setattr(qa, key, qa_result[key])
    qa.archival_timestamp = qa_result['archival_timestamp']
    qa.updated = now


    log.info('QA results updated ok')
    return qa  # for tests
Example #2
def save_qa_result(resource, qa_result):
    Saves the results of the QA check to the qa table.
    import ckan.model as model
    from ckanext.qa.model import QA

    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    qa = QA.get_for_resource(resource.id)
    if not qa:
        qa = QA.create(resource.id)
        log.info(u'QA from before: %r', qa)

    for key in ('openness_score', 'openness_score_reason', 'format'):
        setattr(qa, key, qa_result[key])
    qa.archival_timestamp = qa_result['archival_timestamp']
    qa.updated = now


    log.info('QA results updated ok')
    return qa  # for tests
def migrate(options):
    from ckan import model
    from ckanext.archiver.model import Archival
    from ckanext.qa.model import QA

    resources = common.get_resources(state='active',
    stats = StatsList()
    widgets = ['Resources: ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()]
    progress = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets)
    for res in progress(resources):
        # Gather the details of QA from TaskStatus
        # to fill all properties of QA apart from:
        # * package_id
        # * resource_id
        fields = {}
        qa_task_status = model.Session.query(model.TaskStatus)\
        if not qa_task_status:
            add_stat('No QA data', res, stats)
        qa_error = json.loads(qa_task_status.error)
        fields['openness_score'] = int(qa_task_status.value)
        fields['openness_score_reason'] = qa_error['reason']
        fields['format'] = qa_error['format']
        qa_date = qa_task_status.last_updated
        # NB qa_task_status.last_updated appears to be 1hr ahead of the revision
        # time, so some timezone nonesense going on. Can't do much.
        archival = Archival.get_for_resource(res.id)
        if not archival:
            print add_stat('QA but no Archival data', res, stats)
        archival_date = archival.updated
        # the state of the resource was as it was archived on the date of
        # the QA update but we only know when the latest archival was. So
        # if it was archived before the QA update thenwe know that was the
        # archival, otherwise we don't know when the relevant archival was.
        if archival_date and qa_date >= archival_date:
            fields['archival_timestamp'] = archival_date
            fields['updated'] = archival_date
            fields['created'] = archival_date
            # Assume the resource URL archived was the one when the
            # archival was done (it may not be if the URL was queued and
            # there was significant delay before it was archived)
            get_resource_as_at = archival_date
            # This is common for when a resource is created and qa runs just
            # before archiver and you get:
            # "This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it."
            # Just put sensible datetimes since we don't really know the exact
            # ones
            fields['archival_timestamp'] = qa_date
            fields['updated'] = qa_date
            fields['created'] = qa_date
            get_resource_as_at = qa_date
        res_rev = model.Session.query(model.ResourceRevision).\
            filter(model.ResourceRevision.revision_timestamp < get_resource_as_at).\
        fields['resource_timestamp'] = res_rev.revision_timestamp

        # Compare with any existing data in the Archival table
        qa = QA.get_for_resource(res.id)
        if qa:
            changed = None
            for field, value in fields.items():
                if getattr(qa, field) != value:
                    if options.write:
                        setattr(qa, field, value)
                    changed = True
            if not changed:
                add_stat('Already exists correctly in QA table', res, stats)
            add_stat('Updated in QA table', res, stats)
            qa = QA.create(res.id)
            if options.write:
                for field, value in fields.items():
                    setattr(qa, field, value)
            add_stat('Added to QA table', res, stats)

    print 'Summary\n', stats.report()
    if options.write:
        print 'Written'
Example #4
    package = toolkit.get_action('package_show')(context_, {'id': package_id})
    package_index.index_package(package, defer_commit=False)
    log.info('Search indexed %s', package['name'])

def save_qa_result(resource, qa_result, log):
    Saves the results of the QA check to the qa table.
    import ckan.model as model
    from ckanext.qa.model import QA

    now = datetime.datetime.now()

    qa = QA.get_for_resource(resource.id)
    if not qa:
        qa = QA.create(resource.id)
        log.info('QA from before: %r', qa)

    for key in ('openness_score', 'openness_score_reason', 'format'):
        setattr(qa, key, qa_result[key])
    qa.archival_timestamp = qa_result['archival_timestamp']
    qa.updated = now


    log.info('QA results updated ok')
    return qa  # for tests