Example #1
def test_MainObj_create_final_update_tasks():
    """Test DaemonMain.create_final_update_tasks"""
    from clair.daemon import DaemonMain
    from clair.coredata import Product, SearchTask

    conf_dir = relative("..")
    data_dir = None
    #Create product information and a search task
    m = DaemonMain(conf_dir, data_dir)
    m.data.set_products([Product("nikon-d90", "Nikon D90", "DSLR Camera", 
                            None, None)])
    m.data.add_tasks([SearchTask("nikon-d90", datetime(2000,1,1), "ebay-de", 
                            "Nikon D90", "daily", 30, 10, 500, "EUR", 
    #Execute the search task
#    print m.data.tasks
#    print m.data.listings[["title", "price", "sold", "time"]].to_string()
    #Create update tasks to get the final price of the listings
#    print m.data.tasks
    assert len(m.data.tasks) == 3
    assert 0.8 * 30 <= len(m.data.listings) <= 30
    #The tasks must be created only once
    assert len(m.data.tasks) == 3
    #continuous operation must be possible
    m.data.tasks[0].due_time = datetime(2000,1,1)
    print m.data.tasks
    print m.data.listings[["title", "price", "sold", "time"]].to_string()
    print "finished!"
Example #2
def test_MainObj_execute_tasks():
    """Test DaemonMain.execute_tasks"""
    from clair.daemon import DaemonMain
    from clair.coredata import Product, SearchTask, UpdateTask

    conf_dir = relative("..")
    data_dir = None
    #Create product information and search tasks 
    m = DaemonMain(conf_dir, data_dir)
    m.data.set_products([Product("nikon-d90", "Nikon D90", "DSLR Camera", 
                                 None, None),
                         Product("nikon-d70", "Nikon D70", "DSLR Camera", 
                                 None, None)])
    m.data.add_tasks([SearchTask("s-nikon-d90", datetime(2000,1,1), "ebay-de", 
                                 "Nikon D90", "daily", 5, 150, 500, "EUR", 
                      SearchTask("s-nikon-d90-2", datetime(2000,1,1), "ebay-de", 
                                 "Nikon D90", "daily", 5, 150, 500, "EUR", 
                      SearchTask("s-nikon-d70", datetime(2000,1,1), "ebay-de", 
                                 "Nikon D70", "daily", 5, 50, 500, "EUR", 
    #Execute the search tasks
    print m.data.tasks
    print m.data.listings[["title", "price", "sold", "time"]].to_string()
    #Create an update task, that updates all listings immediately, 
    # and is executed only once
    upd_listings = m.data.listings["id"]
    m.data.add_tasks([UpdateTask("update-1", datetime(2000,1,1), "ebay-de", 
                                 None, upd_listings)])
    #Execute the update task
    print m.data.tasks
    print m.data.listings[["title", "price", "sold", "time", "server"]].to_string()
    #    print m.listings[["description", "price"]].to_string()
    wakeup_time, sleep_sec = m.compute_next_wakeup_time()
    print "wakeup_time:", wakeup_time, "sleep_sec:", sleep_sec
    #The search tasks must still exist, but the update task must be deleted
    assert len(m.data.tasks) == 3
    #There must be about 10 listings, 5 from each search task, 
    #but "s-nikon-d90" and "s-nikon-d90-2" have the same search string, and 
    #should find the same listings
    assert 8 <= len(m.data.listings) <= 12 #fewer listings: variants of the same item are removed
    #Test correct behavior if multiple search tasks find the same listings:
    #There is a 2nd ``SearchTask`` that also searches for "Nikon D90",
    #but with different name: "s-nikon-d90-2".
    #This this task must appear in the "search_tasks" field.   
    tasks_lens = [0, 0, 0, 0] #Histogram of length of "search_tasks" list
    prods_lens = [0, 0, 0, 0] #Histogram of length of "expected_products" list
    n_2_d90 = 0 #Number of listings that were found by "s-nikon-d90" and "s-nikon-d90-2".
    for _, listing in m.data.listings.iterrows():
#        print listing
        #Compute histogram of length of "search_tasks" list
        n_tasks = len(listing["search_tasks"])
        tasks_lens[n_tasks] += 1
        #Compute histogram of length of "search_tasks" list
        n_prods = len(listing["expected_products"])
        prods_lens[n_prods] += 1
        #how many listings have "s-nikon-d90" and "s-nikon-d90-2" in "search_tasks" field
        if "s-nikon-d90" in listing["search_tasks"] and \
           "s-nikon-d90-2" in listing["search_tasks"]:
            n_2_d90 += 1
    #These tests may sometimes fail, some listings contain D90 and D70 in 
    #their title.
    print "tasks_lens", tasks_lens
    assert tasks_lens[0] == 0 #listings without a search task: impossible
    assert 4 <= tasks_lens[1] <= 5 #listings with one search task: D70
    assert 4 <= tasks_lens[2] <= 5 #listings with two search tasks:
    #                               "s-nikon-d90", "s-nikon-d90-2"
    assert 0 <= tasks_lens[3] <= 1 #listings with three search tasks: unlikely
    #listings that were found by search tasks: "s-nikon-d90" and "s-nikon-d90-2"
    assert n_2_d90 == 5
    print "prods_lens", prods_lens
    assert prods_lens[0] == 0 #listings without an expected product: impossible
    assert 8 <= prods_lens[1] <= 10 #listings with one product: D70 or D90
    assert 0 <= prods_lens[2] <= 1  #listings with two products: unlikely
    assert prods_lens[3] == 0 #listings with three products: impossible
    #Test if update has really happened: Only update tasks download descriptions
    assert all([d is not None for d in listing["description"]])

    print "finished!"